Tidy Text Mining With R

an update on NLP with R

Text Mining

Oren Bochman


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Computational Linguistics tasks:


So this little gem - if it actually works should facilitate installing dependencies as needed and avoiding the time penalty if they are not.

require_install <- function(libs) {

    for (i in libs){
        if( !is.element(i, .packages(all.available = TRUE)) ) {
        library(i,character.only = TRUE)


Attaching package: 'dplyr'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    filter, lag
The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
Loading required package: RColorBrewer
Package version: 3.3.1
Unicode version: 14.0
ICU version: 70.1
Parallel computing: 16 of 16 threads used.
See https://quanteda.io for tutorials and examples.


here we build a small corpus by inserting some document into a tibble

doc1 <- "drugs, hospitals, doctors"
doc2 <- "smog, pollution, micro-plastics, environment."
doc3 <- "doctors, hospitals, healthcare"
doc4 <- "pollution, environment, water."
doc5 <- "I love NLP with deep learning."
doc6 <- "I love machine learning."
doc7 <- "He said he was keeping the wolf from the door."
doc8 <- "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana."
doc9 <- "pollution, greenhouse gasses, GHG, hydrofluorocarbons, ozone hole, global warming. Montreal Protocol."
doc10 <- "greenhouse gasses, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, CO2, hydrofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide."

text <- c(doc1, doc2, doc3, doc4, doc5, doc6, doc7, doc8, doc9, doc10)

tidy_corpus <- tibble(doc_id = 1:10, text=text)   
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   doc_id text                                                                  
    <int> <chr>                                                                 
 1      1 drugs, hospitals, doctors                                             
 2      2 smog, pollution, micro-plastics, environment.                         
 3      3 doctors, hospitals, healthcare                                        
 4      4 pollution, environment, water.                                        
 5      5 I love NLP with deep learning.                                        
 6      6 I love machine learning.                                              
 7      7 He said he was keeping the wolf from the door.                        
 8      8 Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.                  
 9      9 pollution, greenhouse gasses, GHG, hydrofluorocarbons, ozone hole, gl…
10     10 greenhouse gasses, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexaf…

unnest_tokens - Split a column into tokens, flattening the table into one-token-per-row.

tidy_corpus %>% 
    unnest_tokens(word, text)
# A tibble: 70 × 2
   doc_id word       
    <int> <chr>      
 1      1 drugs      
 2      1 hospitals  
 3      1 doctors    
 4      2 smog       
 5      2 pollution  
 6      2 micro      
 7      2 plastics   
 8      2 environment
 9      3 doctors    
10      3 hospitals  
# ℹ 60 more rows
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  doc_id text                                         
   <int> <chr>                                        
1      1 drugs, hospitals, doctors                    
2      2 smog, pollution, micro-plastics, environment.
3      3 doctors, hospitals, healthcare               
4      4 pollution, environment, water.               
5      5 I love NLP with deep learning.               
6      6 I love machine learning.                     

note unnest_tokens removes punctuation and lower cases

  1. inspect the corpus

Text preprocessing


original_books <- austen_books() %>%
  group_by(book) %>%
  mutate(linenumber = row_number(),
         chapter = cumsum(str_detect(text, 
                                     regex("^chapter [\\divxlc]",
                                           ignore_case = TRUE)))) %>%

# A tibble: 73,422 × 4
   text                    book                linenumber chapter
   <chr>                   <fct>                    <int>   <int>
 1 "SENSE AND SENSIBILITY" Sense & Sensibility          1       0
 2 ""                      Sense & Sensibility          2       0
 3 "by Jane Austen"        Sense & Sensibility          3       0
 4 ""                      Sense & Sensibility          4       0
 5 "(1811)"                Sense & Sensibility          5       0
 6 ""                      Sense & Sensibility          6       0
 7 ""                      Sense & Sensibility          7       0
 8 ""                      Sense & Sensibility          8       0
 9 ""                      Sense & Sensibility          9       0
10 "CHAPTER 1"             Sense & Sensibility         10       1
# ℹ 73,412 more rows
tidy_books <- original_books %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, text)

# A tibble: 725,055 × 4
   book                linenumber chapter word       
   <fct>                    <int>   <int> <chr>      
 1 Sense & Sensibility          1       0 sense      
 2 Sense & Sensibility          1       0 and        
 3 Sense & Sensibility          1       0 sensibility
 4 Sense & Sensibility          3       0 by         
 5 Sense & Sensibility          3       0 jane       
 6 Sense & Sensibility          3       0 austen     
 7 Sense & Sensibility          5       0 1811       
 8 Sense & Sensibility         10       1 chapter    
 9 Sense & Sensibility         10       1 1          
10 Sense & Sensibility         13       1 the        
# ℹ 725,045 more rows

tidy_books <- tidy_books %>%
Joining with `by = join_by(word)`
# A tibble: 217,609 × 4
   book                linenumber chapter word       
   <fct>                    <int>   <int> <chr>      
 1 Sense & Sensibility          1       0 sense      
 2 Sense & Sensibility          1       0 sensibility
 3 Sense & Sensibility          3       0 jane       
 4 Sense & Sensibility          3       0 austen     
 5 Sense & Sensibility          5       0 1811       
 6 Sense & Sensibility         10       1 chapter    
 7 Sense & Sensibility         10       1 1          
 8 Sense & Sensibility         13       1 family     
 9 Sense & Sensibility         13       1 dashwood   
10 Sense & Sensibility         13       1 settled    
# ℹ 217,599 more rows
  1. this removes stop words
tidy_books %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE) 
# A tibble: 13,914 × 2
   word       n
   <chr>  <int>
 1 miss    1855
 2 time    1337
 3 fanny    862
 4 dear     822
 5 lady     817
 6 sir      806
 7 day      797
 8 emma     787
 9 sister   727
10 house    699
# ℹ 13,904 more rows

tidy_books %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
  filter(n > 600) %>%
  mutate(word = reorder(word, n)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(n, word)) +
  geom_col() +
  labs(y = NULL)


cache_load <- function(ids) {
  # Ensure the gutenbergr library is available
  if (!requireNamespace("gutenbergr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The 'gutenbergr' package is required but not installed. Please install it using install.packages('gutenbergr').")
  # Initialize an empty data frame to hold all books' data
  all_books_data <- data.frame()
  # Loop through each ID in the provided vector
  for (id in ids) {
    # Define the filename for local storage
    filename <- paste0(id, ".csv")
    # Check if the file exists locally
    if (file.exists(filename)) {
      # Load the local copy
      book_data <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      #cat("Loaded local copy of ID:", id, "\n")
    } else {
      # Download the book data using gutenbergr
      book_data <- gutenberg_download(id, mirror = "http://mirrors.xmission.com/gutenberg/")
      # Save a local copy
      write.csv(book_data, filename, row.names = FALSE)
      #cat("Downloaded and saved local copy of ID:", id, "\n")
    # Combine the current book data with the accumulated data frame
    all_books_data <- rbind(all_books_data, book_data)
  # Return the combined data frame

cache_load <- function(ids) {
  # Ensure the gutenbergr library is available
  if (!requireNamespace("gutenbergr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("The 'gutenbergr' package is required but not installed. Please install it using install.packages('gutenbergr').")
  # Initialize an empty data frame to hold all books' data
  all_books_data <- data.frame()
  # Loop through each ID in the provided vector
  for (id in ids) {
    # Define the filename for local storage
    filename <- paste0(id, ".csv")
    # Check if the file exists locally
    if (file.exists(filename)) {
      # Load the local copy
      book_data <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      cat("Loaded local copy of ID:", id, "\n")
    } else {
      # Attempt to download the book data using gutenbergr
      book_data <- tryCatch({
        gutenberg_download(id, mirror = "http://mirrors.xmission.com/gutenberg/")
      }, error = function(e) {
        # Return an empty data frame in case of error (book not found)
      # Check if the book data is not empty (book was successfully downloaded)
      if (nrow(book_data) > 0) {
        # Save a local copy
        write.csv(book_data, filename, row.names = FALSE)
        cat("Downloaded and saved local copy of ID:", id, "\n")
      } else {
        # Inform the user that the book is missing and will not be saved
        cat("Book with ID:", id, "is missing and will not be saved locally.\n")
    # Only combine the current book data if it's not empty
    if (nrow(book_data) > 0) {
      all_books_data <- rbind(all_books_data, book_data)
  # Return the combined data frame
hgwell_ids = c(35, 36, 159, 456, 1047, 3691, 5230, 11870, 12163, 23218, 28218, 35461,39585)
hgwells <- cache_load(hgwell_ids)
Loaded local copy of ID: 35 
Loaded local copy of ID: 36 
Warning: ! Could not download a book at
ℹ The book may have been archived.
ℹ Alternatively, You may need to select a different mirror.
→ See https://www.gutenberg.org/MIRRORS.ALL for options.
Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `text`.
Book with ID: 159 is missing and will not be saved locally.
Loaded local copy of ID: 456 
Loaded local copy of ID: 1047 
Loaded local copy of ID: 3691 
Loaded local copy of ID: 5230 
Loaded local copy of ID: 11870 
Loaded local copy of ID: 12163 
Loaded local copy of ID: 23218 
Loaded local copy of ID: 28218 
Loaded local copy of ID: 35461 
Loaded local copy of ID: 39585 
tidy_hgwells <- hgwells %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%

tidy_hgwells %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE)
                              word    n
1                             time 1619
2                           people 1332
3                            world 1188
4                             life 1083
5                              day  931
6                             hand  707
7                            found  688
8                             mind  685
9                            night  643
10                            eyes  625
11                           black  599
12                        suddenly  595
13                           white  590
14                            door  576
15                           stood  554
16                          moment  541
17                          looked  517
18                          graham  489
19                            days  482
20                           heard  476
21                           house  472
22                           light  471
23                            left  469
24                           round  457
25                            head  452
26                            sort  436
27                           human  428
28                            half  421
29                           voice  416
30                       presently  398
31                             red  392
32                             sat  392
33                             air  386
34                           water  384
35                             war  379
36                           hands  370
37                            feet  366
38                            love  348
39                         strange  348
40                            told  344
41                             set  343
42                        remember  340
43                          london  334
44                            blue  329
45                         country  326
46                          coming  325
47                          passed  324
48                           story  315
49                            fire  313
50                            dark  311
51                          empire  309
52                             sky  305
53                          matter  304
54                             god  297
55                          common  288
56                           death  285
57                            hall  285
58                             sea  284
59                          window  284
60                            home  282
61                      altogether  277
62                         century  277
63                           earth  272
64                           green  271
65                           power  269
66                            city  268
67                            fell  267
68                           times  265
69                            road  264
70                         morning  262
71                            feel  261
72                            grew  261
73                        darkness  259
74                         history  257
75                             age  254
76                         suppose  253
77                            hill  252
78                             lay  252
79                      understand  252
80                            read  251
81                            dead  248
82                             sun  248
83                          called  247
84                           table  247
85                            idea  246
86                            body  242
87                          street  242
88                         stopped  241
89                           heart  240
90                          slowly  239
91                            rose  238
92                         machine  237
93                            past  236
94                             ran  236
95                           space  236
96                           glass  233
97                           sense  233
98                           woman  233
99                            vast  232
100                          sight  231
101                          women  229
102                          cried  228
103                            arm  227
104                      beautiful  227
105                      invisible  227
106                          close  223
107                        hundred  222
108                           rest  221
109                           book  220
110                           talk  220
111                           dear  219
112                          doubt  219
113                           hear  219
114                         living  218
115                           held  216
116                         social  214
117                           kemp  213
118                          ideas  212
119                          south  212
120                         europe  211
121                          roman  211
122                            eye  210
123                          sound  210
124                           wall  210
125                      political  208
126                          north  206
127                          dream  205
128                           hard  204
129                           poor  200
130                        brought  198
131                         walked  198
132                       margaret  197
133                       appeared  195
134                         church  195
135                          paper  195
136                         houses  193
137                           move  193
138                         figure  192
139                           king  191
140                            bed  188
141                            ill  187
142                         struck  187
143                          books  186
144                        evening  186
145                           grey  185
146                          trees  185
147                         manner  184
148                       remained  184
149                        british  183
150                       happened  183
151                           live  183
152                         battle  181
153                         public  181
154                           cold  180
155                           line  180
156                       thousand  180
157                      beginning  179
158                           rome  179
159                         garden  178
160                           girl  178
161                        running  177
162                        curious  176
163                       business  175
164                        feeling  175
165                           save  175
166                         simply  175
167                         talked  175
168                          spoke  174
169                          blind  173
170                         caught  173
171                       martians  173
172                       scarcely  173
173                            b.c  171
174                        science  171
175                       struggle  171
176                           wind  171
177                           real  170
178                           it’s  169
179                          smoke  169
180                           view  168
181                           lost  166
182                           huge  165
183                        quality  165
184                         school  165
185                           fine  164
186                           game  164
187                       returned  164
188                            ago  163
189                            bit  163
190                            cut  163
191                       position  163
192                         bright  162
193                       children  162
194                           guns  162
195                           word  162
196                          crowd  161
197                        forward  161
198                         corner  160
199                        council  160
200                         ostrog  160
201                          front  158
202                           lord  158
203                          moved  158
204                         valley  158
205                           hold  157
206                       abruptly  155
207                       shouting  155
208                          floor  154
209                            gun  154
210                          short  154
211                       vanished  154
212                           arms  153
213                           form  153
214                         ground  153
215                        growing  153
216                        sitting  153
217                           west  153
218                           died  152
219                            hot  152
220                      perceived  152
221                        writing  152
222                           deep  151
223                           land  151
224                         mother  150
225                            sir  150
226                          words  150
227                          blood  149
228                           fear  149
229                           mine  149
230                         nearer  149
231                           miss  148
232                           wife  148
233                         minute  147
234                         silent  147
235                       thinking  147
236                         twenty  147
237                         master  146
238                      afternoon  145
239                         moving  145
240                            ten  145
241                         change  144
242                            odd  144
243                            boy  143
244                         effect  143
245                        england  143
246                         french  143
247                         memory  143
248                            met  143
249                        railway  143
250                           star  143
251                         yellow  143
252                         father  142
253                       question  142
254                          speak  142
255                        brother  141
256                           foot  141
257                       movement  141
258                          spite  140
259                      attention  139
260                        carried  139
261                          class  139
262                          brown  138
263                          china  138
264                         cities  138
265                        english  138
266                           note  138
267                          party  138
268                       standing  138
269                         stared  138
270                           hour  137
271                           wide  137
272                         broken  136
273                        silence  136
274                           east  135
275                        emperor  135
276                            lit  135
277                          money  135
278                       watching  135
279                          egypt  134
280                          greek  134
281                         nature  134
282                      wonderful  134
283                           asia  133
284                          faint  133
285                           hair  133
286                         spirit  133
287                           true  133
288                          means  132
289                        passage  132
290                          vague  132
291                         chance  131
292                       european  131
293                          leave  131
294                          force  130
295                          india  130
296                         middle  130
297                         shadow  130
298                       answered  129
299                           call  129
300                          horse  129
301                      knowledge  129
302                         larger  129
303                        picture  129
304                         return  129
305                          stand  129
306                         afraid  128
307                        changed  128
308                          empty  128
309                     scientific  128
310                         effort  127
311                         marvel  127
312                          sleep  127
313                          touch  127
314                           food  126
315                           free  126
316                          river  126
317                           mass  125
318                           mere  125
319                        staring  125
320                       fighting  124
321                     impossible  124
322                          lived  124
323                          miles  124
324                         spread  124
325                        watched  124
326                              1  123
327                          chair  123
328                       speaking  123
329                          stars  123
330                        talking  123
331                      existence  122
332                         period  122
333                          broad  121
334                           edge  121
335                        holroyd  121
336                        reading  121
337                        central  120
338                      direction  120
339                          don’t  120
340                          fresh  120
341                           hung  120
342                         remote  120
343                        affairs  119
344                  extraordinary  119
345                            led  119
346                          stage  119
347                    development  118
348                        natural  118
349                         pretty  118
350                       shoulder  117
351                        shouted  117
352                         dinner  116
353                           drew  116
354                         france  116
355                           hope  116
356                         sudden  116
357                          happy  115
358                          queer  115
359                           shop  115
360                       straight  115
361                         system  115
362                         closed  114
363                           easy  114
364                            hat  114
365                       horrocks  114
366                           stop  114
367                        ancient  113
368                      creatures  113
369                         museum  113
370                         person  113
371                          quiet  113
372                          study  113
373                         flying  112
374                        private  112
375                         strong  112
376                          write  112
377                         beauty  111
378                        cavalry  111
379                           lady  111
380                            lot  111
381                          mouth  111
382                        peoples  111
383                        trouble  111
384                         isabel  110
385                         modern  110
386                            pit  110
387                          rocks  110
388                        streets  110
389                            dim  109
390                     expression  109
391                           fall  109
392                           heat  109
393                      multitude  109
394                              2  108
395                         answer  108
396                           boat  108
397                      difficult  108
398                          meant  108
399                         ceased  107
400                             ii  107
401                           iron  107
402                          makes  107
403                        mankind  107
404                         mental  107
405                        reached  107
406                        station  107
407                            top  107
408                    imagination  106
409                          italy  106
410                           pale  106
411                          peace  106
412                            run  106
413                       strength  106
414                        clothes  105
415                     experience  105
416                          heavy  105
417                          lower  105
418                         reason  105
419                          steps  105
420                          watch  105
421                           wild  105
422                           dust  104
423                          hours  104
424                        minutes  104
425                           moon  104
426                           pope  104
427                          ruins  104
428                         secret  104
429                          train  104
430                   conversation  103
431                        shining  103
432                        started  103
433                      centuries  102
434                   intellectual  102
435                          lying  102
436                         played  102
437                           soft  102
438                          wrong  102
439                         bridge  101
440                     discovered  101
441                         dreams  101
442                          field  101
443                      questions  101
444                         rising  101
445                           rule  101
446                         taking  101
447                         thrust  101
448                        america  100
449                        beneath  100
450                         desire  100
451                         german  100
452                           late  100
453                        laughed  100
454                           path  100
455                       personal  100
456                           soul  100
457                        visible  100
458                     appearance   99
459                           shot   99
460                            sit   99
461                        western   99
462                           cave   98
463                        entered   98
464                     government   98
465                          lives   98
466                           race   98
467                         rushed   98
468                           town   98
469                         tumult   98
470                          begin   97
471                         narrow   97
472                          stone   97
473                          stuff   97
474                        windows   97
475                        attempt   96
476                          brain   96
477                          broke   96
478                     conditions   96
479                           ears   96
480                          fight   96
481                        glanced   96
482                           gold   96
483                           rich   96
484                           step   96
485                       terrible   96
486                          vivid   96
487                           walk   96
488                        walking   96
489                          alive   95
490                         amidst   95
491                        dropped   95
492                        imagine   95
493                       infantry   95
494                     population   95
495                       splendid   95
496                         vision   95
497                           warm   95
498                         escape   94
499                            fro   94
500                          child   93
501                        covered   93
502                          drove   93
503                      education   93
504                         lights   93
505                          aware   92
506                         heaven   92
507                          latin   92
508                           raut   92
509                         speech   92
510                       stranger   92
511                          swept   92
512                        swiftly   92
513                        village   92
514                         action   91
515                      forgotten   91
516                            low   91
517                          swift   91
518                         temple   91
519                           wood   91
520                              3   90
521                          bring   90
522                       distance   90
523                            dog   90
524                         fellow   90
525                         killed   90
526                            _et   89
527                         follow   89
528                         masses   89
529                           neck   89
530                           rock   89
531                         simple   89
532                      confusion   88
533                   considerable   88
534                       enormous   88
535                         flight   88
536                        friends   88
537                        married   88
538                          minds   88
539                          pause   88
540                           play   88
541                       realised   88
542                            seq   88
543                           tall   88
544                           tree   88
545                         voices   88
546                           care   87
547                           fair   87
548                        falling   87
549                      hesitated   87
550                         hidden   87
551                       ordinary   87
552                          ready   87
553                       repeated   87
554                          azuma   86
555                        crowded   86
556                       familiar   86
557                          flung   86
558                     remarkable   86
559                        shadows   86
560                           week   86
561                          yards   86
562                           busy   85
563                        company   85
564                        decided   85
565                        dynasty   85
566                         fallen   85
567                        figures   85
568                    fotheringay   85
569                           lips   85
570                           pain   85
571                        service   85
572                          truth   85
573                          youth   85
574                            431   84
575                          birds   84
576                            die   84
577                           fool   84
578                         powers   84
579                         recall   84
580                           seat   84
581                         silver   84
582                          spent   84
583                             zi   84
584                        account   83
585                            bad   83
586                          dozen   83
587                            iii   83
588                        martian   83
589                       overhead   83
590                        smashed   83
591                           snow   83
592                         steady   83
593                       teaching   83
594                          clean   82
595                           coat   82
596                        fingers   82
597                         forces   82
598                       graham's   82
599                           news   82
600                          nunez   82
601                         planet   82
602                       pleasure   82
603                           rate   82
604                          steam   82
605                        telling   82
606                          thick   82
607                         candle   81
608                        chapter   81
609                          chief   81
610                         colour   81
611                      developed   81
612                         doctor   81
613                          grass   81
614                           hate   81
615                     impression   81
616                       marriage   81
617                       pleasant   81
618                            tea   81
619                           thin   81
620                            art   80
621                       cylinder   80
622                           dawn   80
623                         friend   80
624                    immediately   80
625                       language   80
626                        passion   80
627                          piece   80
628                         pocket   80
629                       property   80
630                        sleeper   80
631                          teeth   80
632                         animal   79
633                          fancy   79
634                           farm   79
635                            i’m   79
636                           lead   79
637                         learnt   79
638                      religious   79
639                         series   79
640                      struggled   79
641                       creature   78
642                       expected   78
643                          girls   78
644                          heads   78
645                        process   78
646                       soldiers   78
647                        written   78
648                         bodies   77
649                         centre   77
650                        crystal   77
651                           flat   77
652                          forms   77
653                        gallery   77
654                         horses   77
655                         labour   77
656                       occurred   77
657                      primitive   77
658                         pulled   77
659                         terror   77
660                           weak   77
661                       building   76
662                        driving   76
663                        greatly   76
664                     apparently   75
665                           army   75
666                       complete   75
667                        distant   75
668                      gathering   75
669                         health   75
670                           lamp   75
671                          level   75
672                         papers   75
673                           pass   75
674                           shut   75
675                          break   74
676                         breath   74
677                        chiefly   74
678                     incredible   74
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680                        perfect   74
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682                           size   74
683                          spain   74
684                      surprised   74
685                            box   73
686                         circle   73
687                          court   73
688                      destroyed   73
689                          doors   73
690                         future   73
691                        gripped   73
692                        leaving   73
693                           meet   73
694                          moral   73
695                          music   73
696                        noticed   73
697                          one's   73
698                         sought   73
699                            430   72
700                        burning   72
701                        control   72
702                         couple   72
703                     excitement   72
704                        flowers   72
705                            hit   72
706                       horrible   72
707                          learn   72
708                         letter   72
709                       machines   72
710                          noise   72
711                       opposite   72
712                       peculiar   72
713                         reader   72
714                         russia   72
715                             st   72
716                           type   72
717                       upstairs   72
718                      violently   72
719                      christian   71
720                         danger   71
721                     difficulty   71
722                     discussion   71
723                        explain   71
724                         filled   71
725                         forget   71
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727                        lincoln   71
728                          loved   71
729                       possibly   71
730                          pride   71
731                         record   71
732                          tired   71
733                     absolutely   70
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737                          dirty   70
738                            ear   70
739                          flash   70
740                           glad   70
741                         length   70
742                          lines   70
743                      movements   70
744                      perfectly   70
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746                        touched   70
747                     understood   70
748                        waiting   70
749                     winchelsea   70
750                            bar   69
751                         career   69
752                        courage   69
753                       headlong   69
754                        holding   69
755                          man's   69
756                          metal   69
757                    opportunity   69
758                          plain   69
759                         raised   69
760                            son   69
761                         throat   69
762                          tramp   69
763                         affair   68
764                           bare   68
765                      carefully   68
766                  circumstances   68
767                     completely   68
768                        crossed   68
769                        dressed   68
770                        excited   68
771                         family   68
772                        fashion   68
773                        finally   68
774                         fought   68
775                      influence   68
776                        kitchen   68
777                        letters   68
778                        nervous   68
779                    possibility   68
780                         purple   68
781                          shape   68
782                          sorts   68
783                              4   67
784                        altiora   67
785                        chinese   67
786                      curiosity   67
787                         failed   67
788                        hurried   67
789                            mad   67
790                         office   67
791                        passing   67
792                       progress   67
793                          ships   67
794                       steadily   67
795                         surely   67
796                       surprise   67
797                          threw   67
798                            434   66
799                         _photo   66
800                          added   66
801                         africa   66
802                       american   66
803                          carry   66
804                           dull   66
805                       eastward   66
806                       gathered   66
807                          hills   66
808                       hitherto   66
809                       infinite   66
810                         months   66
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812                       physical   66
813                       prepared   66
814                         pushed   66
815                     revolution   66
816                          roads   66
817                           rush   66
818                          smile   66
819                     struggling   66
820                        surface   66
821                          sweet   66
822                         thirty   66
823                           wait   66
824                          wrote   66
825                     astonished   65
826                        babylon   65
827                          boots   65
828                          coast   65
829                       confused   65
830                             de   65
831                      evidently   65
832                         giving   65
833                         hapley   65
834                       humanity   65
835                     laboratory   65
836                         method   65
837                       politics   65
838                       presence   65
839                           rare   65
840                           slow   65
841                           wars   65
842                     wedderburn   65
843                      character   64
844                   civilization   64
845                          cloud   64
846                            cry   64
847                          drawn   64
848                         easily   64
849                         finger   64
850                         inside   64
851                           laid   64
852                         lifted   64
853                     motionless   64
854                         police   64
855                  possibilities   64
856                       religion   64
857                        settled   64
858                         square   64
859                         stream   64
860                           suit   64
861                           till   64
862                          upper   64
863                          waste   64
864                         attack   63
865                          catch   63
866                      discovery   63
867                        germany   63
868                     literature   63
869                        matters   63
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871                          silly   63
872                         sunday   63
873                      traveller   63
874                          walls   63
875                        britain   62
876                        closely   62
877                          cover   62
878                       extended   62
879                          faced   62
880                          fired   62
881                           fish   62
882                            gas   62
883                         greeks   62
884                           lane   62
885                          match   62
886                        realise   62
887                        remains   62
888                         rolled   62
889                        society   62
890                         united   62
891                          worth   62
892                            433   61
893                          built   61
894                     confidence   61
895                        coombes   61
896                            eat   61
897                    examination   61
898                         forced   61
899                      forthwith   61
900                          glare   61
901                        hastily   61
902                        intense   61
903                       material   61
904                      naturally   61
905                          phase   61
906                     possession   61
907                        purpose   61
908                        reality   61
909                        similar   61
910                           thro   61
911                          awake   60
912                           born   60
913                        charles   60
914                             dr   60
915                         energy   60
916                          flame   60
917                     individual   60
918                           main   60
919                         notice   60
920                       occasion   60
921                          scene   60
922                      tradition   60
923                      _october_   59
924                        advance   59
925                        animals   59
926                        anxious   59
927                           bank   59
928                           bent   59
929                           blow   59
930                      buildings   59
931                      cambridge   59
932                       carrying   59
933                       coloured   59
934                     delightful   59
935                          faith   59
936                     mysterious   59
937                     nineteenth   59
938                       produced   59
939                        rapidly   59
940                       regarded   59
941                       republic   59
942                      shoulders   59
943                        species   59
944                          usual   59
945                              5   58
946                            act   58
947                          begun   58
948                      brilliant   58
949                         clouds   58
950                 constantinople   58
951                      continued   58
952                    destruction   58
953                           gods   58
954                      happiness   58
955                        kingdom   58
956                            lie   58
957                      mountains   58
958                       westward   58
959                            429   57
960                            432   57
961                            a.d   57
962                         armies   57
963                           boys   57
964                        complex   57
965                       conflict   57
966                          cross   57
967                        drawing   57
968                        earlier   57
969                           fast   57
970                          habit   57
971                        immense   57
972                        liberal   57
973                        moments   57
974                       national   57
975                         object   57
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977                    practically   57
978                          quick   57
979                        quickly   57
980                        quietly   57
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982                         sounds   57
983                          tears   57
984                     tremendous   57
985                        unknown   57
986                        bearing   56
987                          burst   56
988                           duty   56
989                           eggs   56
990                       electric   56
991                         engine   56
992                          fanny   56
993                      increased   56
994                           i’ve   56
995                            law   56
996                        medical   56
997                      moonlight   56
998                         palace   56
999                        persian   56
1000                        proper   56
1001                       quarter   56
1002                          safe   56
1003                       schools   56
1004                          ship   56
1005                     suggested   56
1006                      sunlight   56
1007                     thousands   56
1008                         trade   56
1009                        upward   56
1010                          wore   56
1011                        _june_   55
1012                            ah   55
1013                          bear   55
1014                       beating   55
1015                  constructive   55
1016                         drink   55
1017                          gate   55
1018                          grip   55
1019                          he’s   55
1020                        island   55
1021                         jesus   55
1022                          mark   55
1023                       measure   55
1024                       methods   55
1025                        minded   55
1026                         paris   55
1027                       putting   55
1028                       semitic   55
1029                          skin   55
1030                        smiled   55
1031                        sunset   55
1032                      twilight   55
1033                       violent   55
1034                           wet   55
1035                     whispered   55
1036                        active   54
1037                       bedroom   54
1038                      definite   54
1039                          fate   54
1040                        forgot   54
1041                          haze   54
1042                        howard   54
1043                       husband   54
1044                          kill   54
1045                       leading   54
1046                     listening   54
1047                         loose   54
1048                        nights   54
1049                      occupied   54
1050                        picked   54
1051                          rain   54
1052                     situation   54
1053                       success   54
1054                        summer   54
1055                          vain   54
1056                        wheels   54
1057                       william   54
1058                        woking   54
1059                      attitude   53
1060                       college   53
1061                        curate   53
1062                       dancing   53
1063                      directly   53
1064                      discover   53
1065                        driven   53
1066                        dynamo   53
1067                       emotion   53
1068                          evil   53
1069                      gigantic   53
1070                          grow   53
1071                  intelligence   53
1072                        leaves   53
1073                     machinery   53
1074                          mars   53
1075                    mechanical   53
1076                         minor   53
1077                      mountain   53
1078                      profound   53
1079                        remain   53
1080                    remembered   53
1081                       resumed   53
1082                       seeking   53
1083                     socialism   53
1084                        that’s   53
1085                          tone   53
1086                      universe   53
1087                         weary   53
1088                    _december_   52
1089                          adye   52
1090                    atmosphere   52
1091                      believed   52
1092                          bird   52
1093                       bunting   52
1094                  civilisation   52
1095                          clad   52
1096                        clumsy   52
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1099                      defeated   52
1100                         eager   52
1101                     explained   52
1102                          fled   52
1103                         gaunt   52
1104                     gentleman   52
1105                        greece   52
1106                    importance   52
1107                          jane   52
1108                      memories   52
1109                      millions   52
1110                        missed   52
1111                     practical   52
1112                           ray   52
1113                      replaced   52
1114                         ruled   52
1115                        seized   52
1116                       smiling   52
1117                       stories   52
1118                       theatre   52
1119                         woods   52
1120                         _may_   51
1121                         badly   51
1122                         boats   51
1123                           cab   51
1124                    difference   51
1125                       engaged   51
1126                       flashed   51
1127                        forest   51
1128                   intelligent   51
1129                     jerusalem   51
1130                          lies   51
1131                        locked   51
1132                           map   51
1133                       meeting   51
1134                          pink   51
1135                          plan   51
1136                      plattner   51
1137                       princes   51
1138                       puzzled   51
1139                         reach   51
1140                        regard   51
1141                          rise   51
1142                       rushing   51
1143                     scattered   51
1144                         sheet   51
1145                    suggestion   51
1146                          thud   51
1147                          wake   51
1148                         weeks   51
1149                       amazing   50
1150                         aryan   50
1151                          bell   50
1152                         bound   50
1153                      brighter   50
1154                     concerned   50
1155                       details   50
1156                            eh   50
1157                        fourth   50
1158                           gip   50
1159                       glasses   50
1160                      instance   50
1161                         kings   50
1162                      military   50
1163                         moves   50
1164                       mystery   50
1165                      pictures   50
1166                       popular   50
1167                       priests   50
1168                         shone   50
1169                       singing   50
1170                       smoking   50
1171                        sprang   50
1172                         start   50
1173                      supposed   50
1174                      sympathy   50
1175                        tribes   50
1176                       twisted   50
1177                 understanding   50
1178                        unseen   50
1179                       vividly   50
1180                             6   49
1181                      _august_   49
1182                      absolute   49
1183                         asano   49
1184                     conscious   49
1185                         crept   49
1186                    distinctly   49
1187                         dress   49
1188                      drifting   49
1189                           due   49
1190                   established   49
1191                       keeping   49
1192                       opinion   49
1193                          pace   49
1194                      received   49
1195                      remarked   49
1196                        spoken   49
1197                     stretched   49
1198                        strike   49
1199                         visit   49
1200                       weeping   49
1201                     abandoned   48
1202                     alexander   48
1203                     community   48
1204                      daylight   48
1205                         devil   48
1206                            em   48
1207                       escaped   48
1208                     extremely   48
1209                         faded   48
1210                        fairly   48
1211                       freedom   48
1212                       gesture   48
1213                          glow   48
1214                        habits   48
1215                      isbister   48
1216                      luminous   48
1217                       meaning   48
1218                      morlocks   48
1219                          moth   48
1220                     northward   48
1221                         noted   48
1222                       setting   48
1223                         shook   48
1224                         shout   48
1225                        slaves   48
1226                        unable   48
1227                          worn   48
1228                    _november_   47
1229                   _september_   47
1230                          ages   47
1231                      ambition   47
1232                        asleep   47
1233                        belief   47
1234                         burnt   47
1235                 consciousness   47
1236                     curiously   47
1237                      deserted   47
1238                           dry   47
1239                           egg   47
1240                          eyed   47
1241                       fancied   47
1242                         fifty   47
1243                        george   47
1244                           hid   47
1245                          hurt   47
1246                   impressions   47
1247                        inches   47
1248                        indian   47
1249                    passionate   47
1250                           row   47
1251                         rules   47
1252                       slender   47
1253                          song   47
1254                     staircase   47
1255                      stirring   47
1256                     succeeded   47
1257                        theory   47
1258                         throb   47
1259                        twelve   47
1260                         uncle   47
1261                       workers   47
1262                         bones   46
1263                        charge   46
1264                          coal   46
1265                          desk   46
1266                    determined   46
1267                         dimly   46
1268                       doorway   46
1269                        formed   46
1270                      glorious   46
1271                         grave   46
1272                        horror   46
1273                   independent   46
1274                      interval   46
1275                       journey   46
1276                           leg   46
1277                         limbs   46
1278                         magic   46
1279                       marched   46
1280                         marry   46
1281                       matches   46
1282                          mood   46
1283                        motion   46
1284                       painful   46
1285                    parliament   46
1286                      platform   46
1287                       pleased   46
1288                        powder   46
1289                        prince   46
1290                         scale   46
1291                         slept   46
1292                      slightly   46
1293                       slipped   46
1294                        softly   46
1295                        spring   46
1296                          ugly   46
1297                         weena   46
1298                            10   45
1299                       _march_   45
1300                        abroad   45
1301                         anger   45
1302                         angry   45
1303                         beach   45
1304                        beasts   45
1305                     blackness   45
1306                        bottle   45
1307                      describe   45
1308                         dying   45
1309                        eating   45
1310                       empires   45
1311                        expect   45
1312                           fat   45
1313                      finished   45
1314                        firing   45
1315                           fit   45
1316                       foolish   45
1317                         fools   45
1318                        glance   45
1319                        intent   45
1320                          keen   45
1321                          knee   45
1322                         knees   45
1323                       landing   45
1324                      laughing   45
1325                        listen   45
1326                          loss   45
1327                       million   45
1328                          pine   45
1329                         range   45
1330                     slightest   45
1331                     spreading   45
1332                      startled   45
1333                     substance   45
1334                     tentacles   45
1335                         terms   45
1336                       victory   45
1337                         worse   45
1338                     yesterday   45
1339                             8   44
1340                      advanced   44
1341                     advantage   44
1342                    aeroplanes   44
1343                       arrived   44
1344                    beginnings   44
1345                       bottles   44
1346                     breathing   44
1347                        bronze   44
1348                          calm   44
1349                 civilizations   44
1350                     condition   44
1351                         daily   44
1352                 distinguished   44
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1354                       finding   44
1355                     furniture   44
1356                        golden   44
1357                          heap   44
1358                      intimate   44
1359                       leaders   44
1360                         lunch   44
1361                        marked   44
1362                       parlour   44
1363                       patches   44
1364                        player   44
1365                       prevent   44
1366                      resolved   44
1367                       russian   44
1368                         sharp   44
1369                       spanish   44
1370                       special   44
1371                         stick   44
1372                        taught   44
1373                      whirling   44
1374                          yard   44
1375                    approached   43
1376                   astonishing   43
1377                         beard   43
1378                        bottom   43
1379                      carriage   43
1380                     criticism   43
1381                         crown   43
1382                       culture   43
1383                        detail   43
1384                       fifteen   43
1385                     footsteps   43
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1387                      inclined   43
1388                      isolated   43
1389                         jolly   43
1390                      listened   43
1391                         local   43
1392                        maydig   43
1393                          nice   43
1394                      northern   43
1395                        oxford   43
1396                       pawkins   43
1397                      powerful   43
1398                      previous   43
1399                     remington   43
1400                        search   43
1401                        single   43
1402                         storm   43
1403                  sufficiently   43
1404                         taste   43
1405                        thrown   43
1406                     universal   43
1407                        utmost   43
1408                        waters   43
1409                             7   42
1410                      activity   42
1411                        appeal   42
1412                          bars   42
1413                         board   42
1414                      breaking   42
1415                        bushes   42
1416                      captured   42
1417                        collar   42
1418                       comfort   42
1419                   comfortable   42
1420                  contemporary   42
1421                          cool   42
1422                    department   42
1423                        dining   42
1424                      earliest   42
1425                   experiences   42
1426                       extreme   42
1427                     grotesque   42
1428                         hated   42
1429                         heaps   42
1430                       heavens   42
1431                       heavily   42
1432                         henry   42
1433                       impulse   42
1434                     monstrous   42
1435                     necessity   42
1436                  occasionally   42
1437                      original   42
1438                     policeman   42
1439                        pounds   42
1440                     sacrifice   42
1441                          seas   42
1442                          silk   42
1443                      striking   42
1444                         swung   42
1445                       there’s   42
1446                         wings   42
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1448                       assured   41
1449                        caused   41
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1451                        damned   41
1452                       delight   41
1453                        didn’t   41
1454                      dreaming   41
1455                      floating   41
1456                     frederick   41
1457                    generation   41
1458                         grown   41
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1460                       henfrey   41
1461                          holy   41
1462                      increase   41
1463                        joined   41
1464                         knife   41
1465                       library   41
1466                     newspaper   41
1467                        persia   41
1468                        revolt   41
1469                          sand   41
1470                        scared   41
1471                        seated   41
1472                        snooks   41
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1474                        stones   41
1475                    successful   41
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1477                       temples   41
1478                      vigorous   41
1479                      wandered   41
1480                       weather   41
1481                     adventure   40
1482                         armed   40
1483                  astonishment   40
1484                      attempts   40
1485                         beast   40
1486                       blessed   40
1487                       capable   40
1488                   charlemagne   40
1489                       classes   40
1490                         cliff   40
1491                          club   40
1492                   complicated   40
1493                     dangerous   40
1494                          dare   40
1495                   disappeared   40
1496                     displayed   40
1497                      distinct   40
1498                    downstairs   40
1499                         drank   40
1500                        dreamt   40
1501                         drive   40
1502                       eastern   40
1503                      evidence   40
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1505                         fixed   40
1506                         fleet   40
1507                       flushed   40
1508                      forehead   40
1509                       glimpse   40
1510                         gorge   40
1511                     happening   40
1512                      imperial   40
1513                    inevitable   40
1514                       journal   40
1515                    kensington   40
1516                        leader   40
1517                       learned   40
1518                        lonely   40
1519                          luck   40
1520                        mirror   40
1521                       obvious   40
1522                         outer   40
1523                        poured   40
1524                        priest   40
1525                         rapid   40
1526                    recognised   40
1527                       rolling   40
1528                          sake   40
1529                        shapes   40
1530                         share   40
1531                         shops   40
1532                      sleeping   40
1533                        slight   40
1534                     staggered   40
1535                       stirred   40
1536                       subject   40
1537                        supply   40
1538                       swaying   40
1539                        trains   40
1540                        troops   40
1541                        wealth   40
1542                          woke   40
1543                         _you_   39
1544                     apparatus   39
1545                        aspect   39
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1547                     breakfast   39
1548                     bromstead   39
1549                         clock   39
1550                         cloth   39
1551                      contrast   39
1552                         crest   39
1553                       disease   39
1554                   disposition   39
1555                       divided   39
1556                      educated   39
1557                         evans   39
1558                       evident   39
1559                    experiment   39
1560                         forty   39
1561                     fragments   39
1562                     incessant   39
1563                         march   39
1564                        morrow   39
1565                         names   39
1566                     prisoners   39
1567                      promised   39
1568                      research   39
1569                        scheme   39
1570                         slave   39
1571                          stay   39
1572                      sweeping   39
1573                          tail   39
1574                    unexpected   39
1575                          wear   39
1576                           won   39
1577                           122   38
1578                            13   38
1579                            28   38
1580                             9   38
1581                          _the   38
1582                         admit   38
1583                      affected   38
1584                         aloud   38
1585                        bought   38
1586                       candles   38
1587                         canoe   38
1588                          chap   38
1589                          chin   38
1590                      clothing   38
1591                       cousins   38
1592                      division   38
1593                      egyptian   38
1594                    eighteenth   38
1595                       express   38
1596                      feelings   38
1597                         folly   38
1598                       frantic   38
1599                         helen   38
1600                      helpless   38
1601                    implements   38
1602                    increasing   38
1603                       instant   38
1604                     intricate   38
1605                          jews   38
1606                          lift   38
1607                          lose   38
1608                   magnificent   38
1609                      manifest   38
1610                         notes   38
1611                  organisation   38
1612                     organised   38
1613                        phrase   38
1614                      precious   38
1615                   realisation   38
1616                         reply   38
1617                        secure   38
1618                       shadowy   38
1619                          sick   38
1620                          sire   38
1621                         slope   38
1622                         steel   38
1623                        string   38
1624                     sustained   38
1625                        thames   38
1626                         trust   38
1627                        waited   38
1628                          wave   38
1629                      weakness   38
1630                       weapons   38
1631                         wheel   38
1632                    willersley   38
1633                            23   37
1634                        _july_   37
1635                      abundant   37
1636                   approaching   37
1637                         arose   37
1638                        athens   37
1639                         boxes   37
1640                       captain   37
1641                      conquest   37
1642                    considered   37
1643                       contact   37
1644                         cries   37
1645                        crying   37
1646                       curtain   37
1647                         cæsar   37
1648                  deliberately   37
1649                      delicate   37
1650                      disorder   37
1651                         drift   37
1652                     effective   37
1653                     emotional   37
1654                         enemy   37
1655                     essential   37
1656                   explanation   37
1657                        gently   37
1658                         ghost   37
1659                       glowing   37
1660                          hole   37
1661                         hurry   37
1662                           inn   37
1663                         lands   37
1664                          loud   37
1665                 mediterranean   37
1666                          mile   37
1667                      miracles   37
1668                         mixed   37
1669                       outline   37
1670                        partly   37
1671                        plants   37
1672                       pouring   37
1673                     proceeded   37
1674                          pull   37
1675                      relation   37
1676                       removed   37
1677                         score   37
1678                      sideways   37
1679                         signs   37
1680                         smash   37
1681                       stained   37
1682                         title   37
1683                         trace   37
1684                       warfare   37
1685                        wisdom   37
1686                        amount   36
1687                          ball   36
1688                         bible   36
1689                         bread   36
1690                       calling   36
1691                         cheek   36
1692                  christianity   36
1693                     cigarette   36
1694                       confess   36
1695                       counter   36
1696                       crawled   36
1697                       current   36
1698                       cutting   36
1699                        deeply   36
1700                       dynamos   36
1701                        editor   36
1702                   exceptional   36
1703                        extent   36
1704                        faster   36
1705                         games   36
1706                       killing   36
1707                        kissed   36
1708                       mariner   36
1709                      metallic   36
1710                      midnight   36
1711                        misery   36
1712                       monster   36
1713                       nearest   36
1714                     occasions   36
1715                         oddly   36
1716                         panic   36
1717                       peering   36
1718                       persons   36
1719                        pieces   36
1720                         pitch   36
1721                          pity   36
1722                       pressed   36
1723                       promise   36
1724                      recalled   36
1725                        region   36
1726                     relations   36
1727                        remark   36
1728                        result   36
1729                  satisfaction   36
1730                        savage   36
1731                         skull   36
1732                          slip   36
1733                         solid   36
1734                     southward   36
1735                          stir   36
1736                      stumbled   36
1737                    succession   36
1738                        tongue   36
1739                      training   36
1740                         waves   36
1741                           100   35
1742                            26   35
1743                          bone   35
1744                         can’t   35
1745                          cart   35
1746                           cat   35
1747                  consequences   35
1748                      daughter   35
1749                       develop   35
1750                    developing   35
1751                      disposed   35
1752                      economic   35
1753                       emerged   35
1754                       endless   35
1755                       engines   35
1756                         exact   35
1757                          folk   35
1758                      friendly   35
1759                    frightened   35
1760                       gardens   35
1761                      gibberne   35
1762                       hanging   35
1763                      ignorant   35
1764                       insects   35
1765                      insisted   35
1766                   intercourse   35
1767                       knowing   35
1768                      learning   35
1769                       limited   35
1770                         ma'am   35
1771                       miracle   35
1772                    philosophy   35
1773                        relief   35
1774                     sensation   35
1775                      separate   35
1776                       shelter   35
1777                         sixth   35
1778                        smooth   35
1779                     stillness   35
1780                        stupid   35
1781                    subsequent   35
1782                    travelling   35
1783                    unfamiliar   35
1784                        wasted   35
1785                          weed   35
1786                   westminster   35
1787                         worst   35
1788                           108   34
1789                          amid   34
1790                   aristocracy   34
1791                       arrival   34
1792                     awakening   34
1793                        bailey   34
1794                     blackened   34
1795                      carthage   34
1796                      circular   34
1797                     civilised   34
1798                       cleared   34
1799                       clearer   34
1800                      clutched   34
1801                     countless   34
1802                          cuss   34
1803                       destroy   34
1804                  developments   34
1805                          draw   34
1806                      dreadful   34
1807                          drop   34
1808                       efforts   34
1809                    enthusiasm   34
1810                         equal   34
1811                       equally   34
1812                     extension   34
1813                     fantastic   34
1814                      father's   34
1815                        flames   34
1816                         flood   34
1817                       furnace   34
1818                           gap   34
1819                      gestures   34
1820                          gulf   34
1821                       haunted   34
1822                     impressed   34
1823                   intolerable   34
1824                            iv   34
1825                          khan   34
1826                        kindly   34
1827                       leaning   34
1828                       leaping   34
1829                         man’s   34
1830                         named   34
1831                         noble   34
1832                        onward   34
1833                      parallel   34
1834                         reign   34
1835                      revolver   34
1836                         rough   34
1837                       section   34
1838                         sheer   34
1839                        sicily   34
1840                        slopes   34
1841                         souls   34
1842                        thomas   34
1843                          torn   34
1844                     travelled   34
1845                         union   34
1846                       variety   34
1847                       visitor   34
1848                        volume   34
1849                     wandering   34
1850                       wearing   34
1851                        weight   34
1852                    _february_   33
1853                        absurd   33
1854                          baby   33
1855                          bold   33
1856                        breeze   33
1857                           bye   33
1858                   christendom   33
1859                        clever   33
1860                         clung   33
1861                    conception   33
1862                     convinced   33
1863                        direct   33
1864                      district   33
1865                        doubts   33
1866                      dressing   33
1867                          ease   33
1868                         enter   33
1869                     excellent   33
1870                       faintly   33
1871                        feared   33
1872                    glittering   33
1873                        handed   33
1874                      hundreds   33
1875                     intention   33
1876                         judge   33
1877                      marching   33
1878                        mighty   33
1879                         ocean   33
1880                    opposition   33
1881                          paid   33
1882                          pair   33
1883                         patch   33
1884                         pedro   33
1885                        peered   33
1886                     permitted   33
1887                         press   33
1888                      pressure   33
1889                      pyecraft   33
1890                      reminded   33
1891                        romans   33
1892                     satisfied   33
1893                      security   33
1894                          send   33
1895                        served   33
1896                        shaped   33
1897                     shoesmith   33
1898                          sign   33
1899                      silently   33
1900                      spinning   33
1901                        subtle   33
1902                     suffering   33
1903                   suggestions   33
1904                       support   33
1905                     suspicion   33
1906                    systematic   33
1907                       trading   33
1908                 unprecedented   33
1909                       unusual   33
1910                          vane   33
1911                      violence   33
1912                          wace   33
1913                         waved   33
1914                        agreed   32
1915                        amazed   32
1916                       baileys   32
1917                        buried   32
1918                           buy   32
1919                          cast   32
1920                     civilized   32
1921                    comparison   32
1922                      continue   32
1923                    convenient   32
1924                    conviction   32
1925                         dense   32
1926                      desolate   32
1927                       despair   32
1928                     discussed   32
1929                        double   32
1930                      downward   32
1931                   educational   32
1932                      election   32
1933                    enterprise   32
1934                     exhausted   32
1935               extraordinarily   32
1936                       fellows   32
1937                       flashes   32
1938                       foreign   32
1939                        freely   32
1940                       germans   32
1941                          gift   32
1942                          hide   32
1943                      hopeless   32
1944                        hungry   32
1945                      incident   32
1946                   information   32
1947                   interrupted   32
1948                       italian   32
1949                          i’ll   32
1950                        kemp’s   32
1951                      laughter   32
1952                         leapt   32
1953                         marks   32
1954                          meat   32
1955                      observed   32
1956                    occasional   32
1957                       o’clock   32
1958                        pallid   32
1959                    persuasion   32
1960                        phases   32
1961                       pillars   32
1962                       planned   32
1963                       produce   32
1964                     professor   32
1965                    profoundly   32
1966                     prominent   32
1967                         proud   32
1968                       pursuit   32
1969                          rage   32
1970                          rail   32
1971                     religions   32
1972                       respect   32
1973                         saved   32
1974                      screamed   32
1975                           sex   32
1976                       sharply   32
1977                        sorrow   32
1978                    spectacles   32
1979                          spot   32
1980                        stayed   32
1981                        stress   32
1982                         takes   32
1983                           tho   32
1984                          tide   32
1985                          tied   32
1986                        traces   32
1987                       traffic   32
1988                        vanish   32
1989                        virtue   32
1990                        winter   32
1991                            14   31
1992                            16   31
1993                           227   31
1994                            27   31
1995                       absence   31
1996                        actual   31
1997                      approach   31
1998                       balance   31
1999                      barbaric   31
2000                      changing   31
2001                      charming   31
2002                     clambered   31
2003                    collective   31
2004                          cone   31
2005                      contempt   31
2006                       costume   31
2007                          damn   31
2008                         decay   31
2009                      disaster   31
2010                       drifted   31
2011                        entire   31
2012                        events   31
2013                      examined   31
2014                       failure   31
2015                     gerilleau   31
2016                         grand   31
2017                      handling   31
2018                     ignorance   31
2019                      imagined   31
2020                   innumerable   31
2021                       islands   31
2022                         lamps   31
2023                          lawn   31
2024                       meadows   31
2025                        mongol   31
2026                         month   31
2027                      napoleon   31
2028                        native   31
2029                        nerves   31
2030                      official   31
2031                     officials   31
2032                       painted   31
2033                      perceive   31
2034                          pipe   31
2035                         plans   31
2036                       pockets   31
2037                      purposes   31
2038                         queen   31
2039                       regions   31
2040                       remarks   31
2041                       replied   31
2042                        rested   31
2043                       retreat   31
2044                        rivers   31
2045                          sank   31
2046                     shattered   31
2047                         shock   31
2048                       shopman   31
2049                        shouts   31
2050                    singularly   31
2051                         smell   31
2052                          sons   31
2053                        specks   31
2054                     spectacle   31
2055                      speedily   31
2056                        stages   31
2057                     strangely   31
2058                        supper   31
2059                    surrounded   31
2060                         sword   31
2061                     telescope   31
2062                       thither   31
2063                       thunder   31
2064                   transparent   31
2065                        vigour   31
2066                        weekly   31
2067                            24   30
2068                            94   30
2069                          aged   30
2070                    alexandria   30
2071                     amazement   30
2072                      arranged   30
2073                        begins   30
2074                          bill   30
2075                        bogota   30
2076                      brightly   30
2077                      bringing   30
2078                        buddha   30
2079                         cheap   30
2080                      cheerful   30
2081                     companion   30
2082                      constant   30
2083                          cost   30
2084                         count   30
2085                     countries   30
2086                       created   30
2087                         crude   30
2088                      davidson   30
2089                    discipline   30
2090                          dogs   30
2091                      dramatic   30
2092                      emotions   30
2093                        esmeer   30
2094                       examine   30
2095                       farther   30
2096                        feeble   30
2097                           fly   30
2098                      garments   30
2099                         gates   30
2100                     gradually   30
2101                        guards   30
2102                       hearing   30
2103                        honest   30
2104                        hooker   30
2105                       horizon   30
2106                      innocent   30
2107                     intervals   30
2108                         iping   30
2109                           key   30
2110                         laugh   30
2111                      liberals   30
2112                      literary   30
2113                    maintained   30
2114                       manager   30
2115                    manifestly   30
2116                   mesopotamia   30
2117                    microscope   30
2118                       monarch   30
2119                     mongolian   30
2120                           mud   30
2121                       offered   30
2122                          page   30
2123                         pages   30
2124                     perplexed   30
2125                          pile   30
2126                       portion   30
2127                          post   30
2128                      recently   30
2129                     recovered   30
2130                         shell   30
2131                        sister   30
2132                       slavery   30
2133                      solitary   30
2134                         spade   30
2135                        strain   30
2136                      stronger   30
2137                       student   30
2138                    sufficient   30
2139                      sunshine   30
2140                         trick   30
2141                         turks   30
2142                       uniform   30
2143                        vapour   30
2144                         views   30
2145                           vii   30
2146                          viii   30
2147                        waving   30
2148                       whirled   30
2149                           win   30
2150                            20   29
2151                           200   29
2152                            30   29
2153                     advancing   29
2154                    aggressive   29
2155                       altered   29
2156                    antagonist   29
2157                     attracted   29
2158                         avoid   29
2159                       balcony   29
2160                        bawled   29
2161                           bay   29
2162                        behold   29
2163                        bitter   29
2164                         blank   29
2165                       boiling   29
2166                        cliffs   29
2167                     crouching   29
2168                          date   29
2169                      declared   29
2170                       devoted   29
2171                  disappointed   29
2172                      doubtful   29
2173                         dusty   29
2174                   essentially   29
2175                     europeans   29
2176                       evesham   29
2177                       fearful   29
2178                          flow   29
2179                         frame   29
2180                     galleries   29
2181                         hasty   29
2182                           ice   29
2183                         ideal   29
2184                  illustration   29
2185                        judged   29
2186                        jumped   29
2187                          lake   29
2188                          lean   29
2189                           lip   29
2190                         lords   29
2191                          meal   29
2192                         men’s   29
2193                      monarchy   29
2194                    multitudes   29
2195                      nowadays   29
2196                      patience   29
2197                    portuguese   29
2198                      provided   29
2199                      receding   29
2200                     returning   29
2201                       ringing   29
2202                         royal   29
2203                          seek   29
2204                         shade   29
2205                           shy   29
2206                       sliding   29
2207                          soil   29
2208                        stands   29
2209                      stopping   29
2210                         style   29
2211                          task   29
2212                      tendency   29
2213                         tower   29
2214                    traditions   29
2215                      trousers   29
2216                    university   29
2217                        urgent   29
2218                     victorian   29
2219                        vulgar   29
2220                     wondering   29
2221                       zoology   29
2222                            15   28
2223                            _a   28
2224                     _january_   28
2225                     addressed   28
2226                      aeronaut   28
2227                       archway   28
2228                      arrested   28
2229                  artilleryman   28
2230                          aunt   28
2231                          base   28
2232                          bore   28
2233                        bricks   28
2234                     byzantine   28
2235                        canvas   28
2236                          cape   28
2237                       capital   28
2238                      careless   28
2239                       ceiling   28
2240                        choice   28
2241                        christ   28
2242                      clinging   28
2243                       closing   28
2244                       corners   28
2245                         cough   28
2246                        cousin   28
2247                         curse   28
2248                        deeper   28
2249                    deliberate   28
2250                     delighted   28
2251                     desperate   28
2252                      elements   28
2253                      emperors   28
2254                    enormously   28
2255                       existed   28
2256                         falls   28
2257                          flew   28
2258                        flower   28
2259                       francis   28
2260                        futile   28
2261                        gather   28
2262                        haired   28
2263                   hatherleigh   28
2264                          hats   28
2265                        headed   28
2266                        helped   28
2267                        hiding   28
2268                         hotel   28
2269                           joy   28
2270                        kicked   28
2271                       kindred   28
2272                       knocked   28
2273                        ladies   28
2274                     languages   28
2275                        lasted   28
2276                       lecture   28
2277                        louder   28
2278                         louis   28
2279                     momentary   28
2280                     monoplane   28
2281                      muhammad   28
2282                        murmur   28
2283                     neolithic   28
2284                         nerve   28
2285                    newspapers   28
2286                        noises   28
2287                         noisy   28
2288                       offices   28
2289                           pen   28
2290                         pinky   28
2291                        poison   28
2292                          port   28
2293                     possessed   28
2294                   possessions   28
2295                         print   28
2296                       printed   28
2297                    proportion   28
2298                      railways   28
2299                     realities   28
2300                     recognise   28
2301                       recover   28
2302                       refused   28
2303                        report   28
2304                      restless   28
2305                          ring   28
2306                        roused   28
2307                        ruling   28
2308                         seats   28
2309                         shame   28
2310                         shown   28
2311                        sleeve   28
2312                        slower   28
2313                        spaces   28
2314                      starting   28
2315                       stepped   28
2316                     streaming   28
2317                      students   28
2318                      swarming   28
2319                          test   28
2320                        thread   28
2321                         throw   28
2322                         towns   28
2323                       tragedy   28
2324                       trained   28
2325                        travel   28
2326                       treated   28
2327                     trembling   28
2328                          ulla   28
2329                       weighed   28
2330                     weybridge   28
2331                        what’s   28
2332                         wives   28
2333                       worship   28
2334                        writer   28
2335                           102   27
2336                            12   27
2337                           180   27
2338                            29   27
2339                           294   27
2340                           329   27
2341                            71   27
2342                       _april_   27
2343                         _see_   27
2344                        aboard   27
2345                      accepted   27
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2347                      addition   27
2348                     aeroplane   27
2349                      argument   27
2350                    background   27
2351                           bag   27
2352                   brilliantly   27
2353                         cable   27
2354                        casual   27
2355                       chanced   27
2356                       channel   27
2357                      childish   27
2358                    collection   27
2359                      crawling   27
2360                        curved   27
2361                   description   27
2362                       dignity   27
2363                      directed   27
2364                         dutch   27
2365                        eleven   27
2366                     enchanted   27
2367                     encounter   27
2368                         final   27
2369                        fishes   27
2370                    flickering   27
2371                    fluttering   27
2372                       forests   27
2373                       garment   27
2374                         gleam   27
2375                         grasp   27
2376                       griffin   27
2377                       holiday   27
2378                         hopes   27
2379                        hunger   27
2380                        huxter   27
2381                   imaginative   27
2382                 incontinently   27
2383                    infinitely   27
2384                     intensely   27
2385                      japanese   27
2386                          john   27
2387                          join   27
2388                       masters   27
2389                       mingled   27
2390                        muddle   27
2391                       nations   27
2392                      nonsense   27
2393                        outset   27
2394                        packed   27
2395                       parties   27
2396                           pay   27
2397                     permanent   27
2398                   personality   27
2399                         petty   27
2400                         plant   27
2401                   preparation   27
2402                    prosperous   27
2403                       prussia   27
2404                       pursued   27
2405                         raise   27
2406                         red's   27
2407                      resolute   27
2408                      richmond   27
2409                        safety   27
2410                          sane   27
2411                      scullery   27
2412                       servant   27
2413                     socialist   27
2414                        sombre   27
2415                       sounded   27
2416                         spend   27
2417                      splashed   27
2418                        suffer   27
2419                      suffered   27
2420                        sunlit   27
2421                     suspected   27
2422                      vestiges   27
2423                         weeds   27
2424                          wire   27
2425                      withered   27
2426                            11   26
2427                           115   26
2428                           134   26
2429                            17   26
2430                           174   26
2431                           243   26
2432                           300   26
2433                       address   26
2434                         ahead   26
2435                        albert   26
2436                         angel   26
2437                    appliances   26
2438                     attempted   26
2439                      bitterly   26
2440                         blaze   26
2441                          brow   26
2442                         canal   26
2443                         capri   26
2444                         chain   26
2445                        chairs   26
2446                        chosen   26
2447                         cigar   26
2448                         claim   26
2449                      clenched   26
2450                        coffee   26
2451                       colours   26
2452                    conquerors   26
2453                      contents   26
2454                       crusade   26
2455                    cultivated   26
2456                         dance   26
2457                        degree   26
2458                    directions   26
2459                         dread   26
2460                      features   26
2461                        finish   26
2462                         flies   26
2463                         funny   26
2464                       furious   26
2465                          gaze   26
2466                        gentle   26
2467                 gesticulating   26
2468                      graceful   26
2469                      gripping   26
2470                         guide   26
2471                        handle   26
2472                        hebrew   26
2473                         hedge   26
2474                         hoped   26
2475                       hungary   26
2476                   ineffectual   26
2477                      interior   26
2478                   intimations   26
2479                       invaded   26
2480                       jaffers   26
2481                         japan   26
2482                      majority   26
2483                     merchants   26
2484                     miserable   26
2485                         motor   26
2486                           mus   26
2487                        orange   26
2488                      ostrog's   26
2489                       panting   26
2490                      passions   26
2491                      persians   26
2492                       plainly   26
2493                     platforms   26
2494                     quivering   26
2495                         races   26
2496                    reasonable   26
2497                     reflected   26
2498                        refuge   26
2499                       results   26
2500                 revolutionary   26
2501                    ridiculous   26
2502                       roaring   26
2503                      servants   26
2504                         serve   26
2505                       slammed   26
2506                        sphinx   26
2507                         steep   26
2508                         stock   26
2509                     strangest   26
2510                         stuck   26
2511                         swore   26
2512                      throwing   26
2513                       trivial   26
2514                      troubles   26
2515                    tumultuous   26
2516                    unpleasant   26
2517                       vaguely   26
2518                      villages   26
2519                       volumes   26
2520                         wider   26
2521                      wondered   26
2522                        wooden   26
2523                       wrapped   26
2524                           119   25
2525                           302   25
2526                            31   25
2527                           400   25
2528                            92   25
2529                          _is_   25
2530                        accept   25
2531                      achieved   25
2532                        advice   25
2533                     ambitions   25
2534                           apt   25
2535                        artist   25
2536                   authorities   25
2537                    babylonian   25
2538                          bath   25
2539                        beaten   25
2540                     behaviour   25
2541                         blast   25
2542                          boot   25
2543                         build   25
2544                        cabman   25
2545                       capture   25
2546                      colossal   25
2547                    conclusion   25
2548                    continuous   25
2549                        convey   25
2550                      curtains   25
2551                         dared   25
2552                        darius   25
2553                        demand   25
2554                     descended   25
2555                      devotion   25
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2557                      dropping   25
2558                      eighteen   25
2559                      exchange   25
2560                      exercise   25
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2562                     expressed   25
2563                         false   25
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2567                         flesh   25
2568                       fortune   25
2569                     gentlemen   25
2570                       ghastly   25
2571                       ghostly   25
2572                         glory   25
2573                       grasped   25
2574                    hesitating   25
2575                    hesitation   25
2576                        highly   25
2577                       horsell   25
2578                       hunting   25
2579                     incapable   25
2580                          inch   25
2581                    indistinct   25
2582                      instinct   25
2583                      involved   25
2584                        league   25
2585                       liberty   25
2586                        midday   25
2587                          nest   25
2588                        nodded   25
2589                           oak   25
2590                       obscure   25
2591                     operation   25
2592                      overseas   25
2593                       phrases   25
2594                      polished   25
2595                      printing   25
2596                      properly   25
2597                       quarrel   25
2598                        ragged   25
2599                          rang   25
2600                       receded   25
2601                    reflection   25
2602                  relationship   25
2603                   respectable   25
2604                       sailing   25
2605                       secured   25
2606                         shaft   25
2607                       shallow   25
2608                    socialists   25
2609                      spacious   25
2610                     splendour   25
2611                         timid   25
2612                       torrent   25
2613                       turkish   25
2614                        unlike   25
2615                        vacant   25
2616                      victoria   25
2617                       whisper   25
2618                          wine   25
2619                       wounded   25
2620                      wreckage   25
2621                           129   24
2622                            18   24
2623                           182   24
2624                            21   24
2625                           263   24
2626                            78   24
2627                         ain’t   24
2628                         alike   24
2629                    ammunition   24
2630                      animated   24
2631                          arch   24
2632                     aristotle   24
2633                       article   24
2634                      assembly   24
2635                      awakened   24
2636                         banks   24
2637                       bearded   24
2638                   beautifully   24
2639                       blowing   24
2640                        brains   24
2641                         brass   24
2642                    brightness   24
2643                          bulk   24
2644                          burn   24
2645                           cap   24
2646                      capacity   24
2647                     chemistry   24
2648                     clutching   24
2649                       command   24
2650                     conquests   24
2651                       cottage   24
2652                      crossing   24
2653                        crowds   24
2654                        custom   24
2655                        danced   24
2656                          deck   24
2657                        defeat   24
2658                      doctrine   24
2659                       drowned   24
2660                       effects   24
2661                     efficient   24
2662                       element   24
2663                     energetic   24
2664                  experimental   24
2665                        expert   24
2666                       exposed   24
2667                        facing   24
2668                       fatigue   24
2669                        folded   24
2670                          fond   24
2671                   fundamental   24
2672                        ghosts   24
2673                         giant   24
2674                      goodness   24
2675                         guess   24
2676                        honour   24
2677                        hook's   24
2678                          host   24
2679                          huns   24
2680                  imaginations   24
2681                      inferior   24
2682                      infernal   24
2683                      internal   24
2684                    intimation   24
2685                           jaw   24
2686                        jennie   24
2687                         leant   24
2688                         limit   24
2689                          lock   24
2690                      magazine   24
2691                       managed   24
2692                     mechanism   24
2693                      meetings   24
2694                         melee   24
2695                         midst   24
2696                        mutual   24
2697                   necessarily   24
2698                   noiselessly   24
2699                        nomads   24
2700                       objects   24
2701                         owner   24
2702                    perplexity   24
2703                          pick   24
2704                        poetry   24
2705                         price   24
2706                          pure   24
2707                        recent   24
2708                      released   24
2709                       revival   24
2710                          robe   24
2711                       scandal   24
2712                        scarce   24
2713                          seed   24
2714                    sensations   24
2715                      sentence   24
2716                        serene   24
2717                       seventh   24
2718                      skeleton   24
2719                       sobbing   24
2720                         stems   24
2721                     supported   24
2722                   sympathetic   24
2723                          tale   24
2724                         talks   24
2725                         topic   24
2726                      troubled   24
2727                       utterly   24
2728                        varied   24
2729                        venice   24
2730                       warming   24
2731                          wing   24
2732                        wished   24
2733                      wretched   24
2734                         yacob   24
2735                           178   23
2736                           185   23
2737                            19   23
2738                           287   23
2739                           336   23
2740                        amused   23
2741                       amusing   23
2742                       appears   23
2743                          arab   23
2744                  aristocratic   23
2745                     assistant   23
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2747                       austria   23
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2749                         awful   23
2750                         awoke   23
2751                    barbarians   23
2752                        bigger   23
2753                      blinding   23
2754                     blundered   23
2755                         brows   23
2756                         chaps   23
2757                       citizen   23
2758                        climax   23
2759                        coarse   23
2760                   commonplace   23
2761                   communities   23
2762                   consequence   23
2763                     continent   23
2764                      corridor   23
2765                      crumpled   23
2766                        dawned   23
2767                      destined   23
2768                         diary   23
2769                   differences   23
2770                       display   23
2771                      distress   23
2772                     dominated   23
2773                      drinking   23
2774                         drunk   23
2775                        excuse   23
2776                   expectation   23
2777                     extensive   23
2778                        flaxen   23
2779                       founded   23
2780                    frequently   23
2781                    friendship   23
2782                         grows   23
2783                       halfway   23
2784                          hang   23
2785                        height   23
2786                        hollow   23
2787                    hopelessly   23
2788                      horribly   23
2789                        hunted   23
2790                         issue   23
2791                          laws   23
2792                         lever   23
2793                    liberalism   23
2794                    lieutenant   23
2795                     lightning   23
2796                    margaret's   23
2797                      medicine   23
2798                          mist   23
2799                         model   23
2800                       neptune   23
2801                     painfully   23
2802                        philip   23
2803                       players   23
2804                        plenty   23
2805                          pool   23
2806                     president   23
2807                     prevented   23
2808                      prospect   23
2809                  psychologist   23
2810                          raid   23
2811                      reaching   23
2812                      reaction   23
2813                       refined   23
2814                       regular   23
2815                      relieved   23
2816                       remoter   23
2817                    republican   23
2818                          risk   23
2819                           rod   23
2820                    sacrifices   23
2821                           sad   23
2822                     screaming   23
2823                        settle   23
2824                         shots   23
2825                    shrivelled   23
2826                        source   23
2827                      spirited   23
2828                         split   23
2829                     standards   23
2830                     statement   23
2831                   steadfastly   23
2832                        sticks   23
2833                     strenuous   23
2834                        sturdy   23
2835                       sumeria   23
2836                        tangle   23
2837                        temper   23
2838                     transport   23
2839                        treaty   23
2840                  tremendously   23
2841                     uncertain   23
2842                    underneath   23
2843                         unity   23
2844                            vi   23
2845                        victim   23
2846                        warmth   23
2847                       warning   23
2848                        weapon   23
2849                          wise   23
2850                           127   22
2851                           167   22
2852                           197   22
2853                           236   22
2854                           253   22
2855                           290   22
2856                           351   22
2857                          acts   22
2858                     agreeable   22
2859                       alarmed   22
2860                          anti   22
2861                       ashamed   22
2862                       athwart   22
2863                    attraction   22
2864                          beer   22
2865                         bells   22
2866                      belonged   22
2867                         blown   22
2868                       careful   22
2869                    carelessly   22
2870                       chamber   22
2871                characteristic   22
2872                    clambering   22
2873                       clatter   22
2874                       content   22
2875                       counted   22
2876                      covering   22
2877                      crouched   22
2878                       crushed   22
2879                       dangers   22
2880                     daughters   22
2881                        dayton   22
2882                    dimensions   22
2883                     distorted   22
2884                       doubted   22
2885                       dragged   22
2886                          duke   22
2887                       earnest   22
2888                       expanse   22
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2890                         extra   22
2891                         fison   22
2892                          flag   22
2893                    flourished   22
2894                         fruit   22
2895                      furnaces   22
2896                          gain   22
2897                      glancing   22
2898                       gregory   22
2899                       handful   22
2900                          heed   22
2901                   individuals   22
2902                    industrial   22
2903                   inhabitants   22
2904                    insensible   22
2905                     instantly   22
2906                  interminable   22
2907                     irregular   22
2908                       jupiter   22
2909                        ladder   22
2910                     landscape   22
2911                       leather   22
2912                        lovers   22
2913                        loving   22
2914                       mention   22
2915                       motives   22
2916                       muffled   22
2917                 multitudinous   22
2918                         naked   22
2919                    naturalist   22
2920                          neat   22
2921                         negro   22
2922                       negroes   22
2923                        nordic   22
2924                      numerous   22
2925                      observer   22
2926                        ogilvy   22
2927                      passages   22
2928                    perception   22
2929                       planets   22
2930                     preparing   22
2931                       renewed   22
2932                       resting   22
2933                      restored   22
2934                 righteousness   22
2935                       roadway   22
2936                        roared   22
2937                          rode   22
2938                          rows   22
2939                         ruler   22
2940                          runs   22
2941                        sailed   22
2942                        saving   22
2943                     separated   22
2944                    settlement   22
2945                         shoes   22
2946                  significance   22
2947                simultaneously   22
2948                           sin   22
2949                       soldier   22
2950                         spare   22
2951                          spun   22
2952                        stairs   22
2953                         stare   22
2954                     steamboat   22
2955                         stern   22
2956                       straits   22
2957                      striding   22
2958                      strongly   22
2959                     surrender   22
2960                      surveyed   22
2961                         swarm   22
2962                          sway   22
2963                     swiftness   22
2964                        tables   22
2965                         teddy   22
2966                         tells   22
2967                     temporary   22
2968                        thorns   22
2969                          toil   22
2970                          tore   22
2971                           toy   22
2972                 uncomfortable   22
2973                     undertone   22
2974                         upset   22
2975                        vanity   22
2976                    whispering   22
2977                        wicked   22
2978                    wilderness   22
2979                       witness   22
2980                       workmen   22
2981                         ægean   22
2982                           106   21
2983                           109   21
2984                            22   21
2985                           292   21
2986                            91   21
2987                            96   21
2988                    accustomed   21
2989                      acquired   21
2990                         agony   21
2991                       anatomy   21
2992                     answering   21
2993                   anticipated   21
2994                       anxiety   21
2995                  arrangements   21
2996                    artificial   21
2997                      artistic   21
2998                       battles   21
2999                          beam   21
3000                       beastly   21
3001                         birth   21
3002                    bitterness   21
3003                         bowed   21
3004                        cattle   21
3005                    cautiously   21
3006                        cave's   21
3007                         cease   21
3008                        cheeks   21
3009                         chose   21
3010                         civil   21
3011                       climate   21
3012                     collapsed   21
3013                     collected   21
3014                 comparatively   21
3015                     conceived   21
3016                     confident   21
3017                    constantly   21
3018                       crimson   21
3019                       crowned   21
3020                      decision   21
3021                       desires   21
3022                disappointment   21
3023                          disc   21
3024                       discuss   21
3025                        dismal   21
3026                   distinguish   21
3027                      domestic   21
3028                        easier   21
3029                    efficiency   21
3030                       elected   21
3031                         enjoy   21
3032                       enjoyed   21
3033                     excessive   21
3034                         exist   21
3035                     fashioned   21
3036                         fears   21
3037                       gautama   21
3038                           gay   21
3039                      generous   21
3040                       glaring   21
3041                         globe   21
3042                          gown   21
3043                       gravity   21
3044                          gust   21
3045                          hazy   21
3046                        heroic   21
3047                      hillside   21
3048                     hostility   21
3049              incomprehensible   21
3050                       inkling   21
3051                      intimacy   21
3052                      invasion   21
3053                     irritated   21
3054                        jacket   21
3055                       jealous   21
3056                          jove   21
3057                          jump   21
3058                       justice   21
3059                      landlord   21
3060                       leisure   21
3061                         livid   21
3062                         lucky   21
3063                       mammals   21
3064                        market   21
3065                   observation   21
3066                      officers   21
3067                        origin   21
3068                        paddle   21
3069                      pavement   21
3070                         penge   21
3071                        pillar   21
3072                     policemen   21
3073                        prayed   21
3074                      probable   21
3075                        proved   21
3076                         punic   21
3077                     qualities   21
3078                         quasi   21
3079                reconstruction   21
3080                      required   21
3081                responsibility   21
3082                          ribs   21
3083                          roar   21
3084                        rulers   21
3085                         screw   21
3086                       sending   21
3087                        shells   21
3088                        sighed   21
3089                       sinking   21
3090                      snatched   21
3091                        spiral   21
3092                 staffordshire   21
3093                         stout   21
3094                     stumbling   21
3095                       suggest   21
3096                        summit   21
3097                       sunrise   21
3098                      supplies   21
3099                     swallowed   21
3100                         sweep   21
3101                      swimming   21
3102                         syria   21
3103                     telegraph   21
3104                     throbbing   21
3105                          tiny   21
3106                          trap   21
3107                      treasure   21
3108                     treatment   21
3109                       triumph   21
3110                          tube   21
3111                          turf   21
3112                       unhappy   21
3113                         urged   21
3114                         utter   21
3115                        villas   21
3116                        waking   21
3117                        warned   21
3118                        washed   21
3119                   wonderfully   21
3120                      writhing   21
3121                        you’re   21
3122                           116   20
3123                           173   20
3124                           238   20
3125                           312   20
3126                           327   20
3127                           385   20
3128                           390   20
3129                            43   20
3130                           435   20
3131                            77   20
3132                         _map_   20
3133                         acute   20
3134                      advances   20
3135                  agricultural   20
3136                           aim   20
3137                         alert   20
3138                        arisen   20
3139                      articles   20
3140                     assurance   20
3141                       assyria   20
3142                     attitudes   20
3143                       blazing   20
3144                         bored   20
3145                        bridle   20
3146                          bull   20
3147                      campaign   20
3148                         carts   20
3149                      catching   20
3150                      catholic   20
3151                         chest   20
3152                          clay   20
3153                    clustering   20
3154                    connection   20
3155                   continually   20
3156                    cossington   20
3157                         crupp   20
3158                        desert   20
3159                       disgust   20
3160                      dominant   20
3161                     evolution   20
3162                     exclaimed   20
3163                   experiments   20
3164                          fill   20
3165                         flint   20
3166                      frequent   20
3167                        fruits   20
3168                        gained   20
3169                     greatness   20
3170                      greenish   20
3171                         guard   20
3172                          hail   20
3173                      handsome   20
3174                          heel   20
3175                   housekeeper   20
3176                  independence   20
3177                   indignation   20
3178                     intensity   20
3179                     invention   20
3180                      jealousy   20
3181                        jerked   20
3182                          joke   20
3183                        keenly   20
3184                    kriegspiel   20
3185                          lack   20
3186                   leatherhead   20
3187                        levers   20
3188                          list   20
3189                       luggage   20
3190                       mistake   20
3191                       mixture   20
3192                       mounted   20
3193                     moustache   20
3194                        murder   20
3195                      murdered   20
3196                     nervously   20
3197                           net   20
3198                     noiseless   20
3199                   observatory   20
3200                    operations   20
3201                     organized   20
3202                          oval   20
3203                      overcome   20
3204                    overturned   20
3205                        passes   20
3206                  passionately   20
3207                       pattern   20
3208                       periods   20
3209                  philosophers   20
3210                       pitched   20
3211                          pits   20
3212                    plattner's   20
3213                         poker   20
3214                        policy   20
3215                      prophets   20
3216                       pushing   20
3217                   represented   20
3218                    retreating   20
3219                        rights   20
3220                         rigid   20
3221                         rival   20
3222                      robinson   20
3223                          ruin   20
3224                           rum   20
3225                   seventeenth   20
3226                        shabby   20
3227                        shaded   20
3228                          sigh   20
3229                        smoked   20
3230                      southern   20
3231                         straw   20
3232                      streamed   20
3233                        stroke   20
3234                     struggles   20
3235                       stunned   20
3236                      supplied   20
3237                       supreme   20
3238                         swamp   20
3239                          thou   20
3240                    threatened   20
3241                           tin   20
3242                      tropical   20
3243                   unconscious   20
3244                       useless   20
3245                          veil   20
3246                         verge   20
3247                       worried   20
3248                        you’ll   20
3249                           147   19
3250                           151   19
3251                           230   19
3252                            25   19
3253                           394   19
3254                            80   19
3255                         _was_   19
3256                            a_   19
3257                        absent   19
3258                   achievement   19
3259                       adapted   19
3260                     affection   19
3261                        albeit   19
3262                        alcove   19
3263                        allies   19
3264                     amusement   19
3265                      appetite   19
3266                  apprehension   19
3267                         asoka   19
3268                       aspects   19
3269                       attacks   19
3270                      attained   19
3271                       audible   19
3272                      backward   19
3273                        blinds   19
3274                    blundering   19
3275                          boil   19
3276                    boundaries   19
3277                      branches   19
3278                       broader   19
3279                        burden   19
3280                       buttons   19
3281                         calls   19
3282                       centred   19
3283                       charged   19
3284                      cheering   19
3285                      colonies   19
3286                       comment   19
3287                 communication   19
3288                       concern   19
3289                       conduct   19
3290                 consideration   19
3291                      crescent   19
3292                        crisis   19
3293                         curve   19
3294                        darkly   19
3295                        dashed   19
3296                         day's   19
3297                       defence   19
3298                   destructive   19
3299                    discontent   19
3300                       dispute   19
3301                    distressed   19
3302                        dotted   19
3303                          dusk   19
3304                       earthly   19
3305                         eaten   19
3306                    elementary   19
3307                            en   19
3308                       enemies   19
3309                        fabric   19
3310                          fail   19
3311                         fence   19
3312                        fierce   19
3313                      flapping   19
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3315                     flickered   19
3316                        flowed   19
3317                        fossil   19
3318                       frankly   19
3319                     frightful   19
3320                     fugitives   19
3321                           fun   19
3322                         gifts   19
3323                        gravel   19
3324                          grim   19
3325                         gross   19
3326                         halls   19
3327                         heels   19
3328                          hell   19
3329                         homes   19
3330                       hostile   19
3331                       inhuman   19
3332                  instructions   19
3333                    intentions   19
3334                     isolation   19
3335                            ix   19
3336                        jewish   19
3337                    journalist   19
3338                          kiss   19
3339                          leap   19
3340                         likes   19
3341                        marble   19
3342                        meadow   19
3343                        medina   19
3344                      mesozoic   19
3345                           mid   19
3346                      monsters   19
3347                         moods   19
3348                         mound   19
3349                     neglected   19
3350                         nurse   19
3351                         offer   19
3352                          palm   19
3353                     peninsula   19
3354                     perpetual   19
3355                   perpetually   19
3356                    perplexing   19
3357                   philosopher   19
3358                     phœnician   19
3359                         plato   19
3360                         popes   19
3361                     porcelain   19
3362                        porter   19
3363                       pottery   19
3364                  predominance   19
3365                     preserved   19
3366                    prosperity   19
3367                     published   19
3368                          push   19
3369                        rapped   19
3370                   recognition   19
3371                       reduced   19
3372                   reflections   19
3373                        regret   19
3374                      reptiles   19
3375                    reputation   19
3376                        resist   19
3377                    resistance   19
3378                         roofs   19
3379                        rubbed   19
3380                       sailors   19
3381                         saint   19
3382                          sell   19
3383                      services   19
3384                   settlements   19
3385                        sexual   19
3386                         shiny   19
3387                      shooting   19
3388                     sixteenth   19
3389                      solitude   19
3390                    statecraft   19
3391                         store   19
3392                       studied   19
3393                        surrey   19
3394                       suspect   19
3395                       terrace   19
3396                   threatening   19
3397                         thumb   19
3398                           tie   19
3399                       tightly   19
3400                        tissue   19
3401                           tom   19
3402                       trinity   19
3403                         vicar   19
3404                       wallace   19
3405                    washington   19
3406                      watchers   19
3407                         whirl   19
3408                            xi   19
3409                           xvi   19
3410                           145   18
3411                           196   18
3412                           203   18
3413                           245   18
3414                           255   18
3415                           259   18
3416                           309   18
3417                           322   18
3418                            42   18
3419                            68   18
3420                            79   18
3421                            97   18
3422                         _now_   18
3423                   accelerator   18
3424                   adventurous   18
3425                   agriculture   18
3426                     ambitious   18
3427                    apartments   18
3428                         arise   18
3429                      armchair   18
3430                     artillery   18
3431                         ashes   18
3432                         atlas   18
3433                     attendant   18
3434                bacteriologist   18
3435                        basket   18
3436                       bathing   18
3437                       blinded   18
3438                        bloody   18
3439                         blows   18
3440                         brave   18
3441                         brute   18
3442                          bush   18
3443                         cared   18
3444                        carpet   18
3445                        cellar   18
3446                         chalk   18
3447                       chances   18
3448                      chertsey   18
3449                        choose   18
3450                         chris   18
3451                       claimed   18
3452                       clamour   18
3453                     clergyman   18
3454                         climb   18
3455                       cnossos   18
3456                      collapse   18
3457                       columns   18
3458                    concussion   18
3459                    confounded   18
3460                     confucius   18
3461                     contrived   18
3462                          copy   18
3463                      critical   18
3464                   cultivation   18
3465                     cylinders   18
3466                      darkened   18
3467                     deepening   18
3468                       degrees   18
3469                     democracy   18
3470                       digging   18
3471                         dined   18
3472                  disagreeable   18
3473                    discussing   18
3474                          dome   18
3475                    doubtfully   18
3476                         dusky   18
3477                        edward   18
3478                        elders   18
3479                      employed   18
3480                         essay   18
3481                 establishment   18
3482                   experienced   18
3483                     factories   18
3484                     financial   18
3485                         finer   18
3486                     fireplace   18
3487                      fourteen   18
3488                     furiously   18
3489                          gane   18
3490                       genuine   18
3491                        glowed   18
3492                         guest   18
3493                        hammer   18
3494                         harsh   18
3495                         haste   18
3496                        hearts   18
3497                        hoarse   18
3498                    incredibly   18
3499                      industry   18
3500                    inevitably   18
3501                intermittently   18
3502                 international   18
3503                   intervening   18
3504                  introduction   18
3505                         islam   18
3506                        issues   18
3507                         james   18
3508                           jar   18
3509                          jest   18
3510                        landed   18
3511                       lantern   18
3512                          leaf   18
3513                         lewis   18
3514                      lighting   18
3515                          lump   18
3516                       manners   18
3517                        mantel   18
3518                       maybury   18
3519                      measured   18
3520                    melancholy   18
3521                        mexico   18
3522                      mistress   18
3523                      murmured   18
3524                       observe   18
3525                     offensive   18
3526                        orchid   18
3527                  organization   18
3528                      overcoat   18
3529                    overlooked   18
3530                 philosophical   18
3531                       plunged   18
3532                       possess   18
3533                     precisely   18
3534                   preoccupied   18
3535                      pressing   18
3536                        prison   18
3537                      projects   18
3538                       prophet   18
3539                     proposals   18
3540                       pulling   18
3541                     represent   18
3542                     restraint   18
3543                        rhythm   18
3544                        robbed   18
3545                      saturday   18
3546                         seize   18
3547                     sensitive   18
3548                         shirt   18
3549                      shivered   18
3550                     shivering   18
3551                         siege   18
3552                      smashing   18
3553                         snake   18
3554                          sole   18
3555                        solemn   18
3556                       spirits   18
3557                    stranger’s   18
3558                      swinging   18
3559                        tailor   18
3560                       teacher   18
3561                      teachers   18
3562                       texture   18
3563                       threads   18
3564                           tip   18
3565                        tragic   18
3566                         trail   18
3567                        tricks   18
3568                      umbrella   18
3569                          ward   18
3570                        wholly   18
3571                        widely   18
3572                       woman's   18
3573                         won’t   18
3574                           104   17
3575                           107   17
3576                           148   17
3577                           163   17
3578                           211   17
3579                           257   17
3580                           268   17
3581                           272   17
3582                           324   17
3583                           334   17
3584                            37   17
3585                            65   17
3586                            83   17
3587                            95   17
3588                           _cf   17
3589                           _i_   17
3590                       abraham   17
3591                      absorbed   17
3592                     abundance   17
3593                administrative   17
3594                    admiration   17
3595                        affect   17
3596                         aimed   17
3597                       allowed   17
3598                     altiora's   17
3599                       annoyed   17
3600                       answers   17
3601                    antagonism   17
3602                   appointment   17
3603                      approval   17
3604                   arrangement   17
3605                    attendants   17
3606                     authority   17
3607                       average   17
3608                         bacon   17
3609                      bandaged   17
3610                        barred   17
3611                       bawling   17
3612                       behaved   17
3613                          belt   17
3614                          bend   17
3615                      betrayed   17
3616                          blew   17
3617                        boldly   17
3618                         bolts   17
3619                         brick   17
3620                         brush   17
3621                           bus   17
3622                     cainozoic   17
3623                       carnaby   17
3624                       caspian   17
3625                      charging   17
3626                       charity   17
3627                    cigarettes   17
3628                      circling   17
3629                      citizens   17
3630                      clarence   17
3631                    collecting   17
3632                      compared   17
3633                   competition   17
3634                   conceptions   17
3635                     conducted   17
3636                    confession   17
3637                   conspicuous   17
3638                    controlled   17
3639                        copper   17
3640                        cotton   17
3641                      creation   17
3642                        decent   17
3643                      delights   17
3644                         depth   17
3645                       destiny   17
3646                       devices   17
3647                         dinky   17
3648                   distinctive   17
3649                     disturbed   17
3650                         ditch   17
3651                      dominion   17
3652                     dominions   17
3653                         drama   17
3654                      drawings   17
3655                         drugs   17
3656                     effectual   17
3657                     enquiries   17
3658                    equivalent   17
3659                         error   17
3660                  exasperation   17
3661                    expedition   17
3662                      exploded   17
3663                       factory   17
3664                          fame   17
3665                      families   17
3666                        firmly   17
3667                       flowing   17
3668                           fog   17
3669                       footing   17
3670                         frank   17
3671                        friday   17
3672                           fur   17
3673                          fury   17
3674                         god's   17
3675                         grace   17
3676                       gradual   17
3677                          gray   17
3678                       haysman   17
3679                       helping   17
3680                       holland   17
3681                     household   17
3682                   illuminated   17
3683                         image   17
3684                   immortality   17
3685                  inaccessible   17
3686                      included   17
3687                          inky   17
3688                  intermittent   17
3689                         ivory   17
3690                      landlady   17
3691                    leadership   17
3692                        lesson   17
3693                       letting   17
3694                        limits   17
3695                          link   17
3696                        liquid   17
3697                        losing   17
3698                    marvellous   17
3699                         mercy   17
3700                        monday   17
3701                       muddled   17
3702                    multiplied   17
3703                       myriads   17
3704                        nation   17
3705                         newly   17
3706                      nobility   17
3707                       nomadic   17
3708                       nursery   17
3709                  observations   17
3710                         occur   17
3711                      outbreak   17
3712                     overnight   17
3713                       pacific   17
3714                         panel   17
3715                         piled   17
3716                        pillow   17
3717                      portrait   17
3718                  preposterous   17
3719                     prevailed   17
3720                      prisoner   17
3721                    production   17
3722                       project   17
3723                     protected   17
3724                         puffs   17
3725                      quarters   17
3726                        quiver   17
3727                        rarely   17
3728                           raw   17
3729                       readily   17
3730                         realm   17
3731                          rear   17
3732                       reasons   17
3733                        reform   17
3734                     rejoicing   17
3735                       resolve   17
3736                         risen   17
3737                         sands   17
3738                       savages   17
3739                    separation   17
3740                     seventeen   17
3741                         shake   17
3742                        sheets   17
3743                      shipping   17
3744                      shutters   17
3745                       sisters   17
3746                      sluggish   17
3747                          sold   17
3748                      specimen   17
3749                     starlight   17
3750                    stupendous   17
3751                      subjects   17
3752                   subordinate   17
3753                     successor   17
3754                      sumerian   17
3755                    suppressed   17
3756                          swam   17
3757                        symbol   17
3758                         teach   17
3759                   temperature   17
3760                        tender   17
3761                       tension   17
3762                      thickset   17
3763                         tiger   17
3764                         tight   17
3765                           tis   17
3766                       tobacco   17
3767                         tones   17
3768                      touching   17
3769                        towers   17
3770                    transitory   17
3771                   translucent   17
3772                    triumphant   17
3773                           ugh   17
3774                        unreal   17
3775                    vegetation   17
3776                    versailles   17
3777                        vienna   17
3778                      visitors   17
3779                         walks   17
3780                      warnings   17
3781                      waterloo   17
3782                          weep   17
3783                          whip   17
3784                        whisky   17
3785                      whistled   17
3786                         winch   17
3787                     woodhouse   17
3788                           xii   17
3789                           xiv   17
3790                          york   17
3791                        zenith   17
3792                          1000   16
3793                           112   16
3794                           139   16
3795                           192   16
3796                           258   16
3797                           285   16
3798                           306   16
3799                           338   16
3800                           356   16
3801                           393   16
3802                           405   16
3803                           419   16
3804                            88   16
3805                          _see   16
3806                     accidents   16
3807                      admitted   16
3808                    advantages   16
3809                       aimless   16
3810                        alcott   16
3811                         also_   16
3812                     ancestors   16
3813                      apparent   16
3814                           ass   16
3815                      asserted   16
3816                    attractive   16
3817                        babble   16
3818                     backwards   16
3819                    barbellion   16
3820                         bench   16
3821                        boards   16
3822                        brazil   16
3823                       breadth   16
3824                       breathe   16
3825                        brutal   16
3826                          caps   16
3827                        chilly   16
3828                       chimney   16
3829                       chobham   16
3830                        claims   16
3831                        clergy   16
3832                      climbing   16
3833                        closer   16
3834                          clue   16
3835                         coach   16
3836                       colonel   16
3837                    colourless   16
3838                       conceal   16
3839                   conceivable   16
3840                  concentrated   16
3841                  confidential   16
3842                      congress   16
3843                   countryside   16
3844                       cracked   16
3845                        create   16
3846                      credible   16
3847                         cruel   16
3848                        daring   16
3849                        deadly   16
3850                     departure   16
3851                    depression   16
3852                        depths   16
3853                    desolation   16
3854                    detachment   16
3855                       diamond   16
3856                      diamonds   16
3857                     dispersed   16
3858                       draught   16
3859                          dumb   16
3860                          eddy   16
3861                          eden   16
3862                        eighth   16
3863                       enquiry   16
3864                          envy   16
3865                      equipped   16
3866                     examining   16
3867                   excessively   16
3868                      eyebrows   16
3869                       failing   16
3870                        favour   16
3871                      fiercely   16
3872                         flags   16
3873                     forbidden   16
3874                    formidable   16
3875                     fortunate   16
3876                        frozen   16
3877                       funeral   16
3878                          gaps   16
3879                          gaul   16
3880                   generations   16
3881                        genius   16
3882                         goths   16
3883                      handitch   16
3884                       healthy   16
3885                        hill's   16
3886                     immensity   16
3887                        impact   16
3888                     including   16
3889                  indistinctly   16
3890                      inquired   16
3891                    insistence   16
3892                   instinctive   16
3893                    instrument   16
3894                  insurrection   16
3895                interpretation   16
3896                    inventions   16
3897                  invisibility   16
3898                           i’d   16
3899                         jelly   16
3900                      judgment   16
3901                  kinghamstead   16
3902                      knuckles   16
3903                     leisurely   16
3904                          lice   16
3905                       lidgett   16
3906                        llamas   16
3907                         loyal   16
3908                        manage   16
3909                         meals   16
3910                     mentioned   16
3911                          milk   16
3912                      minister   16
3913                       mirrors   16
3914                  missionaries   16
3915                       mongols   16
3916                    motherhood   16
3917                         muddy   16
3918                        naples   16
3919                         nasty   16
3920                          nile   16
3921                     obscurity   16
3922                           oil   16
3923                       opposed   16
3924                         organ   16
3925                       outward   16
3926                     overthrow   16
3927                    overthrown   16
3928                         papal   16
3929                     paralysis   16
3930                     partially   16
3931                       patient   16
3932                         pekin   16
3933                        permit   16
3934                    photograph   16
3935                   photographs   16
3936                         pipes   16
3937                       pitiful   16
3938                          pond   16
3939                      portland   16
3940                        praise   16
3941                        prefer   16
3942                       pretend   16
3943                     privilege   16
3944                     processes   16
3945                     professed   16
3946                   proportions   16
3947                      quivered   16
3948                        rabbit   16
3949                       raising   16
3950                        rattle   16
3951                      rattling   16
3952                       readers   16
3953                         reads   16
3954                       realize   16
3955                    reassuring   16
3956                       release   16
3957                        rescue   16
3958                    resolution   16
3959                     resources   16
3960                        resume   16
3961                     retreated   16
3962                         rocky   16
3963                       rounded   16
3964                        rustle   16
3965                          salt   16
3966                        season   16
3967                        senses   16
3968                         sheep   16
3969                        sickly   16
3970                        signal   16
3971                       silvery   16
3972                          sing   16
3973                      singular   16
3974                         slain   16
3975                          slit   16
3976                       sloping   16
3977                         smote   16
3978                         socks   16
3979                     spasmodic   16
3980                         spots   16
3981                        sprung   16
3982                     startling   16
3983                        statue   16
3984                       staying   16
3985                       steamer   16
3986                   strangeness   16
3987                       suicide   16
3988                         sunny   16
3989                      superior   16
3990                         swell   16
3991                           tap   16
3992                     tarvrille   16
3993                   terrestrial   16
3994                    theodosius   16
3995                    thirteenth   16
3996                        trance   16
3997                         treat   16
3998                          tsar   16
3999                       tumbled   16
4000                   underground   16
4001                  unexpectedly   16
4002                  universities   16
4003                     unlimited   16
4004                  unsuccessful   16
4005                         urban   16
4006                     vanishing   16
4007                      vehicles   16
4008                      velocity   16
4009                      ventured   16
4010                         vital   16
4011                      vitality   16
4012                         waist   16
4013                          warn   16
4014                          wept   16
4015                         we’re   16
4016                         wiser   16
4017                        worthy   16
4018                       writers   16
4019                        yelled   16
4020                     youngster   16
4021                           110   15
4022                           123   15
4023                           136   15
4024                           146   15
4025                           150   15
4026                           176   15
4027                           179   15
4028                           209   15
4029                           232   15
4030                           247   15
4031                           256   15
4032                           264   15
4033                           265   15
4034                           266   15
4035                           270   15
4036                           299   15
4037                           314   15
4038                           398   15
4039                           402   15
4040                            45   15
4041                            57   15
4042                            60   15
4043                            74   15
4044                            75   15
4045                        _that_   15
4046                    abominable   15
4047                    abundantly   15
4048                       achieve   15
4049                        aching   15
4050                        acting   15
4051                     admirable   15
4052                   adventurers   15
4053                        aerial   15
4054                        afford   15
4055                      alliance   15
4056                      analysis   15
4057                         angle   15
4058                         ankle   15
4059                  appreciation   15
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4061                    ascendancy   15
4062                      ascended   15
4063                        assume   15
4064                      assyrian   15
4065                      attacked   15
4066                      attended   15
4067                        autumn   15
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4069                       averted   15
4070                         bands   15
4071                          bees   15
4072                        belong   15
4073                         bless   15
4074                     blindness   15
4075                        blue's   15
4076                          bowl   15
4077                        breast   15
4078                       bridges   15
4079                    brilliance   15
4080                      brothers   15
4081                       bruised   15
4082                        cables   15
4083                       casting   15
4084                       centres   15
4085                         charm   15
4086                       charred   15
4087                      churches   15
4088                        coasts   15
4089                    companions   15
4090                   compartment   15
4091                       concert   15
4092                  conservative   15
4093                     constable   15
4094                       cooling   15
4095                         couch   15
4096                        credit   15
4097                        critic   15
4098                       cynical   15
4099                          damp   15
4100                       darling   15
4101                      decaying   15
4102                       demands   15
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4104                     dependent   15
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4106                    descending   15
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4108                      detached   15
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4110                     disappear   15
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4112                     disciples   15
4113                   discoveries   15
4114                        dismay   15
4115                     distances   15
4116                    distresses   15
4117                      drooping   15
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4119                          duck   15
4120                       eagerly   15
4121                        echoed   15
4122                         edged   15
4123                         elbow   15
4124                         elder   15
4125                      eloquent   15
4126                      elvesham   15
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4128                         event   15
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4131                      existing   15
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4133                       fanny's   15
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4135                         feels   15
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4137                         filby   15
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4140                       flavour   15
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4143                        framed   15
4144                         frogs   15
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4146                          fuel   15
4147                       galloop   15
4148                         giddy   15
4149                       girders   15
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4151                       gliding   15
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4153                         grant   15
4154                      guardian   15
4155                        halted   15
4156                     hammering   15
4157                           han   15
4158                          harm   15
4159                        heaped   15
4160                        hedges   15
4161                          hint   15
4162                       hissing   15
4163                         hosts   15
4164                       humming   15
4165                          idle   15
4166                     incidents   15
4167                       inquiry   15
4168                   inscription   15
4169                      intended   15
4170                      invaders   15
4171                      invented   15
4172                         irish   15
4173                       january   15
4174                         joint   15
4175                          june   15
4176                      knocking   15
4177                          knot   15
4178                     labourers   15
4179                          lank   15
4180                        legend   15
4181                       lighted   15
4182                          limp   15
4183                         lions   15
4184                         loves   15
4185                        lugged   15
4186                     macedonia   15
4187                      maintain   15
4188                       massive   15
4189                          mess   15
4190                          mill   15
4191                         mills   15
4192                 miscellaneous   15
4193                    misfortune   15
4194                        mortal   15
4195                        myriad   15
4196                         nails   15
4197                     narrative   15
4198                     neighbour   15
4199                       nineveh   15
4200                      northmen   15
4201                    occupation   15
4202                 opportunities   15
4203                     orchestra   15
4204                       orderly   15
4205                      oriental   15
4206                    originally   15
4207                       outlook   15
4208                  overwhelming   15
4209                         paces   15
4210                      painting   15
4211                   palæolithic   15
4212                    passengers   15
4213                      pedestal   15
4214                         penny   15
4215                    persistent   15
4216                 personalities   15
4217                         phial   15
4218                         piano   15
4219                   politicians   15
4220                        pompey   15
4221                      preached   15
4222                      preserve   15
4223                    proclaimed   15
4224                    protestant   15
4225                        putney   15
4226                     realising   15
4227                      recorded   15
4228                       records   15
4229                      rejected   15
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4231                       require   15
4232                       retired   15
4233                      romantic   15
4234                          rude   15
4235                        ruined   15
4236                       ruinous   15
4237                        sacred   15
4238                        sargon   15
4239                       satisfy   15
4240                     schoolboy   15
4241                         scope   15
4242                     scrambled   15
4243                      scrutiny   15
4244                      searched   15
4245                       selfish   15
4246                       selling   15
4247                     sentences   15
4248                     sentiment   15
4249                   sentimental   15
4250                          sets   15
4251                        severe   15
4252                       shocked   15
4253                        shrubs   15
4254                          sits   15
4255                         skill   15
4256                         slide   15
4257                       snapped   15
4258                     societies   15
4259                         solar   15
4260                     specially   15
4261                         speck   15
4262                  speculations   15
4263                          spin   15
4264                    staggering   15
4265                      standard   15
4266                          stem   15
4267                     structure   15
4268                      suspense   15
4269                         swear   15
4270                          tang   15
4271                      tattered   15
4272                     teachings   15
4273                    tenderness   15
4274                         tenth   15
4275                          text   15
4276                   theological   15
4277                    thoughtful   15
4278                           toe   15
4279                        tossed   15
4280                     traversed   15
4281                        trucks   15
4282                      trustees   15
4283                     turkestan   15
4284                         twist   15
4285                   unavoidable   15
4286                   unnecessary   15
4287                      unstable   15
4288                       valleys   15
4289                      valuable   15
4290                        velvet   15
4291                         venus   15
4292                        violet   15
4293                          void   15
4294                       wadgers   15
4295                       waggons   15
4296                       wedding   15
4297                       whipped   15
4298                  winchelsea's   15
4299                         wiped   15
4300                          wool   15
4301                        worlds   15
4302                         woven   15
4303                         wreck   15
4304                         wrist   15
4305                            ye   15
4306                        yonder   15
4307                    zoological   15
4308                           101   14
4309                           114   14
4310                           118   14
4311                           135   14
4312                           149   14
4313                           187   14
4314                          1914   14
4315                           267   14
4316                           298   14
4317                           313   14
4318                           350   14
4319                           396   14
4320                           407   14
4321                            56   14
4322                            70   14
4323                            90   14
4324                            98   14
4325                        abrupt   14
4326                    adventures   14
4327                advertisements   14
4328                          akin   14
4329                         alarm   14
4330                         alter   14
4331                     apartment   14
4332                   association   14
4333                        assure   14
4334                           ate   14
4335                           awe   14
4336                        awhile   14
4337                           axe   14
4338                      backbone   14
4339                      balanced   14
4340                        barely   14
4341                         based   14
4342                         basin   14
4343                         beech   14
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4345                          bite   14
4346                       borders   14
4347                     boscastle   14
4348                       boyhood   14
4349                       burdock   14
4350                          card   14
4351                      cardinal   14
4352                     cathedral   14
4353                    characters   14
4354                       charges   14
4355                         check   14
4356                     childless   14
4357                         chill   14
4358                      clearing   14
4359                     clearness   14
4360                     clockwork   14
4361                      clumsily   14
4362                        column   14
4363                   comparative   14
4364                       compare   14
4365                     completed   14
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4367                     conductor   14
4368                   confederate   14
4369                      confound   14
4370                    conscience   14
4371                   consolation   14
4372                     contained   14
4373                      contrive   14
4374                        correa   14
4375                      counting   14
4376                         crush   14
4377                       cunning   14
4378                      cupboard   14
4379                          cure   14
4380                         curly   14
4381                        damage   14
4382                        danube   14
4383                      darkling   14
4384                       dealing   14
4385                          deer   14
4386                         delay   14
4387                      departed   14
4388                       descent   14
4389                      detailed   14
4390                       dialect   14
4391                       dislike   14
4392                    disordered   14
4393                   disturbance   14
4394                        dragon   14
4395                        drawer   14
4396                         drops   14
4397                      dwindled   14
4398                        echoes   14
4399                       echoing   14
4400                       embrace   14
4401                      emphasis   14
4402                   encountered   14
4403                     endowment   14
4404                      entering   14
4405                         entry   14
4406                      estimate   14
4407                       eternal   14
4408                   exaggerated   14
4409                        fading   14
4410                       feeding   14
4411                       flaming   14
4412                      flinging   14
4413                      foremost   14
4414                        frenzy   14
4415                        fronds   14
4416                       furtive   14
4417                        gasped   14
4418                         gauls   14
4419                        gossip   14
4420                        guests   14
4421                        gutter   14
4422                      habitual   14
4423                      haunting   14
4424                       haven’t   14
4425                        helmet   14
4426                     henderson   14
4427                     heraclius   14
4428                          hero   14
4429                          hist   14
4430                    historical   14
4431                          hood   14
4432                      horsemen   14
4433                       howling   14
4434                         hullo   14
4435                         hwang   14
4436                        ideals   14
4437                     imaginary   14
4438                     imitation   14
4439                     immensely   14
4440                      imminent   14
4441                        import   14
4442                      impulses   14
4443                     inaudible   14
4444                  incidentally   14
4445                    indulgence   14
4446                   ineffective   14
4447                   influential   14
4448                      informed   14
4449                    initiative   14
4450                           ink   14
4451                   inspiration   14
4452                       invited   14
4453                           job   14
4454                      journals   14
4455                        julius   14
4456                         knock   14
4457                       largest   14
4458                           lid   14
4459                   limitations   14
4460                      littered   14
4461                        lovely   14
4462                       loyalty   14
4463                      master's   14
4464                      mattered   14
4465                          maya   14
4466                         medes   14
4467                     messenger   14
4468                       michael   14
4469                       modesty   14
4470                      monarchs   14
4471                       monkeys   14
4472                        moslem   14
4473                      mother's   14
4474                        mounds   14
4475                       noisily   14
4476                     obedience   14
4477                       obelisk   14
4478                        obeyed   14
4479                      offering   14
4480                         one’s   14
4481                       other's   14
4482                        packet   14
4483                         paint   14
4484                       palaces   14
4485                       parents   14
4486                        peeped   14
4487                   penetrating   14
4488                       pharaoh   14
4489                         pious   14
4490                      pitiless   14
4491                          pony   14
4492                   populations   14
4493                   practicable   14
4494                       precise   14
4495                     preferred   14
4496                 preoccupation   14
4497                   proceedings   14
4498                    procession   14
4499                          prof   14
4500                       protect   14
4501                         prove   14
4502                          puff   14
4503                       pungent   14
4504                   questioning   14
4505                            ra   14
4506                           rag   14
4507                          rags   14
4508                      recovery   14
4509                    refinement   14
4510                     regularly   14
4511                     remaining   14
4512                representative   14
4513                   resemblance   14
4514                        review   14
4515                         rhine   14
4516                           rid   14
4517                       rightly   14
4518                       roughly   14
4519                         ruddy   14
4520                          sale   14
4521                     salvation   14
4522                        sarote   14
4523                        scenes   14
4524                         scent   14
4525                       schemes   14
4526                        scream   14
4527                        screen   14
4528                   scrutinised   14
4529                        sealed   14
4530                     secondary   14
4531                      selected   14
4532                          semi   14
4533                    shepperton   14
4534                       shifted   14
4535                      shifting   14
4536                        sketch   14
4537                     slaughter   14
4538                      slipping   14
4539                          sore   14
4540                    specialist   14
4541                     spiritual   14
4542                     statesman   14
4543                      stations   14
4544                      stimulus   14
4545                       stooped   14
4546                       stretch   14
4547                       strides   14
4548                    suggestive   14
4549                      sunburnt   14
4550                     survivors   14
4551                          swim   14
4552                         sybil   14
4553                      symptoms   14
4554                     technical   14
4555                   temperament   14
4556                      tempered   14
4557                      theories   14
4558                  thoughtfully   14
4559                        throne   14
4560                  thunderstorm   14
4561                           thy   14
4562                        tilted   14
4563                          tips   14
4564                          tops   14
4565                      trembled   14
4566                         tribe   14
4567                         truck   14
4568                           tse   14
4569                         types   14
4570                   unfortunate   14
4571                       vandals   14
4572                         vanes   14
4573                      vastness   14
4574                      vertical   14
4575                        visits   14
4576                          vote   14
4577                        wasn’t   14
4578                           web   14
4579                         weird   14
4580                      whispers   14
4581                     wimbledon   14
4582                           wit   14
4583                     witnesses   14
4584                        worker   14
4585                       wrecked   14
4586                      writings   14
4587                       wrought   14
4588                            xv   14
4589                           yer   14
4590                         you’d   14
4591                           117   13
4592                           131   13
4593                           156   13
4594                           161   13
4595                           166   13
4596                           186   13
4597                           202   13
4598                           213   13
4599                           222   13
4600                           224   13
4601                           229   13
4602                           233   13
4603                           235   13
4604                           304   13
4605                           310   13
4606                           348   13
4607                           359   13
4608                            61   13
4609                            63   13
4610                            69   13
4611                          _he_   13
4612                          _nat   13
4613                        _this_   13
4614                       ability   13
4615                   accumulated   13
4616                       adopted   13
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4619                       anguish   13
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4629                     australia   13
4630                        author   13
4631                        barman   13
4632                         basis   13
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4634                         bills   13
4635                        bishop   13
4636                          bits   13
4637                         blade   13
4638                         blame   13
4639                       blankly   13
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4641                        bolted   13
4642                      boundary   13
4643                        brandy   13
4644                        breach   13
4645                     brother’s   13
4646                      buddhism   13
4647                      burgundy   13
4648                          bust   13
4649                        butler   13
4650                       cabinet   13
4651                          cabs   13
4652                     carriages   13
4653                         caves   13
4654                        chapel   13
4655                   citizenship   13
4656                         coals   13
4657                   combination   13
4658                      combined   13
4659                      comments   13
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4661                     connected   13
4662                   consciously   13
4663                  constitution   13
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4666                      crampton   13
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4669                      crippled   13
4670                       cruelty   13
4671                      cushions   13
4672                          cuts   13
4673                      dazzling   13
4674                       decayed   13
4675                         delia   13
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4677                           dey   13
4678                          dick   13
4679                         dingy   13
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4687                        divine   13
4688                        diving   13
4689                      doctor's   13
4690                       doctors   13
4691                         dodge   13
4692                          dots   13
4693                         dozed   13
4694                        duties   13
4695                        elbows   13
4696                     elephants   13
4697                        enable   13
4698                      energies   13
4699                    engagement   13
4700                   entertained   13
4701                         erect   13
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4704                   exceedingly   13
4705                 exceptionally   13
4706                     expecting   13
4707                      exposure   13
4708                     exquisite   13
4709                   extravagant   13
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4713                      fatigued   13
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4715                        feudal   13
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4718                        fitful   13
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4724                         frost   13
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4726                          gang   13
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4728                      generals   13
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4731                       glacial   13
4732                      gleaming   13
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4734                        gnawed   13
4735                       haggard   13
4736                        hansom   13
4737                       happily   13
4738                      hardship   13
4739                       hatched   13
4740                         hates   13
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4742                        heated   13
4743                    heidelberg   13
4744                    hysterical   13
4745                        images   13
4746                   imperialism   13
4747                   incessantly   13
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4749                       initial   13
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4751                 instinctively   13
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4753                   instruction   13
4754                        intend   13
4755                   intensified   13
4756                     interrupt   13
4757                    intervened   13
4758                  irresistible   13
4759                          isis   13
4760                         isn’t   13
4761                          jerk   13
4762                       kissing   13
4763                           lad   13
4764                       legends   13
4765                           leo   13
4766                      likeness   13
4767                         lined   13
4768                         linen   13
4769                     liverpool   13
4770                       madness   13
4771                       markets   13
4772                      marvel’s   13
4773                          marx   13
4774                         masts   13
4775                  mathematical   13
4776                      moisture   13
4777                          moss   13
4778                       mothers   13
4779                        motive   13
4780                       muscles   13
4781                         mused   13
4782                     mysteries   13
4783                        nebula   13
4784                       network   13
4785                         ninth   13
4786                        novels   13
4787                       obliged   13
4788                      obtained   13
4789                       officer   13
4790                     offspring   13
4791                       orchids   13
4792                      ornament   13
4793                         oscar   13
4794                      outlines   13
4795                        pacing   13
4796                          pack   13
4797                        panels   13
4798                        panted   13
4799                       pasture   13
4800                     patriotic   13
4801                      peasants   13
4802                     persuaded   13
4803                       phantom   13
4804                       picking   13
4805                   picturesque   13
4806                           pin   13
4807                        plains   13
4808                       plaster   13
4809                         plate   13
4810                     pleasures   13
4811                        plunge   13
4812                      plymouth   13
4813                          pole   13
4814                    politician   13
4815                      positive   13
4816                    profounder   13
4817                     projected   13
4818                    projecting   13
4819                     provinces   13
4820                        pursue   13
4821                        raided   13
4822                      reckless   13
4823                     recording   13
4824                        refuse   13
4825                       remorse   13
4826                     repeating   13
4827                   responsible   13
4828                       restore   13
4829                       review_   13
4830                        riddle   13
4831                           rob   13
4832                         roots   13
4833                        rotten   13
4834                         route   13
4835                         sabre   13
4836                          sack   13
4837                        saddle   13
4838                         sandy   13
4839                  satisfactory   13
4840                   scholarship   13
4841                      scorched   13
4842                        scraps   13
4843                      secretly   13
4844                      seething   13
4845                     selection   13
4846                      severely   13
4847                        shared   13
4848                         shave   13
4849                      shrieked   13
4850                     shrubbery   13
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4852                         sixty   13
4853                         sizes   13
4854                         skies   13
4855                        smiles   13
4856                          sofa   13
4857                      softened   13
4858                      somewhen   13
4859                        sooner   13
4860                     specimens   13
4861                         speed   13
4862                       spiders   13
4863                       stamped   13
4864                      starving   13
4865                     steadfast   13
4866                       steeply   13
4867                      sticking   13
4868                    stimulated   13
4869                   stimulating   13
4870                         stool   13
4871                        strand   13
4872                       streams   13
4873                      stricken   13
4874                       subdued   13
4875                      suchlike   13
4876                        sunken   13
4877                      surfaces   13
4878                  surroundings   13
4879                       survive   13
4880                       sustain   13
4881                       swarmed   13
4882                       swifter   13
4883                      symphony   13
4884                     telephone   13
4885                       tempted   13
4886                          term   13
4887                     terrified   13
4888                          the_   13
4889                          ties   13
4890                        tinted   13
4891                       tongues   13
4892                       totally   13
4893                      towering   13
4894                    transverse   13
4895                       tribute   13
4896                       trusted   13
4897                         tubes   13
4898                       typical   13
4899                      ultimate   13
4900                       unaware   13
4901                      unbroken   13
4902                  unreasonable   13
4903                   unsuspected   13
4904                       version   13
4905                        vessel   13
4906                       visited   13
4907                         vista   13
4908                          wade   13
4909                         waded   13
4910                         wakes   13
4911                        warmer   13
4912                        wildly   13
4913                          wits   13
4914                          wont   13
4915                      wouldn’t   13
4916                        you’ve   13
4917                          zeal   13
4918                           111   12
4919                           138   12
4920                           140   12
4921                           142   12
4922                           193   12
4923                           195   12
4924                           199   12
4925                           240   12
4926                           275   12
4927                           335   12
4928                           337   12
4929                            34   12
4930                           349   12
4931                           358   12
4932                            36   12
4933                           399   12
4934                           409   12
4935                           411   12
4936                            48   12
4937                            50   12
4938                            51   12
4939                            72   12
4940                            76   12
4941                       abandon   12
4942                       abolish   12
4943                    acceptable   12
4944                  accumulation   12
4945                           add   12
4946                      adequate   12
4947                      adjacent   12
4948                    adjustment   12
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4950                         aisle   12
4951                          alps   12
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4953                           ant   12
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4958                        armour   12
4959                       arrange   12
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4962                        attila   12
4963                        bagdad   12
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4976                      brooding   12
4977                      brownish   12
4978                       brushed   12
4979                      buddhist   12
4980                          bury   12
4981                       byfleet   12
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4983                        caliph   12
4984                        canada   12
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4986                         cards   12
4987                      ceremony   12
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4989                      chambers   12
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4992                         chase   12
4993                      chinaman   12
4994                    christians   12
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4996                         click   12
4997                       clothed   12
4998                    compromise   12
4999                     concealed   12
5000                 concentration   12
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5009                        cursed   12
5010                     customary   12
5011                         cyrus   12
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5013                           dad   12
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5017                        dealer   12
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5019                       decency   12
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5075                          gale   12
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5079                       heather   12
5080                   heliolithic   12
5081                    helplessly   12
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5083                        horrid   12
5084                      hospital   12
5085                        hotter   12
5086                     housemaid   12
5087                   humiliating   12
5088                          hunt   12
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5090                   improvement   12
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5108                         judah   12
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5113                           lao   12
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5124                    macedonian   12
5125                   machiavelli   12
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5127                        marine   12
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5129                      massacre   12
5130                         mayor   12
5131                         mecca   12
5132                         mines   12
5133                      minority   12
5134                   momentarily   12
5135                         mount   12
5136                      mourning   12
5137                   necessities   12
5138                 neighbourhood   12
5139                   netherlands   12
5140                     nightmare   12
5141                    nightmares   12
5142                   nothingness   12
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5147                     overtaken   12
5148                     ownership   12
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5150                           pat   12
5151                      pathetic   12
5152                          paul   12
5153                        paying   12
5154                      peaceful   12
5155                       peeping   12
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5158                   permanently   12
5159                    personally   12
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5161                          peru   12
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5164                      planning   12
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5166                       poverty   12
5167                      practice   12
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5169                           pre   12
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5171                     precipice   12
5172                       prepare   12
5173                      pretence   12
5174                     pretended   12
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5177                    profession   12
5178                       profile   12
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5182                    protection   12
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5185                    psychology   12
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5187                        purely   12
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5190                         rails   12
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5194                       reddish   12
5195                       reeling   12
5196                     reference   12
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5199                    remarkably   12
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5201                       reports   12
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5204                        resort   12
5205                       returns   12
5206                      reverted   12
5207                       revived   12
5208                    rhetorical   12
5209                        richly   12
5210                        riding   12
5211                         robes   12
5212                    roehampton   12
5213                      rotating   12
5214                       rubbish   12
5215                      russians   12
5216                   sacrificial   12
5217                          sang   12
5218                    satisfying   12
5219                        scales   12
5220                        scores   12
5221                      scotland   12
5222                      scramble   12
5223                         scrap   12
5224                       seaward   12
5225                       secrecy   12
5226                     secretary   12
5227                        senate   12
5228                      serenity   12
5229                        shaken   12
5230                       shaking   12
5231                        shrill   12
5232                    simplicity   12
5233                     skeletons   12
5234                          slab   12
5235                     sleepless   12
5236                         slips   12
5237                         snows   12
5238                       solomon   12
5239                      sounding   12
5240                       speaker   12
5241                        speaks   12
5242                     splashing   12
5243                          spur   12
5244                     steamship   12
5245                       steppes   12
5246                      stooping   12
5247                        storms   12
5248                      strained   12
5249                       strings   12
5250                  subsequently   12
5251                        subtly   12
5252                      suburban   12
5253                     successes   12
5254                        sultan   12
5255                        swamps   12
5256                       tangled   12
5257                        tennis   12
5258                         tense   12
5259                      tentacle   12
5260                       they’re   12
5261                       thickly   12
5262                         thief   12
5263                     thrusting   12
5264                      trailing   12
5265                          tram   12
5266                     transient   12
5267                         trial   12
5268                        trifle   12
5269                        tunnel   12
5270                         twigs   12
5271                    ultimately   12
5272                 unaccountable   12
5273                 undisciplined   12
5274                       urgency   12
5275                        vaster   12
5276                       visibly   12
5277                         wards   12
5278                          wash   12
5279                       whistle   12
5280                       winding   12
5281                         windy   12
5282                     witnessed   12
5283                       world’s   12
5284                  wretchedness   12
5285                        writes   12
5286                          xiii   12
5287                           132   11
5288                           181   11
5289                           183   11
5290                           194   11
5291                           212   11
5292                           228   11
5293                           251   11
5294                           288   11
5295                           289   11
5296                           332   11
5297                           345   11
5298                           383   11
5299                           386   11
5300                            66   11
5301                            84   11
5302                         _are_   11
5303                           _in   11
5304                          _me_   11
5305                          _my_   11
5306                        _ocean   11
5307                          _two   11
5308                      abnormal   11
5309                     absurdity   11
5310                        accent   11
5311                   accompanied   11
5312                  accomplished   11
5313                        accord   11
5314                  achievements   11
5315                  administered   11
5316                administration   11
5317                         adult   11
5318                     aesthetic   11
5319                       african   11
5320                     agitation   11
5321                        alight   11
5322                    allegiance   11
5323                     anarchist   11
5324                           ape   11
5325                        arabia   11
5326                        arabic   11
5327                     arbitrary   11
5328                         argue   11
5329                          arts   11
5330                        aryans   11
5331                     assyrians   11
5332                  astronomical   11
5333                      audience   11
5334                        august   11
5335                      augustus   11
5336                      awaiting   11
5337                     awkwardly   11
5338                        banged   11
5339                     barbarian   11
5340                       barrier   11
5341                           bat   11
5342                        beetle   11
5343                       belgium   11
5344                       bellows   11
5345                     belvedere   11
5346                    blackboard   11
5347                         bleak   11
5348                       blotted   11
5349                        bluish   11
5350                         borne   11
5351                           bow   11
5352                        branch   11
5353                          brim   11
5354                      bulgaria   11
5355                       burslem   11
5356                        button   11
5357                          cage   11
5358                        calmly   11
5359                       camphor   11
5360                           car   11
5361                     certainty   11
5362                        chased   11
5363                        choked   11
5364                      choosing   11
5365                        chorus   11
5366                      chosroes   11
5367                       circles   11
5368                       clamber   11
5369                       clasped   11
5370                       climbed   11
5371                         cloak   11
5372                         clump   11
5373                       cluster   11
5374                     committed   11
5375                       commons   11
5376                communications   11
5377                     concluded   11
5378                     confirmed   11
5379                     confusing   11
5380                    conquering   11
5381                       contest   11
5382                      conveyed   11
5383                          cook   11
5384                          core   11
5385                       craving   11
5386                         crawl   11
5387                         creep   11
5388                     customers   11
5389                       customs   11
5390                        darker   11
5391                       dearest   11
5392                        decide   11
5393                   declaration   11
5394                    definition   11
5395                  demonstrator   11
5396                   devastating   11
5397                      diameter   11
5398                     dinosaurs   11
5399                     directing   11
5400                    discomfort   11
5401                      diseases   11
5402                    disengaged   11
5403                  distribution   11
5404                      distrust   11
5405                       divorce   11
5406                    dominating   11
5407                          dose   11
5408                      downcast   11
5409                      downhill   11
5410                      dragging   11
5411                    dreadfully   11
5412                       dreamed   11
5413                       dresses   11
5414                         dried   11
5415                        drives   11
5416                    earthquake   11
5417                          echo   11
5418                        egbert   11
5419                     egyptians   11
5420                        eighty   11
5421                   elaborately   11
5422                      eleventh   11
5423                       elusive   11
5424                     emptiness   11
5425                       enabled   11
5426                        endure   11
5427                       endured   11
5428                   enterprises   11
5429                  enterprising   11
5430                  enthusiastic   11
5431                       entries   11
5432                      evenings   11
5433                     exchanged   11
5434                      exciting   11
5435                     explosive   11
5436                     extending   11
5437                    exultation   11
5438                         fauna   11
5439                    fellowship   11
5440                      feverish   11
5441                           fig   11
5442                       figured   11
5443                        fitted   11
5444                     flattened   11
5445                         flush   11
5446                     followers   11
5447                        formal   11
5448                     formation   11
5449                      fragment   11
5450                          fred   11
5451                      frontage   11
5452                      fumbling   11
5453                      futility   11
5454                     galloping   11
5455                         gazed   11
5456                        gazing   11
5457                          gear   11
5458                     gibraltar   11
5459                        glassy   11
5460                      glimpses   11
5461                       gnawing   11
5462                       goggles   11
5463                        gothic   11
5464                    gracefully   11
5465                     gratitude   11
5466                        greasy   11
5467                       greyish   11
5468                         grimy   11
5469                        guinea   11
5470                 hallucination   11
5471                        hall’s   11
5472                       harvest   11
5473                       helpful   11
5474                      hesitate   11
5475                    hinterland   11
5476                       hitting   11
5477                      honestly   11
5478                    honourable   11
5479                        hoping   11
5480                         horus   11
5481                      hovering   11
5482                        humour   11
5483                         idiot   11
5484                  illumination   11
5485                            im   11
5486                      immortal   11
5487                    impassable   11
5488                 impossibility   11
5489                    imprisoned   11
5490                  imprisonment   11
5491                 inconvenience   11
5492                         index   11
5493                       indoors   11
5494                        infant   11
5495                        inland   11
5496                    insecurity   11
5497                    inspection   11
5498                        intact   11
5499                  interference   11
5500                       irksome   11
5501                     ironworks   11
5502                    irrational   11
5503                    irrigation   11
5504                        issued   11
5505                           jew   11
5506                         judea   11
5507                         kills   11
5508                         kinds   11
5509                       knitted   11
5510                            la   11
5511                     laborious   11
5512                        lagoon   11
5513                         lakes   11
5514                     limitless   11
5515                        loaded   11
5516                       locarno   11
5517                    londonward   11
5518                         loses   11
5519                          lust   11
5520                    manuscript   11
5521                     marvelled   11
5522                       masonry   11
5523                       mastery   11
5524                    meditation   11
5525                      mentally   11
5526                         milan   11
5527                        mingle   11
5528                       missile   11
5529                    missionary   11
5530                     mistaking   11
5531                        modest   11
5532                        molten   11
5533                     momentous   11
5534                      muttered   11
5535                      narrowly   11
5536                 neanderthaler   11
5537                nebuchadnezzar   11
5538                         necks   11
5539                         noses   11
5540                      november   11
5541                          oars   11
5542                     obliquely   11
5543                      opinions   11
5544                         opium   11
5545                     ornaments   11
5546                       ottoman   11
5547                         owned   11
5548                        owners   11
5549                        pantry   11
5550                        papacy   11
5551                       parcels   11
5552                 parliamentary   11
5553                   particulars   11
5554                         paths   11
5555                       peasant   11
5556                      perished   11
5557                    pestilence   11
5558                         peter   11
5559                    physiology   11
5560                       pierced   11
5561                        pigeon   11
5562                       pinkish   11
5563                      pioneer_   11
5564                        plough   11
5565                          poet   11
5566                        poland   11
5567                      populous   11
5568                     positions   11
5569                    previously   11
5570                       primary   11
5571                     principle   11
5572                    proceeding   11
5573                  professional   11
5574                        profit   11
5575                         proof   11
5576                   proposition   11
5577                    provisions   11
5578                   publication   11
5579                       publish   11
5580                      pyramids   11
5581                     qualified   11
5582                      reasoned   11
5583                      reassure   11
5584                     recalling   11
5585                      recesses   11
5586                      reckoned   11
5587                          reek   11
5588                    reflecting   11
5589                        regent   11
5590                       relieve   11
5591                   reluctantly   11
5592                       replace   11
5593                     republics   11
5594                        resign   11
5595                      resigned   11
5596                      response   11
5597                    restrained   11
5598                    retrospect   11
5599                           rev   11
5600                     reverence   11
5601                        richer   11
5602                          ride   11
5603                           rim   11
5604                         rings   11
5605                          ripe   11
5606                         robed   11
5607                          root   11
5608                      rotation   11
5609                       rumours   11
5610                      rustling   11
5611                         sails   11
5612                        sample   11
5613                        sanity   11
5614                        schism   11
5615                        scotch   11
5616                     september   11
5617                       seventy   11
5618                          shaw   11
5619                       shelley   11
5620                         shore   11
5621                        shreds   11
5622                         sided   11
5623                        signed   11
5624                      silenced   11
5625                       sixteen   11
5626                        sleeps   11
5627                         smart   11
5628                        sodden   11
5629                     solicitor   11
5630                       sources   11
5631                     sovereign   11
5632                          spat   11
5633                   speculation   11
5634                   speculative   11
5635                      speeches   11
5636                        sphere   11
5637                    splendours   11
5638                     sprawling   11
5639                         stall   11
5640                         stark   11
5641                        starts   11
5642                        stated   11
5643                    stationary   11
5644                      stepping   11
5645                         sting   11
5646                       streaks   11
5647                     streamers   11
5648                        stride   11
5649                    subjugated   11
5650                   subjugation   11
5651                     submerged   11
5652                  successfully   11
5653                      suitable   11
5654                       summits   11
5655                      summoned   11
5656                          sunk   11
5657                 superstitious   11
5658                   surrendered   11
5659                      survived   11
5660                       swollen   11
5661                      syracuse   11
5662                      tangible   11
5663                        tapped   11
5664                     territory   11
5665                       thirsty   11
5666                        threat   11
5667                    thundering   11
5668                        topics   11
5669                       torture   11
5670                         track   11
5671                      tramping   11
5672                    travellers   11
5673                          trod   11
5674                   troublesome   11
5675                     twinkling   11
5676                          tyre   11
5677                 unconsciously   11
5678                    undeniable   11
5679                        uneasy   11
5680                    unfinished   11
5681                     unmeaning   11
5682                       upright   11
5683                        uproar   11
5684                        values   11
5685                          vice   11
5686                    victorious   11
5687                         vigil   11
5688                     vividness   11
5689                     waistcoat   11
5690                       washing   11
5691                           wax   11
5692                       wealthy   11
5693                         wedge   11
5694                         widow   11
5695                         wills   11
5696                        winged   11
5697                         wires   11
5698                         worry   11
5699                        wretch   11
5700                        xerxes   11
5701                          xvii   11
5702                         xviii   11
5703                       yelling   11
5704                      zeppelin   11
5705                           121   10
5706                           124   10
5707                           130   10
5708                           155   10
5709                           172   10
5710                           184   10
5711                          1917   10
5712                          1918   10
5713                           208   10
5714                           241   10
5715                           249   10
5716                           271   10
5717                           274   10
5718                           277   10
5719                           286   10
5720                           293   10
5721                           295   10
5722                           319   10
5723                            32   10
5724                           342   10
5725                           344   10
5726                           347   10
5727                           353   10
5728                           360   10
5729                           391   10
5730                           413   10
5731                           416   10
5732                           417   10
5733                            44   10
5734                            46   10
5735                            47   10
5736                            54   10
5737                            59   10
5738                            93   10
5739                           abu   10
5740                    accidental   10
5741                  acquaintance   10
5742                       acutely   10
5743                       advised   10
5744                     aepyornis   10
5745                     aeronauts   10
5746                     affecting   10
5747                      afforded   10
5748                         agent   10
5749                    aggression   10
5750                         agree   10
5751                          ally   10
5752                     anecdotes   10
5753                        angels   10
5754                      appealed   10
5755                       applied   10
5756                     appointed   10
5757                  appointments   10
5758                       archaic   10
5759                    armageddon   10
5760                           ash   10
5761                     attentive   10
5762                         attic   10
5763                       audibly   10
5764                           ave   10
5765                       awaited   10
5766                       awkward   10
5767                           b.m   10
5768                        banner   10
5769                        barnet   10
5770                      barriers   10
5771                        bathed   10
5772                      battered   10
5773                         beats   10
5774                       beetles   10
5775                       boatman   10
5776                        bolder   10
5777                          boss   10
5778                        bother   10
5779                    breathless   10
5780                         breed   10
5781                      breeding   10
5782                         brisk   10
5783                      browning   10
5784                       brushes   10
5785                        brutes   10
5786                        budget   10
5787                        burned   10
5788                         burns   10
5789                       butcher   10
5790                     butterfly   10
5791                          camp   10
5792                        cannon   10
5793                        canoes   10
5794                     caressing   10
5795                   carnivorous   10
5796                 carthaginians   10
5797                        carved   10
5798                   catastrophe   10
5799                          cell   10
5800                        chaise   10
5801                         chang   10
5802                    cheerfully   10
5803                      chemical   10
5804                     cherished   10
5805                         chess   10
5806                      chimneys   10
5807                       chipped   10
5808                          chow   10
5809                         clang   10
5810                         claws   10
5811                        cloudy   10
5812                         coats   10
5813                         coils   10
5814                       collect   10
5815                      colonial   10
5816                      columbus   10
5817                     committee   10
5818                    compassion   10
5819                      composed   10
5820                      conceive   10
5821                      concerns   10
5822                      concrete   10
5823                         cones   10
5824                     conflicts   10
5825                   consecutive   10
5826                     consisted   10
5827                  consolidated   10
5828                   constantine   10
5829                constellations   10
5830                   consumption   10
5831                      contours   10
5832                    contrasted   10
5833                   contributed   10
5834                conversational   10
5835                        costly   10
5836                   countenance   10
5837                        courts   10
5838                       cramped   10
5839                      creative   10
5840                          crew   10
5841                         cycle   10
5842                     deafening   10
5843                      decisive   10
5844                       delayed   10
5845                     delicious   10
5846                  delightfully   10
5847                      delusion   10
5848                          deny   10
5849                         desks   10
5850                    destroying   10
5851                      diffused   10
5852                     dimension   10
5853                    diminished   10
5854                    discretion   10
5855                    disgusting   10
5856                          dish   10
5857                      disliked   10
5858                      dismally   10
5859                   distributed   10
5860                      dominate   10
5861                        dreary   10
5862                        driver   10
5863                       droning   10
5864                          drum   10
5865                       earth’s   10
5866                         edges   10
5867                       edifice   10
5868                       egotist   10
5869                    embankment   10
5870                      embarked   10
5871                      emerging   10
5872                       eminent   10
5873                      engineer   10
5874                    englishman   10
5875                      enlarged   10
5876                  entomologist   10
5877                           era   10
5878                       essence   10
5879                      etruscan   10
5880                        excess   10
5881                      explicit   10
5882                   exquisitely   10
5883                       extinct   10
5884                       fainter   10
5885                      faintest   10
5886                       fancies   10
5887                      farewell   10
5888                   fascination   10
5889                       fathers   10
5890                          feed   10
5891                        fences   10
5892                        filthy   10
5893                           fir   10
5894                         fists   10
5895                       flaring   10
5896                         flask   10
5897                      flourish   10
5898                     forgetful   10
5899                 forgetfulness   10
5900                     fountains   10
5901                         fours   10
5902                       freshly   10
5903                    fruitlands   10
5904                         gaily   10
5905                    generously   10
5906                      gladness   10
5907                       glitter   10
5908                         gloom   10
5909                         god’s   10
5910                       granted   10
5911                      grateful   10
5912                          grin   10
5913                        guided   10
5914                        guides   10
5915                     gunpowder   10
5916                        gurker   10
5917                     hammurabi   10
5918                   handwriting   10
5919                       harbour   10
5920                       hateful   10
5921                        heelas   10
5922                        helper   10
5923                     historian   10
5924                      holidays   10
5925                     holroyd's   10
5926                         hoofs   10
5927                     hunchback   10
5928                    identified   10
5929                  illuminating   10
5930                      imitated   10
5931                   impatiently   10
5932                    inadequate   10
5933                     inaudibly   10
5934                  increasingly   10
5935                  indifference   10
5936                  indisputable   10
5937                     influenza   10
5938                          inns   10
5939                  inscriptions   10
5940                      inspired   10
5941                   institution   10
5942                  insufficient   10
5943                     intellect   10
5944                     intending   10
5945                    invariably   10
5946                    invitation   10
5947                 involuntarily   10
5948                 irresponsible   10
5949                        israel   10
5950                        judges   10
5951                       justify   10
5952                         keats   10
5953                           kew   10
5954                       kicking   10
5955                      kingston   10
5956                       kipling   10
5957                         knelt   10
5958                        knives   10
5959                          lark   10
5960                       legions   10
5961                   legislation   10
5962                       lessons   10
5963                        levels   10
5964                          liar   10
5965                       lighter   10
5966                       logical   10
5967                    loneliness   10
5968                      loosened   10
5969                        loudly   10
5970                        louisa   10
5971                         lumps   10
5972                          lung   10
5973                         lurid   10
5974                       mammoth   10
5975                   manufacture   10
5976                        margin   10
5977                         marie   10
5978                        marius   10
5979                       marking   10
5980                  marvellously   10
5981                      mastered   10
5982                   meditations   10
5983                         men's   10
5984                       message   10
5985                        millie   10
5986                      mingling   10
5987                     ministers   10
5988                  misadventure   10
5989                      mischief   10
5990                       mission   10
5991                      modified   10
5992                         mogul   10
5993                     monuments   10
5994                     moonshine   10
5995                      morality   10
5996                        morbid   10
5997                      muscular   10
5998                        musing   10
5999                          mute   10
6000                  mysteriously   10
6001                          navy   10
6002                         necho   10
6003                       needles   10
6004                         newts   10
6005                          nigh   10
6006                      nineteen   10
6007                     nocturnal   10
6008                        normal   10
6009                      normandy   10
6010                      obstacle   10
6011                       october   10
6012                         odour   10
6013                        openly   10
6014                       organic   10
6015                      organise   10
6016                       outcome   10
6017                  outstretched   10
6018                      overtake   10
6019                      overtook   10
6020                            ox   10
6021                   palpitating   10
6022                     paralysed   10
6023                       parapet   10
6024                     passenger   10
6025                       passive   10
6026                        patent   10
6027                 peculiarities   10
6028                          peer   10
6029                      people's   10
6030                    persepolis   10
6031                     persisted   10
6032                   persistence   10
6033                    physically   10
6034                      physique   10
6035                    phœnicians   10
6036                        plates   10
6037                     plausible   10
6038                         plays   10
6039                      pleasing   10
6040                      ploughed   10
6041                         poems   10
6042                         poles   10
6043                      politely   10
6044                       porters   10
6045                      portugal   10
6046                    positively   10
6047                          pray   10
6048                        prayer   10
6049                       praying   10
6050                   predominant   10
6051                      prestige   10
6052                      primrose   10
6053                     producing   10
6054                   profoundest   10
6055                     prolonged   10
6056                    prominence   10
6057                        prompt   10
6058                      proposed   10
6059                proprietorship   10
6060                     prostrate   10
6061                       protest   10
6062                      protests   10
6063                      province   10
6064                    punishment   10
6065                      purchase   10
6066                      pursuing   10
6067                    questioned   10
6068                        ralphs   10
6069                         ranks   10
6070                           rap   10
6071                      rapidity   10
6072                     realistic   10
6073                   realization   10
6074                      realized   10
6075                    reappeared   10
6076                       receive   10
6077                     receiving   10
6078                         reeds   10
6079                          reef   10
6080                        reeled   10
6081                        regime   10
6082                       related   10
6083                        remedy   10
6084                        render   10
6085                        repent   10
6086                  requirements   10
6087                      resorted   10
6088                  restlessness   10
6089                      retained   10
6090                       reverse   10
6091                        revive   10
6092                     rhodesian   10
6093                      rhythmic   10
6094                         roger   10
6095                          role   10
6096                          roll   10
6097                         ropes   10
6098                        rubber   10
6099                        salmon   10
6100                        samuel   10
6101                          scar   10
6102                       scarred   10
6103                    scepticism   10
6104                    scholastic   10
6105                    schoolroom   10
6106                     scythians   10
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6111                           shi   10
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6116                     similarly   10
6117                        singed   10
6118                      sinister   10
6119                          sink   10
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6121                         slime   10
6122                      slippers   10
6123                     smothered   10
6124                          soap   10
6125                       soaring   10
6126                      socially   10
6127                      solution   10
6128                     spectator   10
6129                      spending   10
6130                        spikes   10
6131                        splash   10
6132                         spray   10
6133                       squares   10
6134                      steaming   10
6135                       stomach   10
6136                       strikes   10
6137                  superstition   10
6138                      supports   10
6139                    sustaining   10
6140                      swallows   10
6141                       swathed   10
6142                         swing   10
6143                   switzerland   10
6144                          tame   10
6145                        tartar   10
6146                           tax   10
6147                      taxation   10
6148                          tear   10
6149                       tearing   10
6150                   temporarily   10
6151                         tenor   10
6152                        thaddy   10
6153                        thirst   10
6154                      thirteen   10
6155                       throats   10
6156                      thursday   10
6157                            ti   10
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6159                        titles   10
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6161                          toys   10
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6164                          tray   10
6165                       tripped   10
6166                      triumphs   10
6167                     undecided   10
6168                    underworld   10
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6171                        unrest   10
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6173                        valves   10
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6175                         veins   10
6176                    ventilator   10
6177                   vertebrated   10
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6179                       victims   10
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6181                      virginia   10
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6184                        watery   10
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6186                     wicksteed   10
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6188                        wife’s   10
6189                        wiping   10
6190                        withal   10
6191                         worms   10
6192                      wrinkled   10
6193                       yawning   10
6194                       zealand   10
6195                           144    9
6196                           153    9
6197                           154    9
6198                           165    9
6199                           168    9
6200                           170    9
6201                          1830    9
6202                           198    9
6203                           210    9
6204                           214    9
6205                           226    9
6206                           234    9
6207                           276    9
6208                           280    9
6209                           282    9
6210                           283    9
6211                           291    9
6212                           305    9
6213                           321    9
6214                            33    9
6215                           331    9
6216                           333    9
6217                           355    9
6218                           371    9
6219                           374    9
6220                           382    9
6221                           395    9
6222                            53    9
6223                            62    9
6224                            73    9
6225                            87    9
6226                           _at    9
6227                         _brit    9
6228                        _daily    9
6229                          _do_    9
6230                         _him_    9
6231                        _what_    9
6232                        _will_    9
6233                           a.m    9
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6263                        attend    9
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6266                         badge    9
6267                         balls    9
6268                       banners    9
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6270                        barges    9
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6272                       barnaby    9
6273                        barrel    9
6274                   battlefield    9
6275                      bearings    9
6276                       bicycle    9
6277                    biological    9
6278                      biscuits    9
6279                        blazed    9
6280                      blinking    9
6281                         block    9
6282                        blocks    9
6283                       blurred    9
6284                   boissonnas_    9
6285                     bolshevik    9
6286                     bonaparte    9
6287                      breathed    9
6288                       briefly    9
6289                       bronson    9
6290                         burly    9
6291                    businesses    9
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6293                         cairo    9
6294                      calamity    9
6295                         camel    9
6296                         cares    9
6297                    caricature    9
6298                       cascade    9
6299                         caste    9
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6302               characteristics    9
6303                         cheat    9
6304                        cheese    9
6305                        cheque    9
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6307                       chicago    9
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6339                       cricket    9
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6344                        curses    9
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6347                       daresay    9
6348                    darknesses    9
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6353                         deity    9
6354                      demanded    9
6355                      derelict    9
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6376                           dug    9
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6378                         eagle    9
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6405                       fatness    9
6406                         fault    9
6407                        façade    9
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6409                         feast    9
6410                       fencing    9
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6464                       horrors    9
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6500                      leathery    9
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6504                          limb    9
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6509                          lots    9
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6523                        martin    9
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6606                    pretending    9
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6647                           rot    9
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6649                          sail    9
6650                           san    9
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6652                       scarlet    9
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6664                       shaping    9
6665                        shaved    9
6666                         sheds    9
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6669                        shiver    9
6670                         shoal    9
6671                        shrine    9
6672                       shyness    9
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6674                      silences    9
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6676                         skins    9
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6683                        sparks    9
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6756                       world's    9
6757                           133    8
6758                           141    8
6759                           159    8
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6762                           188    8
6763                           191    8
6764                          1910    8
6765                          1915    8
6766                          1916    8
6767                           201    8
6768                           206    8
6769                           215    8
6770                           239    8
6771                           260    8
6772                           303    8
6773                           320    8
6774                           323    8
6775                           357    8
6776                           388    8
6777                           389    8
6778                           404    8
6779                           410    8
6780                            49    8
6781                            99    8
6782                         _coup    8
6783                         _did_    8
6784                           _en    8
6785                        _must_    8
6786                            _s    8
6787                         _why_    8
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6984                   fashionable    8
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6988                     ferdinand    8
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6990                        fixing    8
6991                         flack    8
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6993                        flimsy    8
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6995                         fluid    8
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6997                      football    8
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7000                    foundation    8
7001                    fourteenth    8
7002                     framework    8
7003                        franks    8
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7005                        frosty    8
7006                      frothing    8
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7008                     gardening    8
7009                       gateway    8
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7011                         genoa    8
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7026                        greedy    8
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7029                         grief    8
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7032                            ha    8
7033                        hanged    8
7034                      hannibal    8
7035                         hardy    8
7036                      harmless    8
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7038                       heart's    8
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7048                      howard's    8
7049                      humorous    8
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7051                       hunnish    8
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7091                           kin    8
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7093                      knitting    8
7094                        labels    8
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7099                        lawyer    8
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7102                        leaped    8
7103                         ledge    8
7104                          lend    8
7105                       lengthy    8
7106                          lent    8
7107                        lesser    8
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7109                      lifeless    8
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7111                        litter    8
7112                        lively    8
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7114                         llama    8
7115                       loafers    8
7116                       lodging    8
7117                        loggia    8
7118                       looting    8
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7120                       luckily    8
7121                        luxury    8
7122                  magnificence    8
7123                          maid    8
7124                     manchuria    8
7125                          mate    8
7126                    maximilian    8
7127                       maximum    8
7128                          maze    8
7129                        melody    8
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7131                 metallurgical    8
7132                        metals    8
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7136                       moonlit    8
7137                        moscow    8
7138                         moses    8
7139                        moslim    8
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7141                       mouthed    8
7142                        mutton    8
7143                     nietzsche    8
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7145                       niggers    8
7146                        nipped    8
7147                     nominally    8
7148                        norman    8
7149                        oblong    8
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7151                        obtain    8
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7172                      paradise    8
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7221                        raut's    8
7222                        raut’s    8
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7241                         roses    8
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7247                  sardanapalus    8
7248                      savagely    8
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7258                        senile    8
7259                    sensuality    8
7260                      serenely    8
7261                      settlers    8
7262                      shameful    8
7263                       shaving    8
7264                        shield    8
7265                        shores    8
7266                     shrieking    8
7267                      shutting    8
7268                         sidon    8
7269                       skilful    8
7270                         skirt    8
7271                       slashed    8
7272                         slate    8
7273                      slippery    8
7274                        snatch    8
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7276                        sobbed    8
7277                         sober    8
7278                        solaro    8
7279                         solve    8
7280                        sophia    8
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7283                        spider    8
7284                      splashes    8
7285                      splutter    8
7286                       stately    8
7287                     statesmen    8
7288                         stent    8
7289                       stilled    8
7290                      stippled    8
7291                         strap    8
7292                        strips    8
7293                       studded    8
7294                       studies    8
7295                      studying    8
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7297                         stung    8
7298                      stupidly    8
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7309                       surging    8
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7316                         swiss    8
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7321                     temperate    8
7322                      tenderly    8
7323                       terrors    8
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7329                         thigh    8
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7335                          tint    8
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7337                        toilet    8
7338                       toiling    8
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7341                       toryism    8
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7348                       trimmed    8
7349                        trunks    8
7350                         ts’in    8
7351                       twelfth    8
7352                      unawares    8
7353                     underwood    8
7354                    underwood_    8
7355                    uneasiness    8
7356                       unequal    8
7357                  unmistakable    8
7358                     unnatural    8
7359                unsatisfactory    8
7360                      unsteady    8
7361                        untidy    8
7362                        uphill    8
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7365                     uttermost    8
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7367                       venture    8
7368                     vibration    8
7369                        victor    8
7370                         villa    8
7371                       visions    8
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7374                     volcanoes    8
7375                       wasting    8
7376                        weaker    8
7377                       weaving    8
7378                       weena’s    8
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7381                        wheezy    8
7382                       whiskey    8
7383                     wholesale    8
7384                         who’s    8
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7386                      widening    8
7387                       wilkins    8
7388                        willed    8
7389                     willingly    8
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7391                        wintry    8
7392                         wisps    8
7393                     womanhood    8
7394                       women's    8
7395                        wooded    8
7396                       worldly    8
7397                      worrying    8
7398                    worshipped    8
7399                      wrenched    8
7400                           xix    8
7401                            xx    8
7402                           xxi    8
7403                          xxii    8
7404                         xxiii    8
7405                          xxiv    8
7406                           xxv    8
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7412                           152    7
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7415                          1912    7
7416                          1920    7
7417                          1921    7
7418                           223    7
7419                           225    7
7420                           237    7
7421                           248    7
7422                           261    7
7423                           279    7
7424                           281    7
7425                           284    7
7426                           301    7
7427                           308    7
7428                           330    7
7429                           340    7
7430                           343    7
7431                           375    7
7432                           384    7
7433                           397    7
7434                           412    7
7435                            82    7
7436                            89    7
7437                         _from    7
7438                            _i    7
7439                       _later_    7
7440                          _no_    7
7441                     abolition    7
7442                      abounded    7
7443                     accession    7
7444                      accurate    7
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7454                        aghast    7
7455                           aid    7
7456                         aloft    7
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7458                         ample    7
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7463                       apology    7
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7482                      austrian    7
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7484                      aversion    7
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7492                         beads    7
7493                         bears    7
7494                       begging    7
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7500                       bladder    7
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7511                        bubble    7
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7520                       carving    7
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7527                    chattering    7
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7531                       chilled    7
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7534                       chronic    7
7535                        cinder    7
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7539                         clerk    7
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7542                       cobwebs    7
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7554                    comprehend    7
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7572                     copiously    7
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7574                          corn    7
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7576                      costumes    7
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7578                       couples    7
7579                    courageous    7
7580                       courses    7
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7598                       cyclist    7
7599                         cynic    7
7600                      debating    7
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7642                        dozand    7
7643                        dozing    7
7644                         dukes    7
7645                     dyspepsia    7
7646                        ealing    7
7647                     earnestly    7
7648                           ebb    7
7649                       economy    7
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7652                       educate    7
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7654                   embarrassed    7
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7662                    encounters    7
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7665                            er    7
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7671                     evesham’s    7
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7693                        famine    7
7694                      favoured    7
7695                      february    7
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7700                       fertile    7
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7724                   frightfully    7
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7727                     furtively    7
7728                        galley    7
7729                         gases    7
7730                      gazette_    7
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7734                       gilbert    7
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7736                       glances    7
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7807                      inverted    7
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7831                          lids    7
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7841                         logic    7
7842                      lowering    7
7843                        m'lord    7
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7846                      marathon    7
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7851                    mechanisms    7
7852                        median    7
7853                         meets    7
7854                       memoirs    7
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7856                        merged    7
7857                         merry    7
7858                          mild    7
7859                        minnie    7
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7861                       mithras    7
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7863                      modestly    7
7864                         moist    7
7865                         monks    7
7866                        monroe    7
7867                         monte    7
7868                         moons    7
7869                        morris    7
7870                       motions    7
7871                           mss    7
7872                       mustard    7
7873                      mystical    7
7874                          nail    7
7875                           nay    7
7876                        naylor    7
7877                      nazareth    7
7878                neanderthalers    7
7879                        nebulæ    7
7880                    needlessly    7
7881                    negligence    7
7882                       negroid    7
7883                        nephew    7
7884                       night's    7
7885                       nodding    7
7886                          noon    7
7887                       o'clock    7
7888                     objection    7
7889                 objectionable    7
7890                          oily    7
7891                          omen    7
7892                       operate    7
7893                       optical    7
7894                 organisations    7
7895                      organize    7
7896                        osiris    7
7897                ostentatiously    7
7898                     ottershaw    7
7899                      overhung    7
7900                            ow    7
7901                     palæozoic    7
7902                        parcel    7
7903                     parthenon    7
7904                       partial    7
7905                     particles    7
7906                        passer    7
7907                     patchwork    7
7908                     patiently    7
7909                        patter    7
7910                        paul's    7
7911                        pebble    7
7912                    peculiarly    7
7913                      people’s    7
7914                     performed    7
7915                      pericles    7
7916                    periodical    7
7917                   perspective    7
7918                           pet    7
7919                    petersburg    7
7920               phosphorescence    7
7921                      phrasing    7
7922                         piety    7
7923                          pigs    7
7924                     pinnacles    7
7925                   playfellows    7
7926                          plot    7
7927                     ploughing    7
7928                          poem    7
7929                        poking    7
7930                    politeness    7
7931                       polling    7
7932                    precarious    7
7933                     precedent    7
7934                   precipitate    7
7935                    preference    7
7936                    prejudices    7
7937                   preliminary    7
7938                     premature    7
7939                     prevalent    7
7940                      priestly    7
7941                     primarily    7
7942                    primordial    7
7943                    principles    7
7944                       privacy    7
7945                    privileges    7
7946                    progressed    7
7947                      promises    7
7948                     prophetic    7
7949                      proposal    7
7950                       proverb    7
7951                       provide    7
7952                  pterodactyls    7
7953                     ptolemies    7
7954                         punch    7
7955                        pupils    7
7956                        puppet    7
7957                      pyrenees    7
7958                       pyrrhus    7
7959                        quaint    7
7960                    quantities    7
7961                    quickening    7
7962                       quincey    7
7963                      radiance    7
7964                        radnor    7
7965                       raiders    7
7966                        ramble    7
7967                   reactionary    7
7968                     rebellion    7
7969                       rebuilt    7
7970                  recalcitrant    7
7971                        recede    7
7972                    recognized    7
7973                     referring    7
7974                     refracted    7
7975                    refraction    7
7976                      regent’s    7
7977                       reigned    7
7978                      reindeer    7
7979                  remonstrance    7
7980                      remotely    7
7981                    renascence    7
7982                      reopened    7
7983                    repeatedly    7
7984                    repetition    7
7985                  representing    7
7986                     repulsive    7
7987                      resemble    7
7988                        retire    7
7989                      revolted    7
7990                   revolutions    7
7991                        ribbon    7
7992                       ribbons    7
7993                       richard    7
7994                        riches    7
7995                         ridge    7
7996                        rimmed    7
7997                        ripped    7
7998                         risks    7
7999                        robert    7
8000                      rootlets    7
8001                          rout    7
8002                        routed    7
8003                       ruffled    7
8004                        rumour    7
8005                        ruskin    7
8006                         rusty    7
8007                      ruthless    7
8008                        sailor    7
8009                      sardinia    7
8010                      sassanid    7
8011                       scalpel    7
8012                        scanty    7
8013                    scattering    7
8014                     sceptical    7
8015                      scholars    7
8016                         scott    7
8017                      scraping    7
8018                    scratching    7
8019                       screwed    7
8020                         seals    7
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8022                   secretaries    7
8023                         sends    7
8024                     serviette    7
8025                         sexes    7
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8028                        shaven    7
8029                      shepherd    7
8030                     shillings    7
8031                        shindy    7
8032                        shirts    7
8033                      shrugged    7
8034                      sickness    7
8035                      sidmouth    7
8036                    silhouette    7
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8038                          sins    7
8039                      sixpence    7
8040                       sketchy    7
8041                        skulls    7
8042                          slam    7
8043                      slanting    7
8044                      slashing    7
8045                     sleeper's    7
8046                       smartly    7
8047                      smelling    7
8048                         smoky    7
8049                        snakes    7
8050                          snap    7
8051                        sneeze    7
8052                         sniff    7
8053                       sniffed    7
8054                     snowstorm    7
8055                          soda    7
8056                    solicitude    7
8057                         songs    7
8058                     sorrowful    7
8059                          soup    7
8060                        sparta    7
8061                         spear    7
8062                    spectacled    7
8063                         spell    7
8064                      spelling    7
8065                     splitting    7
8066                         sport    7
8067                       springs    7
8068                      squadron    7
8069                       stabbed    7
8070                         stain    7
8071                         stamp    7
8072                        stamps    7
8073                    standpoint    7
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8079                         stile    7
8080                      stinging    7
8081                        stores    7
8082                       stoutly    7
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8086                        streak    7
8087                     stretches    7
8088                       stroked    7
8089                       strokes    7
8090                       stuffed    7
8091                    substitute    7
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8094                    sufferings    7
8095                       suffice    7
8096                           sum    7
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8098                       sunbury    7
8099                     surveying    7
8100                        sweden    7
8101                     sweetness    7
8102                        sweets    7
8103                         sworn    7
8104                       systems    7
8105                           tai    7
8106                        tawdry    7
8107                       teeming    7
8108                      telegram    7
8109                    temptation    7
8110                          tent    7
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8112                        thebes    7
8113                       thereon    7
8114                     therewith    7
8115                      thinkers    7
8116                         thorn    7
8117                      thothmes    7
8118                        thrice    7
8119                     thrilling    7
8120                    thunderous    7
8121                       timidly    7
8122                         toast    7
8123                        toiled    7
8124                          tons    7
8125                         tools    7
8126                     toothache    7
8127                     tormented    7
8128                          tory    7
8129                       tracery    7
8130                        tracks    7
8131                     trampling    7
8132                  tranquillity    7
8133                  transfigured    7
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8135                     treasures    7
8136                          trim    7
8137                        tripod    7
8138                         trunk    7
8139                         tsung    7
8140                       tuesday    7
8141                        tumble    7
8142                      tumbling    7
8143                        twinge    7
8144                       tyranny    7
8145                            um    7
8146                   uncertainty    7
8147                 undergraduate    7
8148                    unfastened    7
8149                          unit    7
8150                    unprepared    7
8151                      unshaven    7
8152                 unsympathetic    7
8153                        unwise    7
8154                      upheaval    7
8155                        urging    7
8156                       vaguest    7
8157                         valve    7
8158                           van    7
8159                     variously    7
8160                       varying    7
8161                        verily    7
8162                    vertebrata    7
8163                         vices    7
8164                    vigorously    7
8165                          vine    7
8166                      virtuous    7
8167                        visage    7
8168                     visigoths    7
8169                        vistas    7
8170                     voluntary    7
8171                      wasteful    7
8172                        weakly    7
8173                         wears    7
8174                         weedy    7
8175                    westphalia    7
8176                           wey    7
8177                         whack    7
8178                       wheeled    7
8179                            wi    7
8180                        willie    7
8181                        wilson    7
8182                        wishes    7
8183                       wonders    7
8184                          worm    7
8185                       worries    7
8186                        wotton    7
8187                         wound    7
8188                         wrath    7
8189                     wriggling    7
8190                        wrongs    7
8191                    youngsters    7
8192                      youthful    7
8193                        youths    7
8194                    zoologists    7
8195                           103    6
8196                           105    6
8197                           137    6
8198                          1453    6
8199                           158    6
8200                          1600    6
8201                          1648    6
8202                          1793    6
8203                          1871    6
8204                           216    6
8205                           220    6
8206                           252    6
8207                           278    6
8208                           297    6
8209                           316    6
8210                           326    6
8211                           363    6
8212                           365    6
8213                           373    6
8214                            38    6
8215                            40    6
8216                           401    6
8217                           425    6
8218                            52    6
8219                            55    6
8220                            6d    6
8221                           800    6
8222                           _do    6
8223                      _journal    6
8224                        _know_    6
8225                           _my    6
8226                          _new    6
8227                           _on    6
8228                         _she_    6
8229                       abashed    6
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8231                      abstract    6
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8233                      accosted    6
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8235                           ace    6
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8246                         afire    6
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8249                      alcott's    6
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8256                    analytical    6
8257                      anecdote    6
8258                     animation    6
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8261                     another's    6
8262                  anticipating    6
8263                     anxiously    6
8264                        anæmic    6
8265                    apologised    6
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8267                      appendix    6
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8272                       armenia    6
8273                        arouse    6
8274                         arrow    6
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8285                         atoms    6
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8288                      aurelius    6
8289                    australian    6
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8291                     automatic    6
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8293                      bachelor    6
8294                           bah    6
8295                         baize    6
8296                       balloon    6
8297                        baltic    6
8298                          bass    6
8299                         bathe    6
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8303                           bel    6
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8305                        berlin    6
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8309                         bison    6
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8319                         bombs    6
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8321                         bores    6
8322                        bowing    6
8323                        bowler    6
8324                        bowmen    6
8325                         boy's    6
8326                         boyce    6
8327                        boyish    6
8328                  bramblehurst    6
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8330                     brightest    6
8331                       briskly    6
8332                      broached    6
8333                    broadening    6
8334                       bruises    6
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8336                         bulgy    6
8337                         bulky    6
8338                       bullied    6
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8340                        bundle    6
8341                      burglary    6
8342                    burgundian    6
8343                        burial    6
8344                       burthen    6
8345                         cabin    6
8346                    camberwell    6
8347                        camera    6
8348                     candidate    6
8349                        canker    6
8350                 capillotomist    6
8351                    capitalist    6
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8354                       careers    6
8355                       catches    6
8356                       caution    6
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8358                        cavern    6
8359                     celestial    6
8360                    ceremonial    6
8361                     cessation    6
8362                      chaldean    6
8363                    challenges    6
8364                       cheaper    6
8365                        cheers    6
8366                      chemists    6
8367                        child_    6
8368                       cholera    6
8369                        chopin    6
8370                     churchman    6
8371               circumferential    6
8372                     clamorous    6
8373                         clasp    6
8374                      classics    6
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8376                       cleaned    6
8377                       collars    6
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8382                         comer    6
8383                        comets    6
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8398                 constellation    6
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8404                        cordon    6
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8582                         grain    6
8583                      grandson    6
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8596                         gully    6
8597                           h.g    6
8598                      haddon's    6
8599                           ham    6
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8602                        harder    6
8603                        hasn’t    6
8604                      hastings    6
8605                 hatherleigh's    6
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8625                      hoarding    6
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8628                      honorius    6
8629                       honours    6
8630                       hopeful    6
8631                      hothouse    6
8632                       hovered    6
8633                          howl    6
8634                          hull    6
8635                   humiliation    6
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8638                          huss    6
8639                      huxter’s    6
8640                            il    6
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8642                      illusion    6
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8650                    improvised    6
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8657                 indescribably    6
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8662                    inexorably    6
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8664                 infinitesimal    6
8665                      infinity    6
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8667                    inglorious    6
8668                       injured    6
8669                      insanity    6
8670                    insatiable    6
8671                     inspiring    6
8672                     instances    6
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8674                     interplay    6
8675                 interruptions    6
8676                  intervention    6
8677                        invent    6
8678                       involve    6
8679                     involving    6
8680                      inwardly    6
8681                    iridescent    6
8682                  irresistibly    6
8683                        isaiah    6
8684                         issus    6
8685                       jerking    6
8686                       jesuits    6
8687                         jimmy    6
8688                        joints    6
8689                         jokes    6
8690                        joyful    6
8691                       jubilee    6
8692                        junior    6
8693                        king's    6
8694                         koran    6
8695                     labouring    6
8696                      landport    6
8697                     landrock_    6
8698                          lash    6
8699                            le    6
8700                          leas    6
8701                         legal    6
8702                       lehnert    6
8703                      lemonade    6
8704                        lemurs    6
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8707                     lightness    6
8708                        liking    6
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8710                          lime    6
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8715                        loomed    6
8716                        lounge    6
8717                         lucid    6
8718                          ludo    6
8719                       lugging    6
8720                        lurked    6
8721                            ma    6
8722                         madly    6
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8729                        marduk    6
8730                        marrow    6
8731                    marseilles    6
8732                        martel    6
8733                       marvels    6
8734                         masks    6
8735                     massacres    6
8736                        massed    6
8737                   mathematics    6
8738                       maurice    6
8739                       maynard    6
8740                        meagre    6
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9182                           387    5
9183                           403    5
9184                           415    5
9185                           421    5
9186                           422    5
9187                           423    5
9188                            64    5
9189                            86    5
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9192                           _an    5
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9195                       _death_    5
9196                         _her_    5
9197                          _i.e    5
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9624                    flocculent    5
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9626                    foaillier_    5
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9630                       foresee    5
9631                      foreseen    5
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9877                       maudlin    5
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9919                      mouthful    5
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9921                       musical    5
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10384                      vitally    5
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10388                        w.n.p    5
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10392                      warlike    5
10393                       warmly    5
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10402                  whereabouts    5
10403                      where’s    5
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10405                         whit    5
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10407                      widened    5
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10429                         1273    4
10430                         1515    4
10431                         1519    4
10432                         1566    4
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10434                          162    4
10435                         1644    4
10436                          169    4
10437                         1760    4
10438                          177    4
10439                         1789    4
10440                         1807    4
10441                         1820    4
10442                         1825    4
10443                         1833    4
10444                         1865    4
10445                         1896    4
10446                         1906    4
10447                         1913    4
10448                         1922    4
10449                          217    4
10450                          250    4
10451                          254    4
10452                          296    4
10453                          315    4
10454                          328    4
10455                          339    4
10456                          341    4
10457                          346    4
10458                          354    4
10459                          362    4
10460                          369    4
10461                           39    4
10462                           41    4
10463                          424    4
10464                       50,000    4
10465                           5a    4
10466                         6.30    4
10467                          600    4
10468                          628    4
10469                           6a    4
10470                           81    4
10471                          _a_    4
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10473                          _b_    4
10474                        _char    4
10475                      _could_    4
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10477                     _english    4
10478                        _how_    4
10479                       _india    4
10480                          _it    4
10481                          _le    4
10482                       _lord_    4
10483                        _not_    4
10484                      _punch_    4
10485                      _there_    4
10486                       _they_    4
10487                      _times_    4
10488                 _westminster    4
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10529                      alexius    4
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10602                     bacillus    4
10603                       badama    4
10604                         bags    4
10605                    balconies    4
10606                      balkans    4
10607                        bally    4
10608                        banc_    4
10609                      banging    4
10610                      bankers    4
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10612                       barber    4
10613                        barge    4
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11194                          h'm    4
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11827                        riots    4
11828                     ritchey_    4
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11991                      summers    4
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12151                      vatican    4
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12153                      veranda    4
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12155                       verify    4
12156                       verona    4
12157                 vertebrates_    4
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12160                      vicar’s    4
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12162                      vincent    4
12163                      violets    4
12164                    visionary    4
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12166                        voce_    4
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12226                     wriggled    4
12227                       wrists    4
12228                      wrongly    4
12229                         xxix    4
12230                          xxx    4
12231                         xxxi    4
12232                        xxxii    4
12233                       xxxiii    4
12234                         yang    4
12235                         yell    4
12236                         zama    4
12237                    zeitgeist    4
12238                    zeppelins    4
12239                         zest    4
12240                         zone    4
12241                       10,000    3
12242                         1073    3
12243                         1085    3
12244                         1099    3
12245                         1198    3
12246                       12,000    3
12247                         1204    3
12248                         1214    3
12249                         1216    3
12250                         1227    3
12251                         1241    3
12252                          126    3
12253                         1261    3
12254                          128    3
12255                         1368    3
12256                         1378    3
12257                         1415    3
12258                          143    3
12259                         1480    3
12260                         1500    3
12261                         1520    3
12262                         1546    3
12263                         1547    3
12264                          160    3
12265                         1649    3
12266                         1769    3
12267                         1783    3
12268                         1788    3
12269                         1792    3
12270                         1804    3
12271                         1810    3
12272                         1812    3
12273                         1821    3
12274                         1834    3
12275                         1835    3
12276                         1840    3
12277                         1848    3
12278                         1850    3
12279                         1854    3
12280                         1856    3
12281                         1864    3
12282                         1877    3
12283                          189    3
12284                         1895    3
12285                         1898    3
12286                          190    3
12287                         1905    3
12288                         1907    3
12289                         1919    3
12290                          204    3
12291                          207    3
12292                          218    3
12293                          242    3
12294                           2d    3
12295                          307    3
12296                          317    3
12297                          325    3
12298                           35    3
12299                          372    3
12300                          377    3
12301                          379    3
12302                          380    3
12303                          392    3
12304                          439    3
12305                         4500    3
12306                          455    3
12307                         6000    3
12308                          604    3
12309                          606    3
12310                          608    3
12311                          610    3
12312                          627    3
12313                          732    3
12314                          753    3
12315                          962    3
12316                    _academy_    3
12317                   _aepyornis    3
12318                    _american    3
12319                         _and    3
12320               _archæopteryx_    3
12321                      _argus_    3
12322                          _au    3
12323                 _beethoven's    3
12324                        _chum    3
12325                   _clermont_    3
12326                 _comparative    3
12327                       _dear_    3
12328                         _e.g    3
12329                       _fiery    3
12330                      _finis_    3
12331                _haploteuthis    3
12332               _haploteuthis_    3
12333                        _has_    3
12334                       _have_    3
12335                       _here_    3
12336                     _history    3
12337                       _love_    3
12338                      _might_    3
12339                       _musca    3
12340                      _ought_    3
12341                       _pride    3
12342                      _primal    3
12343                       _santa    3
12344                    _saturday    3
12345                        _self    3
12346                         _so_    3
12347                       _sotto    3
12348                        _the_    3
12349                       _them_    3
12350                      _think_    3
12351                        _too_    3
12352                       _very_    3
12353                         _we_    3
12354                       _your_    3
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12356                        abbey    3
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12360                       ablest    3
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12363                      abreast    3
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12398               affectionately    3
12399                      affects    3
12400                       aflame    3
12401                          aft    3
12402                    afterglow    3
12403                  afternoon's    3
12404                       again_    3
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12419                      alertly    3
12420                      algebra    3
12421                      algiers    3
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12448                      amphora    3
12449                       ampler    3
12450                    amsterdam    3
12451                   amusements    3
12452                          an_    3
12453                  anachronism    3
12454                      anaemic    3
12455                      analogy    3
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12459                     ancestry    3
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12473                         apis    3
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12551                   bankruptcy    3
12552                       banya_    3
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12557                      barrows    3
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12559                      basking    3
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12634                      boyce's    3
12635                       boyer_    3
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12691                         capt    3
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12695                         carl    3
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12700                   caryatides    3
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12702                   catafalque    3
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12709                      celebes    3
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12711                       ceylon    3
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12743                        chirk    3
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12746                   chronicle_    3
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12749                        chum_    3
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12751                        chunk    3
12752                     chæronia    3
12753                         ch’u    3
12754                        cider    3
12755                       cinema    3
12756                    circulate    3
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12759                circumscribed    3
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12761                       circus    3
12762                      cistern    3
12763                     civility    3
12764                 cladoselache    3
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13092                      duchess    3
13093                      dulness    3
13094                         duma    3
13095                  dumbfounded    3
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13097                     dwellers    3
13098                     dynastic    3
13099                      earth's    3
13100                   earthworks    3
13101                         ebro    3
13102                     ecbatana    3
13103                      echidna    3
13104                      ecnomus    3
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13112                          eke    3
13113                         eked    3
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13121                          elm    3
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13128                       elvish    3
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13130                   embodiment    3
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13132                       embryo    3
13133                      emerson    3
13134                     eminence    3
13135                     emitting    3
13136                      empire_    3
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13139                    employing    3
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13142                encouragingly    3
13143                encyclopaedic    3
13144               encyclopædists    3
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13155                        ensue    3
13156             enthusiastically    3
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13167                      erectus    3
13168                       eryops    3
13169                        esher    3
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13223                        faked    3
13224                     falcon's    3
13225                      falsity    3
13226                   fancifully    3
13227                    fannaway_    3
13228                   faraglioni    3
13229                     farcical    3
13230                        farms    3
13231                   fastidious    3
13232                        fated    3
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13234                      fathoms    3
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13243                     feminist    3
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13245                        feral    3
13246                       ferox_    3
13247                      fervent    3
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13252                    feudalism    3
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13279                     flooding    3
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13283                       florid    3
13284                     flurried    3
13285                      focused    3
13286                     focussed    3
13287                        foggy    3
13288                     follower    3
13289                        fond_    3
13290                      fooling    3
13291                     forecast    3
13292                 foregathered    3
13293                       forego    3
13294                      foresaw    3
13295                 foreshadowed    3
13296                     foretell    3
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13299                      forming    3
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13302                     fortress    3
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13305                        freer    3
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13315                      frowned    3
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13321                  furnishings    3
13322                        fussy    3
13323                     futurity    3
13324                     gabbling    3
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13337                       gawd’s    3
13338                         gaza    3
13339                          gem    3
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13344                          geo    3
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13388                      gravest    3
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13391                      greener    3
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13421                      haeckel    3
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13425                    haltingly    3
13426                      hamburg    3
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13430                      handing    3
13431                       hanger    3
13432                     hapley's    3
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13443                        hatch    3
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13445                       hating    3
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13492                         hong    3
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13509                       hulagu    3
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13658                        jerry    3
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13682                      kentish    3
13683                      keyhole    3
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13685                      kinetic    3
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13692                         kong    3
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13701                      languor    3
13702                          lap    3
13703                        lapel    3
13704                      lapping    3
13705                    launching    3
13706                       laurel    3
13707                         law_    3
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13752                      loyally    3
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13761                        lundy    3
13762                        lurky    3
13763                       lustre    3
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13765                       lyceum    3
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13768                          m.o    3
13769                     macaulay    3
13770                        madam    3
13771                      madeira    3
13772                       madras    3
13773                       madrid    3
13774                    magazine_    3
13775                     magellan    3
13776                    magnitude    3
13777                     mahogany    3
13778                        maine    3
13779                     maitreya    3
13780                     majolica    3
13781                       majuba    3
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13790                          mar    3
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13793                         marl    3
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13796                     martin's    3
13797                       martyr    3
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13885                       mycalæ    3
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13892                        naram    3
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13897                           ne    3
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13902                   neglecting    3
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13949                       olroyd    3
13950                      olympia    3
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13952                     olympian    3
13953                       onions    3
13954                           oo    3
13955                     openwork    3
13956                    operating    3
13957                    operative    3
13958                   optimistic    3
13959                         ores    3
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13961                    organisms    3
13962                      origins    3
13963                        orion    3
13964                        ormuz    3
13965                  oscillation    3
13966                      ostrich    3
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13968                   outfitters    3
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13970                    outhouses    3
13971                 outrageously    3
13972                     outsider    3
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13974                     overlord    3
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13976                  oversetting    3
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13979               overwhelmingly    3
13980                    overworld    3
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13983                         owes    3
13984                        owing    3
13985                       owning    3
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13990                        padua    3
13991                          pah    3
13992                        pails    3
13993                     painters    3
13994                      pairing    3
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13996                        paler    3
13997                      palmyra    3
13998                   palæologus    3
13999                 palæontology    3
14000                     panelled    3
14001                        panes    3
14002                         papa    3
14003                      papered    3
14004                      papyrus    3
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14006                  paradoxical    3
14007                    paragraph    3
14008                    parchment    3
14009                     parisian    3
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14011                       parson    3
14012                      partake    3
14013                     parthian    3
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14015                  parturition    3
14016                       passau    3
14017                  passionless    3
14018                       pasted    3
14019                     pastures    3
14020                     patching    3
14021                   pathétique    3
14022                     pattison    3
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14024                        pavia    3
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14028                         peck    3
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14031                      peerage    3
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14034                    penitence    3
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14036                         pepi    3
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14042                     person's    3
14043                    personage    3
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14046                        petra    3
14047               phantasmagoria    3
14048                         phew    3
14049                 philadelphia    3
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14051                philosopher’s    3
14052                 philosophies    3
14053                     phonetic    3
14054                   phonograph    3
14055                 photographer    3
14056                    physician    3
14057                   piccadilly    3
14058                        picks    3
14059                          pie    3
14060                       pieced    3
14061                      pigeons    3
14062                    piggeries    3
14063                      pigment    3
14064                        pigmy    3
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14067                      pistols    3
14068              pithecanthropus    3
14069                         pius    3
14070                      placard    3
14071                      plainer    3
14072                        plane    3
14073                  plantations    3
14074                       platea    3
14075                     platypus    3
14076                     playroom    3
14077                     pleading    3
14078                  pleasurable    3
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14081                       plucky    3
14082                      plumage    3
14083                   plunderers    3
14084                       plutus    3
14085                    pneumonia    3
14086                     poetical    3
14087                        poets    3
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14090                     polities    3
14091                   polynesian    3
14092                        ponds    3
14093                       pony’s    3
14094                          pop    3
14095                         pork    3
14096                   portentous    3
14097                        porus    3
14098                        posed    3
14099                   possessing    3
14100                    possessor    3
14101                       posted    3
14102                      posters    3
14103                      postman    3
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14105                      potbank    3
14106                       potted    3
14107                        pouch    3
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14109                    practices    3
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14111                       prague    3
14112                      praises    3
14113                     prawning    3
14114                       preach    3
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14125                  pretentious    3
14126              preternaturally    3
14127                   prettiness    3
14128                   preventive    3
14129                       preyed    3
14130                     pricking    3
14131                     priggish    3
14132                        prigs    3
14133                     primates    3
14134                     princess    3
14135                        probe    3
14136                    procedure    3
14137                  processions    3
14138                      procure    3
14139                     produces    3
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14141                  professor's    3
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14147                    promenade    3
14148                  promenading    3
14149                 propitiatory    3
14150                 proportioned    3
14151                  propraiet'r    3
14152                  protagonist    3
14153                  protestants    3
14154                        prowl    3
14155                      pruning    3
14156                          pry    3
14157                 psammetichus    3
14158                       psycho    3
14159                psychologists    3
14160                  pterichthys    3
14161                    publicity    3
14162                      publico    3
14163                    puerility    3
14164                         pulp    3
14165                    pulsating    3
14166                   pulverised    3
14167                    punctilio    3
14168                       punish    3
14169                     punitive    3
14170                      puritan    3
14171                       purred    3
14172                pusillanimous    3
14173                      puzzles    3
14174                        quack    3
14175                      qualify    3
14176                  quarrelling    3
14177                       quartz    3
14178                      queen's    3
14179                      quicker    3
14180                    quickness    3
14181                   quiescence    3
14182                      quieter    3
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14185                      quinine    3
14186                 quintessence    3
14187                   quotations    3
14188                         rack    3
14189                    radiantly    3
14190                    radiation    3
14191                      ragging    3
14192                     rainfall    3
14193                        rally    3
14194                ramifications    3
14195                      rampart    3
14196                      rangoon    3
14197                     raptures    3
14198                      rarebit    3
14199                       rarity    3
14200                         rash    3
14201                      ravaged    3
14202                       raving    3
14203                        razor    3
14204                     reader's    3
14205                     realises    3
14206                      realist    3
14207                     realists    3
14208                 reappearance    3
14209                       reared    3
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14211                 reassuringly    3
14212                       rebels    3
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14216                   receptions    3
14217                      recital    3
14218                       recite    3
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14227                     refugees    3
14228                      refusal    3
14229                       regain    3
14230                     regent's    3
14231                     register    3
14232                    regulated    3
14233                    rejection    3
14234                       rejoin    3
14235                      relapse    3
14236                     relating    3
14237                     relative    3
14238                        relic    3
14239                       relied    3
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14242                     renegade    3
14243                      renewal    3
14244                     renounce    3
14245                     repaired    3
14246                     repartee    3
14247                     reprieve    3
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14256                 respectfully    3
14257                      respite    3
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14262                       retort    3
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14264                retrogression    3
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14266                reverberation    3
14267                       revert    3
14268                       revise    3
14269                revolutionize    3
14270               revolutionized    3
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14272                     rewarded    3
14273                         rice    3
14274                    richelieu    3
14275                          rig    3
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14277                         rims    3
14278                          rio    3
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14281                     roadside    3
14282                        robin    3
14283                       robust    3
14284                      rollers    3
14285                        rolls    3
14286                        rooks    3
14287                       rooted    3
14288                      roper's    3
14289                        rosa_    3
14290                      rotated    3
14291                    roughness    3
14292                       roughs    3
14293                   roundabout    3
14294                     rousseau    3
14295                       rowers    3
14296                     rubicund    3
14297                       rudder    3
14298                   rudderless    3
14299                        rugby    3
14300                      rummage    3
14301                      runners    3
14302                     ruptured    3
14303                      sabbath    3
14304                       sabres    3
14305                   saccharine    3
14306                      sacking    3
14307                   sacrificed    3
14308                       sagely    3
14309                       sainte    3
14310                        sakes    3
14311                      sakhara    3
14312                    salacious    3
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14320                    sanctuary    3
14321                      sandals    3
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14323                       sanely    3
14324                   sanitation    3
14325                        santa    3
14326                 sardonically    3
14327                      sausage    3
14328                      saviour    3
14329                      sawdust    3
14330                       saxons    3
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14332                  scandalised    3
14333                      scanned    3
14334                     scanning    3
14335                        scant    3
14336                    scarabees    3
14337                        scarf    3
14338                   schoolboys    3
14339                   schubert's    3
14340                     scissors    3
14341                       sconce    3
14342                    scorching    3
14343                        scots    3
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14346                        scout    3
14347                       scrape    3
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14349                     screwing    3
14350                    scribbled    3
14351                   scribbling    3
14352                    scurrying    3
14353                      scuttle    3
14354                      se'noks    3
14355                       seamen    3
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14360                     secreted    3
14361                         sect    3
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14363                      secular    3
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14365                        sedan    3
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14367                        seest    3
14368                       select    3
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14376                       senoks    3
14377                    senseless    3
14378                sensitiveness    3
14379                sententiously    3
14380               sentimentalist    3
14381                   separating    3
14382                     serapeum    3
14383                         serf    3
14384                      sermons    3
14385                    servant’s    3
14386                      servile    3
14387                        sewed    3
14388                       sexton    3
14389                     shabbily    3
14390                     shamming    3
14391                       shanty    3
14392                   shattering    3
14393                        shawl    3
14394                   sheltering    3
14395                     sheraton    3
14396                      shields    3
14397                        shift    3
14398                       shifty    3
14399                   shimmering    3
14400                        shire    3
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14402                       shoots    3
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14404                       shoved    3
14405                      shoving    3
14406                       shower    3
14407                      showers    3
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14409                   shuddering    3
14410                         shun    3
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14413                     siberian    3
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14415                       siding    3
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14417                       silken    3
14418                       simbel    3
14419                       simian    3
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14428                       sixdoz    3
14429                      sixties    3
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14432                       skinny    3
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14434                      slanted    3
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14440                     slinking    3
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14443                     slovenly    3
14444                   sluggishly    3
14445                        slung    3
14446                        slush    3
14447                        smelt    3
14448                       smokes    3
14449                      smother    3
14450                      snake's    3
14451                     snapping    3
14452                     sneering    3
14453                        snout    3
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14457                         snug    3
14458                     sobering    3
14459                      soberly    3
14460                       softer    3
14461                   solicitors    3
14462                      solidly    3
14463                    solomon’s    3
14464                   somaliland    3
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14466                      soracte    3
14467                       sordid    3
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14475                     spectres    3
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14477                   speechless    3
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14483                        spilt    3
14484                       spinal    3
14485                     spitting    3
14486                  splintering    3
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14488                spontaneously    3
14489                        spoon    3
14490                      spreads    3
14491                   sprinkling    3
14492                        squad    3
14493                      squalid    3
14494                      squared    3
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14497                      staines    3
14498                       stains    3
14499                      stalked    3
14500                       stalls    3
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14502                       staple    3
14503                  statesman's    3
14504                       static    3
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14507                    statuette    3
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14514                  stereotyped    3
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14550                        sudan    3
14551                   suddenness    3
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14556                        sulky    3
14557                        sulla    3
14558                      sulphur    3
14559                      summary    3
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14561                         sums    3
14562                      sunbeam    3
14563                       sunium    3
14564                       superb    3
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14581                      swiping    3
14582                      swirled    3
14583                     switched    3
14584                      swooped    3
14585                       sydney    3
14586                   sympathise    3
14587                    symphony_    3
14588                    syracusan    3
14589                           ta    3
14590                        tabby    3
14591                   tablecloth    3
14592                      tablets    3
14593                     tabloids    3
14594                      tackled    3
14595                      tactful    3
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14602                     tarentum    3
14603                         tart    3
14604                  tarvrille's    3
14605                      tatters    3
14606                      teacake    3
14607                       tedium    3
14608                        teens    3
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14634                      thinker    3
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14637                       thorax    3
14638                       thorny    3
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14645                      tibetan    3
14646                       ticked    3
14647                      tidings    3
14648                   tightening    3
14649                        tilts    3
14650                        timed    3
14651                       times_    3
14652                   timorously    3
14653                    timurlane    3
14654                     tinkling    3
14655                        tints    3
14656                       tippoo    3
14657                     tireless    3
14658                titanotherium    3
14659                       titian    3
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14662                        tokio    3
14663                    tolerably    3
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14665                     tolerant    3
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14686                     treating    3
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14691                     trickles    3
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14693                       trimly    3
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14698                      trotted    3
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14703                     trudging    3
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14707                         ts’i    3
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14751                   unfaithful    3
14752                    unfeeling    3
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14754                     unfolded    3
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14757                  unfurnished    3
14758                     unglazed    3
14759                  unhappiness    3
14760                    unheeding    3
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14762                     unhinged    3
14763                  unification    3
14764                      unified    3
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14770                    unlocking    3
14771                      unmoved    3
14772                  unobtrusive    3
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14775                       unpaid    3
14776                   unpleasing    3
14777                   unpolished    3
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14782                unrelentingly    3
14783                 unreservedly    3
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14791                   untroubled    3
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14795                  unwholesome    3
14796                    unwilling    3
14797                  unwittingly    3
14798                     unwonted    3
14799                     unworthy    3
14800                     uplifted    3
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14802                   upstanding    3
14803                       uranus    3
14804                      urchins    3
14805                          urn    3
14806                   usurpation    3
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14808                     utensils    3
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14813                      vagrant    3
14814                    vagueness    3
14815                    valiantly    3
14816                        valmy    3
14817                    valuables    3
14818                       vandal    3
14819                   vanquished    3
14820                         vans    3
14821                     varennes    3
14822                      vastest    3
14823                         vega    3
14824                   vegetables    3
14825                   vegetarian    3
14826                    vehemence    3
14827                         veii    3
14828                       veneer    3
14829                    venetians    3
14830                   ventilated    3
14831                  ventilation    3
14832                 verification    3
14833                       versed    3
14834                      verulam    3
14835                    vespasian    3
14836                       vestry    3
14837                   vibrations    3
14838                    victories    3
14839                       viewed    3
14840                    villagers    3
14841                 vindictively    3
14842                       virile    3
14843                   visibility    3
14844                     vitiated    3
14845                    vivacious    3
14846                  vivisection    3
14847                   vociferous    3
14848                        volga    3
14849                   voluminous    3
14850                   voluptuous    3
14851                          w.s    3
14852                       wace's    3
14853                       waiter    3
14854                        waldo    3
14855                        walid    3
14856                       walnut    3
14857                         walt    3
14858                   wandsworth    3
14859                    warehouse    3
14860                        wares    3
14861                        warms    3
14862                         wary    3
14863                    watchword    3
14864                      water's    3
14865                     watering    3
14866                     waulsort    3
14867                        waxen    3
14868                         webs    3
14869                     weedless    3
14870                       week's    3
14871                       weevil    3
14872                     weighing    3
14873                         weir    3
14874                    welcoming    3
14875                     wellnigh    3
14876                      weren’t    3
14877                  westernized    3
14878                     whacking    3
14879                       whaley    3
14880                     wheeling    3
14881                      wheezed    3
14882                        whiff    3
14883                         whim    3
14884                    whitehall    3
14885                      whitman    3
14886                     whizzing    3
14887                      whooped    3
14888                  wicksteed’s    3
14889                    widgery's    3
14890                      widow's    3
14891                wiedersheim's    3
14892                          wig    3
14893                       wilder    3
14894                       willow    3
14895                      wincing    3
14896                      windsor    3
14897                       winkle    3
14898                         wipe    3
14899                    wistfully    3
14900                      witches    3
14901                    witticism    3
14902                         wolf    3
14903                        woody    3
14904                     woolwich    3
14905                   worshipful    3
14906                      wrapper    3
14907                        wraps    3
14908                      wreaths    3
14909                     wrecking    3
14910                      wriggle    3
14911                     wycliffe    3
14912                         xmas    3
14913                        yacht    3
14914                       yarmuk    3
14915                         yarn    3
14916                       yearly    3
14917                        yells    3
14918                        yokes    3
14919                         yore    3
14920                    yorkshire    3
14921                        ypres    3
14922                      yucatan    3
14923                        yuste    3
14924                      zambesi    3
14925                   zenithward    3
14926                      zigzags    3
14927                    zoologist    3
14928                    zoophytes    3
14929                           01    2
14930                           05    2
14931                1,600,000,000    2
14932                         1016    2
14933                         1066    2
14934                         1071    2
14935                         1087    2
14936                         1095    2
14937                          113    2
14938                         1169    2
14939                         1176    2
14940                         1187    2
14941                          11a    2
14942                         11th    2
14943                         1202    2
14944                         1226    2
14945                         1228    2
14946                         1240    2
14947                         1251    2
14948                         1260    2
14949                         1280    2
14950                         1293    2
14951                         1300    2
14952                         1360    2
14953                         1377    2
14954                         1398    2
14955                         1400    2
14956                         1414    2
14957                         1417    2
14958                         1492    2
14959                         1497    2
14960                         1498    2
14961                         1505    2
14962                         1509    2
14963                         1513    2
14964                         1516    2
14965                         1526    2
14966                         1527    2
14967                         1529    2
14968                         1538    2
14969                         1543    2
14970                         1552    2
14971                         1556    2
14972                         1558    2
14973                         1603    2
14974                         1605    2
14975                         1618    2
14976                         1626    2
14977                         1643    2
14978                         1660    2
14979                         1689    2
14980                         1701    2
14981                         1715    2
14982                         1725    2
14983                         1755    2
14984                         1756    2
14985                         1774    2
14986                         1776    2
14987                         1787    2
14988                         1790    2
14989                         1791    2
14990                         1794    2
14991                         1795    2
14992                         1799    2
14993                         1800    2
14994                         1805    2
14995                         1806    2
14996                         1808    2
14997                         1814    2
14998                         1823    2
14999                         1824    2
15000                         1827    2
15001                         1829    2
15002                         1837    2
15003                         1841    2
15004                         1842    2
15005                         1843    2
15006                         1849    2
15007                         1851    2
15008                         1852    2
15009                         1860    2
15010                         1861    2
15011                         1863    2
15012                         1870    2
15013                         1887    2
15014                         1888    2
15015                         1889    2
15016                         1894    2
15017                         1903    2
15018                         1904    2
15019                         2200    2
15020                          221    2
15021                          231    2
15022                          244    2
15023                         2500    2
15024                         2750    2
15025                         29th    2
15026                          2nd    2
15027                           2s    2
15028                          311    2
15029                          318    2
15030                          352    2
15031                          368    2
15032                          376    2
15033                           3d    2
15034                          3rd    2
15035                          4'7    2
15036                        4,000    2
15037                         4000    2
15038                          408    2
15039                          414    2
15040                          451    2
15041                          453    2
15042                          474    2
15043                          479    2
15044                          480    2
15045                          490    2
15046                          493    2
15047                          500    2
15048                         5000    2
15049                          521    2
15050                          527    2
15051                          529    2
15052                          538    2
15053                          590    2
15054                           5b    2
15055                      600,000    2
15056                          616    2
15057                          619    2
15058                          629    2
15059                          632    2
15060                          634    2
15061                          635    2
15062                          637    2
15063                           67    2
15064                           6b    2
15065                         7000    2
15066                          720    2
15067                          721    2
15068                          745    2
15069                          751    2
15070                          768    2
15071                          795    2
15072                          7th    2
15073                          814    2
15074                          816    2
15075                           85    2
15076                          886    2
15077                          8th    2
15078                          906    2
15079                          912    2
15080                          919    2
15081                          987    2
15082                          _ad    2
15083                    _alabama_    2
15084                      _alive_    2
15085                   _ambition_    2
15086                        _ants    2
15087                    _apologia    2
15088                _archæopteryx    2
15089                 _aristotle's    2
15090                         _as_    2
15091                    _bathing_    2
15092                    _benjamin    2
15093             _bouleversement_    2
15094                     _british    2
15095                         _but    2
15096                     _camping    2
15097                      _can’t_    2
15098                   _charlotte    2
15099                     _chinese    2
15100                   _chipples_    2
15101                     _chopin_    2
15102                  _cloisonné_    2
15103                       _come_    2
15104                _countryside_    2
15105                       _crowd    2
15106                     _crèche_    2
15107                    _crèches_    2
15108                         _cul    2
15109                         _cum    2
15110                   _cynicism_    2
15111                          _de    2
15112                 _depression_    2
15113                  _dinosaurs_    2
15114                      _don't_    2
15115                          _dr    2
15116                      _dublin    2
15117                          _e_    2
15118                       _early    2
15119                     _empress    2
15120                 _equilibrium    2
15121                  _essentials    2
15122                       _felt_    2
15123                _fortnightly_    2
15124                     _fulmar_    2
15125                  _gardening_    2
15126                    _gibbon's    2
15127                      _golden    2
15128                        _had_    2
15129                     _hardy's    2
15130                  _harmsworth    2
15131                     _hearing    2
15132                        _hot_    2
15133                        _i'm_    2
15134                        _ibid    2
15135                      _iliad_    2
15136                 _illustrated    2
15137                         _in_    2
15138                      _infra_    2
15139                    _johnson_    2
15140                 _justifiable    2
15141                          _la    2
15142                       _laws_    2
15143                        _leap    2
15144                        _lice    2
15145                  _liebestod_    2
15146                       _lines    2
15147                       _live_    2
15148                       _look_    2
15149                     _looking    2
15150                        _lord    2
15151                        _love    2
15152                       _ludo_    2
15153                      _lupus_    2
15154                       _marie    2
15155                 _masefield's    2
15156                  _mayflower_    2
15157                   _measuring    2
15158                        _more    2
15159                      _motif_    2
15160                      _naming    2
15161                    _national    2
15162                     _natural    2
15163                     _nature_    2
15164                        _news    2
15165                          _no    2
15166                         _non    2
15167                           _o    2
15168                    _odyssey_    2
15169                         _old    2
15170                _omniscience_    2
15171                        _one_    2
15172                      _origin    2
15173                         _our    2
15174                        _out_    2
15175                   _pachmann_    2
15176                      _papier    2
15177                   _petticoat    2
15178                     _picture    2
15179                       _pince    2
15180                   _prawning_    2
15181                   _preparing    2
15182                     _railway    2
15183                     _reading    2
15184                       _real_    2
15185                    _referee_    2
15186              _reminiscences_    2
15187               _renunciation_    2
15188                   _republic_    2
15189                _resignation_    2
15190                       _rigor    2
15191                      _rodin_    2
15192                     _saueba_    2
15193                    _service_    2
15194                      _shall_    2
15195                     _should_    2
15196                         _sir    2
15197                       _sire_    2
15198                      _sleep_    2
15199                     _snooks_    2
15200                    _sollas's    2
15201                       _some_    2
15202                      _spring    2
15203                          _st    2
15204                  _stagnancy_    2
15205                     _staying    2
15206                      _sunset    2
15207                      _swish_    2
15208                         _t.p    2
15209                      _tabus_    2
15210                    _tapetum_    2
15211                        _test    2
15212                         _to_    2
15213                         _too    2
15214                       _trans    2
15215                    _triumph_    2
15216               _tschaikovsky_    2
15217                         _une    2
15218                     _utopia_    2
15219                        _via_    2
15220                   _vittoria_    2
15221                      _voilà_    2
15222                        _when    2
15223                       _which    2
15224                         _why    2
15225                       _windy    2
15226                        _xmas    2
15227                      _yellow    2
15228                        _yves    2
15229                          a.c    2
15230                     abandons    2
15231                       abated    2
15232                       abbeys    2
15233                      abdomen    2
15234                     aberrant    2
15235                   aberration    2
15236                      abiding    2
15237                         ably    2
15238                   abnegation    2
15239                   abolishing    2
15240                 abolitionist    2
15241                     abortion    2
15242                     absences    2
15243                     absently    2
15244                      absolve    2
15245                    absorbing    2
15246                      abstain    2
15247                   abstinence    2
15248                      abysmal    2
15249                  accelerated    2
15250                   acceptance    2
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15252                    accessory    2
15253                   accomplish    2
15254               accomplishment    2
15255                  accusations    2
15256                     accusing    2
15257                     accustom    2
15258                        aches    2
15259                acknowledging    2
15260                    ackroyd's    2
15261                 acquiescence    2
15262                      acquire    2
15263                        acrid    2
15264                       actium    2
15265                    actresses    2
15266                    actuality    2
15267                     actuated    2
15268                    acuteness    2
15269                   adamantine    2
15270                        adams    2
15271                         aden    2
15272                   adequately    2
15273                    adjoining    2
15274                 adjudication    2
15275                   administer    2
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15278                        adn't    2
15279                     adolphus    2
15280                     adorable    2
15281                    adoration    2
15282                        adowa    2
15283                  advancement    2
15284                 advantageous    2
15285                  adventures_    2
15286                  adversaries    2
15287                   advertises    2
15288                       advise    2
15289                     advisers    2
15290                      advises    2
15291                     advising    2
15292                     advocacy    2
15293                  aepyornises    2
15294                      aerated    2
15295                   aeronaut's    2
15296                      affable    2
15297                 affectations    2
15298                   affinities    2
15299                    afflicted    2
15300                     affluent    2
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15302                  afghanistan    2
15303                    africanus    2
15304                    agapemone    2
15305                       agaric    2
15306                        agave    2
15307                agglomeration    2
15308               aggrandizement    2
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15310                    agitating    2
15311                   agitations    2
15312                     ailments    2
15313                     aircraft    2
15314                         airs    2
15315                          aix    2
15316                        akkad    2
15317                        alani    2
15318                        alans    2
15319                      albania    2
15320                       albany    2
15321                       albino    2
15322                      alburno    2
15323                      alcott_    2
15324                      alcoves    2
15325                 alexandretta    2
15326                  alexandrian    2
15327                        algal    2
15328                        algol    2
15329                         algæ    2
15330                        alice    2
15331                   alienation    2
15332                    alighting    2
15333                        allah    2
15334                      allayed    2
15335                        allen    2
15336                        alley    2
15337                        alloy    2
15338                     allusive    2
15339                     almighty    2
15340                       almond    2
15341                         aloo    2
15342                 alphabetical    2
15343                    alphabets    2
15344                  altercation    2
15345                   alternated    2
15346                 alternations    2
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15348                        amaze    2
15349                       ambush    2
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15351                         amen    2
15352                       amends    2
15353                     ammonite    2
15354                     amorites    2
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15362                 anaesthetics    2
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15365                      anarchy    2
15366                 anatomically    2
15367                    anatomist    2
15368                   anaxagoras    2
15369                  anaximander    2
15370                    ancestry_    2
15371                     anchored    2
15372                    anderson_    2
15373                        andle    2
15374                      andrews    2
15375                       anemic    2
15376                      anerley    2
15377                         anew    2
15378                     anglican    2
15379                  animalculae    2
15380                        annam    2
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15383                   announcing    2
15384                    annuities    2
15385                   annunziata    2
15386                    anointing    2
15387                 antagonist’s    2
15388                 antananarivo    2
15389                  antechamber    2
15390                      antenna    2
15391                       anthem    2
15392                   anthropoid    2
15393                     antidote    2
15394                    antigonus    2
15395                      antique    2
15396                   antithesis    2
15397                    antoninus    2
15398                      antwerp    2
15399                       anubis    2
15400                     anyone's    2
15401                    aperients    2
15402                    aphrodite    2
15403                       apiece    2
15404                   apollonius    2
15405               apologetically    2
15406                  apologetics    2
15407                  apologising    2
15408                   apoplectic    2
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15422                       aprons    2
15423                      apteryx    2
15424                        aptly    2
15425                      aptness    2
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15427                     aquileia    2
15428                      aquiver    2
15429                       aragon    2
15430                       arauca    2
15431                   arbitrator    2
15432                        arbor    2
15433                    archangel    2
15434                   archæology    2
15435                       ardour    2
15436                          arf    2
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15438                    argentine    2
15439                        argon    2
15440                       arians    2
15441                  aristotle’s    2
15442                    armchairs    2
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15444                         arno    2
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15446                      arrears    2
15447                     arrogant    2
15448                         arry    2
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15454                    artificer    2
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15456                        arvon    2
15457                      ascalon    2
15458                    ascension    2
15459                     ascetics    2
15460                      ascribe    2
15461                    ascribing    2
15462                         ash_    2
15463                       ashdod    2
15464                        ashen    2
15465                        asian    2
15466                    asparagus    2
15467                      aspired    2
15468                        assam    2
15469                 assassinated    2
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15485                  assumptions    2
15486                    astounded    2
15487                      asylums    2
15488                    atavistic    2
15489                   athanasian    2
15490                     atheists    2
15491                    atlantis_    2
15492                         atop    2
15493                    atrocious    2
15494                    attaining    2
15495                  attainments    2
15496                      attalus    2
15497                       attics    2
15498                   attributed    2
15499                   attributes    2
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15502                     augsburg    2
15503                   augustulus    2
15504                       auntie    2
15505                     aurelian    2
15506                      aurochs    2
15507                       aurora    2
15508                       austen    2
15509                    austerely    2
15510                    austrasia    2
15511                    authentic    2
15512                authenticated    2
15513                   authorised    2
15514               autobiography_    2
15515                    autocracy    2
15516                     autonomy    2
15517                    autotypes    2
15518                      avarice    2
15519                      avebury    2
15520                     avenging    2
15521                       aven’t    2
15522                     averroes    2
15523                       averse    2
15524                     aviation    2
15525                       avowal    2
15526                           aw    2
15527                       awakes    2
15528                         awry    2
15529                     azilians    2
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15531                       baby's    2
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15533                      bacon’s    2
15534                         bade    2
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15536                      badness    2
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15539                      bahamas    2
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15541                      baker's    2
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15544                        balkh    2
15545                      ballads    2
15546                         balm    2
15547                       balzac    2
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15550                      bandied    2
15551                     bandying    2
15552                       banish    2
15553                      banking    2
15554                      banquet    2
15555                     banstead    2
15556                       banter    2
15557                   barefooted    2
15558                   bargaining    2
15559                     baritone    2
15560                      barking    2
15561                      barmaid    2
15562                         barn    2
15563                        barns    2
15564                    barometer    2
15565                       barons    2
15566                       barrie    2
15567                      barring    2
15568                     basaltic    2
15569                bashkirtseff_    2
15570                         bask    2
15571                      baskets    2
15572                        basle    2
15573                   basutoland    2
15574                       bathes    2
15575                        baths    2
15576                        baton    2
15577                    batrachia    2
15578                       batten    2
15579                    battersea    2
15580                  battleships    2
15581                         bawl    2
15582                         baye    2
15583                     bayonets    2
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15586                      beaming    2
15587                      bearers    2
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15589                       beater    2
15590                      beavers    2
15591                       bedder    2
15592                      bedders    2
15593                      bedding    2
15594                     bedstead    2
15595                      beehive    2
15596                   beethoven_    2
15597                       begged    2
15598                      behaves    2
15599                      behoves    2
15600                     belching    2
15601                  beleaguered    2
15602                     belgians    2
15603                   belisarius    2
15604                 belligerence    2
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15606                      belling    2
15607                     bellying    2
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15609                        belts    2
15610                  beneficient    2
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15617                       bergen    2
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15619                   berkeley's    2
15620                      bermuda    2
15621                      berries    2
15622                        beset    2
15623                     bessemer    2
15624                         beth    2
15625                      betimes    2
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15627                    betrayals    2
15628                      betting    2
15629                        beuve    2
15630                  bewildering    2
15631                 bewilderment    2
15632                    bickering    2
15633                   bickerings    2
15634                        bides    2
15635                      bigness    2
15636                      bigotry    2
15637                        bijou    2
15638                    billiards    2
15639                      billion    2
15640                     billions    2
15641                    billowing    2
15642                        binds    2
15643                   biologists    2
15644                       bipeds    2
15645                       bird’s    2
15646                   birthright    2
15647                      blabbed    2
15648                      blacken    2
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15650                     blacking    2
15651                     blackleg    2
15652                  blacknesses    2
15653                   blacksmith    2
15654                       blamed    2
15655                     blanched    2
15656                      blandly    2
15657                      blanket    2
15658                     blarsted    2
15659                  blasphemies    2
15660                    blasphemy    2
15661                      blasted    2
15662                      blatant    2
15663                    blavatsky    2
15664                     blessing    2
15665                     blighter    2
15666                      blind's    2
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15668                        blink    2
15669                     blinkers    2
15670                   blistering    2
15671                     blisters    2
15672                      blocked    2
15673                  blockhouses    2
15674                       blonde    2
15675                  bloodhounds    2
15676                    bloodless    2
15677                       bloods    2
15678                   blossoming    2
15679                        blots    2
15680                   blubbering    2
15681                     bluffing    2
15682                     blunders    2
15683                        blunt    2
15684                        blurs    2
15685                     blushing    2
15686                   blushingly    2
15687                     boastful    2
15688                     boasting    2
15689                       boasts    2
15690                       boat's    2
15691                    boathouse    2
15692                          bob    2
15693                    bodyguard    2
15694                     boeltzig    2
15695                    bohemians    2
15696                      boilers    2
15697                      bokhara    2
15698                       boleyn    2
15699                      bolivar    2
15700                         bols    2
15701                   bolsheviks    2
15702                  bombardment    2
15703                         bond    2
15704                     bonfires    2
15705                         bono    2
15706                          boo    2
15707                    bookcases    2
15708                    bookshelf    2
15709                   bookstalls    2
15710                        booth    2
15711                      bordis_    2
15712                      boredom    2
15713                        boris    2
15714                         bosh    2
15715                       bosnia    2
15716                       bosses    2
15717                       bostra    2
15718                      boswell    2
15719                      botanic    2
15720                       bough_    2
15721                    boughies_    2
15722                     bouillon    2
15723                       bounds    2
15724                       bounty    2
15725                         bovo    2
15726                 bowdlerising    2
15727                       boxing    2
15728                    boyhood's    2
15729                       boötes    2
15730                     brabants    2
15731                      bracing    2
15732                      bracken    2
15733                     bradford    2
15734                    bradlaugh    2
15735                         brag    2
15736                     brahmins    2
15737                       brainy    2
15738                        brake    2
15739                         bran    2
15740                    branchial    2
15741                  brandishing    2
15742                        bravo    2
15743                       brawny    2
15744                      braying    2
15745                    brazilian    2
15746                 breakfasting    2
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15749                       breezy    2
15750                    brentford    2
15751                        brera    2
15752                        brest    2
15753                       briars    2
15754                      bribery    2
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15756                        bride    2
15757                      bridled    2
15758                       brieux    2
15759                     brigades    2
15760                      brimmed    2
15761                     bristled    2
15762                   britannica    2
15763                    broadcast    2
15764                     broadest    2
15765                     broadway    2
15766                 brontosaurus    2
15767                       brooke    2
15768                      brooked    2
15769                        broom    2
15770                       brooms    2
15771                     brougham    2
15772                     browne's    2
15773                     browsing    2
15774                       bruges    2
15775                    brythonic    2
15776                      bubbled    2
15777                     bubbling    2
15778                         buda    2
15779                       budded    2
15780                      budget_    2
15781                         buds    2
15782                         buhl    2
15783                       bulger    2
15784                      bumping    2
15785                        bunch    2
15786                    bunting’s    2
15787                       bunyan    2
15788                      bunyard    2
15789                       bureau    2
15790                      bureaus    2
15791                      burglar    2
15792                     burgoyne    2
15793                        burke    2
15794                     burleigh    2
15795                   burlington    2
15796                    burnished    2
15797                      burrows    2
15798                     burthens    2
15799                       burton    2
15800                       bushey    2
15801                      bushmen    2
15802                        bushy    2
15803                       bustin    2
15804                    butchered    2
15805                    butcher’s    2
15806                         butt    2
15807                   buttresses    2
15808                        buxom    2
15809                      cabbage    2
15810                     cabman's    2
15811                     cabman’s    2
15812                     cabmen’s    2
15813                        cabul    2
15814                     cachalot    2
15815                cachinnations    2
15816                       cactus    2
15817                          cad    2
15818                         cain    2
15819                         cake    2
15820                   calculable    2
15821                       calico    2
15822                      calicut    2
15823                      callers    2
15824                     cambulac    2
15825                       camden    2
15826                      cameras    2
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15828                      camping    2
15829                       candid    2
15830                  candlelight    2
15831                      candour    2
15832                    canisters    2
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15834                        canon    2
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15836                      canossa    2
15837                         cans    2
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15841                     capitals    2
15842                  capitolinus    2
15843                      caprice    2
15844                    capricorn    2
15845                    capuarana    2
15846                     capuchin    2
15847                   caractère_    2
15848                       carafe    2
15849                 caravanserai    2
15850                      carbine    2
15851                     carbonic    2
15852                      carcass    2
15853                     cardenas    2
15854                    careerist    2
15855                     caresses    2
15856                     careworn    2
15857                      cargoes    2
15858                        caria    2
15859                      carians    2
15860                      caribou    2
15861                       carnac    2
15862                     carolina    2
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15866                       carrhæ    2
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15868                      carrion    2
15869                       cart's    2
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15872                      carters    2
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15876                     casement    2
15877                     cashmere    2
15878                       casing    2
15879                    cassell's    2
15880                castellammare    2
15881                      castile    2
15882                   casualties    2
15883                        cat's    2
15884                    catalepsy    2
15885                   cataleptic    2
15886                  catalonians    2
15887                     cataract    2
15888                  caterpillar    2
15889                 caterpillars    2
15890                       cathay    2
15891                   cathedrala    2
15892                  catherine's    2
15893                  catholicism    2
15894                     caucasus    2
15895                      caudine    2
15896                     causeway    2
15897                         cava    2
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15899                        ceded    2
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15901                       celtic    2
15902                        cenci    2
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15904                   centipedes    2
15905                     centring    2
15906                     cerebral    2
15907                  ceremonious    2
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15909                         cert    2
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15912                    chaminade    2
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15921                     chapelle    2
15922                  chaperonage    2
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15927                 chastisement    2
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15932                   cheapening    2
15933                    cheapside    2
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15935                   chelmsford    2
15936                     chelonia    2
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15938                    chemist's    2
15939                     chephren    2
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15941                        chick    2
15942                  chiffonnier    2
15943                   children's    2
15944                   chimborazo    2
15945                      chinked    2
15946                       chinks    2
15947                        chirp    2
15948                  chislehurst    2
15949                     chlorate    2
15950                   chlorodyne    2
15951                        choke    2
15952                     choleric    2
15953                         chop    2
15954                        chops    2
15955                        chord    2
15956                       chords    2
15957                  christopher    2
15958                    chronicle    2
15959                      chummed    2
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15962                       cicero    2
15963                      cilicia    2
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15975                      clarity    2
15976                      classed    2
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15978                      cleanly    2
15979                    cleanness    2
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15981                   cleverness    2
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15983                       clive_    2
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15993                       coated    2
15994                       cobble    2
15995                       cocked    2
15996                      cocking    2
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15999                 cockroaches_    2
16000                     codger's    2
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16002                     coherent    2
16003                     cohesion    2
16004                      colbeck    2
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16006                     coldness    2
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16017                         coma    2
16018                         comb    2
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16123                   converging    2
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16195                        crock    2
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16197                    cronstadt    2
16198                        crony    2
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16201                       crowd_    2
16202                     crumbles    2
16203                    crusading    2
16204                       crusoe    2
16205                       crutch    2
16206                 crystallized    2
16207                       crœsus    2
16208                         cuba    2
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16224                    custodian    2
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16228                     cuttings    2
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16231                     cyclones    2
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16233                       czecho    2
16234                       czechs    2
16235                       d'hote    2
16236                       d'œil_    2
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16524                         dyes    2
16525                        dykes    2
16526                    dysentery    2
16527                      dædalus    2
16528                       d’azil    2
16529                      d’etat_    2
16530                        d’yer    2
16531                        d’you    2
16532                     earnings    2
16533                      earshot    2
16534                       earthy    2
16535                        eased    2
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16547                       eddied    2
16548                     edgewise    2
16549                       edited    2
16550                      editing    2
16551                     editor's    2
16552                      editors    2
16553                    educator_    2
16554                         eels    2
16555                   effacement    2
16556                  effectively    2
16557                     effigies    2
16558                       effigy    2
16559                         efts    2
16560                      egerton    2
16561                    eggshells    2
16562                          ego    2
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16568                  ejaculatory    2
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16571                      elation    2
16572                         elba    2
16573                     elbowing    2
16574                    elections    2
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16576                      electro    2
16577                 electrometer    2
16578                electrometers    2
16579                       elixir    2
16580                        ellen    2
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16594                  emphasising    2
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16602                 encyclopedia    2
16603                 encyclopædia    2
16604                encyclopædia_    2
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16606                  endeavoured    2
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16654                     esthonia    2
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16656                      etching    2
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16658                        ether    2
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16708                      ezekiel    2
16709                        f.r.s    2
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16729                   fatherland    2
16730                         faun    2
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16733            featherstonehaugh    2
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16739                       feline    2
16740                    fellowmen    2
16741                      felspar    2
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16747                fertilisation    2
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16749                    fertility    2
16750                  fertilizers    2
16751                    festering    2
16752                      festoon    2
16753                    festooned    2
16754                       fetich    2
16755                       fever_    2
16756                   fictitious    2
16757                         fido    2
16758                     fielding    2
16759                       fiends    2
16760                   fierceness    2
16761                     fiercest    2
16762                         fiji    2
16763                      filby’s    2
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16802                        flour    2
16803                       floury    2
16804                          flu    2
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16806                   fluffiness    2
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16809                      fluting    2
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16856                 friendliness    2
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16858                      fringed    2
16859                   frittering    2
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16861                       frocks    2
16862                        frog_    2
16863                        frond    2
16864                       fronde    2
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16867                       frowsy    2
16868                     fruition    2
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16893                      galling    2
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16898                       game’s    2
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16902                         garb    2
16903                       garbed    2
16904                     gardens_    2
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16906                         gart    2
16907                       garvin    2
16908                      gaseous    2
16909                    gaskell's    2
16910               gastrocnemius_    2
16911                         gath    2
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16913                      gaztelu    2
16914                      gehenna    2
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16943                       gilboa    2
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16947                        gizeh    2
16948                        glade    2
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16956                   glimmering    2
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16959                glorification    2
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16961                        glows    2
16962                      glutted    2
16963                    glyptodon    2
16964                        gnome    2
16965                          go_    2
16966                          goa    2
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16969                      godsend    2
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16971                       goethe    2
16972                     goggling    2
16973                     goidelic    2
16974                         goin    2
16975                    goldfinch    2
16976                   goldflakes    2
16977                     gomshott    2
16978                         gord    2
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16995                      gravely    2
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17000                       greets    2
17001                      gregers    2
17002                        gride    2
17003                       griefs    2
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17006                       grocer    2
17007                      grossly    2
17008                       grotta    2
17009                        growl    2
17010                     growling    2
17011                    guayaquil    2
17012                    guesswork    2
17013                    guildford    2
17014                    guillaume    2
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17016                      guineas    2
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17019                      gullies    2
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17022                       gummed    2
17023                         gush    2
17024                     gustavus    2
17025                      gustily    2
17026                       gutted    2
17027                    guttering    2
17028                      guérin_    2
17029                    gymnastic    2
17030                        h.m.s    2
17031                     ha'penny    2
17032                    habsburgs    2
17033                      hacking    2
17034                          hag    2
17035                          hai    2
17036                      hailing    2
17037                   hailstones    2
17038                     hairless    2
17039                       hair’s    2
17040                halicarnassus    2
17041                        hall_    2
17042                        hallo    2
17043                hallucinatory    2
17044                        halts    2
17045                       hamlet    2
17046                       hamper    2
17047                    hampering    2
17048                     handfuls    2
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17050                      hanover    2
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17067                    harrowing    2
17068                      harshly    2
17069                    harshness    2
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17081                      heaping    2
17082                       hearer    2
17083                     heartily    2
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17087                        heath    2
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17091                      heerd’n    2
17092                        hegel    2
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17094                       hegira    2
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17102                  hemispheres    2
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17105                     heraldic    2
17106                        herat    2
17107                         herb    2
17108                         herd    2
17109                      herding    2
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17113                     heretics    2
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17127                       hilton    2
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17136                   hippolytus    2
17137                       hiring    2
17138                       hissed    2
17139                   histolysis    2
17140                   historians    2
17141                     history_    2
17142                   histrionic    2
17143                   hitchcocki    2
17144                      hobbled    2
17145                        hodge    2
17146                        hog's    2
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17148                hohenstaufens    2
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17152                       holder    2
17153                      holders    2
17154                     hollowed    2
17155                        holly    2
17156                    holroyd’s    2
17157                     holstein    2
17158                        home_    2
17159                   homecoming    2
17160                     homeland    2
17161                      homeric    2
17162                     homeward    2
17163                    homicidal    2
17164                       homing    2
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17173                       horton    2
17174                         hose    2
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17178                       hour's    2
17179                       hour’s    2
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17182                        hover    2
17183                         hsia    2
17184                      hubsche    2
17185                          hug    2
17186                          hul    2
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17204                      hurtled    2
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17208                         hyde    2
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17376                  interregnum    2
17377                interrogating    2
17378                   intervenes    2
17379                   interviews    2
17380                    intimates    2
17381                   intimating    2
17382                      intime_    2
17383               intractability    2
17384                  intricacies    2
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17386                  introducing    2
17387                introductions    2
17388                introspection    2
17389                   intrusions    2
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17391                    intuitive    2
17392                    invalid's    2
17393                    invasions    2
17394                    inventory    2
17395                   investment    2
17396                         iowa    2
17397                        irked    2
17398                   ironmaster    2
17399                  ironmongery    2
17400                       irony_    2
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17402                  irradiation    2
17403               irregularities    2
17404             irresponsibility    2
17405                  irrevocably    2
17406                     irritant    2
17407                  irritations    2
17408                        isaac    2
17409                       ischia    2
17410                      island_    2
17411                    isocrates    2
17412                      isolate    2
17413                      isthmus    2
17414                      italica    2
17415                      italics    2
17416                          ite    2
17417                       ithout    2
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17421                      jacobin    2
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17423                      jacques    2
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17443                          jib    2
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17445                          jim    2
17446                          joe    2
17447                       john's    2
17448                    johnson's    2
17449                      joining    2
17450                      jointly    2
17451                        joker    2
17452                          jol    2
17453                        jolt_    2
17454                       jonson    2
17455                        joppa    2
17456                       jordan    2
17457                       jostle    2
17458                      joubert    2
17459                         jour    2
17460                     joyously    2
17461                   judicially    2
17462                   juggernaut    2
17463                       julian    2
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17465                          jus    2
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17468                          k.c    2
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17471                       kansas    2
17472                      kashgar    2
17473                      kashmir    2
17474                         keel    2
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17477                       kempis    2
17478                      kennedy    2
17479                      kerbing    2
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17481                        kiang    2
17482                         kiau    2
17483                        kicks    2
17484                        kilns    2
17485                       kinder    2
17486                        kioto    2
17487                       knacks    2
17488                        knave    2
17489                       knaves    2
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17491                       knight    2
17492                      knights    2
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17494                        knobs    2
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17496                       knotty    2
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17498                     koltchak    2
17499                       kopjes    2
17500                        kotan    2
17501                         krum    2
17502                       kummel    2
17503                       kushan    2
17504                         l'as    2
17505                        label    2
17506                     labellum    2
17507                     labrador    2
17508                        laces    2
17509                     lacépède    2
17510                       ladram    2
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17516                       land's    2
17517                   landlady's    2
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17519                    landmarks    2
17520                       landor    2
17521                    landowner    2
17522                     landrail    2
17523                        lane_    2
17524                      langley    2
17525                    lankester    2
17526                     lantern_    2
17527                    lanterns_    2
17528                       lapdog    2
17529                      lapland    2
17530                        larks    2
17531                     larrimer    2
17532                       larvae    2
17533                       larval    2
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17537                        lasts    2
17538                     latchkey    2
17539                        late_    2
17540                      lateral    2
17541                    latitudes    2
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17543                     launches    2
17544                       lavish    2
17545                      lawless    2
17546                  lawlessness    2
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17548                       layman    2
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17552                     leadless    2
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17556                         leat    2
17557                       leave_    2
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17559                     leftmost    2
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17563                        leith    2
17564                    lengthily    2
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17568                     lenticel    2
17569                     leonardo    2
17570                     leonidas    2
17571                      leonora    2
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17573                      lepidus    2
17574                      leprous    2
17575                      lettish    2
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17577                     levelled    2
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17579                         levy    2
17580                    lewisham_    2
17581                           li    2
17582                         lias    2
17583                   liberating    2
17584                   liberators    2
17585                      liberia    2
17586                        lice_    2
17587                    lidgett's    2
17588                        life_    2
17589                    lifetimes    2
17590                     ligature    2
17591                  lighthouses    2
17592                          lii    2
17593                         liii    2
17594                limitlessness    2
17595                        liner    2
17596                       liners    2
17597                       linger    2
17598                      lingers    2
17599                     linoleum    2
17600                       lionel    2
17601                       lipped    2
17602                      liqueur    2
17603                    liquorish    2
17604                         lisp    2
17605                  literatures    2
17606                    litigious    2
17607                      litovsk    2
17608                          liv    2
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17613                      llama’s    2
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17617                      loathed    2
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17622                      lockers    2
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17629                      lolling    2
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17641                       looser    2
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17644                    loquacity    2
17645                      lording    2
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17647                       louise    2
17648                      lounges    2
17649                        lousy    2
17650                         lout    2
17651                      lovable    2
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17654                           lu    2
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17662                    luxuriant    2
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17665                           lv    2
17666                          lvi    2
17667                         lvii    2
17668                        lviii    2
17669                        lvoff    2
17670                           lx    2
17671                          lxi    2
17672                         lxii    2
17673                        lxiii    2
17674                         lxiv    2
17675                          lxv    2
17676                         lxvi    2
17677                        lxvii    2
17678                      lydians    2
17679                    lymphatic    2
17680                       lyrics    2
17681                        macao    2
17682                       mache_    2
17683                     mackerel    2
17684                   mackintosh    2
17685            mackintosheriness    2
17686                    macmillan    2
17687                     macvitie    2
17688                       madden    2
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17690                      maddest    2
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17692                       maggia    2
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17699                      mahaffy    2
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17702                      majesty    2
17703                     malarial    2
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17706                        males    2
17707                    malignity    2
17708                       mallow    2
17709                   maltreated    2
17710                     mammalia    2
17711                        mammæ    2
17712                         man_    2
17713                      manchus    2
17714                     mandalay    2
17715                      mandate    2
17716                     mangrove    2
17717                    manichæan    2
17718                   manichæans    2
17719                     manitoba    2
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17722                     mansell_    2
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17724                       mantua    2
17725                manufacturing    2
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17729                   manœuvring    2
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17732                      marbled    2
17733                     marchand    2
17734                         mare    2
17735                      margate    2
17736                      margins    2
17737                       marina    2
17738                       marino    2
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17740                    marmaduke    2
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17752                    maternity    2
17753                        mates    2
17754                        matey    2
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17756                      matting    2
17757                   mattresses    2
17758                       mature    2
17759                      matured    2
17760                      maturer    2
17761                      maximus    2
17762                     maximus_    2
17763                      mazarin    2
17764                      mazzard    2
17765                      meanest    2
17766                     meanings    2
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17768                  measurement    2
17769                 measurements    2
17770                        medal    2
17771                       medals    2
17772                     mediocre    2
17773                     mediæval    2
17774                  melancholy_    2
17775                       mellow    2
17776                     mellower    2
17777                     melodies    2
17778                    membranes    2
17779                     memorial    2
17780                     memoriam    2
17781                   mendacity_    2
17782                         mene    2
17783                        menin    2
17784                         menu    2
17785                   mercantile    2
17786                  mercenaries    2
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17788                 meretricious    2
17789                      merging    2
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17796               metempsychosis    2
17797                 metropolitan    2
17798                         metz    2
17799                        miaow    2
17800                      miaowed    2
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17802                    microcosm    2
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17804                    middleton    2
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17806                   mightiness    2
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17815                      minaret    2
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17840                      mitanni    2
17841                         mite    2
17842                     moabites    2
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17844                      moawija    2
17845                       mobbed    2
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17849                        modes    2
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17852                       moffat    2
17853                      moister    2
17854                     molecule    2
17855                     moluccas    2
17856                     momentum    2
17857                     moment’s    2
17858                          mon    2
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17860                  monasticism    2
17861                     monetary    2
17862                       monger    2
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17868                 monosyllabic    2
17869                   monotheism    2
17870                   monotonies    2
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17872                  montesquieu    2
17873                   montgomery    2
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17875                        moody    2
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17878                        moors    2
17879                          mop    2
17880                    moralised    2
17881                    moralists    2
17882                      morelly    2
17883                       more’s    2
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17885                     morrow's    2
17886                      morrow_    2
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17889                    moskowski    2
17890                    mososaurs    2
17891                   mosquitoes    2
17892                       mosses    2
17893                        mossy    2
17894                        motes    2
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17896                     motherly    2
17897                        motif    2
17898                       motors    2
17899                     moulding    2
17900                      moulton    2
17901               mountaineering    2
17902                     mourners    2
17903                     mouthing    2
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17905                    mowbray's    2
17906                       mowing    2
17907                         mown    2
17908                   mozambique    2
17909                       mozart    2
17910                           ms    2
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17912                      mucking    2
17913                    mudflats_    2
17914                      muehlon    2
17915                        mules    2
17916                   muliebrity    2
17917                        multi    2
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17921                      mumming    2
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17928                       murray    2
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17931                     musician    2
17932                         musk    2
17933                       mutely    2
17934                   mutilation    2
17935                     mutually    2
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17937                         mylæ    2
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17939                     mythical    2
17940                          n.h    2
17941                       naming    2
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17943                       napery    2
17944                   napoleon’s    2
17945                          nar    2
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17947                    narrowest    2
17948                   narrowness    2
17949                      nascent    2
17950                          nat    2
17951                        natal    2
17952                  nationalist    2
17953                  naturalist_    2
17954                  naturalists    2
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17957                      naughty    2
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17961                       navies    2
17962                   navigating    2
17963                   navigation    2
17964                      naylors    2
17965                         naze    2
17966              neanderthaler’s    2
17967                      nearer_    2
17968                     nebraska    2
17969                  necessaries    2
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17973                  negotiating    2
17974                 neolithicism    2
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17976                        nervy    2
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17978                    nestorian    2
17979                       nether    2
17980                     neuritis    2
17981                     neurotic    2
17982                     neustria    2
17983                         neva    2
17984                      newborn    2
17985                 newfoundland    2
17986                     newsboys    2
17987                         nez_    2
17988                      nibbled    2
17989                     nibbling    2
17990                   nicephorus    2
17991                        nicer    2
17992                    nicomedia    2
17993                   nietzsche_    2
17994                        nieuw    2
17995                   nightdress    2
17996                     nightjar    2
17997                   nightmare_    2
17998                         nish    2
17999                         nity    2
18000                       noah's    2
18001                       noah’s    2
18002                     nobleman    2
18003                      noblest    2
18004                   nominalist    2
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18006                   nomination    2
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18008                     northolt    2
18009                northwestward    2
18010                    norwegian    2
18011                        notch    2
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18013                    notepaper    2
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18016                        notre    2
18017                         nots    2
18018                         noun    2
18019                          nov    2
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18021                    nowhither    2
18022                      nubians    2
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18027                      nunez’s    2
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18041                    observers    2
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18052                    offending    2
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18057                   oglethorpe    2
18058                        oiled    2
18059                        okapi    2
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18061                     olympias    2
18062                      olympic    2
18063                      olympus    2
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18067                      omniums    2
18068                       onbust    2
18069                      ontario    2
18070                          oot    2
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18072                        opine    2
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18077                  opportunely    2
18078                  oppositions    2
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18091                       orphan    2
18092                    orphanage    2
18093                       orsini    2
18094                   oscillated    2
18095                       ostend    2
18096                      other’s    2
18097                       othman    2
18098                         otho    2
18099                           ou    2
18100                         oudh    2
18101                          oui    2
18102                        ounce    2
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18132                         ovum    2
18133                   ownerships    2
18134                          p.o    2
18135                        packs    2
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18137                       pagans    2
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18139                      pagodas    2
18140                         pail    2
18141                    painshill    2
18142                      painter    2
18143                 palaeonophis    2
18144                  paleolithic    2
18145                      palermo    2
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18155                      panipat    2
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18159                      paper's    2
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18169                    paramount    2
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18172                     parasite    2
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18182                        parti    2
18183                participating    2
18184                particoloured    2
18185                    partition    2
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18187                paskershortly    2
18188                  passenger's    2
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18196                    patrician    2
18197                  patternings    2
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18201                       pawing    2
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18203                           pe    2
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18213                         pegu    2
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18225                      peopled    2
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18229                  perennially    2
18230                   perfecting    2
18231                   perforated    2
18232                     periodic    2
18233                 periodically    2
18234                   permanency    2
18235                    perplexes    2
18236                        perry    2
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18238                  persecuting    2
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18243                      pervert    2
18244                    pessimism    2
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18246                    pestering    2
18247                        pesth    2
18248                     peterhof    2
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18250                         pets    2
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18255                   petulantly    2
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18257                    phantasms    2
18258                pharmacopoeia    2
18259                    pharsalos    2
18260                       phials    2
18261                 philandering    2
18262                 philanthropy    2
18263                philosopher's    2
18264                   phlegmatic    2
18265                  phonographs    2
18266                 photographed    2
18267                   physicians    2
18268                  physiocrats    2
18269                physiological    2
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18271                       piazza    2
18272                      piccola    2
18273                      pickaxe    2
18274                      pickets    2
18275                       pickle    2
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18277                       picnic    2
18278                    pictorial    2
18279              picturesqueness    2
18280                 piddingquirk    2
18281                       pidgin    2
18282                     piedmont    2
18283                     piggledy    2
18284                      pigtail    2
18285                  pilgrimages    2
18286                      pillage    2
18287                     pillowed    2
18288                      pimlico    2
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18290                       pineal    2
18291                        pines    2
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18293                     pinnacle    2
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18299                    pitifully    2
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18301                        pitti    2
18302                      pitying    2
18303                      pizarro    2
18304                        plaid    2
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18307                    planetary    2
18308                     planters    2
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18347                        polos    2
18348                       polo’s    2
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18359                        pored    2
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18361                      portico    2
18362                       poseur    2
18363                        post_    2
18364                       postal    2
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18367                   postulated    2
18368                    potassium    2
18369                      potsdam    2
18370                       potter    2
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18372                        pours    2
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18375                           pr    2
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18474                     puddling    2
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18503                       quebec    2
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18506                          qui    2
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18660                    resounded    2
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18662                      restive    2
18663                    restored_    2
18664                  restraining    2
18665                    resulting    2
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18667                    reticence    2
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18690                     revolves    2
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18692                     rhapsody    2
18693                     rhetoric    2
18694                       rheumy    2
18695                       rhodes    2
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18697                rhododendrons    2
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18699                      rhythms    2
18700                           ri    2
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18702                  ricochetted    2
18703                       ridden    2
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18713                      rioting    2
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18725                     robustum    2
18726                rochefoucauld    2
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18729                    rodbertus    2
18730                        rodd_    2
18731                     roderick    2
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18743                      rouleau    2
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18747                       roving    2
18748                          roy    2
18749                          rra    2
18750                      rubicon    2
18751                       rudolf    2
18752                        rummy    2
18753                       rupert    2
18754                     ruskin's    2
18755                        russo    2
18756                       rustic    2
18757                      rusting    2
18758                   sabellians    2
18759                         sac_    2
18760                    sackcloth    2
18761                      saddler    2
18762                      saddles    2
18763                      sadness    2
18764                        sagas    2
18765                         sagg    2
18766                    saghalien    2
18767                       sahara    2
18768                         sais    2
18769                        saith    2
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18772                        sales    2
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18774                      sallied    2
18775                       salted    2
18776                     saltings    2
18777                   salutation    2
18778                     samnites    2
18779                        samos    2
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18782                      sandpit    2
18783                       sands_    2
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18786                     sanguine    2
18787                        sapor    2
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18791                     sapphire    2
18792                     saratoga    2
18793                       sardis    2
18794                      sarnath    2
18795                 sarsaparilla    2
18796                       sashes    2
18797                    satellite    2
18798                   satellites    2
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18801                     saurians    2
18802                        saves    2
18803                       saxony    2
18804                       scaled    2
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18806                        scaly    2
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18808                     scandals    2
18809                scandinavians    2
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18830                   scornfully    2
18831                    scotchman    2
18832                    scotchmen    2
18833                    scoundrel    2
18834                        scowl    2
18835                      scrappy    2
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18847                     scuttled    2
18848                      scythia    2
18849                     scythian    2
18850                           se    2
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18853                         seal    2
18854                         seam    2
18855                       seaman    2
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18863                    secretion    2
18864                    sectional    2
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18869                   sedulously    2
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18872                        seers    2
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18874                    selecting    2
18875                    selfishly    2
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18877                   semicircle    2
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18880                     sensibly    2
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18883                  sententious    2
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18892                        serfs    2
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18894                    servant's    2
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18899                        sever    2
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18901                     severest    2
18902                      severus    2
18903                       sewage    2
18904                   shabbiness    2
18905                     shadwell    2
18906                       shaggy    2
18907                         shah    2
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18909                        shaky    2
18910                    shallower    2
18911                  shallowness    2
18912                     shallows    2
18913                      shalott    2
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18916                         shan    2
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18918                      sharper    2
18919                    sharpness    2
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18922                      sheerly    2
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18924                     shelduck    2
18925                    shelley's    2
18926                        shied    2
18927                      shimmer    2
18928                  shimonoseki    2
18929                       shines    2
18930                      shingle    2
18931                 shipbuilding    2
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18935                     shirking    2
18936                      shishak    2
18937                     shocking    2
18938                         shoe    2
18939                 shoeburyness    2
18940                  shoesmith's    2
18941                   shoesmiths    2
18942                        shorn    2
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18945                    shortness    2
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18947                        shrew    2
18948                    shrilling    2
18949                   shrillness    2
18950                       shrink    2
18951                    shrinkage    2
18952                    shrinking    2
18953                        shrub    2
18954                        shrug    2
18955                    shrugging    2
18956                     shuffled    2
18957                    shumanism    2
18958                     shunting    2
18959                        shuts    2
18960                         siam    2
18961                     sicilian    2
18962                     sicilies    2
18963                     sidelong    2
18964                      sidings    2
18965                       sifted    2
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18968                    signified    2
18969                      silesia    2
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18972                       silted    2
18973                     silurian    2
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18975                   simplified    2
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18977                         sind    2
18978                     singeing    2
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18980                       sinned    2
18981                       sipped    2
18982                      sirmium    2
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18984                     sittings    2
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18986                    skedaddle    2
18987                    skilfully    2
18988                     skipping    2
18989                     skirmish    2
18990                  skirmishing    2
18991                       skull_    2
18992                      skyline    2
18993                        slake    2
18994                        slang    2
18995                        slaps    2
18996                      slashes    2
18997                  slaughtered    2
18998                 slaughtering    2
18999                 slaughterman    2
19000                         slav    2
19001                      slavish    2
19002                      slaying    2
19003                 sledgehammer    2
19004                sleeplessness    2
19005                       sliced    2
19006                        slimy    2
19007                        slink    2
19008                         slop    2
19009                       sloppy    2
19010                         slot    2
19011                       slouch    2
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19014                      slowing    2
19015                        slows    2
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19017                   slumbering    2
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19019                    slumbrous    2
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19021                     smacking    2
19022                       smacks    2
19023                       smears    2
19024                       smells    2
19025                      smith's    2
19026                     smithers    2
19027                      smitten    2
19028                    smokeless    2
19029                     smollett    2
19030                     smoothed    2
19031                     smoulder    2
19032                   smouldered    2
19033                   snappishly    2
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19036                     sneaking    2
19037                   sniggering    2
19038                   snivelling    2
19039                     snorting    2
19040                       snowed    2
19041                         snub    2
19042                        snubs    2
19043                     snuffing    2
19044                         so's    2
19045                         soak    2
19046                      sobered    2
19047                         sobs    2
19048                          soc    2
19049                socialisation    2
19050                    society's    2
19051                         sock    2
19052                       soften    2
19053                         soho    2
19054                      sojourn    2
19055                       solace    2
19056                     soldiery    2
19057                        soled    2
19058                       solely    2
19059                     solidity    2
19060                         solo    2
19061                     solstice    2
19062                   somebody's    2
19063                       somers    2
19064               somnambulistic    2
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19067                     soothing    2
19068                    sophistry    2
19069                    sophocles    2
19070                    soporific    2
19071                     sorrento    2
19072                        sotto    2
19073                     soughing    2
19074                      southey    2
19075                      soviets    2
19076                    sowerby's    2
19077                     spanking    2
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19079                      sparkle    2
19080                    sparkling    2
19081                     sparring    2
19082                      spartan    2
19083                        spasm    2
19084                spasmodically    2
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19086                        spate    2
19087                        spats    2
19088                    speaker's    2
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19090                 specifically    2
19091                      spectre    2
19092                     spectrum    2
19093                     speeding    2
19094                        spelt    2
19095                    spherical    2
19096                     spider's    2
19097                        spiez    2
19098                        spiky    2
19099                        spine    2
19100                        spins    2
19101                   spitefully    2
19102                    spittings    2
19103                      spittle    2
19104                       spleen    2
19105                     splinter    2
19106                    spokesman    2
19107                       spores    2
19108                    sportsmen    2
19109                     spotless    2
19110                      spouted    2
19111                       sprawl    2
19112                     spraying    2
19113                        spree    2
19114                     sprouted    2
19115                    spurgeon_    2
19116                      spurred    2
19117                       spurts    2
19118                       spying    2
19119                    squabbles    2
19120                    squadrons    2
19121                     squatted    2
19122                     squeaked    2
19123                       squeal    2
19124                      squeeze    2
19125                      squelch    2
19126                       squiff    2
19127                   squirrel's    2
19128                     squirted    2
19129                           ss    2
19130                          ssh    2
19131                          sta    2
19132                      stabler    2
19133                        stabs    2
19134                      stagger    2
19135                     staggers    2
19136                      stagira    2
19137                    stairways    2
19138                     stamping    2
19139                      stanley    2
19140                     starless    2
19141                     starlike    2
19142                        starr    2
19143                       starry    2
19144                  startlingly    2
19145                   starvation    2
19146                   statesman_    2
19147                statesmanship    2
19148                   stationery    2
19149                   statistics    2
19150                        stays    2
19151                        stead    2
19152                     steadier    2
19153                      steamed    2
19154                       steeps    2
19155                     steering    2
19156                   stenomylus    2
19157                    stephen's    2
19158                 stephenson’s    2
19159                      stepway    2
19160                     sterling    2
19161                 stethoscoped    2
19162                      stiffen    2
19163                   stiffening    2
19164                   stimulates    2
19165                     stinking    2
19166                   stipulated    2
19167                    stirrings    2
19168                    stitching    2
19169                    stockholm    2
19170                    stoneware    2
19171                       stools    2
19172                       stoops    2
19173                    storeroom    2
19174                      storeys    2
19175                      stouter    2
19176                       stoves    2
19177                   stragglers    2
19178                  straightway    2
19179                   strassburg    2
19180               stratification    2
19181                   stratified    2
19182                      stratum    2
19183                  strenuously    2
19184                     strictly    2
19185                     strident    2
19186                   strindberg    2
19187                    stripling    2
19188                       stroll    2
19189                    strolling    2
19190                    strongest    2
19191                       strove    2
19192                   structural    2
19193                     strummed    2
19194                     strutted    2
19195                       stuart    2
19196                     studious    2
19197                   stuffiness    2
19198                       stumps    2
19199                       stumpy    2
19200                    stupefied    2
19201                     sturdily    2
19202                   sturdiness    2
19203                       styles    2
19204                      stylish    2
19205                    stylishly    2
19206                       styria    2
19207                    subjugate    2
19208                  subjugating    2
19209                      sublime    2
19210                   submissive    2
19211                subordination    2
19212                 subscription    2
19213                     subserve    2
19214                   subsidiary    2
19215                 substantives    2
19216                      subutai    2
19217                      subways    2
19218                       sucker    2
19219                      suckers    2
19220                     suckling    2
19221                         sued    2
19222                        suevi    2
19223                   sufferance    2
19224                     suffices    2
19225                    suffocate    2
19226                  suffragette    2
19227                 suffragettes    2
19228                     suitably    2
19229                     sullenly    2
19230                   summarised    2
19231                      summons    2
19232                         sun_    2
19233                    sunbonnet    2
19234                       sundry    2
19235                         suns    2
19236                      sunsets    2
19237                        sun’s    2
19238                superabundant    2
19239                  superheated    2
19240                  superlative    2
19241                superstitions    2
19242                       supped    2
19243                   supplement    2
19244                    supporter    2
19245                     supposes    2
19246                 suppressions    2
19247                        surge    2
19248                        surly    2
19249                     surnames    2
19250                 surprisingly    2
19251                 surrendering    2
19252                   surrenders    2
19253                    survivals    2
19254                     survives    2
19255               susceptibility    2
19256                  susceptible    2
19257                     susurrus    2
19258                   swaggering    2
19259                       swains    2
19260                   swallowing    2
19261                     swamping    2
19262                      swarthy    2
19263                     swastika    2
19264                    swathings    2
19265                        sways    2
19266                      sweated    2
19267                      sweater    2
19268                     sweetest    2
19269                   sweetheart    2
19270                     swishing    2
19271                       swivel    2
19272                      sybil's    2
19273                   symbolical    2
19274                 sympathisers    2
19275                      syncope    2
19276                    syndicate    2
19277                   syndicates    2
19278                       syphon    2
19279                       syrinx    2
19280                      systole    2
19281                       s’pose    2
19282                      tacitly    2
19283                     taciturn    2
19284                         tack    2
19285                     tadpoles    2
19286                        tagus    2
19287                       tailed    2
19288                        taker    2
19289                      talgent    2
19290                       talker    2
19291                     talking_    2
19292                       taller    2
19293                      tallies    2
19294                      tandems    2
19295                       tanned    2
19296                    tantalise    2
19297                  tantalising    2
19298                  tantalizing    2
19299                     tapering    2
19300                          tar    2
19301                      tariffs    2
19302                        tarim    2
19303                      tarnish    2
19304                        tarry    2
19305                       tarsus    2
19306                       tassel    2
19307                     tasteful    2
19308                      tasting    2
19309                       tattoo    2
19310                        taxed    2
19311                    teachable    2
19312                      teacups    2
19313                       teapot    2
19314                     tearless    2
19315                      teasing    2
19316                  technically    2
19317                          ted    2
19318                  tediousness    2
19319                       teemed    2
19320                        teeny    2
19321                      telamon    2
19322                   telegraph_    2
19323                  telegraphic    2
19324                   telescopic    2
19325                     temerity    2
19326              temperamentally    2
19327                    tenacious    2
19328                 tendernesses    2
19329                      tending    2
19330                     tenement    2
19331                      tensely    2
19332                   tentacular    2
19333                   tentatives    2
19334                      tenuous    2
19335                    terminals    2
19336                    terminate    2
19337                  terminating    2
19338                      termini    2
19339                      terrify    2
19340                   terrifying    2
19341                      testing    2
19342                        texel    2
19343                    textbooks    2
19344                     textiles    2
19345                        texts    2
19346                     thaddy's    2
19347                     thankful    2
19348                     thanking    2
19349                     thawings    2
19350                        theft    2
19351                       themes    2
19352                     theodora    2
19353                 theosophists    2
19354                 therapeutist    2
19355                   thereabout    2
19356                   thermopylæ    2
19357                       they’d    2
19358                    thickened    2
19359                     thieving    2
19360                      thing’s    2
19361                      think'n    2
19362                     thinnest    2
19363                      thirdly    2
19364                    thirsting    2
19365                     thirties    2
19366                  thistledown    2
19367                      thoreau    2
19368                 thoroughfare    2
19369                       thrace    2
19370                     thrashed    2
19371                    thrashing    2
19372                     threaded    2
19373                   threepenny    2
19374                       threes    2
19375                    thridding    2
19376                      thrills    2
19377                      throned    2
19378                     throttle    2
19379                       throws    2
19380                     thrush's    2
19381                        thump    2
19382                  thunderclap    2
19383                 thunderclaps    2
19384                    thundered    2
19385                         thur    2
19386                        tiara    2
19387                        tiber    2
19388                         tick    2
19389                      tickled    2
19390                     tickling    2
19391                         tidy    2
19392                      tighten    2
19393                    tightness    2
19394                         tile    2
19395                   tillingham    2
19396                    timbuctoo    2
19397                   timekeeper    2
19398                   timidities    2
19399                     timidity    2
19400                        timor    2
19401                     tinamous    2
19402                    tinctures    2
19403                      tiniest    2
19404                    tinkering    2
19405                       tinkle    2
19406                       tipped    2
19407                       tiryns    2
19408                      tissues    2
19409                       tittle    2
19410                         toby    2
19411                      toilers    2
19412                        token    2
19413                       tomato    2
19414                    tombstone    2
19415                   tombstones    2
19416                       tonics    2
19417                       tonkin    2
19418                    toothless    2
19419                    toothpick    2
19420                    toothsome    2
19421                   topography    2
19422                        torch    2
19423                      tornado    2
19424                      torpedo    2
19425                      torquay    2
19426                        torre    2
19427                    torturing    2
19428                       touch_    2
19429                       toulon    2
19430                          tow    2
19431                     townsmen    2
19432                        toyed    2
19433                      tracing    2
19434                       tracts    2
19435                       trader    2
19436                       trails    2
19437                      traitor    2
19438                   trajectory    2
19439                      tralala    2
19440                  transaction    2
19441                transatlantic    2
19442                 transcribing    2
19443                 transferring    2
19444               transformation    2
19445                 transitional    2
19446                transmutation    2
19447                     transome    2
19448                 transplanted    2
19449                   transposed    2
19450                      trapeze    2
19451                      trapped    2
19452                     trapping    2
19453                        traps    2
19454                        trash    2
19455                    trasimere    2
19456                      travel_    2
19457                   traversing    2
19458                       treads    2
19459                     treaties    2
19460                    treatises    2
19461                       treats    2
19462                      trellis    2
19463                   tremenjous    2
19464                      tremors    2
19465                    tremulous    2
19466                   trevithick    2
19467                    triangles    2
19468                     tribunal    2
19469                        trice    2
19470                      tricked    2
19471                     trickery    2
19472                       trinil    2
19473                 trinitarians    2
19474                      tripods    2
19475                     triremes    2
19476                        trite    2
19477                  triumvirate    2
19478                 trivialities    2
19479                   triviality    2
19480                      trojans    2
19481                     trombone    2
19482                      trooped    2
19483                       troupe    2
19484                        trout    2
19485                        trove    2
19486                     truckful    2
19487                   truculence    2
19488                    truncheon    2
19489                    trundling    2
19490                     trusting    2
19491                       trusts    2
19492                       truths    2
19493                 tschaikovsky    2
19494                    tshushima    2
19495                      tucking    2
19496                        tudor    2
19497                          tug    2
19498                       tumour    2
19499                        turfy    2
19500                    turkomans    2
19501                      turnham    2
19502                    turnstile    2
19503                   turnstiles    2
19504                   turpentine    2
19505                       tusher    2
19506                    tushratta    2
19507                       tussle    2
19508                          tut    2
19509                      twaddle    2
19510                      twaindy    2
19511                      twanged    2
19512                         twas    2
19513                     twenties    2
19514                        twine    2
19515                       twined    2
19516                       typist    2
19517                tyrannosaurus    2
19518                      ugliest    2
19519                  uintatheres    2
19520                    ululation    2
19521                     umpire's    2
19522                     unafraid    2
19523                      unaided    2
19524                    unannexed    2
19525                 unanswerable    2
19526               unapproachable    2
19527                   unattached    2
19528                   unbecoming    2
19529                    unbounded    2
19530                     unburied    2
19531                     unburned    2
19532                    unceasing    2
19533                  uncertainly    2
19534                uncertainties    2
19535                 unchallenged    2
19536                 uncharitable    2
19537                      uncivil    2
19538                  uncleanness    2
19539                    uncoiling    2
19540              uncommunicative    2
19541                  unconcealed    2
19542                  unconcerned    2
19543                  uncongenial    2
19544               unconscionable    2
19545                 unconsidered    2
19546               uncontrollably    2
19547                 uncontrolled    2
19548                 unconvincing    2
19549                 uncriticised    2
19550                  undefinable    2
19551                    underbred    2
19552                      undergo    2
19553                    undergoes    2
19554                   undergoing    2
19555               undergraduates    2
19556                    underlies    2
19557                   underlings    2
19558                   underlying    2
19559               understandable    2
19560                   undertaken    2
19561                    underwent    2
19562                  undeviating    2
19563                    undivided    2
19564                       unduly    2
19565                      undying    2
19566                   unedifying    2
19567                   uneducated    2
19568                  unemotional    2
19569                   unequalled    2
19570                   uneventful    2
19571                 unexpressive    2
19572                unfamiliarity    2
19573                 unfavourable    2
19574                 unfavourably    2
19575                  unflinching    2
19576                unflinchingly    2
19577                      unfolds    2
19578                   unforeseen    2
19579                unforgettable    2
19580                 unfortunates    2
19581               unfriendliness    2
19582                   ungrateful    2
19583                    unguarded    2
19584                    unhealthy    2
19585                   unheralded    2
19586                    uniformed    2
19587                 unimaginable    2
19588                    unimpeded    2
19589              unintelligently    2
19590                uninteresting    2
19591                     unionism    2
19592                        unite    2
19593                unjustifiable    2
19594                   unlettered    2
19595                     unloaded    2
19596                     unlooked    2
19597                     unlovely    2
19598                      unlucky    2
19599                 unmanageable    2
19600                    unmarried    2
19601                 unmercifully    2
19602                      unmixed    2
19603                   unmolested    2
19604                    unmusical    2
19605                     unpacked    2
19606                    unpacking    2
19607                     unpaired    2
19608                       unpent    2
19609                  unperceived    2
19610                    unplanned    2
19611                    unpopular    2
19612                 unprejudiced    2
19613                unprovisioned    2
19614                  unqualified    2
19615                       unread    2
19616                  unrealities    2
19617                 unrecognised    2
19618                  unrelenting    2
19619                unreliability    2
19620                   unrewarded    2
19621                   unrivalled    2
19622                     unrolled    2
19623                 unscientific    2
19624                    unscrewed    2
19625                    unselfish    2
19626                     unsolved    2
19627                      unsound    2
19628                  unspeakably    2
19629                    unstained    2
19630               unsuccessfully    2
19631                   untidiness    2
19632                     untimely    2
19633                  untraceable    2
19634                  untrammeled    2
19635                    untutored    2
19636                    unvisited    2
19637                     unwarned    2
19638                    unwelcome    2
19639                       unwell    2
19640                     unwisdom    2
19641                    unwritten    2
19642                      upborne    2
19643                       upheld    2
19644                    upholding    2
19645                       uplift    2
19646                     uprooted    2
19647                         upsy    2
19648                    urgencies    2
19649                         urns    2
19650                       usages    2
19651                   usefulness    2
19652                    uselessly    2
19653                      usurper    2
19654                  utilisation    2
19655                  utilitarian    2
19656                    utterance    2
19657                           uz    2
19658                           v_    2
19659                           va    2
19660                 vacillations    2
19661                       vacuum    2
19662                       vaguer    2
19663                      vainest    2
19664                          val    2
19665                     valances    2
19666                       valens    2
19667                     valerian    2
19668               valetudinarian    2
19669                        valid    2
19670                    valuation    2
19671                       vandas    2
19672                      vantage    2
19673                      variant    2
19674                      varnish    2
19675                      varsity    2
19676                     vascular    2
19677                    vassalage    2
19678                        vault    2
19679                       vaults    2
19680                     vauxhall    2
19681                        vedas    2
19682                  vegetarians    2
19683                      vehicle    2
19684                        veils    2
19685                    velveteen    2
19686                       vendée    2
19687                    venerable    2
19688                      venetia    2
19689                     venetian    2
19690                        venom    2
19691                     venomous    2
19692                   venticolus    2
19693                      venting    2
19694                ventriloquist    2
19695                    venusberg    2
19696                     veracity    2
19697                         verb    2
19698                        verbs    2
19699                    verdigris    2
19700                    veritable    2
19701                     verlaine    2
19702                    versatile    2
19703                      vertigo    2
19704                      vesture    2
19705                    vexatious    2
19706                  viciousness    2
19707                   victorians    2
19708                        viler    2
19709                     villadom    2
19710                     villager    2
19711                       villon    2
19712                        vilna    2
19713                        vinci    2
19714                      vindhya    2
19715                        viper    2
19716                     viperine    2
19717                     virginal    2
19718                        virgo    2
19719                     virility    2
19720                    virtually    2
19721                    virulence    2
19722                       vissel    2
19723                       visual    2
19724                    visualise    2
19725                     vitellus    2
19726                      vittles    2
19727                     vividest    2
19728                   viviparous    2
19729                         voce    2
19730                 vociferating    2
19731                        vogue    2
19732                    voiceless    2
19733                          vol    2
19734                      volcano    2
19735                        volta    2
19736                   volunteers    2
19737                       vortex    2
19738                        voter    2
19739                       voters    2
19740                       votive    2
19741                        voulu    2
19742                      wadding    2
19743                       waddle    2
19744                       waders    2
19745                      wagging    2
19746                       wagner    2
19747                       wagons    2
19748                         wail    2
19749                     waitress    2
19750                   waitresses    2
19751                       walker    2
19752                       wallet    2
19753                     wallowed    2
19754                    wallowing    2
19755                      waltham    2
19756                        waltz    2
19757                     wanderer    2
19758                    wardenham    2
19759                   wardingham    2
19760                   warehouses    2
19761                       waring    2
19762                        warns    2
19763                      wasmann    2
19764                       wasps_    2
19765                     watchett    2
19766                 watchfulness    2
19767                      watered    2
19768                    waterfall    2
19769                    waterless    2
19770                      water’s    2
19771                         watt    2
19772                      wavered    2
19773                       waxing    2
19774                       weaken    2
19775                     weakling    2
19776                    weaklings    2
19777                      wearies    2
19778                        weave    2
19779                       wedded    2
19780                      weeding    2
19781                      weekday    2
19782                      weekly_    2
19783                        weeny    2
19784                         welt    2
19785                       welter    2
19786                        wench    2
19787                        werle    2
19788                     wesleyan    2
19789                       wessex    2
19790                   westbourne    2
19791                      whacked    2
19792                         whad    2
19793                        whale    2
19794                       whales    2
19795                    wheedling    2
19796                    wherewith    2
19797                    whichever    2
19798                      whimper    2
19799                   whimpering    2
19800                     whipping    2
19801                    whirlpool    2
19802                        whisk    2
19803                      whisker    2
19804                        whist    2
19805                       whiter    2
19806                    whitewash    2
19807                      whitish    2
19808                        whizz    2
19809                      whizzed    2
19810                       who're    2
19811                       who've    2
19812                         whup    2
19813                       wicker    2
19814                      widgery    2
19815                  wiedersheim    2
19816                     wielding    2
19817                     wifeless    2
19818                        wight    2
19819                     wildness    2
19820                       wilful    2
19821                     wilfully    2
19822                      willows    2
19823                         wily    2
19824                        wince    2
19825                   winchester    2
19826                     windmill    2
19827                       winner    2
19828                         wins    2
19829                      winslow    2
19830                        wisby    2
19831                    wisconsin    2
19832                       wisely    2
19833                         wisp    2
19834                   witchcraft    2
19835                   withdrawal    2
19836                     withheld    2
19837                    withstood    2
19838                      witless    2
19839                   wittenberg    2
19840                       wobbly    2
19841                        wolfe    2
19842                       wolsey    2
19843                      women’s    2
19844                   wonderings    2
19845                       woods_    2
19846                   woodward's    2
19847                     woodwork    2
19848                      woollen    2
19849                     wordless    2
19850                   workpeople    2
19851                  worldliness    2
19852                worldlinesses    2
19853                      wraiths    2
19854                      wrangel    2
19855                      wrangle    2
19856                     wrangled    2
19857                    wrappings    2
19858                     wreathed    2
19859                         wren    2
19860                      wrested    2
19861                     wrestled    2
19862                    wrestling    2
19863                          wry    2
19864                          wuz    2
19865                      wycombe    2
19866                       xavier    2
19867                     xenophon    2
19868                           xl    2
19869                          xli    2
19870                         xlii    2
19871                        xliii    2
19872                         xliv    2
19873                         xlix    2
19874                          xlv    2
19875                         xlvi    2
19876                        xlvii    2
19877                       xlviii    2
19878                        xxvth    2
19879                        xxxiv    2
19880                        xxxix    2
19881                         xxxv    2
19882                        xxxvi    2
19883                       xxxvii    2
19884                      xxxviii    2
19885                     yaguachi    2
19886                       yahaha    2
19887                      yahahah    2
19888                      yangtse    2
19889                      yapping    2
19890                       year's    2
19891                         yedo    2
19892                       yelped    2
19893                          yew    2
19894                         yoke    2
19895                         yolk    2
19896                     yorktown    2
19897                           yr    2
19898                    yudenitch    2
19899                     zanzibar    2
19900                          zay    2
19901                      zealous    2
19902                    zealously    2
19903                     zimbabwe    2
19904                         zinc    2
19905                         zola    2
19906                         zoo_    2
19907                    zoroaster    2
19908                  zoroastrian    2
19909               zoroastrianism    2
19910                      ægatian    2
19911                       ægeans    2
19912                        æolic    2
19913                         æons    2
19914                     æschylus    2
19915                           02    1
19916                           03    1
19917                           07    1
19918                           0d    1
19919                        1,000    1
19920                        1,400    1
19921                        1,782    1
19922                        1,793    1
19923                         1.20    1
19924                         1.45    1
19925                   10,000,000    1
19926                         1043    1
19927                         1054    1
19928                         1084    1
19929                         1096    1
19930                         1097    1
19931                          10s    1
19932                         10th    1
19933                        11.00    1
19934                        11.30    1
19935                        11.50    1
19936                         1100    1
19937                         1125    1
19938                         1144    1
19939                         1147    1
19940                         1170    1
19941                         1181    1
19942                         1189    1
19943                        12.00    1
19944                        12.30    1
19945                         1200    1
19946                         1210    1
19947                         1221    1
19948                         1224    1
19949                         1235    1
19950                         1239    1
19951                         1242    1
19952                         1250    1
19953                         1258    1
19954                         1272    1
19955                         1277    1
19956                         1292    1
19957                         1294    1
19958                          12s    1
19959                         12th    1
19960                         1302    1
19961                         1303    1
19962                         1318    1
19963                         1320    1
19964                         1348    1
19965                         1350    1
19966                         1369    1
19967                         1384    1
19968                  140,000,000    1
19969                         1428    1
19970                         1431    1
19971                         1436    1
19972                         1452    1
19973                         1459    1
19974                         1462    1
19975                         1477    1
19976                         1481    1
19977                         1483    1
19978                         1486    1
19979                         1493    1
19980                         1494    1
19981                         1499    1
19982                         14th    1
19983                       15,000    1
19984                      150,000    1
19985                         1506    1
19986                         1517    1
19987                         1522    1
19988                         1525    1
19989                         1533    1
19990                         1539    1
19991                         1540    1
19992                         1542    1
19993                         1549    1
19994                         1550    1
19995                         1554    1
19996                         1561    1
19997                         1571    1
19998                         1583    1
19999                         1584    1
20000                         1585    1
20001                         1602    1
20002                         1610    1
20003                         1620    1
20004                         1625    1
20005                         1638    1
20006                         1642    1
20007                         1658    1
20008                         1661    1
20009                         1662    1
20010                         1674    1
20011                         1682    1
20012                         1683    1
20013                         1707    1
20014                         1713    1
20015                         1714    1
20016                         1728    1
20017                         1740    1
20018                         1745    1
20019                         1759    1
20020                         1763    1
20021                         1766    1
20022                         1772    1
20023                         1773    1
20024                         1775    1
20025                         1777    1
20026                         1781    1
20027                         1796    1
20028                         1798    1
20029                         1802    1
20030                         1809    1
20031                         1811    1
20032                         1819    1
20033                         1822    1
20034                         1838    1
20035                         1844    1
20036                         1853    1
20037                         1859    1
20038                         1862    1
20039                         1866    1
20040                         1867    1
20041                         1875    1
20042                         1878    1
20043                         1881    1
20044                         1883    1
20045                         1886    1
20046                         1891    1
20047                         1893    1
20048                         1897    1
20049                        1922_    1
20050                         1950    1
20051                           1d    1
20052                          1st    1
20053                        2,000    1
20054                2,000,000,000    1
20055                        2,500    1
20056                         2.15    1
20057                         2.30    1
20058                       20,000    1
20059                         2100    1
20060                          219    1
20061                         22nd    1
20062                      239,000    1
20063                          262    1
20064                         26th    1
20065                          273    1
20066                         27th    1
20067                         28th    1
20068                          2l6    1
20069                        3,000    1
20070                         3.15    1
20071                         3.50    1
20072                       30,000    1
20073                      300,000    1
20074                        32,47    1
20075                   35,000,000    1
20076                         3642    1
20077                          366    1
20078                          367    1
20079                          378    1
20080                    4,883,000    1
20081                       40,000    1
20082                         4004    1
20083                          406    1
20084                          418    1
20085                          420    1
20086                          426    1
20087                          427    1
20088                          428    1
20089                          437    1
20090                          438    1
20091                          442    1
20092                          450    1
20093                          465    1
20094                          466    1
20095                          470    1
20096                          476    1
20097                          477    1
20098                          483    1
20099                          484    1
20100                        5,000    1
20101                         5.30    1
20102                          510    1
20103                          531    1
20104                          539    1
20105                          543    1
20106                          550    1
20107                          553    1
20108                          565    1
20109                          570    1
20110                          579    1
20111                           58    1
20112                          580    1
20113                          589    1
20114                           5s    1
20115                          5th    1
20116                         6.15    1
20117                         6.25    1
20118                         6.40    1
20119                          622    1
20120                          638    1
20121                          642    1
20122                          643    1
20123                          655    1
20124                          664    1
20125                          668    1
20126                          670    1
20127                          672    1
20128                          680    1
20129                          687    1
20130                         7.05    1
20131                          700    1
20132                          710    1
20133                          711    1
20134                          715    1
20135                          717    1
20136                          718    1
20137                          722    1
20138                          750    1
20139                          771    1
20140                          774    1
20141                          776    1
20142                          786    1
20143                          790    1
20144                        8,000    1
20145                         8.30    1
20146                         8.45    1
20147                         8000    1
20148                          802    1
20149                          809    1
20150                          810    1
20151                          828    1
20152                          843    1
20153                          850    1
20154                          852    1
20155                          865    1
20156                         87.3    1
20157                          87x    1
20158                          884    1
20159                          899    1
20160                           8s    1
20161                         8ths    1
20162                         9.30    1
20163                          900    1
20164                          904    1
20165                          936    1
20166                          938    1
20167                          941    1
20168                          955    1
20169                          960    1
20170                         99th    1
20171                          9th    1
20172                    _abandon_    1
20173                   _adventure    1
20174                      _after_    1
20175                      _albert    1
20176                         _all    1
20177                  _amphioxus_    1
20178                     _anatomy    1
20179                     _ancient    1
20180                        _and_    1
20181                      _animal    1
20182                      _antony    1
20183                  _aphrodite_    1
20184                    _apropos_    1
20185                     _arabian    1
20186                   _august_12    1
20187                  _authentic_    1
20188                     _average    1
20189                      _awful_    1
20190                      _b.o.p_    1
20191                        _baby    1
20192                         _bad    1
20193                  _balœniceps    1
20194                    _beastly_    1
20195                     _became_    1
20196                      _beech_    1
20197                       _been_    1
20198                      _beyond    1
20199                    _blotted_    1
20200                      _blurr_    1
20201                      _bogota    1
20202                     _bogota_    1
20203                       _bone_    1
20204                       _boot_    1
20205                        _born    1
20206                       _both_    1
20207                      _bound_    1
20208                       _boy's    1
20209                        _bric    1
20210                 _bridgewater    1
20211                      _brute_    1
20212                     _brutes_    1
20213                     _budded_    1
20214                     _buried_    1
20215                    _butcher_    1
20216                       _buxom    1
20217                         _by_    1
20218                  _bystander_    1
20219                          _c_    1
20220                     _cancan_    1
20221                    _candide_    1
20222                    _capable_    1
20223                    _carabus_    1
20224                       _casa_    1
20225                  _casserole_    1
20226                  _centuries_    1
20227                         _cf_    1
20228                _chalcidoidea    1
20229                   _character    1
20230                       _chars    1
20231                   _chiboule_    1
20232                    _children    1
20233                     _chrysis    1
20234                        _city    1
20235                      _clever    1
20236                    _cliches_    1
20237                  _clientele_    1
20238                   _cockroach    1
20239                        _code    1
20240                        _come    1
20241                       _comme    1
20242                    _company_    1
20243                  _confession    1
20244                       _congé    1
20245                      _contra    1
20246                   _copyright    1
20247                       _coram    1
20248                   _cornhill_    1
20249                      _cottus    1
20250                       _coups    1
20251                    _couvade_    1
20252                   _coveting_    1
20253                   _crayfish_    1
20254                    _cuberta_    1
20255                         _cui    1
20256                     _dawson_    1
20257                         _day    1
20258                       _dead_    1
20259                       _deed_    1
20260                         _des    1
20261                     _detest_    1
20262                     _detour_    1
20263                    _develop_    1
20264                      _devil_    1
20265                     _diario_    1
20266                     _didn't_    1
20267                     _didn’t_    1
20268                 _difference_    1
20269                 _dilettante_    1
20270                  _diplodocus    1
20271                    _dixisti_    1
20272                       _does_    1
20273                      _doing_    1
20274                      _don’t_    1
20275                _dostoievsky_    1
20276                      _double    1
20277                       _down_    1
20278                       _dream    1
20279                     _driven_    1
20280                       _dumà_    1
20281                    _dytiscus    1
20282                   _dytiscus_    1
20283                           _e    1
20284                       _eavy_    1
20285                    _echidna_    1
20286                     _echinus    1
20287                   _egotists_    1
20288                       _eigh_    1
20289                      _elixir    1
20290                  _elvesham's    1
20291                _encyclopædia    1
20292                     _enquire    1
20293               _entomological    1
20294                  _entr'acte_    1
20295                _eoanthropus_    1
20296                    _erewhon_    1
20297                     _eròtic_    1
20298                     _essays_    1
20299                     _ethics_    1
20300                     _evening    1
20301                     _evolved    1
20302                     _expert_    1
20303                  _expression    1
20304               _externalized_    1
20305                      _facts_    1
20306                        _fait    1
20307                      _fancy_    1
20308                         _far    1
20309                 _faraglioni_    1
20310                     _father_    1
20311                       _feel_    1
20312                       _femme    1
20313                    _fiancee_    1
20314                        _fire    1
20315                        _five    1
20316                    _flaneur_    1
20317                      _flesh_    1
20318                     _foolish    1
20319                         _for    1
20320                 _fortnightly    1
20321                       _forum    1
20322                      _forum_    1
20323                       _four_    1
20324                _freethinker_    1
20325                      _french    1
20326                      _fresh_    1
20327                   _furniture    1
20328                _gabbertushed    1
20329              _gastrocnemius_    1
20330                    _genteel_    1
20331                     _george_    1
20332                        _get_    1
20333                      _giant_    1
20334                      _gibbon    1
20335                    _glaring_    1
20336                      _gloom_    1
20337                         _go_    1
20338                       _good_    1
20339                        _got_    1
20340                       _graph    1
20341                    _graphic_    1
20342                     _hadn't_    1
20343                       _hair_    1
20344                      _hands_    1
20345                       _harm_    1
20346                      _he'll_    1
20347                       _held_    1
20348                      _helix_    1
20349                     _hibbert    1
20350                       _hill_    1
20351                    _histoire    1
20352                    _history_    1
20353                       _hope_    1
20354               _horrificness_    1
20355                    _housefly    1
20356                         _how    1
20357                      _hullo_    1
20358                      _humble    1
20359                  _hypocrite_    1
20360                       _i've_    1
20361                        _i.e_    1
20362                         _if_    1
20363                   _immensely    1
20364                  _industrial    1
20365                   _injected_    1
20366                     _inside_    1
20367              _instantaneous_    1
20368                       _insus    1
20369                        _ipso    1
20370                      _isn't_    1
20371                       _i’ll_    1
20372                          _je    1
20373                    _jeremiad    1
20374                         _jeu    1
20375                        _joie    1
20376                        _jolt    1
20377                      _joseph    1
20378                    _journal_    1
20379                      _julian    1
20380                    _jutland_    1
20381                        _kiss    1
20382                      _knows_    1
20383              _l'indépendance    1
20384                 _laboratorie    1
20385                      _labour    1
20386                     _laissez    1
20387                       _later    1
20388                        _lays    1
20389                    _learned_    1
20390                       _left_    1
20391                       _lent_    1
20392                      _lento_    1
20393                      _let's_    1
20394                      _light_    1
20395                      _listen    1
20396                       _locum    1
20397                     _loligo_    1
20398                      _london    1
20399                        _look    1
20400                     _looked_    1
20401                      _louisa    1
20402                     _lovely_    1
20403                      _luxury    1
20404                           _m    1
20405                    _macabre_    1
20406                        _mad_    1
20407                   _maestoso_    1
20408                      _magnum    1
20409                   _mammalia_    1
20410                     _mammals    1
20411                  _manchester    1
20412                     _marine_    1
20413                        _marn    1
20414                     _memoirs    1
20415                   _memorial_    1
20416                        _men_    1
20417                      _minus_    1
20418                        _mise    1
20419                  _miserable_    1
20420                  _mitigation    1
20421                      _mobile    1
20422                     _morning    1
20423                 _motherhood_    1
20424                         _mrs    1
20425                        _muro    1
20426                      _muscle    1
20427                           _n    1
20428                          _n_    1
20429                      _nails_    1
20430               _naturalising_    1
20431                      _nearer    1
20432                     _nearer_    1
20433                     _nerves_    1
20434                      _never_    1
20435                        _new_    1
20436                        _next    1
20437                        _nice    1
20438                      _niente    1
20439                        _nil_    1
20440                  _noctiluca_    1
20441                       _north    1
20442                         _not    1
20443                         _now    1
20444                       _nude_    1
20445                       _nulla    1
20446                   _observer_    1
20447                       _odium    1
20448                        _oeil    1
20449                        _off_    1
20450                 _oikopleura_    1
20451                        _old_    1
20452                         _one    1
20453                     _onions_    1
20454                         _or_    1
20455                          _os    1
20456                        _our_    1
20457                       _ours_    1
20458                        _paid    1
20459               _paleontology_    1
20460                _paloeonophis    1
20461                         _par    1
20462                    _paradise    1
20463                  _paralysis_    1
20464                        _pari    1
20465                _pariasaurus_    1
20466                      _parker    1
20467                    _passion_    1
20468                     _patois_    1
20469                       _peace    1
20470                   _peculium_    1
20471                 _periplaneta    1
20472                  _petromyzon    1
20473                 _petromyzon_    1
20474               _phenomenology    1
20475                        _phew    1
20476                   _philoscia    1
20477               _philosophical    1
20478                 _physiology_    1
20479                     _phœnix_    1
20480                        _pink    1
20481                      _piqué_    1
20482                     _pirates    1
20483                        _pit_    1
20484             _pithecanthropus    1
20485                     _please_    1
20486                   _ploughed_    1
20487                    _pollenia    1
20488                    _pontifex    1
20489                        _pool    1
20490                      _potted    1
20491                  _pragmatism    1
20492                 _pragmatism_    1
20493                     _prayed_    1
20494                   _prepared_    1
20495                   _primates_    1
20496                  _principles    1
20497                         _pro    1
20498                _pseudodoxia_    1
20499                      _public    1
20500                       _punch    1
20501                   _pyecraft_    1
20502                           _q    1
20503                       _quart    1
20504                        _quid    1
20505                      _quite_    1
20506                           _r    1
20507                  _raemakers_    1
20508                     _raleigh    1
20509              _rapprochement_    1
20510                    _raymond_    1
20511                         _re_    1
20512                     _really_    1
20513                    _release_    1
20514                _restlessness    1
20515                     _retreat    1
20516                  _returning_    1
20517                    _rewrote_    1
20518                 _rhinochetus    1
20519                       _rich_    1
20520                      _riding    1
20521                        _ruat    1
20522                    _sagitta_    1
20523                    _samurai_    1
20524                       _sauve    1
20525                   _savannah_    1
20526                       _scots    1
20527                   _scyllium_    1
20528                     _seance_    1
20529                     _seated_    1
20530                       _seen_    1
20531                       _sees_    1
20532               _serpentilous_    1
20533                        _shut    1
20534                       _small    1
20535                      _snooks    1
20536                          _so    1
20537                      _songes    1
20538                _spallanzani_    1
20539                    _species_    1
20540                   _spectator    1
20541                  _spectator_    1
20542                      _sphinx    1
20543                    _squilla_    1
20544                    _stagnant    1
20545                      _stalky    1
20546                       _star_    1
20547                      _still_    1
20548                 _stockbroker    1
20549                    _strange_    1
20550                 _strangeness    1
20551                       _strix    1
20552                      _study_    1
20553                      _stupor    1
20554                       _such_    1
20555                      _sunday    1
20556                   _suspended    1
20557                   _swearing_    1
20558                       _swish    1
20559                       _swiss    1
20560                     _swopped    1
20561                      _swore_    1
20562                    _synapta_    1
20563                       _table    1
20564                    _tadorna_    1
20565                       _take_    1
20566                       _taken    1
20567                       _tales    1
20568                     _taught_    1
20569                       _tell_    1
20570                     _that’s_    1
20571                      _their_    1
20572                       _then_    1
20573                       _there    1
20574                      _those_    1
20575                       _thou_    1
20576                      _three_    1
20577                      _thrice    1
20578                     _thrice_    1
20579                    _through_    1
20580                        _thud    1
20581                        _thus    1
20582                      _tibia_    1
20583                       _times    1
20584                 _tomopteris_    1
20585                       _took_    1
20586                _tropidonotus    1
20587                          _tu    1
20588                        _two_    1
20589                     _tympani    1
20590                    _typhoon_    1
20591                           _u    1
20592                      _united    1
20593                     _upward_    1
20594                           _v    1
20595                _vastissimus_    1
20596                     _vastus_    1
20597               _verhandlungen    1
20598                     _vermes_    1
20599                        _vero    1
20600                  _vertebrate    1
20601                        _very    1
20602                        _vice    1
20603                    _victory_    1
20604                      _vipera    1
20605                        _viva    1
20606                         _vox    1
20607                      _wager_    1
20608                       _walks    1
20609                      _walks_    1
20610                 _wanderings_    1
20611                      _wants_    1
20612                        _war_    1
20613                       _warn_    1
20614                       _well_    1
20615                       _were_    1
20616                        _west    1
20617                        _what    1
20618                     _what's_    1
20619                      _wheel_    1
20620                       _when_    1
20621                      _where_    1
20622                        _who_    1
20623                _wiedersheim_    1
20624                        _will    1
20625                      _window    1
20626                     _winning    1
20627                       _wire_    1
20628                      _wisdom    1
20629                        _with    1
20630                       _woman    1
20631                      _would_    1
20632                      _wrong_    1
20633                  _yesterday_    1
20634                        _yet_    1
20635                     _you’ll_    1
20636                     _you’re_    1
20637                     _you’ve_    1
20638                  _zoologist_    1
20639                           _à    1
20640                      _éclat_    1
20641                           _α    1
20642                          _θ_    1
20643                         a'll    1
20644                        a.b.c    1
20645                      aaaaaah    1
20646                        aback    1
20647                        abaft    1
20648                 abandonments    1
20649                        abart    1
20650                    abatement    1
20651                      abbasid    1
20652                        abbot    1
20653                         abby    1
20654                         abbé    1
20655                     abdomina    1
20656                    abdominal    1
20657                   abhorrence    1
20658                    abhorrent    1
20659                       abhors    1
20660                        abide    1
20661                     abjectly    1
20662                        abler    1
20663                  abnormality    1
20664                 abominations    1
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20666                     abortive    1
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20671                  absorbingly    1
20672                     abstruse    1
20673                   abstrusest    1
20674                    absurdest    1
20675                       abused    1
20676                      abutted    1
20677                       abydos    1
20678                       abysms    1
20679                      abélard    1
20680                      acacias    1
20681                     academy_    1
20682                   accelerate    1
20683                accessibility    1
20684                   accidented    1
20685                  acclamation    1
20686                   acclimated    1
20687                  accommodate    1
20688                 accommodated    1
20689                 accompanying    1
20690                     accompli    1
20691                 accomplishes    1
20692                     accorded    1
20693                   accounting    1
20694                accoutrements    1
20695                   accretions    1
20696                  accumulates    1
20697                 accumulators    1
20698                         aces    1
20699                          ach    1
20700                         achi    1
20701                     achilles    1
20702               acknowledgment    1
20703                      ackroyd    1
20704                     acoustic    1
20705               acquaintance's    1
20706                  acquainting    1
20707                   acquiesced    1
20708                  acquiescent    1
20709                  acquirement    1
20710                 acquirements    1
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20712                    acquitted    1
20713                         acre    1
20714                        acres    1
20715                     acrimony    1
20716                      actress    1
20717                     aculeate    1
20718                          ad_    1
20719                       adagio    1
20720                        adair    1
20721                       adam's    1
20722                      adamant    1
20723                      adamite    1
20724                 adaptability    1
20725                    adaptable    1
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20727                        adder    1
20728                       adders    1
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20734                     adherent    1
20735                      adheres    1
20736                       adieux    1
20737                   adjectival    1
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20739                      adjusts    1
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20743                   admonitory    1
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20753                    advertise    1
20754                   advertised    1
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20756                 advisability    1
20757                    advocates    1
20758                        adèle    1
20759                       adèles    1
20760                     aerially    1
20761                   aeronautic    1
20762                    aerophoto    1
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20776                           ag    1
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20779                  aggravating    1
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20796                          aht    1
20797                        aided    1
20798                       aimait    1
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20800                        ainsi    1
20801                        air's    1
20802                         air_    1
20803                        aired    1
20804                       airolo    1
20805                          ait    1
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20823                       aliens    1
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20825                    alignment    1
20826                   alimentary    1
20827                     alinart_    1
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20831                    allbutt's    1
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20874                     amoureux    1
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20882                        amœba    1
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20899                      anchovy    1
20900                   anchylosed    1
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20902                      andaman    1
20903                     andamans    1
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20931                      anodyne    1
20932                     another_    1
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21006                appropriation    1
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21079 assenheimopoplocatdwizlinsky    1
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21111                  attractions    1
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21151                      awakes_    1
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21164                        ayres    1
21165                       azrael    1
21166                         a’ll    1
21167                       b'long    1
21168                      b.c.a.d    1
21169                          b.f    1
21170                       ba'ell    1
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21179                         bach    1
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21192                     baffin’s    1
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21216                        banal    1
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21233                     barabbas    1
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21241                      barclay    1
21242                         bard    1
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21258                       barque    1
21259                      barrack    1
21260                      barrett    1
21261                    barrister    1
21262                   barristers    1
21263                   bartolomeo    1
21264                         bas_    1
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21269                       basest    1
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21288                     battling    1
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21291                        bawdy    1
21292                       baxter    1
21293                     bayadère    1
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21295                       be'ind    1
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21328                      beesley    1
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21344                    beholding    1
21345                     behooved    1
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21376                      bequest    1
21377                        bera_    1
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21381                      berlitz    1
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21408                         bide    1
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21410                       biggar    1
21411                       biggs_    1
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21423                      bingley    1
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21425                        biog_    1
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21464                   blavitiski    1
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21487                    blistered    1
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21490                        bloc_    1
21491                        bloch    1
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21528                        bodes    1
21529                       boeuf_    1
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21551                     bonhomie    1
21552                       boning    1
21553                        bono_    1
21554                      bononia    1
21555                        book_    1
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21561                      booming    1
21562                         boon    1
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21585                  botticellis    1
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21587                   bottomless    1
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21589                     boughies    1
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21591                      bounced    1
21592                      bounded    1
21593                      bounder    1
21594                    boundless    1
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21597                  bourgeoisie    1
21598                  bournemouth    1
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21600                        bower    1
21601                      bowlers    1
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21604                        boxer    1
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21606                        boy’s    1
21607                        brac_    1
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21609                     brackish    1
21610                      braddon    1
21611                     bradshaw    1
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21613                        braid    1
21614                      brained    1
21615                     bramwell    1
21616                     branched    1
21617                    branching    1
21618                      branded    1
21619                      brasses    1
21620                         brat    1
21621                       braver    1
21622                    braveries    1
21623                       brayed    1
21624                     breached    1
21625                 breadwinning    1
21626                      breaker    1
21627                   breakfasts    1
21628                   breakwater    1
21629                     breathes    1
21630                       breech    1
21631                     breeched    1
21632                 breechloader    1
21633                breechloaders    1
21634                       brewed    1
21635                       brewer    1
21636                      brewers    1
21637                      brewery    1
21638                     brewer’s    1
21639                      brewing    1
21640                        briar    1
21641                     briareus    1
21642                       bribes    1
21643                      bricked    1
21644                  bricklayers    1
21645                    brickwall    1
21646                       brides    1
21647                      bridged    1
21648                     bridging    1
21649                        brier    1
21650                       briers    1
21651                    brigadier    1
21652                      brigand    1
21653                      brigham    1
21654                     brighten    1
21655                    brightens    1
21656                     brighton    1
21657                   brilliancy    1
21658                      brisked    1
21659                      brisker    1
21660                     briskest    1
21661                      bristle    1
21662                      bristly    1
21663                      bristol    1
21664                  britannica_    1
21665                       briton    1
21666                      brixton    1
21667                       broach    1
21668                   broadcloth    1
21669                  broadminded    1
21670                    broadside    1
21671                  broadstairs    1
21672                     brochure    1
21673                       brogue    1
21674                     brokenly    1
21675                      bromley    1
21676                bromsteadised    1
21677                  bromstedian    1
21678                bronchidesmus    1
21679                       bronco    1
21680                     brontops    1
21681                      bronzed    1
21682                        brood    1
21683                    broodings    1
21684                       broods    1
21685                       broody    1
21686                       broome    1
21687                  broomsticks    1
21688                      brosher    1
21689                    brother's    1
21690                  browbeating    1
21691                       browed    1
21692                       browns    1
21693                      browsed    1
21694                          bru    1
21695                   bruciani's    1
21696                      brusque    1
21697                    brutality    1
21698                  bryograptus    1
21699                     bubalis_    1
21700                       bubbly    1
21701                     buchanan    1
21702                   buchanan's    1
21703                      buckets    1
21704              buckinghamshire    1
21705                      buckled    1
21706                      buckles    1
21707                    buckwheat    1
21708                        budge    1
21709                     budleigh    1
21710                       buenos    1
21711                      buffalo    1
21712                       buffer    1
21713                      buffers    1
21714                       buffet    1
21715                     buffeted    1
21716                      buffets    1
21717                          bug    1
21718                       bugles    1
21719                         bugs    1
21720                    builder's    1
21721                       builds    1
21722                         bulb    1
21723                        bulbs    1
21724                        bulch    1
21725                    bulgarian    1
21726                   bulgarians    1
21727                        bulge    1
21728                       bulked    1
21729                  bullfinches    1
21730                      bullies    1
21731                      bullock    1
21732                    bullpoint    1
21733                    bulrushes    1
21734                      bulwark    1
21735                       bumble    1
21736                      bumpers    1
21737                      bumpkin    1
21738                      bundled    1
21739                     bundling    1
21740                     bungling    1
21741                        bungs    1
21742                       bunion    1
21743                      bunions    1
21744                        bunny    1
21745                         buns    1
21746                     bunyan's    1
21747                   buonaparte    1
21748                      buoying    1
21749                    burdock’s    1
21750                  bureaucracy    1
21751                  burglarious    1
21752                     burglars    1
21753                       burgle    1
21754                       buries    1
21755                      burke's    1
21756                      burkett    1
21757                       burman    1
21758                        burne    1
21759                       burnet    1
21760                     burnings    1
21761                      burns's    1
21762                    burrowing    1
21763                        burrs    1
21764                         burs    1
21765                      bursley    1
21766                    burthened    1
21767                     burton's    1
21768                      burying    1
21769                        buses    1
21770                      bushels    1
21771                      busiest    1
21772                 businesslike    1
21773                     buskined    1
21774                      buskins    1
21775                       busted    1
21776                      busting    1
21777                      bustled    1
21778                      bustles    1
21779                     bustling    1
21780                   busybodies    1
21781                   butcheries    1
21782                  butterfly's    1
21783                      buttery    1
21784                   buttonhole    1
21785                    buttoning    1
21786                     buttress    1
21787                        buyer    1
21788                         buzz    1
21789                      buzzing    1
21790                       bygone    1
21791                        byles    1
21792                      byreman    1
21793                      byron's    1
21794                    bystander    1
21795                   bystanders    1
21796                        byway    1
21797                       byways    1
21798                        c'est    1
21799                          c.l    1
21800                       cabful    1
21801                       cabins    1
21802                       cackle    1
21803                      cackled    1
21804                      cackles    1
21805                     cackling    1
21806                  cacophonous    1
21807                       caddie    1
21808                      caddies    1
21809                       cadger    1
21810                      cadgers    1
21811                      cadging    1
21812                        cadiz    1
21813                         cafe    1
21814                        caged    1
21815                        caine    1
21816                      cajoled    1
21817                     cajolery    1
21818                     cajoling    1
21819                        caked    1
21820                    calculate    1
21821                     calcutta    1
21822                  caledonians    1
21823                    calendars    1
21824                    calersham    1
21825                    caliphate    1
21826                      caliphs    1
21827                     caliph’s    1
21828                      callest    1
21829                       callet    1
21830                  calligraphy    1
21831                     callings    1
21832                 callisthenes    1
21833                  callosities    1
21834                     callot’s    1
21835                      callous    1
21836                  callousness    1
21837                        calme    1
21838                       calmed    1
21839                     calmness    1
21840                     calvaria    1
21841                    calvarium    1
21842                      calvary    1
21843                          cam    1
21844                  camaraderie    1
21845                      cambric    1
21846               cambridgeshire    1
21847                    camelford    1
21848                        cameo    1
21849                       cameos    1
21850                     camerade    1
21851                    camisoles    1
21852                  camouflaged    1
21853                     campagne    1
21854                   campanella    1
21855                 campanella’s    1
21856                     camphell    1
21857                   canaanites    1
21858                     canadian    1
21859                       canard    1
21860                      cancale    1
21861                    cancelled    1
21862                       cancer    1
21863                      cancers    1
21864                   candelabra    1
21865                  candidature    1
21866                      candied    1
21867                      canines    1
21868                    cankering    1
21869                       canned    1
21870                     cannibal    1
21871                   cannonades    1
21872                      cannons    1
21873                         cano    1
21874                       canons    1
21875                     canopied    1
21876                     cantered    1
21877                  cantilevers    1
21878                      canting    1
21879                     cantonal    1
21880                      cantons    1
21881                     canute’s    1
21882                   canvassing    1
21883                      canyons    1
21884                    capelline    1
21885                      capered    1
21886                     capering    1
21887                   capitulate    1
21888                  capitulates    1
21889                         capo    1
21890                       capri_    1
21891                     capsized    1
21892                    captain's    1
21893                     captain_    1
21894                     capturer    1
21895                        car's    1
21896                      caracas    1
21897                      caramba    1
21898                     carapace    1
21899                     caravans    1
21900                  caravansery    1
21901                     carbines    1
21902                     carbolic    1
21903                   carbuncles    1
21904                    carcasses    1
21905                   cardcaster    1
21906                    careering    1
21907                      careish    1
21908                       caress    1
21909                    caretaker    1
21910                       carfex    1
21911                caricaturists    1
21912                  carlovignan    1
21913                       carmel    1
21914                      carmine    1
21915                    carmixter    1
21916                         carn    1
21917                       carnal    1
21918                     carnegii    1
21919                    carnegii_    1
21920                       carnot    1
21921                     carnot's    1
21922                     carnot’s    1
21923                     carotids    1
21924                    carpenter    1
21925                    carpeting    1
21926                    carrier’s    1
21927                       carson    1
21928                    cartilage    1
21929                     cartload    1
21930                       carton    1
21931                  cartonesque    1
21932                    cartridge    1
21933                    cartwheel    1
21934                        carve    1
21935                       carven    1
21936                     carver’s    1
21937                   caryatidae    1
21938                    caryatids    1
21939                         casa    1
21940                    cascading    1
21941                    casements    1
21942                      cashier    1
21943                         cask    1
21944                    casserole    1
21945                    cassowary    1
21946                       castes    1
21947                  castigating    1
21948                  castigation    1
21949                     castings    1
21950                     castle's    1
21951                      castors    1
21952                        casts    1
21953                         cat_    1
21954                  cataclysmal    1
21955                  cataclysmic    1
21956                     catacomb    1
21957                  catapulting    1
21958                      catarrh    1
21959             catastrophically    1
21960                    catchment    1
21961                    catechism    1
21962                  categorical    1
21963                     category    1
21964                        cater    1
21965                     catering    1
21966                caterwaulings    1
21967                    cathartic    1
21968                    catherine    1
21969                   catholicon    1
21970                      catlike    1
21971                     catspaws    1
21972                        catty    1
21973                      caulked    1
21974                   cauterised    1
21975                 cautiousness    1
21976                     cavalier    1
21977                   cavalrymen    1
21978                        caved    1
21979                        cavil    1
21980                       cawing    1
21981                    ceaseless    1
21982                      cebolla    1
21983                        cecil    1
21984                     ceilings    1
21985                  celebrities    1
21986                     celerity    1
21987                     celibate    1
21988                    celibates    1
21989                      cellini    1
21990                       cement    1
21991                   cemeteries    1
21992                       censor    1
21993                      censors    1
21994                   censorship    1
21995                      censure    1
21996                       center    1
21997                  centimetres    1
21998               centralization    1
21999                   centralize    1
22000                  centredness    1
22001                      ceramic    1
22002                        ceres    1
22003                        cesar    1
22004                        cette    1
22005                        chafe    1
22006                   chaffering    1
22007                    chaffinch    1
22008                  chaffinch's    1
22009                    chagrined    1
22010                 chalcidoidea    1
22011                chalcidoidea_    1
22012                      chaldea    1
22013                     chaldæan    1
22014                      chalked    1
22015                     chalking    1
22016                       chalks    1
22017                  challacombe    1
22018                    chambered    1
22019                      chamois    1
22020                    champions    1
22021                   changeable    1
22022                      chanted    1
22023                   chapelgoer    1
22024                   character_    1
22025                characterised    1
22026           characteristically    1
22027                    charlatan    1
22028                      charlie    1
22029                    charlotte    1
22030                  charlotte's    1
22031                      charter    1
22032                    chartered    1
22033                     chartist    1
22034                    charwoman    1
22035                        chary    1
22036                         chas    1
22037                       chases    1
22038                    chastened    1
22039                      chateau    1
22040                      chattel    1
22041                     chattels    1
22042                   chatterers    1
22043                      chaucer    1
22044                   chauffeurs    1
22045                    chavannes    1
22046                         che_    1
22047                     cheapest    1
22048                       cheats    1
22049                        cheel    1
22050                  cheerlessly    1
22051                       cheery    1
22052                      chemise    1
22053                    chemist’s    1
22054                      chequer    1
22055                   cherishing    1
22056                     cherries    1
22057                        chert    1
22058                      cherubs    1
22059                  chessington    1
22060                     chessmen    1
22061                      chested    1
22062               chesterfield's    1
22063                       chewed    1
22064                      chicane    1
22065                   chickenpox    1
22066                     chickens    1
22067                      chiffon    1
22068                 childbearing    1
22069                   childbirth    1
22070                  childhood's    1
22071                   childishly    1
22072                childlessness    1
22073                    childlike    1
22074                     chilling    1
22075                       chills    1
22076                     chiltern    1
22077                       chimed    1
22078                  chimneyward    1
22079                   chimpanzee    1
22080                   chinamen's    1
22081                       chinee    1
22082                     chioggia    1
22083                         chip    1
22084                     chipples    1
22085                      chirped    1
22086                      chirrup    1
22087                    chirruped    1
22088                       chisel    1
22089                   chivalrous    1
22090                     chivvied    1
22091                        chloe    1
22092                      chloral    1
22093                     chlorine    1
22094                 chloroformed    1
22095                        chock    1
22096                      chopped    1
22097                      chopper    1
22098                     choppers    1
22099                      chortle    1
22100                         chou    1
22101             christadelphians    1
22102                  christening    1
22103                 chronologies    1
22104                  chronometer    1
22105                chrysanthemum    1
22106                     chucking    1
22107                     chuckles    1
22108                        chuff    1
22109                         chum    1
22110                        churn    1
22111                     churning    1
22112                      churnor    1
22113                       chênes    1
22114                     chïronia    1
22115                      ciboule    1
22116                     cicerone    1
22117                   cigarette_    1
22118                      cinders    1
22119                      cingolo    1
22120                      ciphers    1
22121                      cipollo    1
22122                      circean    1
22123                   circulated    1
22124                       circum    1
22125               circumadjacent    1
22126                 circumcision    1
22127                  circumcized    1
22128              circumlocutions    1
22129              circumnavigated    1
22130             circumnavigation    1
22131               circumspection    1
22132                circumstanced    1
22133                       cirrus    1
22134                     citadels    1
22135                      cities_    1
22136                     citizen_    1
22137                       city's    1
22138                     cityfuls    1
22139                         cive    1
22140                civilisations    1
22141                        civot    1
22142                        clack    1
22143                      clacton    1
22144                  clairvoyant    1
22145                       clamor    1
22146                   clamourous    1
22147                      clamped    1
22148                         clan    1
22149                  clandestine    1
22150                      clanged    1
22151                     clanking    1
22152                 clannishness    1
22153                        clans    1
22154                     clansmen    1
22155                   clarence's    1
22156                       claret    1
22157                    clarified    1
22158                      clarify    1
22159                      clarion    1
22160                     clarke's    1
22161                      clashed    1
22162                       clasps    1
22163                 classicalism    1
22164               classificatory    1
22165                   classified    1
22166                     classify    1
22167                       classy    1
22168                      clauses    1
22169                  clavichords    1
22170                       clawin    1
22171                    claylands    1
22172                    cleaner’s    1
22173                     cleanses    1
22174                    clearance    1
22175                       clefts    1
22176                      clekked    1
22177                     clemency    1
22178                     clemming    1
22179                  cleopatra's    1
22180                   cleopatra_    1
22181                  clergyman's    1
22182                    clergymen    1
22183                     clerking    1
22184                     cleverly    1
22185                     clifford    1
22186                     climbers    1
22187                       climbs    1
22188                       clinch    1
22189                       clings    1
22190                     clinkers    1
22191                        clips    1
22192                      cliques    1
22193                      clitter    1
22194                         clix    1
22195                       cloaca    1
22196                    cloakroom    1
22197                       cloaks    1
22198                        clods    1
22199                         clog    1
22200                      clogged    1
22201                    cloisters    1
22202                  closehauled    1
22203                    closelier    1
22204                    closeness    1
22205                       closet    1
22206                         clot    1
22207                        clots    1
22208                     clotting    1
22209                      cloud's    1
22210                    cloudlike    1
22211                       cloven    1
22212                       clover    1
22213                       clowns    1
22214                      clubman    1
22215                      clucked    1
22216                     clucking    1
22217                     clumsier    1
22218                         clæs    1
22219                          co_    1
22220                     coaching    1
22221                   coagulates    1
22222                    coalesced    1
22223                 coalescences    1
22224                    coalition    1
22225                   coalitions    1
22226                     coarsest    1
22227                   coastguard    1
22228                   coastlines    1
22229                         coax    1
22230                      coaxing    1
22231                      cobbett    1
22232                    cobbler's    1
22233                         cobs    1
22234                       coburn    1
22235                     cobwebby    1
22236                      cocaine    1
22237                      coccyx_    1
22238                     cockatoo    1
22239                   cockchafer    1
22240                       cocker    1
22241                       cockle    1
22242                     cocksure    1
22243                  cocksurists    1
22244                       cocles    1
22245                        cocoa    1
22246                    cocoanuts    1
22247                          cod    1
22248                     coddling    1
22249                        codes    1
22250                      codgers    1
22251                      codicil    1
22252                     codified    1
22253                       coelum    1
22254                      coequal    1
22255                      coerced    1
22256                      coffins    1
22257                      cogency    1
22258                       cogent    1
22259                      cognate    1
22260                   cognomen's    1
22261                    coherence    1
22262                    coherency    1
22263                     coilings    1
22264                      coldest    1
22265                        colds    1
22266                   coleoptera    1
22267                 collaborator    1
22268                    collapses    1
22269                   collarless    1
22270                     collated    1
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22272                     collects    1
22273                     colleoni    1
22274                     collides    1
22275                       collie    1
22276                     colliers    1
22277                      collins    1
22278                        colon    1
22279                 colonization    1
22280                    colonized    1
22281                   colonizers    1
22282                     coloring    1
22283                       colors    1
22284                    colosseum    1
22285                      colossi    1
22286                   colourable    1
22287                  colouration    1
22288                   colourings    1
22289                     colour’s    1
22290                         colt    1
22291                     comatose    1
22292                   combatants    1
22293                    combative    1
22294                        combe    1
22295                       combed    1
22296                  combemartin    1
22297                    combining    1
22298                        combs    1
22299                  combustible    1
22300                   combustion    1
22301                        come_    1
22302                      comer's    1
22303                      comer’s    1
22304              comfortableness    1
22305                 comfortingly    1
22306                  comfortless    1
22307                    comically    1
22308                        comin    1
22309                      comique    1
22310                 commemorated    1
22311                commemoration    1
22312                 commencement    1
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22314                      commend    1
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22319                 commissioner    1
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22322                   committees    1
22323                   committing    1
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22326                     communed    1
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22328                companionable    1
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22334                  compensates    1
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22336                     compiled    1
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22338                    completer    1
22339                   complicate    1
22340                complimentary    1
22341                 complimented    1
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22343                   components    1
22344                     composes    1
22345                    composing    1
22346                 compositions    1
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22351                 comprehended    1
22352                comprehending    1
22353              comprehensively    1
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22356                    comprised    1
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22358                 compromising    1
22359                   compulsory    1
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22361                  computation    1
22362                 computations    1
22363                    concavity    1
22364                   conceitful    1
22365                 concertinaed    1
22366                  concertinas    1
22367                  concessions    1
22368                 concomitants    1
22369                    concourse    1
22370                      concuss    1
22371                    concussed    1
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22374                condescending    1
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22376                condescension    1
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22380                  condonation    1
22381                     conduced    1
22382                   conductors    1
22383                       cone's    1
22384                       cone’s    1
22385               confectioner's    1
22386                  conference_    1
22387                    conferred    1
22388                     conferva    1
22389                     confided    1
22390               confidentially    1
22391                 confiscation    1
22392                 confiscatory    1
22393                   conflicted    1
22394                    confluent    1
22395                   conformist    1
22396                  conformists    1
22397                 confoundedly    1
22398                    confucian    1
22399                  confusingly    1
22400                    congealed    1
22401                congratulated    1
22402               congratulatory    1
22403               congregational    1
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22405                        conic    1
22406                      conifer    1
22407                   conjecture    1
22408                    conjurers    1
22409                     connects    1
22410                   connexions    1
22411                      conning    1
22412                  connoisseur    1
22413                    connubial    1
22414               connubialities    1
22415                     conquers    1
22416            conscientiousness    1
22417                  consecrated    1
22418                 consecration    1
22419                consecutively    1
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22424                  consignment    1
22425                  consistency    1
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22428                     consoles    1
22429                consolidating    1
22430                    consoling    1
22431                      consols    1
22432                 conspirators    1
22433                    conspires    1
22434                  constable’s    1
22435                    constant_    1
22436                 constipation    1
22437                 constituents    1
22438           constitutionalists    1
22439                constitutions    1
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22441                   construing    1
22442                   consulship    1
22443                     consumes    1
22444                 consummation    1
22445                  consumptive    1
22446                   contagions    1
22447                 contaminated    1
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22449                   contemning    1
22450                contemplative    1
22451              contemplatively    1
22452                   contention    1
22453                 contentments    1
22454                  continuance    1
22455                 continuation    1
22456                   contortion    1
22457                  contortions    1
22458                    contoured    1
22459                   contraband    1
22460               contradictions    1
22461                  contraposed    1
22462                  contrariety    1
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22475                  convergence    1
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22540                    cothornoi    1
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22543                      couched    1
22544                     couchii_    1
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22592                        crave    1
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22662                crystallizing    1
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22691                       cupids    1
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22693                      curable    1
22694                     curate's    1
22695                      curates    1
22696                        cures    1
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22698                      curling    1
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22701                      cursory    1
22702                         curt    1
22703                       curtly    1
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22722                        césar    1
22723                 cœlenterates    1
22724                      cœlomic    1
22725                       d'arcy    1
22726                    d'esprit_    1
22727                       d'etat    1
22728                      d'etat_    1
22729                     d'ossola    1
22730                         d'un    1
22731                         d'ye    1
22732                        d'you    1
22733                      d'état_    1
22734                        d.c.l    1
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22953              destructiveness    1
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23190                    doldrums_    1
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23192                        dolls    1
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23243                     draiglet    1
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23252                     draper’s    1
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23279                       drowns    1
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23287                      dryness    1
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23296                   duchaine’s    1
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23305                      duffers    1
23306                        dukas    1
23307                     dukedoms    1
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23332                     dynamo’s    1
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23335                      dyspnœa    1
23336                          dès    1
23337                   définitif_    1
23338                     déplaire    1
23339                       d’mand    1
23340                         d’ye    1
23341                          e.c    1
23342                          e.k    1
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23375                    ecuador’s    1
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23789                          f.m    1
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23861                   fauntleroy    1
23862                        faut_    1
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24131                       franco    1
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24154                        frets    1
24155                      fretsaw    1
24156                     friend’s    1
24157                frightfulness    1
24158                      fringes    1
24159                  frivolities    1
24160                frivolousness    1
24161                  frobisher's    1
24162                  frobisher’s    1
24163                      froebel    1
24164                       frog's    1
24165                     frogging    1
24166                 frontispiece    1
24167                       frosts    1
24168                        froze    1
24169                     fructify    1
24170                  frugivorous    1
24171                   fruitfully    1
24172                  fruitlessly    1
24173                       fruity    1
24174                          fry    1
24175                           fu    1
24176                        fugit    1
24177                          ful    1
24178                       fulfil    1
24179                    fulminate    1
24180                        fumes    1
24181                functionaries    1
24182                 functionless    1
24183                     funerals    1
24184                      fungoid    1
24185                     funguses    1
24186                    funicular    1
24187                      funking    1
24188                        fur's    1
24189                       furred    1
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24191                  furthermost    1
24192                         fuse    1
24193                    fusillade    1
24194                       fusing    1
24195                       fusion    1
24196                       fusses    1
24197                    fussiness    1
24198                      fussing    1
24199                   fustilugs_    1
24200                      futuro_    1
24201                      futurus    1
24202                        fuzzy    1
24203                          g.a    1
24204                        g.a.s    1
24205                        g.b.s    1
24206                          g.p    1
24207                        g.p.i    1
24208                        g.r.s    1
24209                      gabriel    1
24210                         gaff    1
24211                          gag    1
24212                         gage    1
24213                        gains    1
24214                         gala    1
24215                       galaxy    1
24216                        galea    1
24217                    gallantly    1
24218                      galleon    1
24219                   gallicised    1
24220                    gallienne    1
24221                        galls    1
24222                      galmier    1
24223                         gals    1
24224                 galv'nometer    1
24225                 galvanometer    1
24226                      gambits    1
24227                      gambled    1
24228                      gamboge    1
24229                        gamey    1
24230                        gamma    1
24231                       gammon    1
24232                     gammon's    1
24233                        gammy    1
24234                     ganglion    1
24235                         gaol    1
24236                         gape    1
24237                      garbage    1
24238                         gard    1
24239                   gargantuan    1
24240                     gargoyle    1
24241                    gargoyles    1
24242                    garibaldi    1
24243                      garland    1
24244                    garlanded    1
24245                       garner    1
24246                      garnets    1
24247                      garnett    1
24248                    garnett's    1
24249                       garret    1
24250                   garrisoned    1
24251                    garrulity    1
24252                   gasconnade    1
24253                      gashing    1
24254                       gaskel    1
24255                       gaslit    1
24256                      gastric    1
24257                   gastronomy    1
24258                   gastropods    1
24259                      gaswork    1
24260                   gasworkers    1
24261                      gateses    1
24262                    gatherers    1
24263                      gathers    1
24264                       gauche    1
24265                        gauds    1
24266                       gauged    1
24267                      gauging    1
24268                      gaulish    1
24269                      gauntly    1
24270                        gauze    1
24271                    gauzelike    1
24272                        gayer    1
24273                       gayest    1
24274                    gaylord's    1
24275                      gazelle    1
24276                      gearers    1
24277                        geese    1
24278                  generaliser    1
24279              generalizations    1
24280                     generate    1
24281                    generates    1
24282                   generating    1
24283                 generation's    1
24284                   generators    1
24285                      generic    1
24286                  generically    1
24287                 generosities    1
24288                    geniality    1
24289                     genially    1
24290                  gentlefolks    1
24291                     gentlest    1
24292                 geologically    1
24293                    geometric    1
24294                   gerbault's    1
24295                   germinates    1
24296                   gertrude's    1
24297                 gesellschaft    1
24298                       geting    1
24299                       gettin    1
24300                          gev    1
24301                      gewhoop    1
24302                          gey    1
24303                       geyser    1
24304                         ge’m    1
24305                     gherkins    1
24306                      giant's    1
24307                      giantry    1
24308                       gibber    1
24309                      gibbles    1
24310                     gibbon's    1
24311                        gibes    1
24312                      gifford    1
24313                      giggled    1
24314                     giggling    1
24315                    gilbert's    1
24316                    gilchrist    1
24317                        gimbo    1
24318                      gimlets    1
24319                      girault    1
24320                         gird    1
24321                       girded    1
24322                        girl_    1
24323                  girlishness    1
24324                        girth    1
24325                    gissing's    1
24326                     giuliano    1
24327                        giver    1
24328                       giveth    1
24329                       glades    1
24330                    gladiolus    1
24331                  gladstone's    1
24332                 gladstonised    1
24333                       glares    1
24334                    glassfuls    1
24335                   glazebrook    1
24336                        glebe    1
24337                         glee    1
24338                      gleeful    1
24339                    gleeson’s    1
24340                         glen    1
24341                       glibly    1
24342                       glided    1
24343                       glider    1
24344                       glides    1
24345                       glinka    1
24346                        gloat    1
24347                     gloating    1
24348                       gloats    1
24349                     globular    1
24350                     gloomily    1
24351                    glorified    1
24352                   glossiness    1
24353                  gloucesters    1
24354                       glower    1
24355                         glu_    1
24356                      glucked    1
24357                         glum    1
24358                         glut    1
24359                      gluteal    1
24360                      glutton    1
24361                     gluttony    1
24362                         glyn    1
24363                      gnarled    1
24364                        gnash    1
24365                      gnashed    1
24366                     gnashing    1
24367                         gnat    1
24368                         gnaw    1
24369                     gnawings    1
24370                         goad    1
24371                        goads    1
24372                     goatskin    1
24373                          gob    1
24374                       gobble    1
24375                       gobies    1
24376                       godwin    1
24377                        goeth    1
24378                       goggle    1
24379                      goggled    1
24380                    goggleses    1
24381                     golder's    1
24382                     goldfish    1
24383                    gollipers    1
24384                     gomorrah    1
24385                     goncourt    1
24386                     gondolas    1
24387                   gondoliers    1
24388                         gong    1
24389                       gonged    1
24390                          goo    1
24391                      goodies    1
24392                       goodly    1
24393                     goodwill    1
24394                      goodwin    1
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24396                   goosegrass    1
24397                       gordon    1
24398                         gore    1
24399                       gorgon    1
24400                      gorizia    1
24401                  gormandised    1
24402                         gory    1
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24404                    gossipped    1
24405                      gossips    1
24406                         gott    1
24407                        gould    1
24408                       goupil    1
24409                       govern    1
24410                   governance    1
24411                     governed    1
24412                  governesses    1
24413                       gowned    1
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24417                       graded    1
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24419                      grafted    1
24420                     grafting    1
24421                      grained    1
24422                       grains    1
24423                      grammar    1
24424                  gramophones    1
24425                      grampus    1
24426                         gran    1
24427                granddaughter    1
24428                      grander    1
24429                     grandest    1
24430                grandfather's    1
24431                      grandly    1
24432                    grandpapa    1
24433                 grandparents    1
24434                       grano_    1
24435                  graphically    1
24436                       graphs    1
24437                      grapple    1
24438                     grappled    1
24439                     grapples    1
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24441                   gratifying    1
24442                     gratings    1
24443                   gratuitous    1
24444                      gravels    1
24445                       graves    1
24446                    gravities    1
24447                        grays    1
24448                        graze    1
24449                       grease    1
24450                      greases    1
24451                     greasily    1
24452                        grebe    1
24453                      green's    1
24454                 greenfinches    1
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24456                 greengrocers    1
24457                greengrocer’s    1
24458                 greengrosher    1
24459                    greenhorn    1
24460                      greenly    1
24461                   greensward    1
24462                        greet    1
24463                        gregg    1
24464                   grenadiers    1
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24467                  greyhound's    1
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24469                      gribble    1
24470                        grieg    1
24471                       grieve    1
24472                      grieves    1
24473                     griffins    1
24474                        grill    1
24475                       grille    1
24476                    grimacing    1
24477                   grimthorpe    1
24478                  grindelwald    1
24479                      grinder    1
24480                       grinds    1
24481                        grins    1
24482                       grisly    1
24483                      gristle    1
24484                         grit    1
24485                      gritted    1
24486                       gritty    1
24487                     grizzled    1
24488                     grocer's    1
24489                        groin    1
24490                       grooop    1
24491                      grooved    1
24492                     grossest    1
24493                    grossness    1
24494                    grosvenar    1
24495                     grounded    1
24496                  groundswell    1
24497                    ground’ll    1
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24500                   grovelling    1
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24502                       growls    1
24503                      grudged    1
24504                        gruff    1
24505                      grumble    1
24506                     grumbles    1
24507                       grunts    1
24508                        grâce    1
24509                  guaramadema    1
24510                   guaranteed    1
24511                      guard's    1
24512                    guardian_    1
24513                       guerre    1
24514                     guesclin    1
24515                     guessing    1
24516                      guest's    1
24517                      guest’s    1
24518                       guianu    1
24519                    guileless    1
24520                  guillotines    1
24521                        guilt    1
24522                     guineas_    1
24523                       gull's    1
24524                       gulled    1
24525                      gunlike    1
24526                       gunn's    1
24527                       gunner    1
24528                      gunrack    1
24529                      gunshot    1
24530                     gunwales    1
24531                      gunwise    1
24532                     gurker's    1
24533                     gurker’s    1
24534                       gurney    1
24535                      gushing    1
24536                      gutters    1
24537                     guttural    1
24538                       guying    1
24539                     guérin's    1
24540                    gymnasium    1
24541                   gymnastics    1
24542                   gynæceum’s    1
24543                          gyp    1
24544                         gyps    1
24545                      gypsies    1
24546                        gypsy    1
24547                   gyroscopes    1
24548              götterdammerung    1
24549                        h.g.w    1
24550                  habiliments    1
24551                   habitation    1
24552                        hacks    1
24553                       hadley    1
24554                         hag_    1
24555                   haggerston    1
24556                      haggled    1
24557                      haggler    1
24558                         haha    1
24559                       haig's    1
24560                        hails    1
24561                  hairdresser    1
24562                      hairpin    1
24563                      halcyon    1
24564                        hale_    1
24565                      halibut    1
24566                    halibut's    1
24567                      halidom    1
24568                      halitus    1
24569                      halloos    1
24570                     halstead    1
24571                       halved    1
24572                   hamilton's    1
24573                   hammerlike    1
24574                      hammers    1
24575                      hammock    1
24576                     hammocks    1
24577                    hammyfist    1
24578                    hampshire    1
24579                     hampsted    1
24580                 hamstringing    1
24581                        han't    1
24582                     handbook    1
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24586                 handicapping    1
24587                    handicaps    1
24588                handkerchiefs    1
24589                    handmaids    1
24590                   handsomely    1
24591                 handsomeness    1
24592                    hangman's    1
24593                       hanker    1
24594                         hans    1
24595                      hanwell    1
24596                        han’t    1
24597                          hap    1
24598                     hapliia_    1
24599                    happeneth    1
24600                   happiness_    1
24601                  happinesses    1
24602                       happy_    1
24603                       hapses    1
24604                          har    1
24605                     harangue    1
24606                    harangued    1
24607                    harangues    1
24608                       harass    1
24609                    harbinger    1
24610                     harcourt    1
24611                       harden    1
24612                    hardening    1
24613                       hardie    1
24614                    hardihood    1
24615                         hare    1
24616                        harem    1
24617                        hares    1
24618                      haricot    1
24619                       harked    1
24620                       harker    1
24621                      harland    1
24622                    harlequin    1
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24624                       harlow    1
24625                       harm's    1
24626                      harmful    1
24627                   harmonized    1
24628                    harnessed    1
24629                      harpist    1
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24631                        harps    1
24632                        harpy    1
24633                     harrison    1
24634                    harrovian    1
24635                      harsher    1
24636                    hartstein    1
24637                     harvests    1
24638                      hashish    1
24639                       haslar    1
24640                       hassan    1
24641                     haswell_    1
24642                       hate's    1
24643                        hater    1
24644                      hatreds    1
24645                       hatted    1
24646                    haughtily    1
24647                     haunches    1
24648                        haute    1
24649                       havana    1
24650                     havelock    1
24651                        haven    1
24652                        haves    1
24653                        havoc    1
24654                      hawkers    1
24655                      hawking    1
24656                      hawkins    1
24657                    haysman's    1
24658                    haysman’s    1
24659                     haystack    1
24660                        hazar    1
24661                       hazily    1
24662                      hazlitt    1
24663                    hazlitt's    1
24664                  headdresses    1
24665                     headings    1
24666                    headlands    1
24667                     headlike    1
24668                  headmasters    1
24669                   headstrong    1
24670                        heady    1
24671                     health's    1
24672                      health_    1
24673                  healthfully    1
24674                   healthiest    1
24675                    healthily    1
24676                    hearkened    1
24677                      hearten    1
24678                    heartened    1
24679                     heartier    1
24680                    heartiest    1
24681                  heartlessly    1
24682                heartlessness    1
24683                       heater    1
24684                      heaters    1
24685                     heathery    1
24686                      heating    1
24687                        heats    1
24688                   heavenward    1
24689                     hebrides    1
24690                      heckled    1
24691                     heckling    1
24692                   heedlessly    1
24693                        hefty    1
24694                     hegemony    1
24695                        heigh    1
24696                        heirs    1
24697                     hellfire    1
24698                      hellish    1
24699                         helm    1
24700                     helmeted    1
24701                      helmets    1
24702                        help_    1
24703                     helper's    1
24704                    helpfully    1
24705                 helplessness    1
24706                    helvellyn    1
24707                       hemans    1
24708                hemispherical    1
24709                      hemlock    1
24710                    hemsley's    1
24711                        hen's    1
24712                       hendon    1
24713                     henley's    1
24714                      henty's    1
24715                      hepatic    1
24716                   hephæstian    1
24717                        her's    1
24718                       herald    1
24719                     heralded    1
24720                   herbaceous    1
24721                  herculaneum    1
24722                    herculean    1
24723                       herded    1
24724                     herdsman    1
24725                   hereditary    1
24726                herefordshire    1
24727                      heretic    1
24728                   heretofore    1
24729                 hermetically    1
24730                    hermitage    1
24731                      hermits    1
24732                   heroically    1
24733                     heroines    1
24734                        heron    1
24735                      heronry    1
24736                    herophili    1
24737                     herrings    1
24738                       hervey    1
24739                    hesitates    1
24740                   heterodoxy    1
24741                       hettie    1
24742                          hex    1
24743                       heyday    1
24744                       hiatus    1
24745                    hibernate    1
24746                   hibernated    1
24747                  hibernation    1
24748                          hic    1
24749                     hiccuped    1
24750                    hierarchy    1
24751                 hieroglyphic    1
24752                      higgins    1
24753                     highbury    1
24754                     highland    1
24755               highmindedness    1
24756                      highway    1
24757                  hilariously    1
24758                     hilltops    1
24759                      hillyer    1
24760                         him_    1
24761                    himalayan    1
24762                       himmel    1
24763                       hincks    1
24764                       hind's    1
24765                     hindered    1
24766                     hindhead    1
24767                      hindoos    1
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24769                        hindu    1
24770                     hinduism    1
24771                   hindustani    1
24772                   hinfluenza    1
24773                         hing    1
24774                 hinterlander    1
24775                hinterlanders    1
24776                      hinting    1
24777                  hippopotami    1
24778                 hippopotamus    1
24779                      hiram’s    1
24780                     hireling    1
24781                         hiss    1
24782                   histology_    1
24783               histrionically    1
24784                      hoarser    1
24785                      hoaxing    1
24786                       hobble    1
24787                  hobbledehoy    1
24788                      hobnail    1
24789                     hobnails    1
24790                      hoboken    1
24791                         hock    1
24792                        hocus    1
24793                       hodder    1
24794                   hoffmann's    1
24795                          hog    1
24796                    hogsflesh    1
24797                    holdfasts    1
24798                       holies    1
24799                     holloaed    1
24800                   hollowness    1
24801                      hollows    1
24802                    hollyhock    1
24803                holoptychians    1
24804                         hols    1
24805                       homage    1
24806                  homeopathic    1
24807                         homo    1
24808                  homogeneous    1
24809                 homœopathist    1
24810                        honey    1
24811                      honeyed    1
24812                     honolulu    1
24813                        honor    1
24814                     honorary    1
24815               honourableness    1
24816                    honoureth    1
24817                          hoo    1
24818                       hooded    1
24819                     hooker's    1
24820                         hoot    1
24821                      hooters    1
24822                        hoots    1
24823                      hoppers    1
24824                        hopps    1
24825                     horatius    1
24826                        horny    1
24827                   horseflesh    1
24828                    horsehair    1
24829                    horseless    1
24830                     horseman    1
24831                 horsemanship    1
24832                    horseplay    1
24833                   horseshoes    1
24834                       horsey    1
24835                      horsham    1
24836                horticultural    1
24837              horticulturally    1
24838                 horticulture    1
24839                        hosea    1
24840                   hospitably    1
24841                hospitalities    1
24842                       host's    1
24843                      hostage    1
24844                   hostelries    1
24845                      hostler    1
24846                      hotspur    1
24847                     houghton    1
24848                      hounded    1
24849                     hounding    1
24850                  houndsditch    1
24851                    houseboat    1
24852                housebreaking    1
24853                     houseful    1
24854                 housekeepers    1
24855                  housemaid's    1
24856                    housework    1
24857                      housing    1
24858                         hove    1
24859                       hovels    1
24860                      howdedo    1
24861                        howes    1
24862                       howjer    1
24863                        howls    1
24864                        how’s    1
24865                       hoxton    1
24866                          hsh    1
24867                         hues    1
24868                       hugest    1
24869                         hugs    1
24870                     hulagu’s    1
24871               hullabullinsky    1
24872                       hulloa    1
24873                       humane    1
24874              humanitarianism    1
24875                    humanized    1
24876                     humblest    1
24877                     humbling    1
24878                       humbly    1
24879                    humbugged    1
24880                  humenocaris    1
24881                     humidity    1
24882                    humiliate    1
24883                 humiliations    1
24884                      hummock    1
24885                     hummucky    1
24886                        humor    1
24887                   humorously    1
24888                     humoured    1
24889                   humourists    1
24890                       humped    1
24891                  hunchback’s    1
24892                   hundredths    1
24893                     hunters_    1
24894                       huntly    1
24895                     huntsman    1
24896                        hun’s    1
24897                       hurdle    1
24898                   hurdygurdy    1
24899                      hurries    1
24900                      hurtful    1
24901                     hurtling    1
24902                     hurtzig_    1
24903                   husbanding    1
24904                    huskiness    1
24905                      hussite    1
24906                       hustle    1
24907                     hustling    1
24908                       huwdbi    1
24909                     huxley's    1
24910                       huzzas    1
24911                   hybridised    1
24912                   hydrangeas    1
24913                 hydrochloric    1
24914                       hyenas    1
24915                      hygiene    1
24916                    hynotises    1
24917                    hyolithes    1
24918                        hyper    1
24919               hyperbolically    1
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24922                hypertrophied    1
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24924              hypochondriacal    1
24925               hypochondriacs    1
24926                 hypocritical    1
24927                   hypodermic    1
24928               hypophosphites    1
24929                   hypotenuse    1
24930                      héloïse    1
24931                          i's    1
24932                          i.e    1
24933                           i_    1
24934                     iberians    1
24935                         ices    1
24936                        idden    1
24937                idealisations    1
24938                    idealises    1
24939                     idealist    1
24940              identifications    1
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24943                  idiotically    1
24944                       idling    1
24945                    idolaters    1
24946                        idols    1
24947                        idyll    1
24948                          igh    1
24949                      ignita_    1
24950                     igniting    1
24951                      ignobly    1
24952                ignominiously    1
24953                     ignominy    1
24954                   ignorances    1
24955                   ignorantly    1
24956                         ilex    1
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24959                    illegible    1
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24961                         ills    1
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24966                imaginatively    1
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24968                   imbecility    1
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24973                    immensest    1
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24975                     immering    1
24976                     immersed    1
24977                  immobilised    1
24978                     immodest    1
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24980                   immolating    1
24981                      immoral    1
24982                   immorality    1
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24984                    imparting    1
24985                      impasse    1
24986                    impassive    1
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24988                  impeachment    1
24989                   impeccable    1
24990                  impecunious    1
24991                       impede    1
24992                  impedimenta    1
24993                  impediments    1
24994                    impelling    1
24995                      impends    1
24996                  imperatives    1
24997                imperfections    1
24998                impersonality    1
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25312                     involves    1
25313                 inœstimable_    1
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25318                         iota    1
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25327                 ironmaster’s    1
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25348                    isleworth    1
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25350                   israelites    1
25351                          it_    1
25352                      italy's    1
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25354                    itinerant    1
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25356                         ized    1
25357                          j.g    1
25358                        j.m.w    1
25359                          j.p    1
25360                          j.r    1
25361                        j.w.m    1
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25365                        jabez    1
25366                       jackal    1
25367                      jackals    1
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25395                     jennie's    1
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25398                    jeremiad_    1
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25402                      jetting    1
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25412                        jinny    1
25413                           jo    1
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25415                         jobs    1
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25417                      jocular    1
25418                        joe's    1
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25421                        joie_    1
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25423                       joking    1
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25425                          jot    1
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25438                         jugs    1
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25442                          jul    1
25443                        jules    1
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25448                     juncture    1
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25453                       juring    1
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25458                   justifying    1
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25463                      juvenal    1
25464                     juvenile    1
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25466                      kaffirs    1
25467            kaleidoscopically    1
25468                     kangaroo    1
25469                       kardin    1
25470                         karl    1
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25474                     keepsake    1
25475                         keir    1
25476                          ken    1
25477                      kennels    1
25478                      kenneth    1
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25482                     kerosene    1
25483                     kerridge    1
25484                       keston    1
25485                        ketch    1
25486                     keyholes    1
25487                      keyless    1
25488                        khans    1
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25490                      kiddish    1
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25494                         kilt    1
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25496                      kindled    1
25497                    kindliest    1
25498                     kindling    1
25499                   kindling's    1
25500                      kindly_    1
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25503                       kineto    1
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25511                       kiosks    1
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25520                        klang    1
25521                  kleptomania    1
25522                        knack    1
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25527                      kneeled    1
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25533                        knoll    1
25534                     knotting    1
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25536                      knoweth    1
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25538                       koch's    1
25539                        kodak    1
25540                          kop    1
25541                    kosciusko    1
25542                      kovorod    1
25543                        kudos    1
25544                          kul    1
25545                         kuni    1
25546                      kurdish    1
25547                    kurdistan    1
25548                       kybosh    1
25549                         k’iu    1
25550                     l'absolu    1
25551                   l'anarchie    1
25552                      l'après    1
25553                    l'univers    1
25554                     l'écorce    1
25555                          la_    1
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25564                    lachrymal    1
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25568                        lacky    1
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25574                          lah    1
25575                      laissez    1
25576                         lait    1
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25578                         lama    1
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25580                        lambs    1
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25586                       lancet    1
25587                   landlady’s    1
25588                   landlord's    1
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25590                   landlord’s    1
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25599                      laocoon    1
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25603                      larceny    1
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25606                       larder    1
25607                        larva    1
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25624                    laundries    1
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25636                      laxness    1
25637                        layer    1
25638                       layers    1
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25642                     leader's    1
25643                        leal_    1
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25655                        lee’s    1
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25676                    lessening    1
25677                      lessing    1
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25679                    lethargic    1
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25691                     lewisham    1
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25693                      liaison    1
25694                        liars    1
25695                         lib_    1
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25725                   lilienthal    1
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25729                     limekiln    1
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25744                       lion's    1
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25749                       lissom    1
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25753                       lister    1
25754                      listing    1
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25756                        liszt    1
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25774                         ll.d    1
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25803                      london_    1
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25805                   londoner’s    1
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25821                     lordship    1
25822                      lorenzo    1
25823                     lorenzos    1
25824                      lorries    1
25825                        lost_    1
25826                        lotus    1
25827                       lot’ll    1
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25829                     loudness    1
25830                     lounging    1
25831                  lovableness    1
25832                        love_    1
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25834                      lover's    1
25835                      lover’s    1
25836                     lovingly    1
25837                       lowii_    1
25838                       lowing    1
25839                      lowness    1
25840                     lozenges    1
25841                      lubbock    1
25842                    lubricate    1
25843                        lucia    1
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25845                      lucidly    1
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25847                         lugs    1
25848                 lugubriously    1
25849                        luino    1
25850                 lullaborough    1
25851                       lulled    1
25852                      lulling    1
25853                     lulworth    1
25854                   lumbricus_    1
25855                     luminant    1
25856                     luminium    1
25857                   luminously    1
25858                      lumpily    1
25859                      lumpish    1
25860                      lunacy_    1
25861                       lunar_    1
25862                       lunary    1
25863                      lunches    1
25864                       lunged    1
25865                       lunges    1
25866                        lupin    1
25867                        lupus    1
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25869                      lurched    1
25870                         lure    1
25871                        lured    1
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25873                   lusciously    1
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25875                      lustful    1
25876                   lustreless    1
25877                        lusty    1
25878                     luther’s    1
25879                   luxuriance    1
25880                   luxuriated    1
25881                      lynched    1
25882                      lyrical    1
25883                    lyttelton    1
25884                     m'carthy    1
25885                     m'rality    1
25886                      m'sieur    1
25887                          m.a    1
25888                          m.p    1
25889                    macandrew    1
25890                   macaulay’s    1
25891                    maccabean    1
25892                   maccabeans    1
25893                    macdonald    1
25894                      macedon    1
25895                machiavellian    1
25896               machiavellians    1
25897                mackintoshery    1
25898                  macmillan's    1
25899                     madame's    1
25900                     maddalo_    1
25901                  maddeningly    1
25902                       madder    1
25903                        madge    1
25904                    madingley    1
25905                      madonna    1
25906                     maecenas    1
25907                    maelstrom    1
25908                  maeterlinck    1
25909                maeterlinck's    1
25910                     magdalen    1
25911                 magdalenians    1
25912                    magdeberg    1
25913                magersfontein    1
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25918                  magnanimous    1
25919                      magnate    1
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25923                   magnitudes    1
25924                    magnolias    1
25925                       magnum    1
25926                       magyar    1
25927                      mahomet    1
25928                 mahometanism    1
25929                    maidstone    1
25930                       maigre    1
25931                         mail    1
25932                        mail_    1
25933                       mailed    1
25934                        mails    1
25935                      maiming    1
25936                     mainsail    1
25937                       mainte    1
25938                       maisie    1
25939                     maitland    1
25940                    majesty's    1
25941                      major's    1
25942                   makeweight    1
25943                      making_    1
25944                    malachite    1
25945                     maladies    1
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25947                     malakand    1
25948                    malamocco    1
25949                        malar    1
25950                      malaria    1
25951                       malays    1
25952                       maldon    1
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25955                  malefactors    1
25956                       malign    1
25957                        mall_    1
25958                    malleable    1
25959                       mallet    1
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25961                         malo    1
25962                     malpighi    1
25963                   malpighi's    1
25964                     malvolio    1
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25966                       mammon    1
25967                     manacled    1
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25970                    manager’s    1
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25973                         mane    1
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25981                     manifold    1
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25988                        manor    1
25989                        manse    1
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25995                      manures    1
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25997                      mapping    1
25998                      marbles    1
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26000                      marches    1
26001                      marconi    1
26002                       mare’s    1
26003                     marginal    1
26004                   marginalia    1
26005                   marguerite    1
26006                    marigolds    1
26007                     mariners    1
26008                   marionette    1
26009                       mark's    1
26010                       marker    1
26011                    marketing    1
26012                      markham    1
26013                     marklows    1
26014                     marksmen    1
26015                       marlin    1
26016                       marlow    1
26017                       marn’s    1
26018                     marriott    1
26019                      marrows    1
26020                      marsala    1
26021                      marshal    1
26022                     marshall    1
26023                   marshall's    1
26024                   marshalled    1
26025                       marshy    1
26026                         mart    1
26027                     martha's    1
26028                  martians’ll    1
26029                     martinet    1
26030                      martins    1
26031                     martin’s    1
26032                      martyrs    1
26033                    marvelous    1
26034                       marvin    1
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26036                     marxists    1
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26041                      masqued    1
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26043                        massa    1
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26046                        masse    1
26047                       masse_    1
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26053                      mastiff    1
26054                    mastiff's    1
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26058              mathematician's    1
26059              mathematician’s    1
26060                      matinee    1
26061                       mating    1
26062                  matriarchal    1
26063                matriculation    1
26064                    matrimony    1
26065                       matron    1
26066                     matronly    1
26067                         matt    1
26068                       maud's    1
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26070                    mauritius    1
26071                       maurya    1
26072                    mausoleum    1
26073                   mausoleums    1
26074                          maw    1
26075                      mawkish    1
26076                      maxillæ    1
26077                      mayfair    1
26078                        mayne    1
26079                      mayor's    1
26080                         mays    1
26081                      maytime    1
26082                      mazurka    1
26083                         mazy    1
26084                       mcturk    1
26085                      mcwhirr    1
26086                    mcwhirter    1
26087                          me_    1
26088                          mea    1
26089                         mea_    1
26090                        mealy    1
26091                        mean_    1
26092                    meandered    1
26093                   meannesses    1
26094                        meats    1
26095                        meaty    1
26096                       mecca_    1
26097                      meddler    1
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26100                       medico    1
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26104                        medoc    1
26105                       meekly    1
26106                     meekness    1
26107              meistersingers_    1
26108                 melancholiac    1
26109                    melbourne    1
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26111                         mell    1
26112                  mellifluous    1
26113                        melts    1
26114                       mem'ry    1
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26123                         mend    1
26124                    mendelian    1
26125                        mends    1
26126                       menial    1
26127                  menservants    1
26128                   mensonges_    1
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26131                      mentors    1
26132              mephistophelean    1
26133               mephistopheles    1
26134                mercenariness    1
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26142                         mesh    1
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26146                  mesonephros    1
26147                 mesopotamian    1
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26150                     metalled    1
26151                 metallurgist    1
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26153                metamorphosed    1
26154                  metanephros    1
26155                metaphysician    1
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26157                  meteorology    1
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26161                   methylated    1
26162                        metro    1
26163                    metropole    1
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26165                   mettlesome    1
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26167                       meyers    1
26168                     mezoroic    1
26169                           mi    1
26170                        miall    1
26171                   michaelmas    1
26172                    michael’s    1
26173                     microbes    1
26174           microlepidopterist    1
26175                microscopists    1
26176                    micturate    1
26177                     middling    1
26178                         midi    1
26179                       midian    1
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26181                      mifflin    1
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26185                     mightn’t    1
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26187                    migrating    1
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26190                   militarist    1
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26192                     millenia    1
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26199                        milly    1
26200                        milne    1
26201                       milner    1
26202                       milnes    1
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26215                        mings    1
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26220                         mint    1
26221                       minter    1
26222                       minton    1
26223                     minutest    1
26224                         minx    1
26225                     mirabean    1
26226                      mirror_    1
26227                     mirrored    1
26228                  mirthlessly    1
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26233             misapprehensions    1
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26261            misunderstandings    1
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26263                        moans    1
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26266                         mobs    1
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26278                      moissan    1
26279                         moju    1
26280                    molecular    1
26281                    molecules    1
26282                      molesey    1
26283                     mollusca    1
26284                     molluscs    1
26285                      moment_    1
26286                     monaco's    1
26287                   monarchism    1
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26289                     monarque    1
26290                     monckton    1
26291                      mondays    1
26292                      moneyed    1
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26294                      money’s    1
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26298                     monistic    1
26299                      monkish    1
26300                         mono    1
26301                      monocle    1
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26305                   monoplanes    1
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26308                     monsieur    1
26309                    monster's    1
26310                  monstrosity    1
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26312                    montezuma    1
26313                      month's    1
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26315                      month’s    1
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26319                         mook    1
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26321                        moony    1
26322                       moon’s    1
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26324                      mooring    1
26325                     moorings    1
26326                     moraines    1
26327                       morale    1
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26329                     moralist    1
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26333                       morden    1
26334                       more’n    1
26335                       morgen    1
26336                      morland    1
26337                    morlock’s    1
26338                       morphi    1
26339                     morrison    1
26340                         mort    1
26341                     mortally    1
26342                      mortals    1
26343                       mortar    1
26344                     mortgage    1
26345                mortification    1
26346                   mortifying    1
26347                      moselle    1
26348                    mosenthal    1
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26350                         mote    1
26351                 motherliness    1
26352                   motherly's    1
26353                     mother’s    1
26354                     mothlike    1
26355                   motiveless    1
26356                       motley    1
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26361                      moulded    1
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26363                    mouldings    1
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26366                 mountaineers    1
26367                mountaineer’s    1
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26369                  moustachios    1
26370                  mousterians    1
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26372                  mouthpieces    1
26373                      mouth’s    1
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26375                        movin    1
26376                         mows    1
26377                        mu'll    1
26378                       mucius    1
26379                      muddied    1
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26381                     muddling    1
26382                      mudflat    1
26383                      mudie’s    1
26384                       muette    1
26385                     muffling    1
26386                          mug    1
26387                       mugged    1
26388                       mugger    1
26389                      mugging    1
26390                         mugs    1
26391                   muhammad’s    1
26392                muhammedanism    1
26393                      mulatto    1
26394                       mulish    1
26395                    mullioned    1
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26401                      mummery    1
26402                        mummy    1
26403                   munchausen    1
26404                      munched    1
26405                       mundi_    1
26406                      mundum_    1
26407               municipalities    1
26408                       murano    1
26409                     murray's    1
26410                      muscled    1
26411                         muse    1
26412                        muses    1
26413                    mushrooms    1
26414                    musicians    1
26415                       musket    1
26416                      mussels    1
26417                        must_    1
26418                    mustering    1
26419                    mustiness    1
26420                      mustn’t    1
26421                        musty    1
26422                      muswell    1
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26424                  mutilations    1
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26426                     mutinies    1
26427                   mutterings    1
26428                    mutuality    1
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26430                        myers    1
26431                         mylï    1
26432                        mynah    1
26433                       myopia    1
26434                      mystics    1
26435                mystification    1
26436                       mænads    1
26437                 métamorphose    1
26438                        mêlée    1
26439                          n.b    1
26440                          n.e    1
26441                           n_    1
26442                        nadir    1
26443                       name's    1
26444                       name’s    1
26445                     napier's    1
26446                       napkin    1
26447                      napkins    1
26448                      napping    1
26449                        nares    1
26450                    narnsense    1
26451                     narrator    1
26452                     narrowed    1
26453                      narrows    1
26454                         nart    1
26455                      nasmyth    1
26456                    nasmyth’s    1
26457                   nasturtium    1
26458                     nation's    1
26459                 nationalisms    1
26460                 nationalized    1
26461                      natrix_    1
26462                 naturalist's    1
26463                  naturalness    1
26464                      nature_    1
26465                      natured    1
26466                      naturæ_    1
26467                      nauplii    1
26468                     nauseam_    1
26469                 nauseatingly    1
26470                     nauseous    1
26471                       nautch    1
26472                     nautical    1
26473                    navigable    1
26474                     navigate    1
26475                    navigator    1
26476                        ne'er    1
26477                   neapolitan    1
26478                       nearby    1
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26480                        nears    1
26481                      neasden    1
26482             nebuchadnezzar’s    1
26483                      nebulae    1
26484                      nebular    1
26485                   nebulosity    1
26486                     nebulous    1
26487                     necker's    1
26488                      necktie    1
26489                       nectar    1
26490                          ned    1
26491                      needful    1
26492                      needn’t    1
26493                       nefas_    1
26494                 neglectfully    1
26495                  negligently    1
26496                   negotiable    1
26497                   negotiated    1
26498                 negotiations    1
26499                   neighbour_    1
26500                  neighbour’s    1
26501                   neighhours    1
26502                          nek    1
26503                      nemesis    1
26504                          neo    1
26505                   nephridium    1
26506                     nepotism    1
26507                     nerchist    1
26508                       nerve_    1
26509                nervenarzten_    1
26510                       nesbit    1
26511                    nescience    1
26512                    nestlings    1
26513                   nethermost    1
26514                      netsuke    1
26515                      netting    1
26516                    neuralgia    1
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26519                        nevis    1
26520                      newcomb    1
26521                     newhaven    1
26522                       newish    1
26523                       newlyn    1
26524                     newman's    1
26525                    newmarket    1
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26527                      newsboy    1
26528                  newsvendors    1
26529                     newton's    1
26530                        nexst    1
26531                      niagara    1
26532                          nib    1
26533                      niccolo    1
26534                       nicety    1
26535                        niche    1
26536                    nicholson    1
26537                  nicholson's    1
26538                        nicïa    1
26539                      niddick    1
26540                        niece    1
26541                       nieces    1
26542                      niente_    1
26543                        niger    1
26544                    niggardly    1
26545                      nighter    1
26546                    nightgown    1
26547                  nightingale    1
26548                   nightjar's    1
26549                      nights_    1
26550                        nilly    1
26551                       nimbly    1
26552                    ninepenny    1
26553                     ninepins    1
26554                     nitrates    1
26555                       nitric    1
26556                        no'ow    1
26557                        noaks    1
26558                     noblemen    1
26559                       nobler    1
26560                     noblesse    1
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26562                      noisier    1
26563                    noisiness    1
26564                      noisome    1
26565                    nomaniacs    1
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26569                nonconformist    1
26570                nonconformity    1
26571                  nonexistent    1
26572                        nonny    1
26573                  nonsensical    1
26574                          noo    1
26575                      noonday    1
26576                       nooses    1
26577                       nordau    1
26578                      norfolk    1
26579                       norris    1
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26582                     northing    1
26583                     northman    1
26584               northumberland    1
26585                   northwards    1
26586                 northwestern    1
26587                   norwegians    1
26588                      norwich    1
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26590                        nosed    1
26591                    nostalgia    1
26592                       nothin    1
26593                    nothing’s    1
26594                   noticeable    1
26595                   noticeably    1
26596                   notifiable    1
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26598                    notorious    1
26599                      notting    1
26600              notwithstanding    1
26601                      nourish    1
26602                   nourishing    1
26603                         nous    1
26604                       novel_    1
26605                      noxious    1
26606                        noyon    1
26607                     nozzling    1
26608                       nuclei    1
26609                        nudge    1
26610                       nudged    1
26611                  nudibranchs    1
26612                       nudity    1
26613                     nuggetty    1
26614                    nuisances    1
26615                       numbed    1
26616                    numbering    1
26617                   numberless    1
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26619                    nurseries    1
26620                     nurtured    1
26621                       nuthin    1
26622                    nutrition    1
26623                           ny    1
26624                         nyar    1
26625                       nymphs    1
26626                         o'er    1
26627                          o.t    1
26628                        oasis    1
26629                         oats    1
26630                           ob    1
26631                     obduracy    1
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26633                      obeying    1
26634            objectionableness    1
26635                  objectively    1
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26637                  objectivity    1
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26639                     obligato    1
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26645                      obscura    1
26646                   obsequious    1
26647               obsequiousness    1
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26649                    obsessing    1
26650                    obstetric    1
26651               obstreperously    1
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26653                 obstructions    1
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26657                  obviousness    1
26658                        ocana    1
26659                   occidental    1
26660                    occipital    1
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26662                     occupant    1
26663                     occupies    1
26664                       occurs    1
26665                   oceangoing    1
26666                   octahedron    1
26667                       octave    1
26668                     october_    1
26669                       ocular    1
26670                      oculist    1
26671                        odder    1
26672                     oddments    1
26673                       odours    1
26674                     odysseus    1
26675                    oeconomic    1
26676                      office_    1
26677                    official_    1
26678                   officiated    1
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26684                         ohio    1
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26687                        ohooh    1
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26689                          ole    1
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26693                          ome    1
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26696                         omit    1
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26698                  omniscience    1
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26838                         own_    1
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26845                    p'litical    1
26846                          p.c    1
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26892                   pantomimic    1
26893                      pantoum    1
26894                        panza    1
26895                       paper_    1
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26897                        papua    1
26898                       papuan    1
26899                         para    1
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27106                 pharmacopœia    1
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27137                  phthiriasi_    1
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27286                     pompeian    1
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27290                        ponts    1
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27479              proportionately    1
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27490                  prosecution    1
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27498                  prostration    1
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27502                 protestation    1
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27526                     précieux    1
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27529                      psocidæ    1
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27531                    psychosis    1
27532                          pte    1
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27586                       pyjama    1
27587                     pyjamaed    1
27588                     pyorrhœa    1
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27591                        qu'au    1
27592                        qu'il    1
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27641                         quo_    1
27642                        quoi_    1
27643                        quoth    1
27644                          r.a    1
27645                      r.a.m.c    1
27646                        r.l.s    1
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28007                   retrorsum_    1
28008                  retrospect_    1
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28083                     rippling    1
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28147                     roscoe’s    1
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28172                      royally    1
28173                      royalty    1
28174                      royston    1
28175                           rr    1
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28205                  ruridecanal    1
28206                        rurik    1
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28220                      röntgen    1
28221                          s.h    1
28222                      s.p.q.r    1
28223                          s.w    1
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28250                        sally    1
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28252                       saloon    1
28253                   salpetres_    1
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28255                    saltpetre    1
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28260                    samatians    1
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28281                sarcastically    1
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28283                     sargon’s    1
28284                         sark    1
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28287                        satan    1
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28304                         sawn    1
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28319                      scaring    1
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28321                     scatters    1
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28330                    schooling    1
28331                  schoolrooms    1
28332                     schubert    1
28333                       schulz    1
28334                      schäfer    1
28335                         sci_    1
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28339                scintillating    1
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28369                 scrutinizing    1
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28381                    scuttling    1
28382                       scylla    1
28383                       scyros    1
28384                      scythed    1
28385                       scène_    1
28386                    seafaring    1
28387                     seagreen    1
28388                      seagull    1
28389                     seagulls    1
28390                     sealskin    1
28391                     seaman's    1
28392                      seances    1
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28394                        sears    1
28395                     seashell    1
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28397                   seasonable    1
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28399                      seceded    1
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28405                  secondarily    1
28406                     secret's    1
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28409                     secret’s    1
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28417                    sedatives    1
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28419                      seddons    1
28420                        sedge    1
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28438                     selenite    1
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28442                       selwyn    1
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28455                        sepia    1
28456                         sept    1
28457                   sepulchral    1
28458                 sepulchrally    1
28459                    sepulture    1
28460                         seq_    1
28461                       sequel    1
28462                sequestration    1
28463               sequestrations    1
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28465                         sere    1
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28481                         sewn    1
28482                        sex's    1
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28485                          sez    1
28486                           sh    1
28487                      sha'n't    1
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28490                   shadowings    1
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28494                        shale    1
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28506                      shavian    1
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28508                         shay    1
28509                        shear    1
28510                       sheath    1
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28518                     shelling    1
28519                        shena    1
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28523                      shewing    1
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28539                       ship’s    1
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28562                   shoulder’s    1
28563                    shoutings    1
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28566                    shovelled    1
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28568                    showering    1
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28571                      showmen    1
28572                        showy    1
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28574                     shriller    1
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28576                      shrubby    1
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28592                        siena    1
28593                       sierra    1
28594                     siffiwas    1
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28600                    signalmen    1
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28604                   signifying    1
28605                      signing    1
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28619                    sincerely    1
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28624                       sinews    1
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28626                        singe    1
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28629                       singly    1
28630                        sings    1
28631                          sip    1
28632                       siphon    1
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28634                      sirocco    1
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28641                        sivat    1
28642                      sixthly    1
28643                      sixtoes    1
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28656                        sky's    1
28657                         skye    1
28658                      skylike    1
28659                      slacken    1
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28668                        slash    1
28669                        slats    1
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28692                 slipperiness    1
28693                       slippy    1
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28696                      slotted    1
28697                     sloughed    1
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28703                       sluice    1
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28707                      slurred    1
28708                       slushy    1
28709                     sluttish    1
28710                          sly    1
28711                        slyly    1
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28731                      smudged    1
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28742                        snape    1
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28762                       snorts    1
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28777                        soapy    1
28778                         soar    1
28779                      soberer    1
28780                    soberness    1
28781                         soc_    1
28782                     sociable    1
28783                     sociably    1
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28785                    society’s    1
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28789                        sodom    1
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28793                    sojers’ll    1
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28795                          sol    1
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28806                      solvent    1
28807                     sombrely    1
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28860                     spanning    1
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28863                      sparing    1
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28873                     spavined    1
28874                    speaker’s    1
28875               specialisation    1
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28878                  specialized    1
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28882                   spectrally    1
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28886                 speechlessly    1
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28892                      spheres    1
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28894                     sphygmic    1
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28896                      spicule    1
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28902                      spinner    1
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28904                      spinoza    1
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28906                     spinster    1
28907                        spion    1
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28909                      spiring    1
28910                      spirit_    1
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28913                 spitchcocked    1
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28917                      spoiled    1
28918                      sponges    1
28919                       spongy    1
28920                 sporadically    1
28921                      sported    1
28922                       sposi_    1
28923                       spotty    1
28924                       spouse    1
28925                        spout    1
28926                   spraddling    1
28927                     sprained    1
28928                      sprawls    1
28929                sprightliness    1
28930                    sprightly    1
28931                      springe    1
28932                   springless    1
28933                   springlike    1
28934                   springtime    1
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28942                      spurted    1
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28954                    squeezing    1
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28958                    squirming    1
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28962                       stacks    1
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28967                   stagnation    1
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28984                      stapler    1
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28989                      starchy    1
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28995                      starlit    1
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29000                       staten    1
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29004                      stating    1
29005                  statistical    1
29006                      staunch    1
29007                       staves    1
29008                       stays_    1
29009                        staël    1
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29014                    steamer’s    1
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29022                      stemmed    1
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29031                       steppe    1
29032                      stepson    1
29033                       stereo    1
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29051                       stinks    1
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29058                   stockishly    1
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29060                      stoical    1
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29077                     storming    1
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29106                      stringy    1
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29153                 substitution    1
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29177                      sulking    1
29178                    sulphuric    1
29179                      sultans    1
29180                         sum_    1
29181                  summarising    1
29182                       summat    1
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29184                       summon    1
29185                        sun's    1
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29233                     sustains    1
29234                   sustenance    1
29235                       sutton    1
29236                    swaggered    1
29237                   swainson's    1
29238                      swanage    1
29239                        sward    1
29240                     swathing    1
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29242                     swatting    1
29243                     swayings    1
29244                     sweden’s    1
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29246                      sweeter    1
29247                 sweetheart's    1
29248                       swells    1
29249                  swinburne's    1
29250                     swindled    1
29251                       swings    1
29252                        swipe    1
29253                       swipes    1
29254                      swished    1
29255                     swishers    1
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29257                         swop    1
29258                      swopped    1
29259                    swordless    1
29260                       swords    1
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29262                         swum    1
29263                      sybaris    1
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29265                    sycophant    1
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29267                    syllabled    1
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29278                    synagogue    1
29279                     syncline    1
29280                     synopsis    1
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29282                synthetically    1
29283                     syphoned    1
29284                      syphons    1
29285                       syrens    1
29286                       syrian    1
29287                        syrup    1
29288                       syrupy    1
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29291                      tableau    1
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29301                      tactile    1
29302                          taf    1
29303                     taffetas    1
29304                          tag    1
29305                        tagle    1
29306                     tailor's    1
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29316                        tally    1
29317                      tamandu    1
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29323                      tanning    1
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29331                       tapley    1
29332                     tappings    1
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29335                   tasmanians    1
29336                       tasn’t    1
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29339                       taters    1
29340                       tatler    1
29341               tatterdemalion    1
29342                       tattle    1
29343                     tattooed    1
29344                    tattooing    1
29345                      taught_    1
29346                      taunton    1
29347                       taunts    1
29348                         taut    1
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29350                      taverns    1
29351                    tavistock    1
29352                     tawdrily    1
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29354                     taxicabs    1
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29356                    taxpayers    1
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29358                         teal    1
29359                         team    1
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29364                       teased    1
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29373                        tekel    1
29374                   telepathic    1
29375                    telepathy    1
29376                    telephoto    1
29377                   telescopes    1
29378                  telescoping    1
29379                      telleth    1
29380                         tem_    1
29381                 temperament_    1
29382                    tempering    1
29383                      tempers    1
29384                     tempests    1
29385                      templar    1
29386                     temporal    1
29387                        tempt    1
29388                     tempters    1
29389                       tempus    1
29390                     tenanted    1
29391                     tendered    1
29392                      tenders    1
29393                       tendon    1
29394                     tendrils    1
29395                      tenens_    1
29396                         tens    1
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29399                   tepidities    1
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29402                     terraced    1
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29418                     textures    1
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29420                     thassort    1
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29425                       thenks    1
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29428                 theologicum_    1
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29430                theoretically    1
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29436                     therefor    1
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29439                   thermopylï    1
29440                       thesis    1
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29442                          thi    1
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29451                      this’ll    1
29452                     thomas's    1
29453                   thompson's    1
29454                       thongs    1
29455                thoroughfares    1
29456                    thousand_    1
29457                    threading    1
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29462                   threescore    1
29463                    threshing    1
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29468                    thrumming    1
29469                      thrums_    1
29470                        thuds    1
29471                         thug    1
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29473                         thun    1
29474                  thunderings    1
29475                 thunderously    1
29476                thunderstruck    1
29477                    thursdays    1
29478                    thwarting    1
29479                     théâtre_    1
29480                     ticketed    1
29481                       tiddle    1
29482                       tidied    1
29483                      tiger's    1
29484                      tigress    1
29485                         tike    1
29486                        tiled    1
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29489                        tills    1
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29493                       timely    1
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29497                        timur    1
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29499                      tingled    1
29500                        tings    1
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29503                       tinned    1
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29507                      tipping    1
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29510                       tirade    1
29511                        tit's    1
29512                       titan_    1
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29519                  titillating    1
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29527                        toady    1
29528                      toasted    1
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29538                   tolerating    1
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29547                         tooo    1
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29552                      tophams    1
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29554                      topmost    1
29555                      topping    1
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29557                      toppled    1
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29562                 tormentingly    1
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29569                      torsion    1
29570                        torso    1
29571                       torto_    1
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29573                         tose    1
29574                         tosh    1
29575                     totality    1
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29577                    toughened    1
29578                      touring    1
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29582                         tous    1
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29585                        touts    1
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29592                      toynbee    1
29593                      toyshop    1
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29598                  tradesmen’s    1
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29602                   tragically    1
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29607                       traits    1
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29610                tranquillised    1
29611               tranquillizing    1
29612                transactions_    1
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29622                transfiguring    1
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29628                 translucency    1
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29635                transposition    1
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29638                 trauermarsch    1
29639                   travailing    1
29640                      trayful    1
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29642                     treatise    1
29643                    treatise_    1
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29645                     treeless    1
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29647                      tremens    1
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29657                    tribesman    1
29658                    tribesmen    1
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29660                  tributaries    1
29661                  trichoptera    1
29662                    tricycles    1
29663                      trifles    1
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29665                      trilled    1
29666                        trims    1
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29668                         trio    1
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29670                      tristan    1
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29672                 triumvirates    1
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29676                     troopers    1
29677                      troops_    1
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29689                   trumpeting    1
29690                   truncating    1
29691                   truncation    1
29692                   truncheons    1
29693                     trustful    1
29694                   trustfully    1
29695                       truth_    1
29696                   truthfully    1
29697                 truthfulness    1
29698                      tsarist    1
29699                        tsars    1
29700               tschaikovsky's    1
29701                     tschekov    1
29702                           tu    1
29703                       tuareg    1
29704                 tuberculosis    1
29705                       tubers    1
29706                     tubingen    1
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29708                      tufnell    1
29709                         tuft    1
29710                        tufts    1
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29715                      tumours    1
29716                      tumults    1
29717                      tumulus    1
29718                        tunic    1
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29728                      turnips    1
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29732                       tushed    1
29733                   tusitala's    1
29734                         tusk    1
29735                        tusks    1
29736                      tussels    1
29737                       tutors    1
29738                        twang    1
29739                       twangs    1
29740                        tweet    1
29741                    tweezer's    1
29742                     tweezers    1
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29744                        twill    1
29745                      twining    1
29746                        twirl    1
29747                     twirling    1
29748                       twisty    1
29749                       twitch    1
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29751                      twitter    1
29752                     twopence    1
29753                     tympanic    1
29754                      typhoon    1
29755                       typing    1
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29758                   tyrannized    1
29759                    tyrannous    1
29760                         tyro    1
29761                     tübingen    1
29762                         t’my    1
29763                          u'm    1
29764                        udder    1
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29766                           ul    1
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29768                    ultimatum    1
29769                        ultra    1
29770                     ululated    1
29771                        umbel    1
29772                    umbilicus    1
29773                    umbrellas    1
29774                          un_    1
29775                    unabashed    1
29776                     unabated    1
29777                 unacquainted    1
29778                  unadvocated    1
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29781                 unanalysable    1
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29803                  unburthened    1
29804                  unbuttoning    1
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29806                   uncarpeted    1
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29808              unceremoniously    1
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29813                  uncivilised    1
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29837                   uncultured    1
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29839                          und    1
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29853                    undermost    1
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29858                   undersized    1
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29860              understandingly    1
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29925                   unhonoured    1
29926                      unhoped    1
29927                      unhuman    1
29928                       unhurt    1
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29931                     unifying    1
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29933                  unillumined    1
29934                   unimpaired    1
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29950                   unitarians    1
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29959                     unkindly    1
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29968                   unlimbered    1
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29974                       unmake    1
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29995                  unprintable    1
29996                 unprocurable    1
29997                 unprofitable    1
29998                 unpropitious    1
29999                     unproven    1
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30003               unquestionably    1
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30005              unquestioningly    1
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30010               unrecognisable    1
30011               unrecognizably    1
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30013                   unrelieved    1
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30043                     unsuited    1
30044                 unsurmounted    1
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30051               unsystematised    1
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30059                 unthinkingly    1
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30061                       untied    1
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30063                       untold    1
30064              untransportable    1
30065                  untravelled    1
30066                  untroubling    1
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30068                  unutterable    1
30069                  unutterably    1
30070                    unvizored    1
30071                unwarrantable    1
30072                  unwarranted    1
30073                     unwashed    1
30074                     unwashen    1
30075              unwholesomeness    1
30076                     unwieldy    1
30077                    unwinking    1
30078                     unwisely    1
30079                   unworkable    1
30080                     unworked    1
30081                unworldliness    1
30082                    unwounded    1
30083                          up_    1
30084                     upharsin    1
30085                       uphold    1
30086                  upholstered    1
30087                 upholstering    1
30088                   upholstery    1
30089                     upraised    1
30090                  uprightness    1
30091                      uproars    1
30092                          ups    1
30093                    upsettled    1
30094                    upthrusts    1
30095                       urbane    1
30096                    urbanised    1
30097                     urbanity    1
30098                       urbino    1
30099                     urodeles    1
30100                   urtication    1
30101                      ushered    1
30102                       usians    1
30103                      usurers    1
30104                   usuriously    1
30105                     usurping    1
30106                           ut    1
30107                        utang    1
30108                      utilise    1
30109                     utilised    1
30110                    utilising    1
30111               utilitarianism    1
30112                      utility    1
30113                  utilization    1
30114                 utopianising    1
30115                    vacations    1
30116                  vacillating    1
30117                  vacillation    1
30118                      vacuity    1
30119                     vagabond    1
30120                    vagabonds    1
30121                     vaillant    1
30122               vaingloriously    1
30123                    valaisian    1
30124                        vales    1
30125                        valet    1
30126                       valets    1
30127                    valkyries    1
30128                     vallerys    1
30129                     vallyble    1
30130                     valu'ble    1
30131                        vance    1
30132                       vance_    1
30133                    vandalism    1
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30136                    vaporized    1
30137                    vapourish    1
30138                  variability    1
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30140                     variants    1
30141                       varies    1
30142                      varmint    1
30143                    varnished    1
30144                        vases    1
30145                   vastitudes    1
30146                      vastus_    1
30147                      vaulted    1
30148                     vaulting    1
30149                         veal    1
30150                       vedras    1
30151                      veering    1
30152                    vehicular    1
30153                      veiling    1
30154                       veined    1
30155                        veldt    1
30156                   velocities    1
30157                      venants    1
30158                       vendor    1
30159                      vendors    1
30160                     veneered    1
30161                     venereal    1
30162                       venial    1
30163                    veniality    1
30164                    venimeux_    1
30165                   venomously    1
30166                  ventilators    1
30167              ventriloquising    1
30168              ventriloquist's    1
30169                  venturesome    1
30170                      venuses    1
30171                   veracities    1
30172                     verandah    1
30173                       verbal    1
30174                     verbatim    1
30175                      verdant    1
30176                        verde    1
30177                  vereeniging    1
30178                       verged    1
30179                     verities    1
30180                    vermiform    1
30181                    vermilion    1
30182                        verne    1
30183                      verneys    1
30184                      vernier    1
30185                         vero    1
30186                      veronal    1
30187                    veroneses    1
30188                       versa_    1
30189                  versatility    1
30190                    vertebrae    1
30191                   vertebrate    1
30192                  vertebrates    1
30193                  vertiginous    1
30194                 vespiformis_    1
30195                  vesselswith    1
30196                       vested    1
30197                      vestiga    1
30198                     vestries    1
30199                        vests    1
30200                     veterans    1
30201                      vettori    1
30202                        vexed    1
30203                     vi'lence    1
30204                      vi'lets    1
30205                     viaducts    1
30206                        viand    1
30207                       viands    1
30208                     vibrated    1
30209                      vicar's    1
30210                       vicars    1
30211                      viceroy    1
30212                     viceroys    1
30213                 vicissitudes    1
30214                     victim's    1
30215                   victimised    1
30216                   victoria's    1
30217                   victualled    1
30218                          vie    1
30219                         vied    1
30220                      vigours    1
30221                       vilest    1
30222                      villain    1
30223                     villains    1
30224                     villainy    1
30225                        ville    1
30226                     villiers    1
30227                    vindicate    1
30228                   vindicated    1
30229                        vines    1
30230                    vineyards    1
30231                     vintages    1
30232                     violet's    1
30233                   violinists    1
30234                       viper_    1
30235                       virgil    1
30236                   virginians    1
30237                      virgins    1
30238                      virtual    1
30239                     virulent    1
30240                     virumque    1
30241                      viscera    1
30242                     visceral    1
30243                      viscous    1
30244                   visigothic    1
30245                    visitants    1
30246                   visitation    1
30247                    visitor’s    1
30248                      vistula    1
30249                   visualised    1
30250                    visualize    1
30251                     visually    1
30252                         vita    1
30253                        vita_    1
30254                        vitae    1
30255                   vitalising    1
30256                       vitals    1
30257                      vitriol    1
30258                        vitœ_    1
30259                     vivacity    1
30260                   vivaparous    1
30261                     vivarium    1
30262                         vive    1
30263                      vivider    1
30264                  vivisecting    1
30265               vivisectionist    1
30266                       vivre_    1
30267                       vizier    1
30268                   vocabulary    1
30269                    vocations    1
30270                  vociferated    1
30271                 vociferation    1
30272                      voicing    1
30273                        voilà    1
30274                     volition    1
30275                   volitional    1
30276                      voltage    1
30277                   voltaire’s    1
30278                      voluble    1
30279                      volubly    1
30280                    volunteer    1
30281                        vomit    1
30282                       vomits    1
30283                     voracity    1
30284                     vortices    1
30285                       votary    1
30286                        voted    1
30287                      vouched    1
30288                     voudrais    1
30289                         vous    1
30290                        vowel    1
30291                       vowing    1
30292                         vows    1
30293                      voyages    1
30294                          vue    1
30295                vulgarisation    1
30296               vulgarisations    1
30297                      vulgus_    1
30298                           wa    1
30299                       wade's    1
30300                         wage    1
30301                      waggled    1
30302                      waggles    1
30303                     waggoner    1
30304                       waging    1
30305                      wagtail    1
30306                        wahaw    1
30307                       wailed    1
30308                   wainscoted    1
30309                    waistless    1
30310                     waiter's    1
30311                        waive    1
30312                      wakeful    1
30313                  wakefulness    1
30314                     wakening    1
30315                       wakes_    1
30316                      waldo’s    1
30317                       walham    1
30318                     walkitis    1
30319                    wallace’s    1
30320                       wallop    1
30321                    wallpaper    1
30322                   wallpapers    1
30323                       walmer    1
30324                      walter_    1
30325                     walton's    1
30326                     waltzing    1
30327                         wand    1
30328                  wanderingly    1
30329                      wanders    1
30330                       wandle    1
30331                     wantonly    1
30332                   wantonness    1
30333                         war_    1
30334                      warbler    1
30335                    warbler's    1
30336                       warder    1
30337                    wardrobes    1
30338                         ware    1
30339                      wareham    1
30340                       warily    1
30341                      warmest    1
30342                  warmhearted    1
30343                    warming's    1
30344                        warnt    1
30345                       warn’t    1
30346                      warping    1
30347                     warranty    1
30348                       warred    1
30349                      warship    1
30350                    warship’s    1
30351                         wart    1
30352                        warts    1
30353                        warty    1
30354                       washes    1
30355                     washhand    1
30356                    washhouse    1
30357                    washstand    1
30358                        wasps    1
30359                   wastefully    1
30360                     wastrels    1
30361                 waterbottles    1
30362                 watercourses    1
30363                    waterline    1
30364                   waterproof    1
30365                   watertight    1
30366                     waterton    1
30367                   waterton's    1
30368                   waterworks    1
30369                       watson    1
30370                      watteau    1
30371                     waveless    1
30372                        waver    1
30373                     waverers    1
30374                        waxed    1
30375                    wayfarers    1
30376                      waylaid    1
30377                    waylaying    1
30378                    weakening    1
30379                         weal    1
30380                      wealden    1
30381                    weathered    1
30382                     weaver's    1
30383                         webb    1
30384                       webbed    1
30385                          wed    1
30386                  wedderburns    1
30387                    wedgelike    1
30388                      wedging    1
30389                      wedlock    1
30390                      weekend    1
30391                     weekly's    1
30392                        weels    1
30393                    weeningly    1
30394                       weighs    1
30395                    weightily    1
30396                      weirdly    1
30397                        welch    1
30398                         weld    1
30399                      welding    1
30400                       welkin    1
30401                       welled    1
30402                    wembledon    1
30403                      wenches    1
30404                       wesley    1
30405               westernization    1
30406                 westminster_    1
30407                       wetted    1
30408                        we’ll    1
30409                      whalers    1
30410                        whang    1
30411                        wharf    1
30412                 wheelbarrows    1
30413                     wheezing    1
30414                    wherefore    1
30415                      whereon    1
30416                  wheresoever    1
30417                  wherewithal    1
30418                      where’d    1
30419                         whet    1
30420                         whey    1
30421                    whibble's    1
30422                       whiffs    1
30423                     whigging    1
30424                       whiled    1
30425                    whimpered    1
30426                  whimperings    1
30427                        whims    1
30428                    whimsical    1
30429                 whimsicality    1
30430                       whimsy    1
30431                       whined    1
30432                       whines    1
30433                     whinnied    1
30434                     whiplike    1
30435                         whir    1
30436                     whirlers    1
30437                       whirls    1
30438                     whirring    1
30439                        whish    1
30440                     whiskies    1
30441                       whisps    1
30442                     whistler    1
30443                   whistler's    1
30444                     whistles    1
30445                       whitby    1
30446                       whited    1
30447                    whitening    1
30448                 whitewashing    1
30449                      whitsun    1
30450                  whitsuntide    1
30451                       who'll    1
30452                        whoop    1
30453                     whopping    1
30454                        whore    1
30455                      whoring    1
30456                      whortle    1
30457                    whosoever    1
30458                        who’d    1
30459                      whymper    1
30460                     wickedly    1
30461                       wicket    1
30462                      wickham    1
30463                        wicks    1
30464                       widest    1
30465                      widow’s    1
30466                       wifely    1
30467                       wigeon    1
30468                       wigged    1
30469                       wiggle    1
30470                      wilde's    1
30471                     wildfire    1
30472                        wilds    1
30473                      wilfrid    1
30474                       wiliam    1
30475                    wilkinson    1
30476                 willersley's    1
30477                    willfully    1
30478                  willingness    1
30479                      willowy    1
30480                        willy    1
30481                     wilson’s    1
30482                         wilt    1
30483                      wilting    1
30484                          wim    1
30485                        wimms    1
30486                       winces    1
30487                     windfall    1
30488                     windless    1
30489                      window_    1
30490                  windowsills    1
30491                     windpipe    1
30492                     windward    1
30493                    wineglass    1
30494                  wineglasses    1
30495                     wingless    1
30496                       winker    1
30497                      winkles    1
30498                      winners    1
30499                      winters    1
30500                   wintertime    1
30501                     winter’s    1
30502                        wipes    1
30503                       wiring    1
30504                     wiselier    1
30505                       wisest    1
30506                      wistful    1
30507                        witch    1
30508                     witching    1
30509                       wither    1
30510                      within_    1
30511                   witnessing    1
30512                   witterslea    1
30513                   witticisms    1
30514                      wizards    1
30515                      wizened    1
30516                      wobbled    1
30517                      wobbler    1
30518                     wobbling    1
30519                       wodger    1
30520                   woefulness    1
30521                         woes    1
30522                       woggle    1
30523                       wolves    1
30524                  womanliness    1
30525                      womanly    1
30526                         womb    1
30527                   wonderment    1
30528                 wonderstruck    1
30529                     wondrous    1
30530                       wood's    1
30531                     woodcock    1
30532                      woodcut    1
30533                  woodhouse's    1
30534                    woodlands    1
30535                      woodmen    1
30536                   woodpecker    1
30537                 woodpecker's    1
30538                     woodward    1
30539                    woodward_    1
30540                       wooing    1
30541                       wookey    1
30542                         woos    1
30543                      wording    1
30544                   wordsworth    1
30545                        wordy    1
30546                       work's    1
30547                     workable    1
30548                     workaday    1
30549                      workday    1
30550                     workdays    1
30551                   workhouses    1
30552                  workmanship    1
30553                    workman’s    1
30554                     workroom    1
30555                    workrooms    1
30556                    workshops    1
30557                       world_    1
30558                    worldwide    1
30559                     wormwood    1
30560                   worshipper    1
30561                      worsted    1
30562                worthington's    1
30563                          wot    1
30564                        wot's    1
30565                     wotton's    1
30566                      wou'n't    1
30567                        wrack    1
30568                       wraith    1
30569                     wrangles    1
30570                     wrathful    1
30571                    wraysbury    1
30572                        wreak    1
30573                       wrecks    1
30574                     wrenches    1
30575                      wrestle    1
30576                     wrestler    1
30577                     wretches    1
30578                     wretch’s    1
30579                    wrigley's    1
30580                        wring    1
30581                     wringing    1
30582                      wristed    1
30583                         writ    1
30584                     writer's    1
30585                     writer’s    1
30586                      writhes    1
30587                   wrongdoing    1
30588                      wronged    1
30589                    wrongness    1
30590                      wropped    1
30591                        wuzzy    1
30592                   wycliffe’s    1
30593                   wycliffism    1
30594                  wycliffites    1
30595                       xxiind    1
30596                        xxist    1
30597                       xxvith    1
30598                           ya    1
30599                       yachts    1
30600                      yacob's    1
30601                      yacob’s    1
30602                          yah    1
30603                        yahah    1
30604                         yaho    1
30605                       yankee    1
30606                         yaps    1
30607                          yas    1
30608                     yearning    1
30609                       years_    1
30610                       year’s    1
30611                      yellows    1
30612                        yelps    1
30613                       yeoman    1
30614                  yesterday's    1
30615                   yesteryear    1
30616                      yiddish    1
30617                       yields    1
30618                           yo    1
30619                       yogi's    1
30620                       yokels    1
30621                       yolked    1
30622                         yoor    1
30623                       yorker    1
30624                 yorkshiremen    1
30625                        you's    1
30626                      youth's    1
30627                 youthfulness    1
30628                         yves    1
30629                        zambo    1
30630                 zarathushtra    1
30631                  zarathustra    1
30632                 zarathustra_    1
30633                       zealot    1
30634                          zee    1
30635                          zep    1
30636                         zi's    1
30637                       zigzag    1
30638                         zion    1
30639                          zir    1
30640                         zi’s    1
30641                       zodiac    1
30642                      zoffany    1
30643                    zolaesque    1
30644                        zones    1
30645              zoogeographical    1
30646                   zoologist_    1
30647                      zostera    1
30648                     zululand    1
30649                        zulus    1
30650                          âme    1
30651                       æolian    1
30652                            β    1
30653                           γ_    1
bronte_ids = c(1260, 768, 969, 9182, 767)
bronte <- cache_load(bronte_ids)
Loaded local copy of ID: 1260 
Loaded local copy of ID: 768 
Loaded local copy of ID: 969 
Loaded local copy of ID: 9182 
Loaded local copy of ID: 767 
tidy_bronte <- bronte %>%
  unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%

tidy_bronte %>%
  count(word, sort = TRUE)
                      word    n
1                     time 1065
2                     miss  854
3                      day  825
4                    don’t  780
5                     hand  767
6                     eyes  714
7                    night  648
8                    heart  638
9                   looked  601
10                    door  591
11                    till  584
12                    half  583
13                   house  580
14                    love  565
15                    life  560
16                   heard  510
17                    left  492
18                    mind  492
19                     sir  490
20                    head  487
21                    home  461
22              heathcliff  421
23                  mother  417
24                  moment  409
25                   found  405
26                 morning  405
27                   leave  404
28                    told  404
29                    lady  403
30                    i’ll  399
31                   round  386
32                   stood  374
33                     i’m  366
34                 replied  365
35                    john  364
36                 evening  362
37                    jane  362
38                   words  357
39                   speak  356
40                answered  355
41                   cried  349
42                    hear  348
43                   light  348
44                    hour  346
45                  linton  346
46                    rose  344
47                   voice  344
48                  madame  343
49                   child  339
50               catherine  338
51                    hope  331
52                  master  331
53                     eye  330
54                     sat  329
55                    fire  328
56                    word  318
57               rochester  317
58                  father  316
59                     god  309
60                    feel  306
61                   hands  305
62                    mine  303
63                  answer  300
64                  graham  299
65                    cold  294
66                   world  293
67                    poor  290
68               continued  288
69                    dark  285
70                 suppose  284
71                 brought  280
72                  passed  279
73                     bed  275
74                pleasure  271
75                    fear  270
76                    care  268
77                   woman  268
78                    read  262
79                    talk  262
80                  return  259
81                 strange  259
82                  called  256
83                  window  256
84                    girl  255
85                   quiet  255
86                 friends  254
87                   white  253
88                     set  252
89                   helen  251
90                    days  245
91                    rest  242
92                   table  242
93                     lay  241
94                    papa  240
95                  nature  239
96                   smile  238
97                  friend  237
98                returned  236
99                  coming  235
100                 matter  235
101                     dr  234
102                  happy  233
103                  chair  232
104                   dear  231
105                   walk  231
106                entered  229
107                   book  227
108                  black  226
109                bretton  225
110               feelings  223
111                minutes  218
112                  close  217
113                   live  216
114                chapter  215
115                   hall  213
116               remember  213
117                   it’s  212
118                    air  211
119                     de  210
120                  doubt  210
121                   glad  210
122             huntingdon  209
123                   deep  206
124                 manner  206
125                 people  206
126               presence  206
127                 wished  206
128                   hair  204
129                 school  204
130                  sense  202
131                 strong  202
132                   lips  201
133                   sort  201
134                  spoke  201
135                 garden  200
136                   fine  199
137                 sister  198
138                   call  197
139                feeling  197
140                   true  197
141                 ladies  196
142                   stay  195
143                 arthur  194
144                  can’t  194
145                   wife  194
146                  death  193
147                    sit  193
148                  short  191
149                  won’t  191
150               appeared  190
151                 letter  190
152                  truth  190
153               children  189
154                   held  189
155                   lucy  189
156                   bear  188
157                   idea  188
158                 spirit  187
159                   i’ve  186
160                    son  184
161                 person  183
162                     st  183
163                silence  182
164                trouble  181
165              exclaimed  179
166                   grey  177
167                    low  177
168               business  176
169                  sweet  175
170                company  174
171                  added  172
172                   mary  172
173                   hard  171
174                  power  171
175               question  171
176                   tone  171
177                    arm  170
178                  times  170
179                hareton  169
180                  mamma  167
181                   paul  167
182                brother  166
183                    ill  165
184                 reason  165
185              character  162
186                   fell  162
187                   pale  162
188                 pretty  162
189                   arms  160
190                 bright  160
191                   he’s  160
192                   past  160
193               suddenly  160
194                drawing  159
195              gentleman  159
196                   step  159
197                 struck  159
198                subject  159
199                  water  159
200                    bad  158
201                 heaven  158
202                husband  158
203               scarcely  157
204                    tea  157
205                 taking  156
206                   soul  155
207                  tears  154
208                  usual  154
209                  dress  153
210                 glance  153
211                   late  153
212                 church  152
213                   wild  152
214                 change  150
215            countenance  149
216                   dead  149
217               observed  148
218                   seat  148
219                  glass  147
220                  laugh  147
221                married  147
222                 pupils  147
223                 silent  147
224                   laid  146
225                   feet  145
226                   meet  145
227                   fair  144
228                 family  144
229                  hours  144
230                   calm  143
231              companion  143
232                 morrow  143
233                  means  142
234                  worse  142
235              affection  141
236                   lost  141
237                  ready  141
238                  _you_  140
239                   drew  140
240                  loved  140
241                  sound  139
242              breakfast  138
243               carriage  138
244                  bring  137
245           conversation  137
246                   aunt  136
247               expected  135
248                   fast  135
249                   hold  135
250                 length  135
251                quietly  135
252                 joseph  134
253                  trees  134
254              attention  133
255                   duty  133
256                 forget  133
257                chamber  132
258                 living  132
259                 you’ll  132
260                   blue  131
261                 closed  131
262                comfort  131
263                   pass  131
264                   shut  131
265               pleasant  130
266                pleased  130
267                   beck  129
268                    ear  129
269               handsome  129
270                  sight  129
271                account  128
272                kitchen  128
273                  wrong  128
274                    met  127
275                   pain  127
276                   park  127
277                    ran  127
278               received  127
279                 walked  127
280                  adèle  126
281                  books  126
282                    ere  126
283                   hate  126
284            immediately  126
285                 months  126
286                servant  126
287              happiness  125
288                  reply  125
289                   road  125
290                   seek  125
291                  stand  125
292                   wind  125
293                sitting  124
294                    ago  123
295                fairfax  123
296                  marry  123
297                 future  122
298               strength  122
299                    ten  122
300          circumstances  121
301                 candle  120
302                conduct  120
303              gentlemen  120
304                  green  120
305                 twenty  120
306                  visit  120
307                 bessie  119
308                    boy  119
309                 minute  119
310               monsieur  119
311                  taste  119
312                 dinner  118
313                english  118
314                offered  118
315               speaking  118
316           acquaintance  117
317                  cathy  117
318               hargrave  117
319                   send  117
320               creature  116
321               features  116
322               mistress  116
323                  scene  116
324                  sleep  116
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328                   reed  115
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332                   week  114
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338                 that’s  112
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358                    sun  108
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418                    sky   97
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430                    i’d   95
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497                   vous   89
498                    _i_   88
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500                   dare   88
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502                 london   88
503                markham   88
504                  nelly   88
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507                 winter   88
508                 you’re   88
509                  earth   87
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512                  shook   87
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558                 excuse   81
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592             experience   78
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594              governess   78
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600                 shadow   78
601                  aware   77
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605                 gentle   77
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608             schoolroom   77
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695           bassompierre   69
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698                 middle   69
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700                 rachel   69
701                 seldom   69
702                  shawl   69
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712              miserable   68
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754                  grand   64
755                    mad   64
756                  ma’am   64
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758                  shame   64
759                  shape   64
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761                 you’ve   64
762             apparently   63
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766                 giving   63
767                 habits   63
768           handkerchief   63
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774                quarter   63
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776                removed   63
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790              apartment   62
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799                   wood   62
800                 calmly   61
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804               disposed   61
805               finished   61
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808                  month   61
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811                  scorn   61
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813                 tender   61
814                     ye   61
815            approaching   60
816                arrival   60
817                ashamed   60
818               careless   60
819                darling   60
820             difficulty   60
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822                  faith   60
823                 favour   60
824                finding   60
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829                receive   60
830               resolved   60
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832                 solemn   60
833               suffered   60
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838                  devil   59
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842                 proper   59
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851                    dim   58
852                  dying   58
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854                express   58
855                  grief   58
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858                   hush   58
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862                matilda   58
863                  merry   58
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866                plainly   58
867                   post   58
868              returning   58
869                 severe   58
870                  snowe   58
871                 speech   58
872             sufficient   58
873                   thin   58
874                    wet   58
875              annabella   57
876               approach   57
877              attempted   57
878                benefit   57
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880              carefully   57
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882                   harm   57
883               hitherto   57
884                leaning   57
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886               millward   57
887                  paper   57
888                   plan   57
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893              surprised   57
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895              agreeable   56
896             altogether   56
897                  amuse   56
898                    box   56
899                  brain   56
900                consent   56
901                  daily   56
902              direction   56
903              discourse   56
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908               isabella   56
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912                  mason   56
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915                painful   56
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924                  begin   55
925                  class   55
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937                   join   55
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940                 lowood   55
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943               occupied   55
944               possibly   55
945                 street   55
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948                      à   55
949                   _he_   54
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956                despair   54
957           heathcliff’s   54
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961             possession   54
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963               required   54
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967                  teeth   54
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969                  worst   54
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978              favourite   53
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980                   hill   53
981                     je   53
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987                 terror   53
988                 utmost   53
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990                 vision   53
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993                arrived   52
994                 beheld   52
995             companions   52
996                 danger   52
997                  drink   52
998                    dry   52
999              earnestly   52
1000                   gay   52
1001                 habit   52
1002              hastened   52
1003                 hated   52
1004           information   52
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1016                 drawn   51
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1024               gilbert   51
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1034                  _do_   50
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1036                attend   50
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1038                 birds   50
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1044                  hung   50
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1054                smooth   50
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1080                season   49
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1101                 makes   48
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1103            melancholy   48
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1111               retired   48
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1166                 you’d   46
1167                _must_   45
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1169                 blank   45
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1172                  deny   45
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1177              generous   45
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1230                    ce   43
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1234               dislike   43
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1249                  _my_   42
1250                _will_   42
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1259                 god’s   42
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1261          intelligence   42
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1280                   cat   41
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1297           indignation   41
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1300                 lodge   41
1301                lovely   41
1302                 one’s   41
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1321          consequences   40
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1323             convinced   40
1324             desperate   40
1325                direct   40
1326                dreams   40
1327                   due   40
1328           endeavoured   40
1329               foolish   40
1330               grimsby   40
1331                hannah   40
1332              ignorant   40
1333               inquire   40
1334               message   40
1335                mutual   40
1336             occasions   40
1337                  paid   40
1338               persons   40
1339              precious   40
1340                pushed   40
1341             sentiment   40
1342               shining   40
1343               shortly   40
1344                  sole   40
1345                sooner   40
1346              struggle   40
1347                 vexed   40
1348                wilmot   40
1349               witness   40
1350                yonder   40
1351                  ball   39
1352            bloomfield   39
1353              breaking   39
1354                buried   39
1355               careful   39
1356                carpet   39
1357                 coach   39
1358              complete   39
1359            comprehend   39
1360                  dawn   39
1361                decent   39
1362                 delay   39
1363                driven   39
1364                 fairy   39
1365               farther   39
1366              frequent   39
1367               gravely   39
1368                 guard   39
1369            impatience   39
1370             intervals   39
1371                 knees   39
1372                  lead   39
1373                marble   39
1374                 midst   39
1375               naughty   39
1376             neglected   39
1377             persuaded   39
1378                  père   39
1379                recall   39
1380            recognised   39
1381                remark   39
1382               require   39
1383                 start   39
1384              summoned   39
1385                 swept   39
1386            temptation   39
1387                 urged   39
1388              wretched   39
1389                 _was_   38
1390                absent   38
1391            addressing   38
1392               altered   38
1393                behold   38
1394               command   38
1395              complain   38
1396               conceal   38
1397                 court   38
1398                dining   38
1399              dreadful   38
1400                 eager   38
1401             education   38
1402           experienced   38
1403             faculties   38
1404              farewell   38
1405                feeble   38
1406                  flew   38
1407             furniture   38
1408                gained   38
1409                  glow   38
1410              imagined   38
1411          indifference   38
1412              interval   38
1413                  kill   38
1414                  lose   38
1415                 lying   38
1416               needn’t   38
1417           observation   38
1418                pillow   38
1419                refuse   38
1420            remarkable   38
1421               setting   38
1422                silver   38
1423              splendid   38
1424                  suit   38
1425              superior   38
1426                 vague   38
1427               weeping   38
1428                  wept   38
1429             willingly   38
1430                 _she_   37
1431                 abode   37
1432                 acted   37
1433              affected   37
1434                amused   37
1435               devoted   37
1436             disturbed   37
1437                  drop   37
1438                  dusk   37
1439              fastened   37
1440                 flame   37
1441                flower   37
1442                  fury   37
1443                gather   37
1444             gathering   37
1445               genuine   37
1446             grassdale   37
1447               happily   37
1448           housekeeper   37
1449              innocent   37
1450             interview   37
1451                   lap   37
1452                  lock   37
1453                 madam   37
1454               maister   37
1455                mental   37
1456                  mild   37
1457               mingled   37
1458             movements   37
1459               nervous   37
1460                   odd   37
1461            passionate   37
1462                pounds   37
1463                  rank   37
1464             reflected   37
1465              rendered   37
1466               reserve   37
1467                  ride   37
1468                  sank   37
1469            separation   37
1470               shocked   37
1471               singing   37
1472              slightly   37
1473                sprang   37
1474                square   37
1475               station   37
1476               support   37
1477              terrible   37
1478               trusted   37
1479                volume   37
1480                  west   37
1481               wrought   37
1482            absolutely   36
1483            admiration   36
1484               affairs   36
1485                 bliss   36
1486                breast   36
1487                 cared   36
1488              ceremony   36
1489               child’s   36
1490         consciousness   36
1491             explained   36
1492                  fail   36
1493                 fifty   36
1494               foreign   36
1495               gallery   36
1496                 ghost   36
1497             gimmerton   36
1498                 gleam   36
1499         gratification   36
1500                guests   36
1501                 harsh   36
1502                   ice   36
1503             ignorance   36
1504           imagination   36
1505              insisted   36
1506                   lot   36
1507                minded   36
1508                   nun   36
1509               observe   36
1510                obtain   36
1511          occasionally   36
1512              persuade   36
1513                plenty   36
1514                 proof   36
1515               puzzled   36
1516               reasons   36
1517           respectable   36
1518                   rid   36
1519              snatched   36
1520                strike   36
1521               subdued   36
1522                suited   36
1523                 tones   36
1524                 trunk   36
1525               unhappy   36
1526              wandered   36
1527              affirmed   35
1528              arranged   35
1529               checked   35
1530             childhood   35
1531               closely   35
1532                coffee   35
1533            conviction   35
1534                 couch   35
1535               crushed   35
1536              declared   35
1537              desolate   35
1538                   dew   35
1539          disagreeable   35
1540               eagerly   35
1541              examined   35
1542                  gown   35
1543              intimate   35
1544           intolerable   35
1545               jealous   35
1546              lingered   35
1547               mounted   35
1548                 pains   35
1549                  pour   35
1550             professor   35
1551                  ruin   35
1552               shaking   35
1553                 shown   35
1554                sighed   35
1555                 silas   35
1556               similar   35
1557                  slow   35
1558              startled   35
1559                thirty   35
1560                virtue   35
1561                  yard   35
1562           acknowledge   34
1563            attachment   34
1564                  bade   34
1565                  bare   34
1566                  bird   34
1567                  bold   34
1568                bottom   34
1569                breeze   34
1570                clever   34
1571              coloured   34
1572            confounded   34
1573               control   34
1574                divine   34
1575             dormitory   34
1576                  dust   34
1577              grateful   34
1578                 guide   34
1579                 heath   34
1580                helped   34
1581             impatient   34
1582              informed   34
1583               lattice   34
1584              likewise   34
1585                 loves   34
1586                 march   34
1587               measure   34
1588                 nancy   34
1589               playing   34
1590             prospects   34
1591               readily   34
1592                rested   34
1593                rosine   34
1594                  rush   34
1595                 silly   34
1596              singular   34
1597                 slept   34
1598                smiles   34
1599                solace   34
1600             spectacle   34
1601               stately   34
1602              steadily   34
1603             strangely   34
1604                thrown   34
1605               torment   34
1606               violent   34
1607              wildfell   34
1608                 abuse   33
1609          accomplished   33
1610             agitation   33
1611               amiable   33
1612              animated   33
1613             announced   33
1614                  beds   33
1615                begged   33
1616            calculated   33
1617                 chill   33
1618               details   33
1619               dignity   33
1620             discovery   33
1621                esther   33
1622                fairly   33
1623               fancied   33
1624                  farm   33
1625                fergus   33
1626                forgot   33
1627                 fruit   33
1628                  game   33
1629              graceful   33
1630               grieved   33
1631                  host   33
1632                houses   33
1633                 lines   33
1634                 loose   33
1635               moments   33
1636                 moors   33
1637                nights   33
1638                 north   33
1639              perceive   33
1640            proceeding   33
1641                 raise   33
1642               regular   33
1643                  risk   33
1644                source   33
1645                stones   33
1646                 stool   33
1647                system   33
1648             threshold   33
1649              twilight   33
1650                zillah   33
1651                 _her_   32
1652                accent   32
1653                 bible   32
1654            bitterness   32
1655                 borne   32
1656                 bride   32
1657                chairs   32
1658                chosen   32
1659                  city   32
1660           comfortable   32
1661             confusion   32
1662            connection   32
1663         consideration   32
1664             daughters   32
1665               deliver   32
1666              directed   32
1667            distinctly   32
1668            employment   32
1669             endeavour   32
1670              exchange   32
1671             expecting   32
1672               extreme   32
1673                fierce   32
1674                  fill   32
1675                 flung   32
1676                   fro   32
1677             furnished   32
1678                garret   32
1679              glancing   32
1680             gratitude   32
1681                 hasty   32
1682                highly   32
1683                humble   32
1684             husband’s   32
1685                  idle   32
1686            introduced   32
1687                  mark   32
1688                 mercy   32
1689                  neat   32
1690            occasional   32
1691                  page   32
1692                permit   32
1693             persisted   32
1694             precisely   32
1695                  quit   32
1696               quitted   32
1697              reminded   32
1698                remove   32
1699                she’ll   32
1700              surveyed   32
1701                   thy   32
1702                   tom   32
1703              tranquil   32
1704                trifle   32
1705               triumph   32
1706               useless   32
1707                  wear   32
1708               _could_   31
1709                 _him_   31
1710                 _not_   31
1711                   add   31
1712                  band   31
1713                 burns   31
1714               chimney   31
1715                  chin   31
1716             christmas   31
1717              contrast   31
1718               cottage   31
1719                 count   31
1720                credit   31
1721               disturb   31
1722                  dogs   31
1723                double   31
1724                 dozen   31
1725                 elbow   31
1726                 error   31
1727           examination   31
1728             extremely   31
1729               fearful   31
1730                finish   31
1731                 frock   31
1732                genial   31
1733                 gloom   31
1734                handed   31
1735               holiday   31
1736                   inn   31
1737                  iron   31
1738                  leaf   31
1739               leisure   31
1740                   les   31
1741                mighty   31
1742                  noon   31
1743              offended   31
1744              offering   31
1745              overcome   31
1746                poured   31
1747             qualities   31
1748               quarrel   31
1749              recalled   31
1750                savage   31
1751               shelter   31
1752              silently   31
1753                 solid   31
1754                  star   31
1755          sufficiently   31
1756                sullen   31
1757                  sunk   31
1758                 throw   31
1759               unusual   31
1760               woman’s   31
1761                  _is_   30
1762                   ann   30
1763           anticipated   30
1764                  arch   30
1765                 ashby   30
1766            assistance   30
1767                 bloom   30
1768                 cares   30
1769               cleared   30
1770                coolly   30
1771                deeper   30
1772                demand   30
1773            directions   30
1774           displeasure   30
1775            downstairs   30
1776              dwelling   30
1777              enjoying   30
1778                   est   30
1779               examine   30
1780                  flow   30
1781               flushed   30
1782                  fête   30
1783             gradually   30
1784             gratified   30
1785                 haste   30
1786                   hay   30
1787                 heads   30
1788              instinct   30
1789           intercourse   30
1790              laughter   30
1791               lifting   30
1792                 likes   30
1793                 lover   30
1794                 match   30
1795                missis   30
1796             narrative   30
1797               objects   30
1798             observing   30
1799                parish   30
1800                pencil   30
1801              personal   30
1802                pierre   30
1803              proposed   30
1804                 rapid   30
1805                repent   30
1806                resist   30
1807             responded   30
1808                retain   30
1809                 risen   30
1810                   sin   30
1811               sincere   30
1812                 stare   30
1813             strangers   30
1814                  tied   30
1815                  tiny   30
1816                  torn   30
1817                  tray   30
1818           unconscious   30
1819                wasted   30
1820                 wrath   30
1821                 yards   30
1822                _your_   29
1823                absurd   29
1824            acquainted   29
1825                 admit   29
1826                affair   29
1827            affections   29
1828               annoyed   29
1829            attendance   29
1830                    ay   29
1831                 basin   29
1832                  bien   29
1833              blessing   29
1834                 blush   29
1835                   bow   29
1836                 bowed   29
1837                 cheer   29
1838                closer   29
1839                coarse   29
1840                  coat   29
1841             concealed   29
1842             contrived   29
1843               cordial   29
1844                  damp   29
1845             dangerous   29
1846                depart   29
1847               draught   29
1848                esteem   29
1849             flattered   29
1850                 forty   29
1851                freely   29
1852            frightened   29
1853                german   29
1854                  gift   29
1855                gladly   29
1856                 glory   29
1857              graham’s   29
1858                 grasp   29
1859               gravity   29
1860               guessed   29
1861                  he’d   29
1862                  hide   29
1863                john’s   29
1864                    le   29
1865             lingering   29
1866                 locks   29
1867                 man’s   29
1868                  milk   29
1869              millcote   29
1870                moving   29
1871                  mute   29
1872            neighbours   29
1873                office   29
1874                 piano   29
1875                 plate   29
1876              portrait   29
1877               prepare   29
1878             prevented   29
1879               proceed   29
1880                 purse   29
1881                   ray   29
1882               rosalie   29
1883                 sadly   29
1884                search   29
1885               seeking   29
1886                  sign   29
1887                sounds   29
1888            tenderness   29
1889                  thee   29
1890              violence   29
1891               yielded   29
1892              addition   28
1893                 agnes   28
1894             answering   28
1895               appears   28
1896              attached   28
1897              attempts   28
1898                  baby   28
1899                bottle   28
1900                 cease   28
1901            characters   28
1902               colonel   28
1903             conducted   28
1904             contented   28
1905               correct   28
1906                 dance   28
1907                  dent   28
1908                 depth   28
1909               disgust   28
1910               doesn’t   28
1911                drawer   28
1912               dreaded   28
1913               endured   28
1914              favoured   28
1915             frederick   28
1916                inform   28
1917                  jest   28
1918                  lack   28
1919                  lane   28
1920               lighted   28
1921               longing   28
1922                  mama   28
1923                 marie   28
1924                  mile   28
1925                   mon   28
1926               natured   28
1927               nearest   28
1928                   oak   28
1929              physical   28
1930                  pink   28
1931                 plans   28
1932                 poole   28
1933             preferred   28
1934                priest   28
1935               recover   28
1936                remind   28
1937             residence   28
1938              revealed   28
1939                reward   28
1940                  rude   28
1941                scenes   28
1942                 shock   28
1943                  shot   28
1944                shower   28
1945                 signs   28
1946                  sing   28
1947                  slip   28
1948               slipped   28
1949                 sober   28
1950                stared   28
1951               staying   28
1952                 stole   28
1953                 sunny   28
1954            surrounded   28
1955                vacant   28
1956                vanity   28
1957               answers   27
1958               assumed   27
1959            astonished   27
1960                autumn   27
1961              aversion   27
1962                 awful   27
1963               blanche   27
1964              building   27
1965                   cap   27
1966              casement   27
1967             cherished   27
1968               classes   27
1969             connected   27
1970              contempt   27
1971                 cover   27
1972                daring   27
1973              daylight   27
1974              deserved   27
1975               despise   27
1976              distress   27
1977                  dumb   27
1978               elderly   27
1979                eshton   27
1980                 frost   27
1981                 guest   27
1982                 hamal   27
1983               haughty   27
1984               haunted   27
1985               healthy   27
1986                hearts   27
1987                hoping   27
1988                  huge   27
1989           inclination   27
1990                injury   27
1991               invited   27
1992              jealousy   27
1993                 knife   27
1994              mischief   27
1995                plants   27
1996              positive   27
1997              produced   27
1998                purple   27
1999                 queen   27
2000               rapidly   27
2001                relish   27
2002              resolute   27
2003              restored   27
2004                 shoes   27
2005              sister’s   27
2006                  song   27
2007                sophie   27
2008                spared   27
2009                 spell   27
2010                 stars   27
2011              striking   27
2012            struggling   27
2013             supposing   27
2014                 swear   27
2015                thomas   27
2016               thunder   27
2017                  ugly   27
2018           unfortunate   27
2019                 wings   27
2020             wonderful   27
2021                 _his_   26
2022                  _me_   26
2023              accepted   26
2024          acknowledged   26
2025                admire   26
2026               amusing   26
2027                animal   26
2028                   ate   26
2029                 bonne   26
2030              breathed   26
2031                   bye   26
2032                  cake   26
2033              cautious   26
2034                centre   26
2035                charms   26
2036                 chief   26
2037                 civil   26
2038             clergyman   26
2039                 clung   26
2040          commencement   26
2041              compared   26
2042             compelled   26
2043             consented   26
2044          considerably   26
2045             creatures   26
2046                 crowd   26
2047                curate   26
2048              curtains   26
2049             demeanour   26
2050              describe   26
2051                eating   26
2052                edward   26
2053              eighteen   26
2054             encourage   26
2055                entire   26
2056         establishment   26
2057              evenings   26
2058                events   26
2059           exceedingly   26
2060            exclaiming   26
2061                 fiend   26
2062             forbidden   26
2063                 forms   26
2064                happen   26
2065                  heat   26
2066                horton   26
2067                hungry   26
2068           indifferent   26
2069            individual   26
2070               injured   26
2071             inquiries   26
2072               inquiry   26
2073             irritated   26
2074               knocked   26
2075                  leah   26
2076                learnt   26
2077              midnight   26
2078                 moral   26
2079                 names   26
2080                    ne   26
2081       notwithstanding   26
2082                 owner   26
2083              passions   26
2084            permission   26
2085             privilege   26
2086               reality   26
2087              reckless   26
2088             recollect   26
2089          recollection   26
2090           remembrance   26
2091               retreat   26
2092                 satin   26
2093                 saved   26
2094            sentiments   26
2095              services   26
2096                   sex   26
2097             shouldn’t   26
2098               sinking   26
2099                 skill   26
2100             slightest   26
2101              softened   26
2102               sounded   26
2103              subjects   26
2104             supported   26
2105               temples   26
2106              thankful   26
2107                 theme   26
2108            thoughtful   26
2109              throwing   26
2110           thrushcross   26
2111             tolerably   26
2112                  vice   26
2113              vivacity   26
2114                weight   26
2115                  wise   26
2116                   won   26
2117             wondering   26
2118                 _are_   25
2119                 _did_   25
2120               admired   25
2121                afford   25
2122             assurance   25
2123             authority   25
2124                  beat   25
2125                 bosom   25
2126               cabinet   25
2127               ceiling   25
2128              civility   25
2129              confused   25
2130              corridor   25
2131                  cost   25
2132                 c’est   25
2133             decidedly   25
2134           description   25
2135               deserve   25
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2137                  duly   25
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2140              employed   25
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2142          extinguished   25
2143             falsehood   25
2144               fatigue   25
2145                female   25
2146                   fix   25
2147                 flash   25
2148                 frank   25
2149               freedom   25
2150              garments   25
2151                 image   25
2152                insult   25
2153             intellect   25
2154                intend   25
2155                joined   25
2156              knitting   25
2157                  lawn   25
2158               leading   25
2159                 minds   25
2160                morton   25
2161              obtained   25
2162               offence   25
2163                  pang   25
2164              pavement   25
2165               perform   25
2166                 pilot   25
2167              pleasing   25
2168               pretend   25
2169            principles   25
2170            providence   25
2171             provoking   25
2172             receiving   25
2173             recovered   25
2174                refuge   25
2175              religion   25
2176             restraint   25
2177               revenge   25
2178                  rode   25
2179                rolled   25
2180             scattered   25
2181             sensation   25
2182                senses   25
2183              severity   25
2184                shaken   25
2185                sketch   25
2186              sleeping   25
2187                 stage   25
2188                 stout   25
2189             surveying   25
2190             suspected   25
2191             swallowed   25
2192                 tales   25
2193              teaching   25
2194            threatened   25
2195                throat   25
2196                 tread   25
2197             treatment   25
2198            unexpected   25
2199                  wake   25
2200                 walks   25
2201               warning   25
2202              withdraw   25
2203                 wound   25
2204                yellow   25
2205                 abbot   24
2206              abruptly   24
2207                adding   24
2208                 alley   24
2209           approbation   24
2210             assertion   24
2211             behaviour   24
2212              betrayed   24
2213              bitterly   24
2214                 brows   24
2215               candles   24
2216               chanced   24
2217               charged   24
2218               charity   24
2219               cherish   24
2220                 chest   24
2221               concern   24
2222            conclusion   24
2223            convenient   24
2224                dashed   24
2225               decided   24
2226                denied   24
2227                   des   24
2228            descending   24
2229            discussion   24
2230              distinct   24
2231                  doll   24
2232                doomed   24
2233               dresses   24
2234             eagerness   24
2235               earthly   24
2236             entreated   24
2237               eternal   24
2238               evident   24
2239          expectations   24
2240              feverish   24
2241               fifteen   24
2242                flight   24
2243             freshness   24
2244                  gain   24
2245                genius   24
2246                grieve   24
2247             heartless   24
2248              hopeless   24
2249            importance   24
2250             incapable   24
2251           independent   24
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2259                 limbs   24
2260              madame’s   24
2261                 mirth   24
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2263                 mount   24
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2265           occupations   24
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2267              powerful   24
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2271                pulled   24
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2274             remainder   24
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2278               revived   24
2279               richard   24
2280               sadness   24
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2283                  soil   24
2284                 south   24
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2289              tenderly   24
2290                 timid   24
2291                  toil   24
2292              touching   24
2293             undertake   24
2294              vigorous   24
2295             walravens   24
2296                 waste   24
2297                  weep   24
2298                _this_   23
2299               _would_   23
2300             abandoned   23
2301                 adieu   23
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2304              arthur’s   23
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2335               justine   23
2336               kindled   23
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2338               limited   23
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2342                morsel   23
2343                murmur   23
2344          observations   23
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2348            pensionnat   23
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2376               wedding   23
2377                 we’ll   23
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2379                wretch   23
2380                 _can_   22
2381                 alarm   22
2382              appetite   22
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2388          cheerfulness   22
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2391              convince   22
2392                curled   22
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2395                  deed   22
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2419                 manor   22
2420                native   22
2421               october   22
2422                offend   22
2423               other’s   22
2424               outline   22
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2427            perceiving   22
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2434                rarely   22
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2445                 slave   22
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2447               stature   22
2448               studies   22
2449                submit   22
2450              sufficed   22
2451               they’re   22
2452                  turf   22
2453                unable   22
2454                 upper   22
2455               visitor   22
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2457                 waved   22
2458                    wi   22
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2460                 wiped   22
2461                wisdom   22
2462               _shall_   21
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2518              intimacy   21
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2525                louisa   21
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2527               mansion   21
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2534              pressure   21
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2549                sobbed   21
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2551               stamped   21
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2567             unnatural   21
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2579               wronged   21
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2587              apparent   20
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2684                 smart   20
2685                social   20
2686               soothed   20
2687            substitute   20
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2691                 tease   20
2692                  thou   20
2693               tremble   20
2694                   une   20
2695                velvet   20
2696                  void   20
2697                warmed   20
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2699                 wiser   20
2700                 woods   20
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2702               wounded   20
2703                   yah   20
2704                _have_   19
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2753               glowing   19
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2755               happier   19
2756              heaven’s   19
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2764              kindling   19
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2766             lightning   19
2767             materials   19
2768                modest   19
2769                   moi   19
2770                motion   19
2771             objection   19
2772                occupy   19
2773                openly   19
2774                orphan   19
2775               outward   19
2776              painting   19
2777              paradise   19
2778             partially   19
2779                 peril   19
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2781                petite   19
2782               placing   19
2783              polished   19
2784           possibility   19
2785             practical   19
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2787             pretended   19
2788               pulling   19
2789             quivering   19
2790                reared   19
2791               regions   19
2792             reluctant   19
2793               renewed   19
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2795                  sang   19
2796                 scold   19
2797                  seal   19
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2799                serene   19
2800                sewing   19
2801                shrank   19
2802              sickness   19
2803               sixteen   19
2804                 souls   19
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2811               thither   19
2812                thrice   19
2813                 token   19
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2815                  tout   19
2816          tranquillity   19
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2819              unworthy   19
2820              vexation   19
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2822                voices   19
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2824                wander   19
2825              wardrobe   19
2826               wealthy   19
2827                  woke   19
2828                  wont   19
2829              yielding   19
2830                  _am_   18
2831                abrupt   18
2832                actual   18
2833              agitated   18
2834                   aim   18
2835                  ajar   18
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2837               applied   18
2838                   apt   18
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2840              arrested   18
2841                assist   18
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2846                behave   18
2847               behaved   18
2848                  bind   18
2849                 birth   18
2850                 boast   18
2851                boldly   18
2852                brontë   18
2853            carelessly   18
2854                 cigar   18
2855                circle   18
2856                 cloth   18
2857             conceived   18
2858            constantly   18
2859             continent   18
2860                  cure   18
2861               destroy   18
2862                doubts   18
2863              dreaming   18
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2866                 drops   18
2867               désirée   18
2868           earnestness   18
2869             emanuel’s   18
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2874           entertained   18
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2876           excessively   18
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2884                flying   18
2885                framed   18
2886             frightful   18
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2888                glided   18
2889              gracious   18
2890              harassed   18
2891               harriet   18
2892              heartily   18
2893                  hero   18
2894                   hit   18
2895                homage   18
2896                 humph   18
2897                  inch   18
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2899              insolent   18
2900           intelligent   18
2901             intensely   18
2902            irritation   18
2903                  july   18
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2905               letting   18
2906              lockwood   18
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2909                 meals   18
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2913                 nerve   18
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2939                  rule   18
2940                safely   18
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2943              solemnly   18
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2945               spoiled   18
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2947                storey   18
2948                stream   18
2949                strict   18
2950            subsequent   18
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2953              sweeping   18
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2956               tempest   18
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2959                thread   18
2960                 trial   18
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2962                valley   18
2963             vestibule   18
2964               victory   18
2965                 vital   18
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2967                waters   18
2968            wilderness   18
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2970                  wits   18
2971               worldly   18
2972                accord   17
2973        acknowledgment   17
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2996               console   17
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2999              contrive   17
3000              converse   17
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3038             injustice   17
3039          introduction   17
3040                keenly   17
3041                  keys   17
3042                 knelt   17
3043                 lofty   17
3044                    là   17
3045                    ma   17
3046                 manly   17
3047                 marsh   17
3048                 meess   17
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3052             momentary   17
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3064               poverty   17
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3091              secretly   17
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3131                warmth   17
3132               whereof   17
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3137                 zélie   17
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3156                  blew   16
3157                boughs   16
3158            breathless   16
3159                 brush   16
3160                 brute   16
3161              capacity   16
3162            capricious   16
3163                career   16
3164              carrying   16
3165             ceaseless   16
3166             certainty   16
3167            comparison   16
3168          constitution   16
3169           convenience   16
3170              coolness   16
3171                 creed   16
3172               crowded   16
3173               cruelly   16
3174                 curse   16
3175               cushion   16
3176                 day’s   16
3177                 demon   16
3178             destitute   16
3179                 deuce   16
3180                  earn   16
3181            ejaculated   16
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3190                 exist   16
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3192            faithfully   16
3193            fanshawe’s   16
3194               figures   16
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3196              firmness   16
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3198                 folds   16
3199                fondly   16
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3202                frosty   16
3203            gentleness   16
3204              gleaming   16
3205                glowed   16
3206           governesses   16
3207                 grate   16
3208                 grove   16
3209                   gun   16
3210               heart’s   16
3211                hedges   16
3212                hidden   16
3213              holidays   16
3214                  holy   16
3215                 honey   16
3216               hostess   16
3217                 hotel   16
3218                 idiot   16
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3221             invisible   16
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3223                kisses   16
3224             leisurely   16
3225                liking   16
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3227            maintained   16
3228                 maker   16
3229                malice   16
3230              measured   16
3231                mellow   16
3232                  mien   16
3233                  mist   16
3234               mixture   16
3235                 moods   16
3236                muslin   16
3237               obscure   16
3238             obscurity   16
3239                orange   16
3240                 outer   16
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3242             painfully   16
3243                 paris   16
3244               peevish   16
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3253                 pulse   16
3254              quitting   16
3255                rebuke   16
3256             reference   16
3257                region   16
3258              rejected   16
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3261               remains   16
3262                remote   16
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3270                 roses   16
3271                 ruddy   16
3272               scarlet   16
3273                scotch   16
3274             scoundrel   16
3275                 seats   16
3276             seclusion   16
3277              security   16
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3279               sha’n’t   16
3280                 sheep   16
3281                 shoot   16
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3283                 songs   16
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3285             sovereign   16
3286               stables   16
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3288               staring   16
3289                 stock   16
3290                subdue   16
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3292              suppress   16
3293          surveillance   16
3294               swelled   16
3295                  tact   16
3296               teasing   16
3297                  term   16
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3301               trivial   16
3302             uncertain   16
3303         uncomfortable   16
3304          unreasonable   16
3305               ushered   16
3306                visage   16
3307               wakened   16
3308                what’s   16
3309                  wing   16
3310             withdrawn   16
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3315            apparition   15
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3322                    au   15
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3330                brandy   15
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3333                 built   15
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3335              chestnut   15
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3339                coffin   15
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3349        correspondence   15
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3351              courtesy   15
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3357                deadly   15
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3369            earnshaw’s   15
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3379                frenzy   15
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3387                 groan   15
3388               groaned   15
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3390                guilty   15
3391                hadn’t   15
3392                halted   15
3393                hasten   15
3394               hateful   15
3395                hatred   15
3396               haven’t   15
3397               helping   15
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3399            honourable   15
3400              humanity   15
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3402          huntingdon’s   15
3403                    il   15
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3406              infernal   15
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3418              mountain   15
3419                murder   15
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3422                  nigh   15
3423                  nook   15
3424              november   15
3425              numerous   15
3426                 n’est   15
3427                oblige   15
3428              obliging   15
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3433                papa’s   15
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3441                 plead   15
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3443                  port   15
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3451                purity   15
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3453                reed’s   15
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3470             stillness   15
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3472                 store   15
3473             streaming   15
3474             substance   15
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3491               vicious   15
3492                vulgar   15
3493                 waist   15
3494                writer   15
3495                _what_   14
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3527            churchyard   14
3528              combined   14
3529         comparatively   14
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3573               forming   14
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3576                 hardy   14
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3581                  hole   14
3582                homely   14
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3589               inflict   14
3590            insensible   14
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3592          interrupting   14
3593               invalid   14
3594            invariably   14
3595                   ivy   14
3596              knocking   14
3597             landscape   14
3598               lighter   14
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3601           magnificent   14
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3609           momentarily   14
3610             morning’s   14
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3616             obstinate   14
3617               obvious   14
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3626                placid   14
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3628            politeness   14
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3630                potent   14
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3632                 press   14
3633                prison   14
3634             promising   14
3635                 prone   14
3636             propriety   14
3637                  rash   14
3638              rational   14
3639                   raw   14
3640               rejoice   14
3641               relaxed   14
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3649              scholars   14
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3652               seventy   14
3653                sheets   14
3654               shudder   14
3655                  shun   14
3656              situated   14
3657               slender   14
3658               slumber   14
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3661             spiritual   14
3662             startling   14
3663                 steal   14
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3665                 stove   14
3666                 stray   14
3667              stronger   14
3668              studying   14
3669                 sulky   14
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3671              supplied   14
3672               surface   14
3673            sympathies   14
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3675           temperament   14
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3680           threatening   14
3681                throng   14
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3687                  trim   14
3688                tumult   14
3689              umbrella   14
3690                united   14
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3693              uttering   14
3694                vanish   14
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3698              visiting   14
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3701              watchful   14
3702               wearing   14
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3709               world’s   14
3710               wrapped   14
3711                   _me   13
3712                _then_   13
3713                 _too_   13
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3736              banished   13
3737                 banks   13
3738                barren   13
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3744                beware   13
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3747              blighted   13
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3755                busied   13
3756                calmer   13
3757                carter   13
3758                carved   13
3759               casting   13
3760                  cela   13
3761            charitable   13
3762                 coals   13
3763           comfortably   13
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3766            compassion   13
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3768            concluding   13
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3788               divined   13
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3808                 finer   13
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3814               frankly   13
3815                 gaily   13
3816               gallant   13
3817                 giddy   13
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3820                  grec   13
3821                 greek   13
3822              greeting   13
3823               harmony   13
3824              hesitate   13
3825             impetuous   13
3826            influenced   13
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3829              intently   13
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3831                 issue   13
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3836                  liar   13
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3839               lightly   13
3840            lineaments   13
3841               lintons   13
3842                malady   13
3843                  male   13
3844            management   13
3845                mary’s   13
3846               massive   13
3847               maxwell   13
3848                  meat   13
3849             meditated   13
3850                  melt   13
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3853                 metal   13
3854                method   13
3855              minister   13
3856            missionary   13
3857                 missy   13
3858               mocking   13
3859               mustn’t   13
3860                nephew   13
3861                  nest   13
3862               nestled   13
3863               night’s   13
3864               nursing   13
3865              oblivion   13
3866                odious   13
3867               opposed   13
3868                pacing   13
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3871               peeping   13
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3873              perverse   13
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3877               pouring   13
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3884              pursuits   13
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3886              quarters   13
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3889                 range   13
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3934                subtle   13
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3936              symptoms   13
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3939                  tidy   13
3940                traces   13
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3943                urgent   13
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3956                 _all_   12
3957              _cannot_   12
3958                 _may_   12
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3995               channel   12
3996                 chaos   12
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3999               claimed   12
4000               classic   12
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4055             expedient   12
4056              external   12
4057         extraordinary   12
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4059               faintly   12
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4062                fifine   12
4063                 fight   12
4064                  fist   12
4065              flinging   12
4066           flourishing   12
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4068               forlorn   12
4069              fourteen   12
4070            friendless   12
4071                gaiety   12
4072                  garb   12
4073           gentleman’s   12
4074                george   12
4075             georgette   12
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4077               glasses   12
4078                 goton   12
4079              guidance   12
4080            habitually   12
4081                handle   12
4082              harmless   12
4083             harshness   12
4084                 haunt   12
4085                heaved   12
4086               horizon   12
4087           hospitality   12
4088                   hue   12
4089             hypocrite   12
4090          illustration   12
4091                impart   12
4092              imparted   12
4093             imperfect   12
4094              implored   12
4095              impulses   12
4096              impunity   12
4097            inexorable   12
4098            infatuated   12
4099             intending   12
4100             interfere   12
4101             intrusion   12
4102            invitation   12
4103                invite   12
4104             irritable   12
4105                joyous   12
4106               judging   12
4107               kingdom   12
4108               kinsman   12
4109                  knit   12
4110                  knot   12
4111              landlord   12
4112                 lanes   12
4113                  legs   12
4114                liable   12
4115                limits   12
4116                 livid   12
4117                 lloyd   12
4118          lowborough’s   12
4119                  mate   12
4120             miniature   12
4121                missed   12
4122                morose   12
4123              mournful   12
4124                 mused   12
4125               musical   12
4126               natures   12
4127                needle   12
4128                 nests   12
4129                nicely   12
4130                 niece   12
4131                nodded   12
4132                 noisy   12
4133               novelty   12
4134            obligation   12
4135             operation   12
4136                origin   12
4137                parson   12
4138            partiality   12
4139               pausing   12
4140                paying   12
4141            peculiarly   12
4142             permanent   12
4143              petition   12
4144                 phase   12
4145                 piety   12
4146                   pit   12
4147                pitied   12
4148                 plant   12
4149               planted   12
4150              politely   12
4151                   pot   12
4152              practice   12
4153               praying   12
4154               printed   12
4155            profligate   12
4156             pronounce   12
4157               prudent   12
4158                punish   12
4159              purchase   12
4160            quarrelled   12
4161              quenched   12
4162                 rainy   12
4163            reiterated   12
4164            relinquish   12
4165            remarkably   12
4166           remembering   12
4167              repelled   12
4168                rescue   12
4169              resemble   12
4170            resistance   12
4171              reverend   12
4172                revive   12
4173               rightly   12
4174               rolling   12
4175                safety   12
4176            salutation   12
4177             sarcastic   12
4178               scandal   12
4179               science   12
4180              scornful   12
4181                scream   12
4182             seemingly   12
4183                select   12
4184               sending   12
4185             seventeen   12
4186              severely   12
4187                shan’t   12
4188             shivering   12
4189              shrieked   12
4190                sickly   12
4191            singularly   12
4192                sinner   12
4193                sleeve   12
4194             snatching   12
4195                   sob   12
4196               sobbing   12
4197               sparkle   12
4198              specimen   12
4199              spiteful   12
4200             spreading   12
4201                   spy   12
4202                squire   12
4203              stealing   12
4204              stepping   12
4205             stockings   12
4206              stopping   12
4207                stormy   12
4208            stretching   12
4209              striving   12
4210                strove   12
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4212              suitable   12
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4215            suspicious   12
4216               sustain   12
4217                  tail   12
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4219                 tasks   12
4220                telled   12
4221                termed   12
4222               they’ll   12
4223                thirst   12
4224             thousands   12
4225              toilette   12
4226            tormenting   12
4227             traveller   12
4228           uncertainty   12
4229              unclosed   12
4230          unexpectedly   12
4231           unutterable   12
4232             unwilling   12
4233                valued   12
4234                varens   12
4235                 verge   12
4236              vicarage   12
4237            vindictive   12
4238                 voilà   12
4239                   vow   12
4240                 wages   12
4241               washing   12
4242                 weeds   12
4243                   wer   12
4244                wheels   12
4245                  whim   12
4246            wickedness   12
4247                wreath   12
4248                wrongs   12
4249                 _now_   11
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4251               abstain   11
4252         accommodation   11
4253               accused   11
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4255              admiring   11
4256                advise   11
4257                  afar   11
4258           affectation   11
4259                afresh   11
4260                  airs   11
4261                   ale   11
4262                 alert   11
4263                 alien   11
4264                 ample   11
4265            amusements   11
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4270                arrive   11
4271                artful   11
4272           ascertained   11
4273           attractions   11
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4278                 beads   11
4279                begone   11
4280             beholding   11
4281           benevolence   11
4282              beverage   11
4283                  bide   11
4284              bordered   11
4285               borders   11
4286               boudoir   11
4287              bracelet   11
4288                bridal   11
4289            bridegroom   11
4290              brighter   11
4291              brooding   11
4292              bursting   11
4293                bushes   11
4294              bustling   11
4295                casket   11
4296               charles   11
4297                chilly   11
4298              choosing   11
4299               château   11
4300               colours   11
4301           comfortless   11
4302             commanded   11
4303              commonly   11
4304           commonplace   11
4305            compliance   11
4306          comprehended   11
4307         consternation   11
4308                county   11
4309             courteous   11
4310                 covet   11
4311                  crag   11
4312              creeping   11
4313             cultivate   11
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4316             customary   11
4317                dainty   11
4318                dawned   11
4319                decide   11
4320               deepest   11
4321                 defer   11
4322              defiance   11
4323            deliberate   11
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4326                depths   11
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4329              devoured   11
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4333           discovering   11
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4335             disgusted   11
4336             disregard   11
4337           distraction   11
4338               driving   11
4339              drooping   11
4340               element   11
4341             eloquence   11
4342           embarrassed   11
4343               emptied   11
4344                enable   11
4345                 essay   11
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4352          explanations   11
4353              exposure   11
4354              exterior   11
4355                 fanny   11
4356            fastidious   11
4357              featured   11
4358              february   11
4359               feigned   11
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4361                  firs   11
4362                fitful   11
4363               fitting   11
4364            flattering   11
4365               forbade   11
4366            formidable   11
4367             fortunate   11
4368                 frail   11
4369                ghosts   11
4370               girlish   11
4371               gleeful   11
4372                goblin   11
4373              grasping   11
4374               gratify   11
4375               growled   11
4376                grudge   11
4377               handful   11
4378                 hates   11
4379                 hazel   11
4380                headed   11
4381              helpless   11
4382                heroic   11
4383                hiding   11
4384                hour’s   11
4385              hundreds   11
4386              hurrying   11
4387                 hôtel   11
4388                  idol   11
4389               immense   11
4390          impertinence   11
4391               implied   11
4392                import   11
4393               impress   11
4394            incapacity   11
4395                induce   11
4396         inexperienced   11
4397             inhabited   11
4398                insane   11
4399           institution   11
4400           instruction   11
4401          instructions   11
4402             intensity   11
4403             interrupt   11
4404               intrude   11
4405             judicious   11
4406               justify   11
4407                kinder   11
4408               kindred   11
4409          lamentations   11
4410               languid   11
4411               lantern   11
4412                 lapse   11
4413                lashes   11
4414                 latin   11
4415                 ledge   11
4416                  lend   11
4417                life’s   11
4418              listener   11
4419                    lo   11
4420                lowton   11
4421                 lucie   11
4422                 lunch   11
4423                luxury   11
4424             matrimony   11
4425                meddle   11
4426                  mend   11
4427              mentally   11
4428                 minny   11
4429            misfortune   11
4430               moaning   11
4431               mockery   11
4432            moderation   11
4433               modesty   11
4434            motionless   11
4435             mountains   11
4436                   mud   11
4437                 nasty   11
4438              nostrils   11
4439              noticing   11
4440              numbered   11
4441            occasioned   11
4442                 opera   11
4443              overhead   11
4444           particulars   11
4445              peaceful   11
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4447            persevered   11
4448               persist   11
4449                poetry   11
4450                  pooh   11
4451                poorly   11
4452             powerless   11
4453            precaution   11
4454             preceding   11
4455              procured   11
4456                profit   11
4457          propensities   11
4458            proportion   11
4459               protect   11
4460               pursuit   11
4461        qualifications   11
4462                rained   11
4463             readiness   11
4464             reasoning   11
4465           recognition   11
4466        reconciliation   11
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4468                reform   11
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4471           reluctantly   11
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4479                 rigid   11
4480               rocking   11
4481                rooted   11
4482                rumour   11
4483                saddle   11
4484                  sail   11
4485                salute   11
4486                   sam   11
4487              sanction   11
4488              sanguine   11
4489                  sash   11
4490                 score   11
4491            scornfully   11
4492              secluded   11
4493            sensations   11
4494             sentences   11
4495             separated   11
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4497               shadowy   11
4498             shrinking   11
4499             shrubbery   11
4500             shuddered   11
4501                  size   11
4502                 skull   11
4503                 slate   11
4504                 smote   11
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4508                 speed   11
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4517                summit   11
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4521                 swift   11
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4531                tossed   11
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4535                  type   11
4536              unbroken   11
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4540               upright   11
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4543               vaguely   11
4544                vastly   11
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4547                 ville   11
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4549               volumes   11
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4552                  ward   11
4553                warmly   11
4554             weariness   11
4555                whilst   11
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4557           wonderfully   11
4558               worried   11
4559               _never_   10
4560                _such_   10
4561                 _tête   10
4562            abhorrence   10
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4568                 altar   10
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4570                   amy   10
4571             another’s   10
4572              appealed   10
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4575              approved   10
4576             arranging   10
4577              asperity   10
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4579              assisted   10
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4581               asunder   10
4582                 badly   10
4583                  balm   10
4584                   bay   10
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4593               braided   10
4594            branwell’s   10
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4596                bundle   10
4597                   buy   10
4598              calmness   10
4599               caprice   10
4600          carelessness   10
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4602                  cash   10
4603                cattle   10
4604              cheering   10
4605              clasping   10
4606               coaxing   10
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4655                   ech   10
4656              educated   10
4657          encountering   10
4658           encouraging   10
4659             enlighten   10
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4661              equality   10
4662             examining   10
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4673                 femme   10
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4689               ghostly   10
4690               gilding   10
4691              glimpses   10
4692                glossy   10
4693               greeted   10
4694                 grows   10
4695                  gush   10
4696             hareton’s   10
4697            hargrave’s   10
4698              headache   10
4699              heavenly   10
4700                  heir   10
4701               heiress   10
4702               helen’s   10
4703                here’s   10
4704                hermit   10
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4706              homeward   10
4707                  horn   10
4708              horrible   10
4709               hostile   10
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4711               improve   10
4712          inarticulate   10
4713         inexpressible   10
4714          inhospitable   10
4715                   ink   10
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4722                jeunes   10
4723              joseph’s   10
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4727                lasted   10
4728              latticed   10
4729                lawyer   10
4730                  lean   10
4731               liberal   10
4732              lighting   10
4733              listless   10
4734              lordship   10
4735                loudly   10
4736                  lull   10
4737               lunatic   10
4738              lunettes   10
4739               lurking   10
4740               madeira   10
4741               mamma’s   10
4742                  mane   10
4743           mantelpiece   10
4744                mantle   10
4745             marchmont   10
4746                  mask   10
4747              maternal   10
4748            meditation   10
4749                  meek   10
4750              merchant   10
4751               merrily   10
4752               mission   10
4753            mistresses   10
4754                 misty   10
4755                  mock   10
4756            monsieur’s   10
4757               monster   10
4758                morbid   10
4759         mortification   10
4760                 mossy   10
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4765               musings   10
4766           necessarily   10
4767             nightmare   10
4768                nursed   10
4769                  oath   10
4770             occupants   10
4771              offences   10
4772             offending   10
4773               oftener   10
4774                   oil   10
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4788                pledge   10
4789             portfolio   10
4790             possessor   10
4791                preach   10
4792          presentiment   10
4793            pretending   10
4794              priest’s   10
4795                 prime   10
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4797            profession   10
4798             prominent   10
4799            propitious   10
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4802             purposely   10
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4824              rudeness   10
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4827                  sand   10
4828             sauntered   10
4829                 scarf   10
4830              screamed   10
4831              securing   10
4832             september   10
4833                series   10
4834              settling   10
4835                shaped   10
4836                 shelf   10
4837                 shell   10
4838                 she’d   10
4839             shillings   10
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4843          significance   10
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4847                 smith   10
4848               smoking   10
4849                  snap   10
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4851                  sons   10
4852                  sour   10
4853               spanish   10
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4855              spectral   10
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4857             stainless   10
4858                 sting   10
4859              stooping   10
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4863             strongest   10
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4865               sunrise   10
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4869               tending   10
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4871           thenceforth   10
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4877                 trait   10
4878               traitor   10
4879                 tramp   10
4880             treasures   10
4881                tricks   10
4882                  tune   10
4883                turban   10
4884                 tête_   10
4885               undergo   10
4886             underwent   10
4887            uneasiness   10
4888               uniform   10
4889                unjust   10
4890                unlike   10
4891             unsettled   10
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4893              valuable   10
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4897                weapon   10
4898              welcomed   10
4899                 we’ve   10
4900             whitcross   10
4901                wintry   10
4902              woodford   10
4903              wrenched   10
4904                 _had_    9
4905                    _i    9
4906                _know_    9
4907                  _so_    9
4908                _they_    9
4909                  _you    9
4910              abstract    9
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4912            acceptance    9
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4915                  ache    9
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4918               adèle’s    9
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7256                  vrai    6
7257                weaned    6
7258              wellwood    6
7259               wheeled    6
7260              whirling    6
7261               widow’s    6
7262                 wife_    6
7263               winning    6
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7268                wooden    6
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7273                  xxix    6
7274                  xxvi    6
7275                 xxvii    6
7276                xxviii    6
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7280                xxxiii    6
7281                 xxxiv    6
7282                  yawn    6
7283             _antigua_    5
7284                _both_    5
7285                _ever_    5
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7287                _half_    5
7288                _here_    5
7289                 _i’m_    5
7290                _love_    5
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7292              _parure_    5
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9643                  we’s    4
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9646             wherewith    4
9647               where’s    4
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9680                  être    4
9681                  10th    3
9682                  1847    3
9683                     2    3
9684                  24th    3
9685                  30th    3
9686                   4th    3
9687                 _any_    3
9688                  _be_    3
9689                _bear_    3
9690                _bonne    3
9691               _bonne_    3
9692            _catherine    3
9693                _dare_    3
9694              _detest_    3
9695                   _he    3
9696                _ignis    3
9697                   _in    3
9698                _i’ll_    3
9699                _leave    3
9700                _look_    3
9701              _loving_    3
9702                _many_    3
9703                  _mon    3
9704             _naïveté_    3
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9706             _nothing_    3
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9708                 _one_    3
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9721                 _then    3
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9763        affectionately    3
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9786                  ami_    3
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10247               donnez    3
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10542                 him_    3
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11601                 vite    3
11602            vividness    3
11603                vixen    3
11604                 voce    3
11605                voce_    3
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11610             vraiment    3
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11671                ye’re    3
11672                yon’s    3
11673                 you_    3
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11677                  été    3
11678                    1    2
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11685                 23rd    2
11686                 29th    2
11687                  3rd    2
11688                  9th    2
11689                   _a    2
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11739               _when_    2
11740              _where_    2
11741                _who_    2
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11743              _won’t_    2
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12821             fathur’s    2
12822                faugh    2
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13061             guttural    2
13062             guéridon    2
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13081                haute    2
13082              hav’n’t    2
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13101              hellish    2
13102              helpers    2
13103             helpmeet    2
13104              hemming    2
13105              herald_    2
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13108                 hews    2
13109             highland    2
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13111              hinders    2
13112                 hips    2
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13131               hoyden    2
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13140                hussy    2
13141               hybrid    2
13142             hysteria    2
13143             hysteric    2
13144         hysterically    2
13145                  i.e    2
13146                   i_    2
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13487              matured    2
13488               maxims    2
13489                mdlle    2
13490                  me_    2
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13693                 oral    2
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14153              rifling    2
14154               right_    2
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14509                   te    2
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14961                xlvii    2
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14978               13_th_    1
14979                   15    1
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14981                   16    1
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14983                 1778    1
14984                 1801    1
14985                 1802    1
14986                 1821    1
14987                 1822    1
14988                 1823    1
14989                 1825    1
14990                 1826    1
14991                 1841    1
14992                 1843    1
14993                 1849    1
14994                 1850    1
14995                 1897    1
14996                 1920    1
14997               21_st_    1
14998               22_nd_    1
14999                 28th    1
15000                    3    1
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15002                  300    1
15003                   31    1
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15008                   72    1
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15262               _seen_    1
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15361             _you’ve_    1
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17948             facility    1
17949           factitious    1
17950                fades    1
17951                  fag    1
17952               fagots    1
17953               faire_    1
17954             fairness    1
17955                 fais    1
17956              faisait    1
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18002          favourite’s    1
18003               fawkes    1
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18005                 faâl    1
18006               faîtes    1
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18081                fines    1
18082               finite    1
18083              firelit    1
18084               firing    1
18085           firmaments    1
18086               first_    1
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18088              fissure    1
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18091         fitfulnesses    1
18092              fittest    1
18093            fitzjames    1
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18106               flared    1
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18112              flecked    1
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18114               fleecy    1
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18147            flowering    1
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18152          flutterings    1
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18155                foamy    1
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18157               foible    1
18158                foils    1
18159             foliated    1
18160               folk’s    1
18161             follered    1
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18164             fomented    1
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18183             forebore    1
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18236              fraîchë    1
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18261              fripons    1
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18263           frittering    1
18264               froid_    1
18265               frolic    1
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18267             fronting    1
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18269             frostily    1
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18282            fumigated    1
18283               fuming    1
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18291            furrowing    1
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18301                  f’r    1
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18323                gants    1
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18348              gauging    1
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18356             geliebet    1
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18369             gentlest    1
18370          genuineness    1
18371            gen’leman    1
18372              geology    1
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18377        gesticulation    1
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18395             giggling    1
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18397                gills    1
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18401              gipsy’s    1
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18403                 gird    1
18404               girded    1
18405              girdled    1
18406                girl_    1
18407                 girn    1
18408               girned    1
18409              girning    1
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18443                gnash    1
18444              gnashed    1
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18448                gnome    1
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18473                gouge    1
18474                gourd    1
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18476         governessing    1
18477                gown_    1
18478               gowned    1
18479                 goût    1
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18536                  gré    1
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18552                 gulp    1
18553                  gum    1
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18556              gurgled    1
18557                 gurt    1
18558                gusto    1
18559                  guy    1
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18580                hairy    1
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18585             hallowed    1
18586            hallowing    1
18587               haloed    1
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18590              hamlets    1
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18606           harbouring    1
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18648                hause    1
18649                 haut    1
18650             havannah    1
18651                havoc    1
18652               hawing    1
18653                hawks    1
18654                 haws    1
18655            haymakers    1
18656               hazels    1
18657                 hazy    1
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18674              hearths    1
18675           hearthstun    1
18676             heartier    1
18677           heartiness    1
18678          heathcliff_    1
18679           heathenism    1
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18681                heats    1
18682             heaviest    1
18683            heaviness    1
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18692           heidelberg    1
18693              heifers    1
18694          heightening    1
18695             heights_    1
18696              heilige    1
18697            heiress’s    1
18698            heirlooms    1
18699                heirs    1
18700               helen_    1
18701               hell’s    1
18702               helmet    1
18703               helper    1
18704          helpfulness    1
18705         helplessness    1
18706                helps    1
18707               hempen    1
18708                  hen    1
18709                 hend    1
18710            henrietta    1
18711               henrys    1
18712              hepburn    1
18713                 her_    1
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18718               herded    1
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18726           heroically    1
18727              heroism    1
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18729             herrings    1
18730               hervor    1
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18739               hewers    1
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18741                 hied    1
18742           hierophant    1
18743         hierophant’s    1
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18745           highlander    1
18746         highlander’s    1
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18751             hillside    1
18752            hillsides    1
18753            himalayan    1
18754                him’s    1
18755                 hind    1
18756               hindoo    1
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18758                hinge    1
18759              hinting    1
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18761           hireling’s    1
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18763              hisself    1
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18767              hitting    1
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18769                hived    1
18770                hives    1
18771                hivin    1
18772                   hm    1
18773             hoarding    1
18774               hoards    1
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18776               hobble    1
18777             hobbling    1
18778                 hobs    1
18779             hobson’s    1
18780               hodden    1
18781              hoile’s    1
18782               holier    1
18783             hollowed    1
18784           hollyhocks    1
18785                 holm    1
18786               holmes    1
18787                home_    1
18788               hommes    1
18789               honied    1
18790               honte_    1
18791               hooked    1
18792               hooped    1
18793              hooping    1
18794               hopped    1
18795              hopping    1
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18797             horizons    1
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18802             horridly    1
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18893       illustrations_    1
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19222         irresolutely    1
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19224          irrevocable    1
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19226                  is_    1
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19231              i’faith    1
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19233              jabez’s    1
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19255                jelly    1
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19269                 joab    1
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19271                job’s    1
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19273                  joe    1
19274                  jog    1
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19285                jolie    1
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19296           journeymen    1
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19304                juron    1
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19308              jutting    1
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19346              knobbed    1
19347              knocker    1
19348            knottings    1
19349                know_    1
19350              knowest    1
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19352            knowingly    1
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19354                 knox    1
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19393               lassie    1
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19403                laura    1
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19456             liberate    1
19457           liberating    1
19458                 lick    1
19459              licking    1
19460                licks    1
19461          lieutenants    1
19462                life_    1
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19464                  lig    1
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19467            lightened    1
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19486              lineage    1
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19488             lingerer    1
19489                 link    1
19490               linnet    1
19491              linnets    1
19492              linton_    1
19493              lioness    1
19494              liquids    1
19495                  lis    1
19496            listeners    1
19497              listens    1
19498                 lits    1
19499            littering    1
19500              little_    1
19501              littler    1
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19504              lividly    1
19505                lizzy    1
19506                   ll    1
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19568                lynns    1
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19570           l’anglaise    1
19571         l’angleterre    1
19572            l’arbitre    1
19573           l’autorité    1
19574              l’autre    1
19575              l’avoir    1
19576            l’endroit    1
19577              l’enfer    1
19578             l’essaie    1
19579           l’histoire    1
19580         l’impossible    1
19581         l’improviste    1
19582            l’ingénue    1
19583          l’intention    1
19584            l’intérêt    1
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19587             l’éclair    1
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19596              madonna    1
19597             madonnas    1
19598             madwoman    1
19599               maenad    1
19600             magazine    1
19601            magazine_    1
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19603              maggots    1
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19605              magical    1
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19624               malgré    1
19625          maliciously    1
19626              mammoth    1
19627             mammoths    1
19628                 man_    1
19629             manacles    1
19630           manageable    1
19631           managerial    1
19632             mandates    1
19633                mangé    1
19634              maniacs    1
19635             maniac’s    1
19636              manikin    1
19637             manliest    1
19638             mannered    1
19639           mannerisms    1
19640            manoeuvre    1
19641           manoeuvred    1
19642           manoeuvres    1
19643               manoir    1
19644                manon    1
19645            mansion’s    1
19646              mantled    1
19647         manufactured    1
19648           manœuvring    1
19649          manœuvrings    1
19650                mappe    1
19651             marchand    1
19652             marching    1
19653               marché    1
19654              margate    1
19655             marginal    1
19656                 mari    1
19657              marie’s    1
19658               mariée    1
19659            markham’s    1
19660               marmot    1
19661              marmots    1
19662              marquis    1
19663              marries    1
19664                 mars    1
19665              marshal    1
19666          marshalling    1
19667              marston    1
19668           marvelling    1
19669              marvels    1
19670                 mash    1
19671               masons    1
19672               masque    1
19673           masquerade    1
19674              masques    1
19675               masse_    1
19676           masterhood    1
19677           masterless    1
19678          masterpiece    1
19679             mastiffs    1
19680             matching    1
19681          materialist    1
19682         materialists    1
19683           materially    1
19684            maternity    1
19685         mathematical    1
19686       mathematically    1
19687               matins    1
19688                matou    1
19689                 matt    1
19690             matthieu    1
19691             mattocks    1
19692             mattress    1
19693             maturing    1
19694             maturity    1
19695                 maun    1
19696                mause    1
19697            maxillary    1
19698                maxim    1
19699            maxwell’s    1
19700               mayhap    1
19701                mazed    1
19702                mazes    1
19703           maîtresses    1
19704                 mead    1
19705          meadowlands    1
19706                mealy    1
19707          meanderings    1
19708             meanness    1
19709               means_    1
19710           mechanical    1
19711            mechanism    1
19712               medals    1
19713              meddles    1
19714                medes    1
19715                media    1
19716            mediatrix    1
19717            medicated    1
19718        mediterranean    1
19719               medusa    1
19720               meeker    1
19721             meekness    1
19722             meeterly    1
19723               meetly    1
19724             meilleur    1
19725           mellowness    1
19726                mells    1
19727            melodious    1
19728            melodrama    1
19729         melodramatic    1
19730            meltham’s    1
19731            mementoes    1
19732             mementos    1
19733            menagerie    1
19734            mendicant    1
19735              menteur    1
19736                menti    1
19737              mentors    1
19738          merchandise    1
19739            merchants    1
19740           merchant’s    1
19741            merciless    1
19742            mercurial    1
19743                merge    1
19744               merged    1
19745              merging    1
19746            meribah’s    1
19747             meriting    1
19748          meritorious    1
19749               merrie    1
19750              merrier    1
19751               meshes    1
19752             mesmeric    1
19753            mesrour’s    1
19754          messalina’s    1
19755        metamorphosed    1
19756                meted    1
19757       meteorological    1
19758              meteors    1
19759             methinks    1
19760            methodies    1
19761              methods    1
19762              methody    1
19763           methuselah    1
19764           metropolis    1
19765         metropolitan    1
19766               mettle    1
19767               meuble    1
19768                  mew    1
19769            mezzotint    1
19770              micaiah    1
19771           michaelmas    1
19772               midday    1
19773            middlesex    1
19774                midge    1
19775               midges    1
19776              midmost    1
19777               midway    1
19778                mieux    1
19779             mightier    1
19780             mightn’t    1
19781             migraine    1
19782              mildest    1
19783             mildewed    1
19784           milestones    1
19785             militant    1
19786              milksop    1
19787             miller’s    1
19788              million    1
19789            millstone    1
19790                 milo    1
19791              mimicry    1
19792          minauderies    1
19793               minced    1
19794            mincemeat    1
19795            mincingly    1
19796              minerva    1
19797               mineur    1
19798               mine’s    1
19799           miniatures    1
19800           ministered    1
19801          ministerial    1
19802            ministers    1
19803           ministrant    1
19804              minny’s    1
19805             minority    1
19806                minos    1
19807              minster    1
19808             minstrel    1
19809                 mint    1
19810             minutest    1
19811           miraculous    1
19812         miraculously    1
19813               mirage    1
19814             mirthful    1
19815                  mis    1
19816     misanthropically    1
19817       misanthropists    1
19818      misanthropist’s    1
19819          misanthropy    1
19820       misapplication    1
19821     misapprehensions    1
19822            misbecome    1
19823        miscalculated    1
19824           miscellany    1
19825       misconceptions    1
19826         misconstrues    1
19827        misconstruing    1
19828           miscreants    1
19829             misdeeds    1
19830        misdemeanours    1
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19832           misdoubted    1
19833          misdoubting    1
19834              miserly    1
19835            misgiving    1
19836               mishap    1
19837          misinformed    1
19838             misjudge    1
19839           misleading    1
19840             misleads    1
19841               misled    1
19842        mismanagement    1
19843    mispronunciations    1
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19845      misrepresenting    1
19846             missis’s    1
19847              missy’s    1
19848             mistimed    1
19849             mistless    1
19850           mistrusted    1
19851          mistrusting    1
19852    misunderstandings    1
19853              misused    1
19854                  mit    1
19855                 mite    1
19856               mither    1
19857             mitigate    1
19858               mitred    1
19859                mixes    1
19860               mixing    1
19861                  miz    1
19862                moans    1
19863             mobility    1
19864                modes    1
19865         modification    1
19866           modulation    1
19867          modulations    1
19868               modèle    1
19869               moeurs    1
19870               moiety    1
19871                moisi    1
19872              moisten    1
19873            moistened    1
19874          molestation    1
19875               moloch    1
19876                 mone    1
19877              money’s    1
19878              mongers    1
19879             monitory    1
19880              monkery    1
19881              monkeys    1
19882          monopolised    1
19883         monopolising    1
19884           monopolize    1
19885          monopolized    1
19886             monsters    1
19887              monstre    1
19888            moodiness    1
19889                mools    1
19890            moonbeams    1
19891            moonshine    1
19892              moorish    1
19893            moorlands    1
19894             moorside    1
19895                 mope    1
19896              mopping    1
19897                moque    1
19898             moqueuse    1
19899               moquez    1
19900           moralising    1
19901            moralists    1
19902               morals    1
19903               morass    1
19904                more_    1
19905               moreen    1
19906             moreland    1
19907               more’s    1
19908                morra    1
19909                morte    1
19910            mortgagee    1
19911       mortifications    1
19912         mortifyingly    1
19913             mortimer    1
19914               mortis    1
19915           mosquitoes    1
19916                 mote    1
19917            motioning    1
19918                motto    1
19919                 moue    1
19920              moulder    1
19921            mouldered    1
19922               mouldy    1
19923               mounts    1
19924               mourns    1
19925            moustache    1
19926           moustached    1
19927           moustaches    1
19928               mouton    1
19929             moveable    1
19930               moyens    1
19931                much_    1
19932                 muck    1
19933             muckying    1
19934               muffed    1
19935               muffin    1
19936               muffle    1
19937             muffling    1
19938              mulatto    1
19939               mulled    1
19940            mullioned    1
19941             mullions    1
19942         multifarious    1
19943         multiplicity    1
19944           multitudes    1
19945              mumbled    1
19946              mumming    1
19947                mummy    1
19948              munched    1
19949           munificent    1
19950         munificently    1
19951               munnut    1
19952               munn’t    1
19953            murderers    1
19954          murderously    1
19955           murthering    1
19956               museum    1
19957             mushroom    1
19958            mushrooms    1
19959            musically    1
19960                 musk    1
19961              mustard    1
19962                musty    1
19963             mutineer    1
19964            mutineers    1
19965             mutinied    1
19966               mutism    1
19967           mutterings    1
19968              muttons    1
19969               muzzle    1
19970                mysel    1
19971               myseln    1
19972         mysteriously    1
19973            mystified    1
19974              mystère    1
19975              mâitre_    1
19976                mâle_    1
19977              mädchen    1
19978             mädchens    1
19979              médecin    1
19980               ménage    1
19981            ménagères    1
19982              mérovée    1
19983          mésalliance    1
19984                mûres    1
19985                  m’a    1
19986              m’aider    1
19987              m’amuse    1
19988             m’ennuie    1
19989           m’insulter    1
19990                nabob    1
19991              nacarat    1
19992                nacht    1
19993              naiad’s    1
19994                naive    1
19995            nakedness    1
19996             napoleon    1
19997           napoleonic    1
19998             narcotic    1
19999            narrating    1
20000            narration    1
20001           narrator’s    1
20002            narrowing    1
20003              nasmyth    1
20004          nasturtiums    1
20005                natal    1
20006              natives    1
20007                natty    1
20008              naturae    1
20009          naturalized    1
20010            naturedly    1
20011              naturæ_    1
20012           naughtiest    1
20013             nauseous    1
20014                 navy    1
20015                 naze    1
20016              naïvely    1
20017              neatest    1
20018             neatness    1
20019                 nebo    1
20020     nebuchadnezzar’s    1
20021            neckcloth    1
20022          neckclothed    1
20023          neckerchief    1
20024          necromantic    1
20025            nectarine    1
20026            nectarous    1
20027          needlemaker    1
20028             negation    1
20029          negligently    1
20030           negotiated    1
20031          negotiation    1
20032                neige    1
20033                neive    1
20034              nelly’s    1
20035               nelson    1
20036           neophyte’s    1
20037          nervousness    1
20038               nestle    1
20039            nestlings    1
20040               nether    1
20041              netting    1
20042               never_    1
20043            nevermore    1
20044         newfoundland    1
20045                  nez    1
20046                ne’er    1
20047               niaise    1
20048              nibbled    1
20049             nibbling    1
20050               nicest    1
20051             niceties    1
20052             nichered    1
20053                 nick    1
20054               nieces    1
20055              niggard    1
20056               nigher    1
20057            nightcaps    1
20058            nightfall    1
20059        nightingale’s    1
20060              nightly    1
20061           nightmares    1
20062               nimrod    1
20063           nincompoop    1
20064            ninetieth    1
20065              ninety_    1
20066                ninth    1
20067                nivir    1
20068                 noah    1
20069           nobleman’s    1
20070            nobleness    1
20071               nobles    1
20072                noirs    1
20073              noisily    1
20074              noisome    1
20075                  nom    1
20076             nominate    1
20077                nonce    1
20078          nonchalante    1
20079         nonchalantly    1
20080          nonentities    1
20081             nonnette    1
20082            nonpareil    1
20083           nonplussed    1
20084              noonday    1
20085             noontide    1
20086                noose    1
20087               noosed    1
20088             norham’s    1
20089               normal    1
20090            northward    1
20091                nosed    1
20092             nosegays    1
20093           noteworthy    1
20094           noticeable    1
20095           noticeably    1
20096             notified    1
20097               notify    1
20098          notorieties    1
20099                 nots    1
20100                  nov    1
20101                 nova    1
20102             novelist    1
20103           novelist’s    1
20104            noviciate    1
20105            novitiate    1
20106               noways    1
20107                now’s    1
20108                nudge    1
20109               nudged    1
20110            nullities    1
20111               numero    1
20112              nunnery    1
20113             nuptials    1
20114          nursemaid’s    1
20115          nurserymaid    1
20116              nurse’s    1
20117            nurslings    1
20118               nutmeg    1
20119             nutshell    1
20120               nymphs    1
20121            n’aimerai    1
20122               n’avez    1
20123              n’avons    1
20124                n’ose    1
20125              n’était    1
20126               n’êtes    1
20127             oatcakes    1
20128                oaten    1
20129              oatmeal    1
20130           obediently    1
20131            obeisance    1
20132              obelisk    1
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20134                obeys    1
20135             obleeged    1
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20137              obliges    1
20138           obligingly    1
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20140         obliterating    1
20141               oblong    1
20142              obloquy    1
20143          obscuration    1
20144          observances    1
20145           observer’s    1
20146          obstinacy’s    1
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20149            obtruding    1
20150           obtrusions    1
20151          obtrusively    1
20152               obtuse    1
20153            obviating    1
20154          obviousness    1
20155          occasioning    1
20156            occurring    1
20157               oceans    1
20158            october’s    1
20159        octogenarians    1
20160              oculist    1
20161            odalisque    1
20162               oddity    1
20163                  ode    1
20164                odium    1
20165                  of_    1
20166            officered    1
20167            officer’s    1
20168           officiated    1
20169          officiously    1
20170          offspring’s    1
20171               oftens    1
20172                ofter    1
20173                 ogre    1
20174                  oho    1
20175             oilcloth    1
20176               oilier    1
20177              ologies    1
20178                omens    1
20179            omissions    1
20180             omitting    1
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20182           omnipotent    1
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20184               onding    1
20185              onerous    1
20186              oneself    1
20187                onion    1
20188                onset    1
20189            onslaught    1
20190                 onst    1
20191                  ont    1
20192              onwards    1
20193                 oozy    1
20194                 opal    1
20195               operas    1
20196              operate    1
20197             operator    1
20198               opined    1
20199             opportun    1
20200              opposes    1
20201          oppressions    1
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20203           opprobrium    1
20204            oppugnant    1
20205                optic    1
20206              optical    1
20207               option    1
20208              opulent    1
20209              oranges    1
20210              oration    1
20211             oratoire    1
20212                orbit    1
20213               orbits    1
20214                 orbs    1
20215            orchestra    1
20216             ordained    1
20217              ordains    1
20218              ordeals    1
20219        ordinairement    1
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20221               orgies    1
20222              orgueil    1
20223                oriel    1
20224            originate    1
20225          originators    1
20226               orison    1
20227              orisons    1
20228            orphanage    1
20229           ortherings    1
20230          orthography    1
20231                   os    1
20232             ossified    1
20233           ostensibly    1
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20235         ostentatious    1
20236              ostrich    1
20237                 otto    1
20238                  ouf    1
20239                ourse    1
20240               ourson    1
20241               ousels    1
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20244            outgoings    1
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20247             outlawry    1
20248              outlive    1
20249             outlived    1
20250             outlying    1
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20253           outrageous    1
20254         outrageously    1
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20257            outskirts    1
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20259             outwears    1
20260             outweigh    1
20261          outweighing    1
20262            outweighs    1
20263              ouvrier    1
20264              ouvrira    1
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20266             overawes    1
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20270          overclouded    1
20271           overcometh    1
20272             overdose    1
20273               overed    1
20274         overflowings    1
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20277          overhearing    1
20278           overheated    1
20279             overleap    1
20280          overleaping    1
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20289           oversights    1
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20291        overspreading    1
20292        overstretched    1
20293           overtasked    1
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20295                 owes    1
20296                 owld    1
20297                 owls    1
20298                   ox    1
20299               oyster    1
20300               o’ered    1
20301            o’ergrown    1
20302                o’yer    1
20303                  p.s    1
20304                pacha    1
20305              pacific    1
20306            pacifying    1
20307              package    1
20308             packages    1
20309                 pact    1
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20311              padlock    1
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20315               paille    1
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20317           painsfully    1
20318          painstaking    1
20319             painters    1
20320            painter’s    1
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20324           palavering    1
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20329            palmistry    1
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20332          palpitating    1
20333            paltering    1
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20335            pamphlets    1
20336             paneless    1
20337              panoply    1
20338                 pans    1
20339           pantoufles    1
20340                pants    1
20341                papal    1
20342                papas    1
20343             papering    1
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20350             paralyze    1
20351            paralyzed    1
20352             paramour    1
20353              parcels    1
20354             parceque    1
20355         parcequ’elle    1
20356           parchments    1
20357           pardonable    1
20358             pardoned    1
20359                pared    1
20360             pareille    1
20361          parenthèse_    1
20362          parenthése_    1
20363                paria    1
20364               parian    1
20365              parings    1
20366          parishioner    1
20367          parisiennes    1
20368                parks    1
20369               park’s    1
20370               parlez    1
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20372                parlé    1
20373               parole    1
20374              parquet    1
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20376             parson’s    1
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20379            partaking    1
20380            parterres    1
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20382        particularity    1
20383         particulière    1
20384           partitions    1
20385            partner’s    1
20386              partout    1
20387               parure    1
20388              passera    1
20389             passerez    1
20390              passeth    1
20391             passion_    1
20392           passionnés    1
20393             passport    1
20394             pastimes    1
20395             pastor’s    1
20396            pasturage    1
20397             pastured    1
20398             pastures    1
20399            pasturing    1
20400                  pat    1
20401             patara’s    1
20402                patch    1
20403              patched    1
20404              patches    1
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20406                 pate    1
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20409                pates    1
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20411              pathway    1
20412          patriarchal    1
20413           patriarchs    1
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20415            patriot’s    1
20416               patrol    1
20417            patroness    1
20418           patronised    1
20419           patronymic    1
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20421               patter    1
20422             patterns    1
20423              paupers    1
20424             pauper’s    1
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20426            pauvrette    1
20427             pavilion    1
20428                  paw    1
20429                 pawn    1
20430               pawsed    1
20431                  pax    1
20432            paymaster    1
20433               paynim    1
20434             paysanne    1
20435            paysannes    1
20436               païens    1
20437                peach    1
20438            peacock’s    1
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20440              pealing    1
20441              peasant    1
20442             peasants    1
20443                peaty    1
20444         peccadilloes    1
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20446                 peck    1
20447                pedal    1
20448             pedantic    1
20449              pedants    1
20450              peeress    1
20451           peerlessly    1
20452               peer’s    1
20453                  peg    1
20454                peggy    1
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20457               pendue    1
20458              pendule    1
20459          penetralium    1
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20462            penitents    1
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20465             penseurs    1
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20468          penthesilea    1
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20471              peopled    1
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20474          perceptibly    1
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20476            perfected    1
20477           perforated    1
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20479             perfumes    1
20480            perfuming    1
20481             perilled    1
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20503              person_    1
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21319               règle_    1
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21343              saint’s    1
21344              saladin    1
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21355               sample    1
21356              samples    1
21357             samson’s    1
21358                sam’s    1
21359             sancho’s    1
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21366                sandy    1
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21368               sanity    1
21369              sapless    1
21370              sapling    1
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21393              saviour    1
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21395             savourez    1
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21469         scrutinizing    1
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21474           sculptural    1
21475           sculptured    1
21476              scutter    1
21477           scuttleful    1
21478             scuttles    1
21479                  se_    1
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21483              seaming    1
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21539           sermonized    1
21540          sermonizing    1
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21567              sharper    1
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21569             sharpest    1
21570             sharpish    1
21571           shattering    1
21572               shaven    1
21573               shawl_    1
21574            shawlless    1
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21577                sheds    1
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21785             sordidly    1
21786              sorrier    1
21787          sorrowfully    1
21788            sorrowing    1
21789               sorted    1
21790               sortes    1
21791              sortie_    1
21792                  sot    1
21793                 sots    1
21794              sottish    1
21795            soubrette    1
21796               soucie    1
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21823                spear    1
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21835          spendthrift    1
21836               spiced    1
21837                spike    1
21838               spikes    1
21839                spins    1
21840               spires    1
21841             spirito_    1
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21844             spirit’s    1
21845              spitted    1
21846          spitzbergen    1
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21848              splashy    1
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21862               spouse    1
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21865             spring’s    1
21866             sprouted    1
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21868                 spue    1
21869                   sq    1
21870                squad    1
21871              squalid    1
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21874           squareness    1
21875              squarer    1
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21888               stakes    1
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21891             stalking    1
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21893               stalls    1
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21899             starched    1
21900               stares    1
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21910            statesmen    1
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21930              sternen    1
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21942         stigmatizing    1
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21948            stintings    1
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21953          stipulation    1
21954         stipulations    1
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21956               stir’s    1
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21966            stoppered    1
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21968              storeys    1
21969              storing    1
21970             stormily    1
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22000              strolls    1
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22118              swathed    1
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22161               tadmor    1
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22177             tankards    1
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22191             tattling    1
22192              taunted    1
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22218              tendre_    1
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22222               tenses    1
22223              tension    1
22224                tents    1
22225                tenue    1
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22232             thanking    1
22233          thanklessly    1
22234             thank’ee    1
22235                theft    1
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22243              there’d    1
22244             therseln    1
22245             theveral    1
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22248            thickness    1
22249              thief’s    1
22250               thing_    1
22251               think_    1
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22254             thinning    1
22255             thirsted    1
22256            thirsting    1
22257              thistle    1
22258             thornton    1
22259        thoroughfares    1
22260              though_    1
22261             thought_    1
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22263        thoughtlessly    1
22264              thou’rt    1
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22267            thrashing    1
22268           thrashings    1
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22271            threaping    1
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22287              théâtre    1
22288                  tic    1
22289                 tick    1
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22291               tidied    1
22292               tiens_    1
22293                tiers    1
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22296                tilly    1
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22299            timepiece    1
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22320           titterings    1
22321              titters    1
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22328             toddling    1
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22339                tom’s    1
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22348              tougher    1
22349            toughness    1
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22353              towered    1
22354            townsend_    1
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22384         transmitting    1
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22410               triply    1
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22441                 tuer    1
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22455               turk’s    1
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22476              twitter    1
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22488                   uh    1
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22673            unlearned    1
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22678             unloosed    1
22679              unloved    1
22680             unlovely    1
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22690         unmistakably    1
22691        unmistakeable    1
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22841              vampyre    1
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22856               veered    1
22857              veering    1
22858              veiling    1
22859                veiny    1
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22861              vending    1
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22882               vernal    1
22883             vernon’s    1
22884            versatile    1
22885          versatility    1
22886               versâ_    1
22887                 vert    1
22888               vertus    1
22889                verve    1
22890               vesper    1
22891               vestal    1
22892                 veuf    1
22893                veuve    1
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22909               vienne    1
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22928             virgin’s    1
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22930            virulency    1
22931             virulent    1
22932                 vis_    1
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22936            visitress    1
22937             vitiated    1
22938          vivaciously    1
22939              vivant_    1
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22941             vobiscum    1
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22943              vocally    1
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22961              voulons    1
22962               voyant    1
22963                voyez    1
22964                   vu    1
22965                  vue    1
22966           vulgarized    1
22967           vulnerable    1
22968                vying    1
22969                  wad    1
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22976               waggon    1
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22982             waitings    1
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22984           wakefield_    1
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22986             wakening    1
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22988                wales    1
22989          wallflowers    1
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22991               wallow    1
22992                 wand    1
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22994              wanders    1
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23002                warks    1
23003                warld    1
23004              warmest    1
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23006            warrior’s    1
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23023              wavered    1
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23029             wearer’s    1
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23031          wearisomest    1
23032             weasel’s    1
23033                wedge    1
23034            wedlock’s    1
23035            wednesday    1
23036                  wee    1
23037                weell    1
23038              weepers    1
23039              weights    1
23040                welsh    1
23041           welshwoman    1
23042            weltering    1
23043                werke    1
23044             wesleyan    1
23045          westminster    1
23046                whack    1
23047            whalebone    1
23048                wharf    1
23049              wharton    1
23050               wheare    1
23051                wheat    1
23052                whelm    1
23053             whelming    1
23054            whelphood    1
23055           whereabout    1
23056            wherefore    1
23057            whereinto    1
23058                whets    1
23059             whetting    1
23060          whichsoever    1
23061                whiff    1
23062               whiled    1
23063               whiles    1
23064              whiling    1
23065              whimper    1
23066           whimpering    1
23067          whimsically    1
23068              whisker    1
23069               whisky    1
23070                whist    1
23071               whites    1
23072              whitish    1
23073              whoiver    1
23074            wickedest    1
23075         wickednesses    1
23076             widening    1
23077               widens    1
23078              widowed    1
23079                  wie    1
23080             wielding    1
23081             wifehood    1
23082               wilder    1
23083                wilds    1
23084                wiles    1
23085                will_    1
23086           williamson    1
23087              willn’t    1
23088              willows    1
23089                 wily    1
23090              wincing    1
23091                windy    1
23092                wines    1
23093             wingless    1
23094               winner    1
23095                 wins    1
23096               wirily    1
23097             wiseacre    1
23098            wiseheads    1
23099                 wisp    1
23100          wistfulness    1
23101           witchcraft    1
23102             witchery    1
23103              witches    1
23104              witch’s    1
23105           withdrawal    1
23106            withdraws    1
23107          withholding    1
23108               witted    1
23109             wittiest    1
23110                wit’s    1
23111               wizard    1
23112                  wod    1
23113               woeful    1
23114             woefully    1
23115              wofully    1
23116                 wold    1
23117                wolfe    1
23118            wolfishly    1
23119               wolf’s    1
23120             wollsome    1
23121             womanish    1
23122          womanliness    1
23123                 womb    1
23124              women’s    1
23125          wonderingly    1
23126          wonderments    1
23127              wonders    1
23128           wondrously    1
23129                  woo    1
23130             woodbine    1
23131               wooded    1
23132                wooed    1
23133                wooer    1
23134                word_    1
23135            workboxes    1
23136          workmanship    1
23137            workshops    1
23138            worldless    1
23139               worn’t    1
23140            worriting    1
23141           worshipful    1
23142          worshipping    1
23143             worships    1
23144             worthily    1
23145           worthiness    1
23146          worthlessly    1
23147                  wot    1
23148                 wove    1
23149               wraith    1
23150              wraiths    1
23151                wrang    1
23152              wrangle    1
23153             wrangled    1
23154              wrapper    1
23155             wrappers    1
23156                wraps    1
23157                wrapt    1
23158                wreak    1
23159            wreathing    1
23160               wrecks    1
23161                 wren    1
23162            wrenching    1
23163               wren’s    1
23164             wrestled    1
23165            wrestling    1
23166           wrestlings    1
23167            wriggling    1
23168             wrinkled    1
23169             wrinkles    1
23170             writer’s    1
23171             writings    1
23172              wrongly    1
23173               wuther    1
23174                 wäge    1
23175                 yaas    1
23176               yah’ll    1
23177               yankee    1
23178                yarns    1
23179              yelling    1
23180                 yelp    1
23181               yelped    1
23182                 yeth    1
23183           yieldingly    1
23184                 yill    1
23185                 yoak    1
23186                 yond    1
23187               yond’s    1
23188            yorkshire    1
23189           youngsters    1
23190             yourseln    1
23191                 yule    1
23192                  zag    1
23193               zealot    1
23194              zealots    1
23195            zealously    1
23196               zembla    1
23197               zephyr    1
23198                  zig    1
23199               zigzag    1
23200              zigzags    1
23201               zornes    1
23202               zurück    1
23203                 zèle    1
23204                    â    1
23205                  âme    1
23206                   ça    1
23207                ébats    1
23208                éclat    1
23209                élans    1
23210                élève    1
23211               élèves    1
23212                  ému    1
23213                œuvre    1

frequency <- bind_rows(mutate(tidy_bronte, author = "Brontë Sisters"),
                       mutate(tidy_hgwells, author = "H.G. Wells"), 
                       mutate(tidy_books, author = "Jane Austen")) %>% 
  mutate(word = str_extract(word, "[a-z']+")) %>%
  count(author, word) %>%
  group_by(author) %>%
  mutate(proportion = n / sum(n)) %>% 
  select(-n) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = author, values_from = proportion) %>%
  pivot_longer(`Brontë Sisters`:`H.G. Wells`,
               names_to = "author", values_to = "proportion")

# A tibble: 76,442 × 4
   word      `Jane Austen` author          proportion
   <chr>             <dbl> <chr>                <dbl>
 1 a            0.00000919 Brontë Sisters  0.0000665 
 2 a            0.00000919 H.G. Wells      0.000428  
 3 aback       NA          Brontë Sisters  0.00000391
 4 aback       NA          H.G. Wells      0.00000327
 5 abaht       NA          Brontë Sisters  0.00000391
 6 abaht       NA          H.G. Wells     NA         
 7 abandon     NA          Brontë Sisters  0.0000313 
 8 abandon     NA          H.G. Wells      0.0000425 
 9 abandoned    0.00000460 Brontë Sisters  0.0000899 
10 abandoned    0.00000460 H.G. Wells      0.000157  
# ℹ 76,432 more rows

# expect a warning about rows with missing values being removed
ggplot(frequency, aes(x = proportion, y = `Jane Austen`, 
                      color = abs(`Jane Austen` - proportion))) +
  geom_abline(color = "gray40", lty = 2) +
  geom_jitter(alpha = 0.1, size = 2.5, width = 0.3, height = 0.3) +
  geom_text(aes(label = word), check_overlap = TRUE, vjust = 1.5) +
  scale_x_log10(labels = percent_format()) +
  scale_y_log10(labels = percent_format()) +
  scale_color_gradient(limits = c(0, 0.001), 
                       low = "darkslategray4", high = "gray75") +
  facet_wrap(~author, ncol = 2) +
  theme(legend.position="none") +
  labs(y = "Jane Austen", x = NULL)

  cor.test(data = frequency[frequency$author == "Brontë Sisters",], ~ proportion + `Jane Austen`)

    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  proportion and Jane Austen
t = 110.73, df = 10275, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.7286645 0.7462983
sample estimates:
cor.test(data = frequency[frequency$author == "H.G. Wells",], 
         ~ proportion + `Jane Austen`)

    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  proportion and Jane Austen
t = 35.744, df = 9878, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.3208406 0.3557629
sample estimates:

kwik and kwok


austen_works = gutenberg_works(author == "Austen, Jane")
austen <- cache_load(austen_works$gutenberg_id)
Loaded local copy of ID: 105 
Loaded local copy of ID: 121 
Loaded local copy of ID: 141 
Loaded local copy of ID: 158 
Loaded local copy of ID: 946 
Loaded local copy of ID: 1212 
Warning: ! Could not download a book at
ℹ The book may have been archived.
ℹ Alternatively, You may need to select a different mirror.
→ See https://www.gutenberg.org/MIRRORS.ALL for options.
Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `text`.
Book with ID: 1342 is missing and will not be saved locally.
Loaded local copy of ID: 21839 
Loaded local copy of ID: 31100 
Loaded local copy of ID: 37431 
Loaded local copy of ID: 42078 
  gutenberg_id             text
1           35 The Time Machine
2           35                 
3           35     An Invention
4           35                 
5           35   by H. G. Wells
6           35                 
# tidy_hgwells <- hgwells %>%
#   unnest_tokens(word, text) %>%
#   anti_join(stop_words)


the_corpus <- corpus(austen)
the_tokens <- tokens(the_corpus,case_insensitive = TRUE)
Warning: case_insensitive argument is not used.
kwic_table <- kwic(the_tokens,pattern = "lady",index = 1:100)
#kwic_table <- kwic(tokens(tidy_hgwells$word),pattern = "time")

#kwic_table <- kwic(tokens(tidy_hgwells$word),pattern = "machine",index = 1:400, case_insensitive = TRUE)
[1] 2008
Keyword-in-context with 10 matches.                                                          
  [text61, 5]                Gloucester, by which | lady |
  [text98, 7]                deserved by his own. | Lady |
 [text100, 8] youthful infatuation which made her | Lady |
 [text112, 6]            her kindness and advice, | Lady |
 [text118, 4]                   passed away since | Lady |
 [text122, 2]                                That | Lady |
 [text142, 2]                                  To | Lady |
 [text143, 8]              favourite, and friend. | Lady |
 [text169, 1]                                     | Lady |
 [text177, 3]                   immediately after | Lady |
 ( who died 1800 )              
 Elliot had been an excellent   
 Elliot, had never              
 Elliot mainly relied for the   
 Elliot’s death, and they       
 Russell, of steady age         
 Russell, indeed, she           
 Russell loved them all;        
 Russell’s temples had long been
 Russell out of all the         


BibTeX citation:
  author = {Bochman, Oren},
  title = {Tidy {Text} {Mining} {With} {R}},
  date = {2011-11-29},
  url = {https://orenbochman.github.io/posts/2011/2011-11-29-tidy-text-mining-with-r/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Bochman, Oren. 2011. “Tidy Text Mining With R.” November 29, 2011. https://orenbochman.github.io/posts/2011/2011-11-29-tidy-text-mining-with-r/.