Today, we’ll talk about constraint propagation, another very drawn out purpose method. Constraint propagation is a mechanism of influence where the agent assign values to variables to satisfy certain conditions called constraints. It is a very common method in knowledge-based AI, and there are a number of different topics, such as planning, understanding, natural language processing, visual spatial reasoning. Today, we’ll start by defining constraint propagation. Then we’ll see how it helps agents makes sense of the world around it. Our examples will come mostly from understand natural language sentences, as well as visual scenes. Finally, we’ll talk about some advanced issues of constraint propagation.
Exercise Recognizing 3D Figures
To illustrate the technique of constraint propagation, let us consider this figure drawn on a 2D surface. Although this figure has been drawn on a 2D surface, you and I can almost immediately recognize that this is a 3D cube. How did we recognize that this is a 3D cube? How can we help machines do it? Cube is an example of a trihedral object. A trihedral object is one with three surfaces joined at a particular point, at this particular point. In general, what [UNKNOWN] a polyhedral surfaces. A polyhedral surface is one where multiple surfaces join at the same point. So a soccer ball, with its white and black patterns, is an example of a polyhedral object because at one point several surfaces can join. A pyramid is another good example of a polyhedral object. A pyramid has four surfaces joining, at the apex. So let’s do a simple exercise together. Here are six figures all drawn on a 2D surface. Which of these six figures do you think represents a 3D object?
Exercise Recognizing 3D Figures
And this brings us to the point of this exercise. The point of the exercise is that clearly some kind of processing is occurring in our visual system. That allows us to group these lines and these surfaces and waves, so that we can identify which one of them is a 3D object, and which one of them is not a 3D object. Clearly this processing is not completed definitely and that, that sometimes there is ambiguity. You might come up with one answer to this, and someone else might come up with a slightly different answer to this, because the processing leaves the room for ambiguity
Exercise Gibberish Sentences
To look more deeply into the processing that might be a [UNKNOWN] visual system, that allows us to identify which objects are 3D objects and which ones are just 2D. Let us consider a different example. Shown here are six sentences. None of the sentence makes much sense semantically. Nevertheless, some of the sentences are grammatically correct. And you and I can quickly detect which of the sentences are grammatically correct. Can you identify which of the sentences are grammatically correct?
Exercise Gibberish Sentences
Note the vocabulary that David used in trying to find out which of these sentences were grammatically correct. It seemed to me that he was examining the structure of these sentences was fulfilling certain conditions, or fulfilling certain constraints that he expects from his knowledge of English language grammar. One could even say that he was doing constraint processing.
Constraint Propagation Defined
So we’ve actually come across this idea of constraints in English language grammar before. During our lesson on understanding, we talked about how a preposition for example can constrain the meaning of the word that follows it. If we see the word from for example, we expect what comes after it to be some kind of source for the sentence. There we used grammatical constraints in service of some kind of semantic analysis. Here, we’re just using grammatical constraints to figure out if a sentence is grammatically correct or not. There’s another connection here to understanding as well. Talked about how we can interpret this shape as either popping out towards us or down into the screen. We talked about two simultaneously accurate interpretations of the same thing and understanding. With regard to sentences that can be read as puns. So, for example, when I said, it’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs, because they always take things literally, the word, take, can simultaneously be interpreted as interpret and physically remove, while satisfying all the constraints of the sentence.
From Pixels to 3D
Let us look at the details of constraint propagation. To do so, we’ll take a specific example from computer vision. Here’s an example of a 2D image composed of a large number of pixels. The greyness at any one pixel is a depiction of the intensity of light at that pixel. Now of course, you and can immediately recognize that this is a cube. But how do we do it, and how can we make a machine do it? [UNKNOWN] decompose a task of 3D object recognition into several several sub-tasks. Miles said in the first sub-task, a visual system detects edges, or lines as shown here. At this particular point, no surfaces have been detected. In this particular point, no 3D object has been fignized. Just these pixels have been put into lines based on the intensities of light in different pixels. According to Miles the second sub-task of object recognition consists of grouping these lines and the surfaces with orientations, as indicated here. So now these four lines have been grouped into the surface, and then orientation defined by the perpendicular the surface, and similarly these four lines, and these four lines. In the third and final phase of the object recognition task, according to Miles surfaces are grouped into a complete 3D object. At this particular point, your visual system recognizes that this is a cube. Miles theory has been very influential in computer vision. It has actually also been influential in AI as a whole. One of the lessons we can take away from Miles’ theory of computer vision of object’s recognition is that before we get into our guarded tones for addressing the task, we want to understand how a task gets decomposed into sub-tasks. Throughout this course, we have emphasized task decomposition repeatedly. As an example, when we were talking about understanding, a big task of understanding got decomposed into a series of small tasks. Where surface level cues acted as probes into memory and a frame was retrieved. The slice of the frames dented expectations. Lexicon and grammatical analysts led to the identification of objects and predicates that would satisfy those expectations. And the fillers were put in. Problem reduction certainly is a general-purpose method for decomposing complex tasks into smaller tasks. This notion of class decomposition is a powerful idea irrespective of what algorithm we use for any of these specific sub-tasks
Line Labeling
Of course, I will focus here is on constraint propagation, not on computive vision, we are simply using some aspect of computive vision to illustrate constraint propagation. In particular, let us zoom into a specific subtask of object recognition, In this subtask, lines are grouped into surfaces and the orientations of the surfaces are identified via the perpendiculars. The method we’ll use for this task is called, line labelling, the method of line labelling makes extensive use of constraints.
Constraints Intersections and Edges
So let’s take the notion of constraints. Consider this cube again. You’ll notice this cube has junctions, and these junctions have different kind of shapes. For example, this looks like a Y junction, this looks like an L junction, this also looks like an L junction, it’s just that this arm of the L is coming in the other direction. This also looks like an L junction. This junction, on the other hand, looks a little bit like a W junction. So, junctions of various kinds. Here are the kind of junctions that can occur, in the world of trihedral objects like cubes. Y junction, W junction, T junction, L junction. We can say a little bit more about each of these junctions. Let us look at the Y junction first. If we examine the various kinds of Y junctions that get formed in the world of trihedral optics, then we find that whenever there is a Y junction formed, then each of these lines represents a fold, where a fold is a line where two surfaces meet. Now, the important thing about this is. That if we can infer, that this is a Y junction and that this line represents a fold, then an image that follows, this line must also represent a fold, and this line must also represent a fold. Actually I should tell you quickly, that in the world of trihedral objects. Y junctions can have multiple kind of constraints. But right now, let’s just look at this one single constraint. So in the case of an L junction, which has a shape like this, in the world of trihedral objects, an L junction is characterized by this being a blade, and this being a blade, where a blade is a line, well we cannot infer that two surfaces are getting connected with each other. Again, the L-Constraint can actually have many more formulations. But right now, we’re keeping it simple just looking at one single constraint for the L junction. Similarly, in the world of trihedral objects, one of the ways in which a double junction gets characterized is through a blade, fold, blade. In effect, we’re defining a spatial grammar here, for the world of trihedral objects. The equivalent of this, in case of grammar of natural language sentences might be that a sentence can have a non phrase, followed by their verb phrase, followed by a propositional phrase, and so on. Given this set of very simple constraints for the world of trihedral objects, let us see how these constraints actually can be propagated, to group edges and to surfaces
Exercise Assembling the Cube I
Let us do an exercise together. Here is a cube with its seven junctions. For each of these junctions, identify the kind of junction that it is.
Exercise Assembling the Cube I
This sounds good and now let us look at how we will apply these to identify the surfaces
Exercise Assembling the Cube II
Let us do another exercise together. We have identified the type of each of these junctions. Let us now use, the constraints for each type of junction to identify the type of each of these edges. For each of these boxes, right? Either fold or blade for the type of the edge.
Exercise Assembling the Cube II
That’s good, David. Note that David started on the top left corner, this is a random selection. He could have started at any other corner, for example, this one or that one. And found the same answer and that is because we have simplified these constraints. But now that we know that this line is a fold, by the definition of fold, we know that two surfaces must be meeting at this line. It follows then, that this must be a surface and this must be a surface. Similarly, because we know this is a fold and by definition of a fold, two surfaces must be meeting here. Follows this is a surface, this is a surface and so on. And now we have identified that this one surface, this is another surface, this is a third surface. In this way, the visual system used knows the different kinds of junctions in the world of triangular objects, and it constrains at each of these junctions to figure out which of these lines made surfaces. Instead of thinking of this as one single surface, the visual system identified this as being composed of three different surfaces. And now we can recognize that this might be a cube.
More Complex Images
Now of course, some of us do see this as a 3D shape. You can think of this as a paper folded here. One plane of the paper and another plane of the paper. This looks kind of like an open book. This particular line here then can be ignored, just being a line of these two planes, not signifying a surface by itself. If you view this only as a line, and not signifying a surface then it adverses David’s first problem. But how do we address David’s second problem of this being a fold or a blade depending upon where we started constraint propagation from? The answer is that we actually have a much more complex ontology of disconnections. The answer lies in the fact that we have so far used a very simple ontology, just to demonstrate the constraint propagation process. In reality the ontology risk constraints is more complicated. Let’s do Y-constraint may not just fold, fold and fold, but it might also be blade, blade and blade. And the L-constraint is not always blade and blade and fold and fold. It could also be blade and fold and fold and blade. Now we can see David’s second problem disappearing, because the Y junction may have a blade and the L junction may also suggest a blade. And there is then no conflict. Let me know that what we have shown here, is still not a full anthology of the Y, W, L and T constraints. T constraints in particular, may have additional complexity. The advantage of having a more complete ontology is, that we can use that ontology to interpret more complex scenes like this one, where there are two rectangular objects, one being partially occluded by the other one. Of course, the more complicated ontology is not without its own problems. It now introduces ambiguities of a different kind. This particular junction. Is it now a blade, blade, blade, or is it a fold, fold, fold? Both of them are permissible in the new complete ontology. In order to resolve some of these ambiguities, we can come up with additional conventions. One convention is, that all of these edges that are next to the background, we’ll consider them to be blades. So we’ll make this a blade, blade, blade, blade. Once you make all these blades, then it’s easy to propagate the constraints. Notice this W junction could have been a fold, blade, fold, or a blade, fold, blade. But if we adopt the convention of labeling all of these lines as blades, then, this W junction can only be blade, fold, blade. But if this is a fold, this Y junction can only be fold, fold, fold, and so on. And yet, helps us resolve the ambiguity of what this junction could be. This task of image interpretation is an instance of the abduction task. In abduction, we try to come up with the best explanation for the data. This is the data, we’re trying to interpret it in terms of an explanation. We’ll discuss abduction in more detail when we come to diagnosis. Well now notice that, we start with what we know. Blade, blade, blade. And that we propagate the constraints, so that we can disambiguate between other junctions.
Constraint Propagation for Natural Language Processing
Let us again written to the center. Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. You and I can quickly recognize, that this sentence is grammatically correct even as it is semantically meaningless. How do we do it? Consider this mini-grammar. This is a small subset of the English language grammar consisting of just three simple rules. The sentence can go into a noun phrase, followed by a verb phrase. A noun phase can be, optional adjectives, followed by a noun or a pronoun. The square bracket here means, optional. A verb phrase, composed of a verb, followed by optional adverb. The variables in this particular sentence, are the words. The values we assign to them are elliptical categories like verb, objective, noun and pronoun. If we can make a pastry for this, that assigned values to this variables in a way that is consistent with this grammar, then this particular sentence is grammatically correct. Let’s try to make a pastry for this sentence. A sentence can a noun phrase, or a word phrase. So we may say, that this is a noun phrase and this is word phrase. Of course at this particular point we do not know, where we should make this demarcation, what should go into the noun phrase, what should go into the word phrase? We know whether or not, this demarcation is correct depending upon whether or not this noun phrase, and word phrase meet the low level lexical categories. So let’s look at colorless green ideas. We know that a noun phrase can go into one or more adjectives, followed by a noun or pronoun. So we can look at a lexicon, and know that ideas are a noun, so we say that this is a noun. We can look at a lexicon that tells us that colorless and green are adjectives, and so colorless and green are adjectives here. We have satisfied this part of the constraint. So I am ready for the verb phrase, a verb phrase can be composed of a verb, followed by one or more optional adverbs. We can look in the lexicon, and sleep is a verb, and furiously is an adverb, so we have satisfied the constraints for this particular part. Because we have satisfied the constraints, we know the top level demarcation of this as a noun phrase, and this as a verb phrase was correct. So the processing is not very top-down here. It also has a bottom up component. In this way we are able to decide, that this particular sentence is grammatically correct because it satisfies the constraints of grammar. Know that we have used knowledge of constraints, and the matter of constraint propagation, both for visual processing and for language processing. This sentence method is very general-purpose in doing independent. Once we have done constraint propagation, to derive the parse tree for the sentence, then we can do additional processing. We can use this parse tree to support semantic analysis to build an understanding, a semantic understanding, of the sentence. Similarly, in visual processing, once we have used the constraints for doing line labelling. And recognize the surfaces and their orientations. We can then go on further and recognize the object in its 3D form.
Assignment Constraint Propagation
So how would constraint propagation be useful for Raven’s progressive matrices? This concept has a strong correspondence to the final project where you’ll be asked to reason over the images of the problem directly instead of over the propositional representations that we’ve given you in the past. So first, if constraint propagation leverages a library of primitive constraints, what will your constraints be for the final project? How will you propagate those constraints into the image to understand it? Then once you’ve actually propagated those constraints, how will you actually use those inferences? Will you abstract out propositional representations? Or will you stick to the visual reasoning and transfer the results directly?
Wrap Up
So today we’ve talked about constraint propagation, which is a method of inference where we assign values to variables to satisfy certain external constraints. By doing so, we arrive at strong inferences about the problem, like which shapes represent objects, or how the words in a sentence interact. After defining constraint propagation, we talked about how it can be useful in interpreting images by using prior knowledge of constraints to anticipate predictable shapes out in the world. Then we talked about natural language understanding, where prior knowledge of the rules of grammar and parts of speech allow us to make sense of new sentences. Now, constraint propagation is actually an incredibly complex process. We have numerous constraints for visual scenes and verbal sentences that we haven’t discussed here. We all see this constraint propagation in other areas as well, such as in making sense of auditory and tactile information. Reading braille for instance, can be seen as an instance of constraint propagation. We’ll pick up on this discussion later when we talk about visual and spatial reasoning. But this will also come up in our discussion of configuration, which can be seen as a specific instance of constraint propagation in the context of design.
The Cognitive Connection
Constraint propagation also connects to human cognition. First, constraint propagation is a very general-purpose method like, means analysis. In both knowledge-based AI and in human cognition, constraint propagation allows us to use our knowledge of the world, in order to make sense of it. Constraints can be of any kind. Symbolic, as well as numeric. We discussed symbolic constraints in today’s lesson. A good example of numeric constraints comes from XL spreadsheets, with which most of you are familiar. If the columns in a particular spreadsheet are connected to some formula, and you make a change in one column, then the change is propagated into all the columns of the spreadsheet. That’s an example of Numerical Constraint Propagation. We have seen constraint propagation under other topics as well. For example, planning, and understanding, and scripts. The next topic, configuration, will build on this notion of constraint propagation.
author = {Bochman, Oren},
title = {Lesson 20 {Constraint} {Propagation}},
date = {2016-02-14},
url = {},
langid = {en}