Introductions to Time Series analysis & the AR(1) process

Time Series Analysis

In the first week of the fourth course of Coursera’s ‘Bayesian Statistics Specialization’ we will define the AR(1) process, Stationarity, ACF, PACF, differencing, smoothing
bayesian statistics
autoregressive models
time series

Oren Bochman


Wednesday, October 23, 2024


time series, stationarity, strong stationarity, weak stationarity, autocorrelation function (ACF), partial autocorrelation function (PACF), smoothing, trend, seasonality, Durbin-Levinson recursion, Yule-Walker equations, differencing operator, back shift operator, moving average, AR(1) process, R code

Week 1: Introduction to Time Series and the AR(1) process

Learning Objectives


Welcome to Bayesian Statistics: Time Series

Introduction to R

Stationarity the ACF and the PACF

Before diving into the material here is a brief overview of the notations for timer series.

Tip 1: Notation
  • \{y_t\} - the time series process, where each y_t is a univariate random variable and t are the time points that are equally spaced.

  • y_{1:T} or y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_T - the observed data.

  • You will see the use of ’ to denote the transpose of a matrix,

  • and the use of \sim to denote a distribution.

  • under tildes \utilde{y} are used to denote estimates of the true values y.

  • E matrix of eigenvalues

  • \Lambda = diagonal(\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \ldots , \alpha_p) is a diagonal matrix with the eigenvalues of Σ on the diagonal.

also see (Prado, Ferreira, and West 2023, 2–3)

Stationarity (video)

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slide 1

Stationarity see (Prado, Ferreira, and West 2023, sec. 1.2) is a fundamental concept in time series analysis.


A time series is said to be stationary if its statistical properties such as mean, variance, and auto-correlation do not change over time.

  • We make this definition more formal in the definitions of strong and weak stationarity below.

Stationarity is a key concept in time series analysis. A time series is said to be stationary if its statistical properties such as mean, variance, and auto-correlation do not change over time.

Let y_t be a time series. We say that y_t is stationary if the following conditions hold:

Strong Stationarity

Strong Stationarity

Let \{y_t\} \quad \forall n>0 be a time series and h > 0 be a lag. If for any subsequence the distribution of y_t, y_{t+1}, \ldots, y_{t+n} is the same as the distribution of y_{t+h}, y_{t+h+1}, \ldots, y_{t+h+n} we call the series strongly stationary.

Since it is difficult to verify strong stationarity in practice, we will often use the following weaker notion of stationarity.

Weak Stationarity AKA Second-order Stationarity

Weak Stationarity

the mean, variance, and auto-covariance are constant over time.

  • E(y_t) = \mu \quad \forall t

  • Var(y_t) = \nu =\sigma^2 \quad \forall t

  • Cov(y_t , y_s ) = γ(t − s)

  • Strong stationarity \implies Weak stationarity, but

  • The converse is not true.

  • In this course when we deal with a Gaussian process, our typical use case, they are equivalent!

Check your understanding

Q. Can you explain with an example when a time series is weakly stationary but not strongly stationarity.

The auto-correlation function ACF (video)

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The autocorrelation is simply how correlated a time series is with itself at different lags. Correlation in general is defined in terms of covariance of two variables. The covariance is a measure of the joint variability of two random variables.


Recall that the covariance between two random variables y_t and y_s is defined as:

\begin{aligned} Cov(y_t, y_s) &= \mathbb{E}[(y_t-\mathbb{E}[y_t])(y_s-\mathbb{E}[y_s])] \\ &= \mathbb{E}[(y_t-\mu_t)(y_s-\mu_s)] \\ &= E[y_t y_s] - \mu_t \times \mu_s \end{aligned} \qquad \tag{1}

we get the second line by substituting \mu_t = \mathbb{E}(y_t) and \mu_s = \mathbb{E}(y_s) using the definition of the mean of a RV. the third line is by multiplying out and using the linearity of the expectation operator.

We will frequently use the notation \gamma(h) to denote the autocovariance for a lag h i.e. between y_t and y_{t+h}

\gamma(h) = Cov(y_t, y_s) \qquad \tag{2}

If the time series is stationary, then the covariance only depends on the lag h = |t-s| and we can write the covariance as \gamma(h).

Let \{y_t\} be a time series. Recall that the covariance between two random variables y_t and y_s is defined as:

\gamma(t,s)=Cov(y_t, y_s) = \mathbb{E}[(y_t-\mu_t)(y_s-\mu_s)] \qquad \tag{3}

where \mu_t = \mathbb{E}(y_t) and \mu_s = \mathbb{E}(y_s) are the means of y_t and y_s respectively.

\mu_t = \mathbb{E}(y_t) \qquad \mu_s = \mathbb{E}(y_s)

Stationarity \implies \mathbb{E}[y_t] = \mu \quad \forall t \qquad \gamma(t,s)=\gamma(|t-s|)

If h>0 \qquad \gamma(h)=Cov(y_t,y_{t-h})

Autocorrelation Function (AFC)

\rho(t,s) = \frac{\gamma(t,s)}{\sqrt{\gamma(t,t)\gamma(s,s)}}

auto-correlation AFC

\text{Stationarity} \implies \rho(h)=\frac{\gamma(h)}{\gamma(o)} \qquad \gamma(0)=Var(y_t)

slide 2

slide 2


The sample AFC

\hat\gamma(h)= \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T-h}(y_{t+h}-\bar y )(y_t-\hat y)

\bar y = \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=1}^{T}y_t

\hat \rho = \frac{\hat\gamma(h)}{\hat\gamma(o)}

The partial auto-correlation function PACF (Reading)

Let {y_t} be a zero-mean stationary process.


\hat{y}_t^{h-1} = \beta_1 y_{t-1} + \beta_2 y_{t-2} + \ldots + \beta_{h-1} y_{t-(h-1)}

be the best linear predictor of y_t based on the previous h − 1 values \{y_{t−1}, \ldots , y_{t−h+1}\}. The best linear predictor of y_t based on the previous h − 1 values of the process is the linear predictor that minimizes

E[(y_t − \hat{y}_y^{h-1})^2]

The partial autocorrelation of this process at lag h, denoted by \phi(h, h) is defined as:

partial auto-correlation PAFC

\phi(h, h) = Corr(y_{t+h} − \hat{y}_{t+h}^{h-1}, y_t − \hat{y}_t^{h-1})

for h \ge 2 and \phi(1, 1) = Corr(y_{t+1}, y_{t}) = \rho(1).

The partial autocorrelation function can also be computed via the Durbin-Levinson recursion for stationary processes as \phi(0, 0) = 0,

\phi(n, n) = \frac{\rho(n) − \sum_{h=1}^{n-1} \phi(n − 1, h)\rho(n − h)}{1- \sum_{h=1}^{n-1}\phi(n − 1, h)\rho(h)}

for n \ge 1, and

\phi(n, h) = \phi(n − 1, h) − \phi(n, n)\phi(n − 1, n − h),

for n \ge 2, and h = 1, \ldots , (n − 1).

Note that the sample PACF can be obtained by substituting the sample autocorrelations and the sample auto-covariances in the Durbin-Levinson recursion.

Differencing and smoothing (Reading)

Differencing and smoothing are covered in the (Prado, Ferreira, and West 2023, sec. 1.4) and are techniques used to remove trends and seasonality in time series data.

Many time series models are built under the assumption of stationarity. However, time series data often present non-stationary features such as trends or seasonality. Practitioners may consider techniques for detrending, deseasonalizing and smoothing that can be applied to the observed data to obtain a new time series that is consistent with the stationarity assumption.

We briefly discuss two methods that are commonly used in practice for detrending and smoothing.


The first method is differencing, which is generally used to remove trends in time series data. The first difference of a time series is defined in terms of the so called difference operator denoted as D, that produces the transformation

differencing operator

Dy_t = y_t - y_{t-1}.

Higher order differences are obtained by successively applying the operator D. For example,

D^2y_t = D(Dy_t) = D(y_t - y_{t-1}) = y_t - 2y_{t-1} + y_{t-2}.

Differencing can also be written in terms of the so called backshift operator B, with

backshift operator

By_t = y_{t-1},

so that

Dy_t = (1 - B) y_t


D^dy_t = (1 - B) d y_t.


The second method we discuss is moving averages, which is commonly used to “smooth” a time series by removing certain features (e.g., seasonality) to highlight other features (e.g., trends). A moving average is a weighted average of the time series around a particular time t. In general, if we have data y1:T , we could obtain a new time series such that

moving average

z_t = \sum_{j=-q}^{p} w_j y_{t+j} \qquad \tag{4}

for t = (q + 1) : (T − p), with weights w_j \ge 0 and \sum^p_{j=−q} w_j = 1

We will frequently work with moving averages for which

p = q \qquad \text{(centered)}


w_j = w_{−j} \forall j \text{(symmetric)}

Assume we have periodic data with period d. Then, symmetric and centered moving averages can be used to remove such periodicity as follows:

  • If d = 2q :

z_t = \frac{1}{2} (y_{t−q} + y_{t−q+1} + \ldots + y_{t+q−1} + y_{t+q})

  • if d = 2q + 1 :

z_t = \frac{1}{d} (y_{t−q} + y_{t−q+1} + \ldots + y_{t+q−1} + y_{t+q})

Example: To remove seasonality in monthly data (i.e., seasonality with a period of d = 12 months), one can use a moving average with p = q = 6, a_6 = a_{−6} = 1/24, and a_j = a_{−j} = 1/12 for j = 0, \ldots , 5 , resulting in:

z_t = \frac{1}{12} (y_{t−6} + y_{t−5} + \ldots + y_{t+5} + y_{t+6})

ACF PACF Differencing and Smoothing Examples (Video)

This video walks through the two code snippets bellow and provides examples of how to compute the ACF and PACF of a time series, how to use differencing to remove trends, and how to use moving averages to remove seasonality.

  • Outline:
    • We begin by simulating data using the code in Section 1.3.7
    • We simulates white noise data using the rnorm(1:2000,mean=0,sd=1) function in R
    • We plot the white noise data which we can see lacks a temporal structure.
    • We plot the ACF using the acf function in R:
      • we specify the number of lags using the lag.max=20
      • we shows a confidence interval for the ACF values
    • We plot the PACF using the pacf function in R
    • Next we define some time series objects in R using the ts function
      • we define and plot monthly data starting in January 1960
      • we define and plot yearly data with one observation per year starting in 1960
      • we define and plot yearly data with four observations per year starting in 1960
    • We move on to smoothing and differencing in Section 1.3.6
    • We load the CO2 dataset in R and plot it
    • we plot the ACF and PACF of the CO2 dataset
    • we use the filter function in R to remove the seasonal component of the CO2 dataset we plot the resulting time series highlighting the trend.
    • To remove the trend we use the diff function in R to take the first and second differences of the CO2 dataset
      • the diff function takes a parameter differences which specifies the number of differences to take
    • we plot the resulting time series after taking the first and second differences
    • the ACF and PACF of the resulting time series are plotted, they look different, in that they no longer have the slow decay characteristic of time series with a trend.

The r-code for the examples is provided below.

R code for Differencing and filtering via moving averages (reading)

# Load the CO2 dataset in R

# Take first differences to remove the trend 

# Filter via moving averages to remove the seasonality 

par(mfrow=c(3,1), cex.lab=1.2,cex.main=1.2)
plot(co2) # plot the original data 
plot(co2_1stdiff) # plot the first differences (removes trend, highlights seasonality)
plot(co2_ma) # plot the filtered series via moving averages (removes the seasonality, highlights the trend)

R Code: Simulate data from a white noise process (reading)

# Simulate data with no temporal structure (white noise)
t =1:T
y_white_noise=rnorm(T, mean=0, sd=1)
# Define a time series object in R: 
# Assume the data correspond to annual observations starting in January 1960 
yt=ts(y_white_noise, start=c(1960), frequency=1)
# plot the simulated time series, their sample ACF and their sample PACF
par(mfrow = c(1, 3), cex.lab = 1.3, cex.main = 1.3)
yt=ts(y_white_noise, start=c(1960), frequency=1)
plot(yt, type = 'l', col='red', xlab = 'time (t)', ylab = "Y(t)")
acf(yt, lag.max = 20, xlab = "lag",
    ylab = "Sample ACF",ylim=c(-1,1),main="")
pacf(yt, lag.max = 20,xlab = "lag",
     ylab = "Sample PACF",ylim=c(-1,1),main="")

Quiz 1: Stationarity, ACF, PACF, Differencing, and Smoothing

omitted per coursera requirements

The AR(1) process: Definition and properties

We will next introduce the autoregressive process of order one, or AR(1) process, which is a fundamental model in time series analysis. We will discuss the definition of the AR(1) process, its properties, and how to simulate data from an AR(1) process.

The AR(1) process (video)



AR(1) properties

AR(1) properties

The PACF of the AR(1) process (reading)

It is possible to show that the PACF of an autoregressive process of order one is zero after the first lag. We can use the Durbin-Levinson recursion to show this.

For lag n = 0 we have \phi(0, 0) = 0

For lag n = 1 we have:

\phi(1, 1) = \rho(1) = \phi

For lag n = 2 we compute \phi(2, 2) as:

\phi(2, 2) = \frac{(\rho(2) − \phi(1, 1)\rho(1))}{ (1 − \phi(1, 1)\rho(1))} = \frac{\phi^2-\phi^2}{1- \phi^2}=0

and we also obtain

\phi(2, 1) = \phi(1, 1) − \phi(2, 2)\phi(1, 1) = \phi.

For lag n = 3 we compute \phi(3, 3) as

\begin{align*} \phi(3, 3) &= \frac{(\rho(3) − \sum_{h=1}^2 \phi(2, h)\rho(3 − h))}{1 − \sum_{h=1}^2 \phi(2, h)\rho(h)} \newline &= \frac{\phi^3 - \phi(2,1) \rho(2) - \phi(2,2) \rho(1)}{1 - \phi(2,1)\rho(1) - \phi(2,2)\rho(2)} \newline &= \frac{\phi^3 - \phi^3 - 0}{1 - \phi^2 } \newline &= 0 \end{align*}

and we also obtain

\phi(3, 1) = \phi(2, 1) − \phi(3, 3)\phi(2, 2) = \phi

\phi(3, 2) = \phi(2, 2) − \phi(3, 3)\phi(2, 1) = 0

We can prove by induction that in the case of an AR(1), for any lag n,

\phi(n, h) = 0, \phi(n, 1) = \phi and \phi(n, h) = 0 for h \ge 2 and n \ge 2.

Then, the PACF of an AR(1) is zero for any lag above 1 and the PACF coefficient at lag 1 is equal to the AR coefficient \phi

Simulate data from an AR(1) process (video)

This video walks through the code snippet below and provides examples of how to sample data from an AR(1) process and plot the ACF and PACF functions of the resulting time series.

R code: Sample data from AR(1) processes (Reading)

# sample data from 2 ar(1) processes and plot their ACF and PACF functions
T=500 # number of time points
# sample data from an ar(1) with ar coefficient phi = 0.9 and variance 1
v=1.0 # innovation variance
sd=sqrt(v) #innovation stantard deviation
phi1=0.9 # ar coefficient
yt1=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi1), sd = sd)
# sample data from an ar(1) with ar coefficient phi = -0.9 and variance 1
phi2=-0.9 # ar coefficient
yt2=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi2), sd = sd)

par(mfrow = c(2, 1), cex.lab = 1.3)

par(mfrow = c(3, 2), cex.lab = 1.3)
lag.max=50 # max lag
## plot true ACFs for both processes
cov_0=sd^2/(1-phi1^2) # compute auto-covariance at h=0
cov_h=phi1^(0:lag.max)*cov_0 # compute auto-covariance at h
plot(0:lag.max, cov_h/cov_0, pch = 1, type = 'h', col = 'red',
     ylab = "true ACF", xlab = "Lag",ylim=c(-1,1), main=expression(phi==0.9))

cov_0=sd^2/(1-phi2^2) # compute auto-covariance at h=0
cov_h=phi2^(0:lag.max)*cov_0 # compute auto-covariance at h
# Plot autocorrelation function (ACF)
plot(0:lag.max, cov_h/cov_0, pch = 1, type = 'h', col = 'red',
     ylab = "true ACF", xlab = "Lag",ylim=c(-1,1),main=expression(phi==-0.9))

## plot sample ACFs for both processes
acf(yt1, lag.max = lag.max, type = "correlation", ylab = "sample ACF",
    lty = 1, ylim = c(-1, 1), main = " ")
acf(yt2, lag.max = lag.max, type = "correlation", ylab = "sample ACF",
    lty = 1, ylim = c(-1, 1), main = " ")
## plot sample PACFs for both processes
pacf(yt1, = lag.max, ylab = "sample PACF", ylim=c(-1,1),main="")
pacf(yt2, = lag.max, ylab = "sample PACF", ylim=c(-1,1),main="")

Quiz 2: The AR(1) definition and properties

Omitted per Coursera honor code requirements.

The AR(1) process:Maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference

Review of maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference in regression

Regression Models: Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Assume a regression model with the following structure: y_i = \beta_1x_{i,1} + \ldots + \beta_kx_{i,k} + \epsilon_i,

for i = 1, \ldots, n and \epsilon_i independent random variables with \epsilon_i \sim N(0, v) \forall i. This model can be written in matrix form as:

y = X \beta + \epsilon, \epsilon \sim N (0, vI), \qquad


  • y = (y_1, \ldots, y_n)′ is an n-dimensional vector of responses,
  • X is an n × k matrix containing the explanatory variables,
  • \beta = (\beta_1, \ldots, \beta_k)′ is the k-dimensional vector of regression coefficients,
  • \epsilon = (\epsilon_1, \ldots, \epsilon_n)′ is the n-dimensional vector of errors,
  • I is an n × n identity matrix.

If X is a full rank matrix with rank k the maximum likelihood estimator for \beta, denoted as \hat\beta_{MLE} is given by:

\hat\beta_{MLE} = (X′X)^{−1}X′y,

and the MLE for v is given by

\hat v_{MLE} = \frac{1}{n} (y − X \hat\beta_{MLE})′(y − X \hat\beta_{MLE})

\hat v_{MLE} is not an unbiased estimator of v, therefore, the following unbiased estimator of v is typically used:

s^2 = \frac{1}{n-k}(y − X \hat\beta_{MLE} )′(y − X \hat\beta_{MLE} )

Regression Models: Bayesian Inference

Assume once again we have a model with the structure in (1), which results in a likelihood of the form

p(y \mid \beta , v) = \frac{1}{(2\pi v)^{n/2}}\exp \left\{ -\frac{1}{2} (y − X\beta)′(y − X\beta) \right\}

If a prior of the form

p(\beta, v) \propto \frac{1}{v}

is used, we obtain that the posterior distribution is given by

p(\beta,v \mid y) \propto \frac{1}{v^{n/2+1}}\exp \left\{ -\frac{1}{2v} (y − X\beta)′(y − X\beta) \right\}

In addition it can be shown that

  • (\beta\mid v, y) \sim N (\hat \beta_{MLE} , v(X′X)−1)
  • (v\mid y) \sim \text{IG}((n − k)/2, d/2) with

d = (y − X \hat \beta_{MLE} )′(y − \hat \beta_{MLE} )

with k = dim(\beta).

Given that p(\beta, v \mid y) = p(\beta \mid v, y)p(v \mid y) the equations above provide a way to directly sample from the posterior distribution of \beta and v by first sampling v from the inverse-gamma distribution above and then conditioning on this sampled value of v, sampling \beta from the normal distribution above.

Maximum likelihood estimation in the AR(1) (video)

slide 1

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slide 2

slide 2

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slide 3

R code: MLE for the AR(1), examples (reading)

The following code allows you to compute the MLE of the AR coefficient \psi, the unbiased estimator of v, s^2 , and the MLE of v based on a dataset simulated from an AR(1) process and using the conditional likelihood.

phi=0.9 # ar coefficient
sd=sqrt(v) # innovation standard deviation
T=500 # number of time points
yt=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi), sd = sd) 

## Case 1: Conditional likelihood
y=as.matrix(yt[2:T]) # response
X=as.matrix(yt[1:(T-1)]) # design matrix
phi_MLE=as.numeric((t(X)%*%y)/sum(X^2)) # MLE for phi
s2=sum((y - phi_MLE*X)^2)/(length(y) - 1) # Unbiased estimate for v 
v_MLE=s2*(length(y)-1)/(length(y)) # MLE for v

cat("\n MLE of conditional likelihood for phi: ", phi_MLE, "\n",
    "MLE for the variance v: ", v_MLE, "\n", 
    "Estimate s2 for the variance v: ", s2, "\n")

 MLE of conditional likelihood for phi:  0.9261423 
 MLE for the variance v:  1.048 
 Estimate s2 for the variance v:  1.050104 

This code allows you to compute estimates of the AR(1) coefficient and the variance using the arima function in R. The first case uses the conditional sum of squares, the second and third cases use the full likelihood with different starting points for the numerical optimization required to compute the MLE with the full likelihood.

# Obtaining parameter estimates using the arima function in R
phi=0.9 # ar coefficient
sd=sqrt(v) # innovation standard deviation
T=500 # number of time points
yt=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi), sd = sd) 

#Using conditional sum of squares, equivalent to conditional likelihood 
cat("AR estimates with conditional sum of squares (CSS) for phi and v:", arima_CSS$coef,arima_CSS$sigma2,
AR estimates with conditional sum of squares (CSS) for phi and v: 0.9261423 1.048 
#Uses ML with full likelihood 
cat("AR estimates with full likelihood for phi and v:", arima_ML$coef,arima_ML$sigma2,
AR estimates with full likelihood for phi and v: 0.9265251 1.048434 
#Default: uses conditional sum of squares to find the starting point for ML and 
#         then uses ML 
cat("AR estimates with CSS to find starting point for ML for phi and v:", 
AR estimates with CSS to find starting point for ML for phi and v: 0.9265252 1.048434 

This code shows you how to compute the MLE for \psi using the full likelihood and the function optimize in R.

phi=0.9 # ar coefficient
sd=sqrt(v) # innovation standard deviation
T=500 # number of time points
yt=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi), sd = sd) 

## MLE, full likelihood AR(1) with v=1 assumed known 
# log likelihood function
log_p <- function(phi, yt){
  0.5*(log(1-phi^2) - sum((yt[2:T] - phi*yt[1:(T-1)])^2) - yt[1]^2*(1-phi^2))

# Use a built-in optimization method to obtain maximum likelihood estimates
result =optimize(log_p, c(-1, 1), tol = 0.0001, maximum = TRUE, yt = yt)
cat("\n MLE of full likelihood for phi: ", result$maximum)

 MLE of full likelihood for phi:  0.9265928

Bayesian inference in the AR(1)

slide 1

slide 1

Bayesian inference in the AR(1): Conditional likelihood example (video)

This video walks through the code snippet below and provides examples of how to sample from the posterior distribution of the AR coefficient \psi and the variance v using the conditional likelihood and a reference prior.

R Code: AR(1) Bayesian inference, conditional likelihood example (reading)

#####             MLE for AR(1)               ######
phi=0.9 # ar coefficient
sd=1 # innovation standard deviation
T=200 # number of time points
yt=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi), sd = sd) # sample stationary AR(1) process

y=as.matrix(yt[2:T]) # response
X=as.matrix(yt[1:(T-1)]) # design matrix
phi_MLE=as.numeric((t(X)%*%y)/sum(X^2)) # MLE for phi
s2=sum((y - phi_MLE*X)^2)/(length(y) - 1) # Unbiased estimate for v
v_MLE=s2*(length(y)-1)/(length(y)) # MLE for v 

[1] 0.9178472 1.0491054
######     Posterior inference, AR(1)               ###
######     Conditional Likelihood + Reference Prior ###
######     Direct sampling                          ###

n_sample=3000   # posterior sample size

## step 1: sample posterior distribution of v from inverse gamma distribution
v_sample=1/rgamma(n_sample, (T-2)/2, sum((yt[2:T] - phi_MLE*yt[1:(T-1)])^2)/2)

## step 2: sample posterior distribution of phi from normal distribution
for (i in 1:n_sample){
phi_sample[i]=rnorm(1, mean = phi_MLE, sd=sqrt(v_sample[i]/sum(yt[1:(T-1)]^2)))}

## plot histogram of posterior samples of phi and v
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), cex.lab = 1.3)
hist(phi_sample, xlab = bquote(phi), 
     main = bquote("Posterior for "~phi),xlim=c(0.75,1.05), col='lightblue')
abline(v = phi, col = 'red')
hist(v_sample, xlab = bquote(v), col='lightblue', main = bquote("Posterior for "~v))
abline(v = sd, col = 'red')

Quizz - MLE and Bayesian inference in the AR(1)

Omitted per Coursera honor code

Practice Graded Assignment: MLE and Bayesian inference in the AR(1)

This peer-reviewed activity is highly recommended. It does not figure into your grade for this course, but it does provide you with the opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in R and prepare you for your data analysis project in week 5.

  1. Consider the R code below: MLE for the AR(1)
#####             MLE for AR(1)               ######
phi=0.9 # ar coefficient
sd=sqrt(v) # innovation standard deviation
T=500 # number of time points
yt=arima.sim(n = T, model = list(ar = phi), sd = sd) 

## Case 1: Conditional likelihood
y=as.matrix(yt[2:T]) # response
X=as.matrix(yt[1:(T-1)]) # design matrix
phi_MLE=as.numeric((t(X)%*%y)/sum(X^2)) # MLE for phi
s2=sum((y - phi_MLE*X)^2)/(length(y) - 1) # Unbiased estimate for v 
v_MLE=s2*(length(y)-1)/(length(y)) # MLE for v

cat("\n MLE of conditional likelihood for phi: ", phi_MLE, "\n",
    "MLE for the variance v: ", v_MLE, "\n", 
    "Estimate s2 for the variance v: ", s2, "\n")

 MLE of conditional likelihood for phi:  0.9048951 
 MLE for the variance v:  1.084559 
 Estimate s2 for the variance v:  1.086737 

Modify the code above to sample 800 observations from an AR(1) with AR coefficient \psi = -0.8 and variance v = 2. Plot your simulated data. Obtain the MLE for \psi based on the conditional likelihood and the unbiased estimate s^2 for the variance v.

  1. Consider the R code below: AR(1) Bayesian inference, conditional likelihood
######     Posterior inference, AR(1)               ###
######     Conditional Likelihood + Reference Prior ###
######     Direct sampling                          ###

n_sample=3000   # posterior sample size

## step 1: sample posterior distribution of v from inverse gamma distribution
v_sample=1/rgamma(n_sample, (T-2)/2, sum((yt[2:T] - phi_MLE*yt[1:(T-1)])^2)/2)

## step 2: sample posterior distribution of phi from normal distribution
for (i in 1:n_sample){
phi_sample[i]=rnorm(1, mean = phi_MLE, sd=sqrt(v_sample[i]/sum(yt[1:(T-1)]^2)))}

## plot histogram of posterior samples of phi and v
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), cex.lab = 1.3)
hist(phi_sample, xlab = bquote(phi), 
     main = bquote("Posterior for "~phi),xlim=c(0.75,1.05), col='lightblue')
abline(v = phi, col = 'red')
hist(v_sample, xlab = bquote(v), col='lightblue', main = bquote("Posterior for "~v))
abline(v = sd, col = 'red')

Using your simulated data from part 1 modify the code above to summarize your posterior inference for \psi and v based on 5000 samples from the joint posterior distribution of \psi and v.

Grading Criteria

The responses should follow the same template as the sample code provided above but you will submit your code lines in plain text. Peer reviewers will be asked to check whether the different pieces of code have been adequately modified to reflect that :

  1. you generate 800 time points from the AR(1) rather than 500 and plot your simulated data.
  2. your simulated data is from an AR(1) with AR cofficient \psi = -0.8 and variance v = 2 rather than AR(1) with AR coefficient \psi = 0.9 and variance v = 1 and
  3. you obtain 5000 rather than 3000 samples from the posterior distribution from the new simulated process.

Bayesian Inference in the AR(1), : full likelihood example (reading)

We consider a prior distribution that assumes that \phi and v are independent:

p(v) \propto \frac{1}{v},

p(\phi) = \frac{1}{2}, \quad \text{for } \phi \in (-1, 1),

i.e., we assume a Uniform prior for \phi \in (-1, 1). Combining this prior with the full likelihood in the AR(1) case, we obtain the following posterior density:

p(\phi, v \mid y_{1:T}) \propto \frac{(1 - \phi^2)^{1/2} }{v^{T/2 + 1}} \exp\left(-\frac{Q^*(\phi)}{2v}\right), \quad -1 < \phi < 1,


Q^*(\phi) = y_1^2(1 - \phi^2) + \sum_{t=2}^{T} (y_t - \phi y_{t-1})^2.

It is not possible to get a closed-form expression for this posterior or to perform direct simulation. Therefore, we use simulation-based Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to obtain samples from the posterior distribution.

Transformation of \phi

We first consider the following transformation on \phi:

\eta = \log\left(\frac{1 - \phi}{\phi + 1}\right),

so that \eta \in (-\infty, \infty). The inverse transformation on \eta is:

\phi = \frac{1 - \exp(\eta)}{1 + \exp(\eta)}.

Writing down the posterior density for \eta and v, we obtain

p(\eta, v \mid y_{1:T}) \propto\frac{ (1 - \phi^2)^{1/2} }{v^{T/2 + 1}} \exp\left(-\frac{Q^*(\phi)}{2v}\right) \cdot \frac{2 \exp(\eta)}{(1 + \exp(\eta))^2},

with \phi written as a function of \eta. We proceed to obtain samples from this posterior distribution using the MCMC algorithm outlined below. Once we have obtained M samples from \eta and v after convergence, we can use the inverse transformation above to obtain posterior samples for \phi.

MCMC Algorithm: Bayesian Inference for AR(1), Full Likelihood


  1. Initialize \eta^{(0)} and \beta^{(0)}.
  2. For m in 1:M do:
    • Sample v^{(m)} \sim \text{IG}\left(\frac{T}{2}, \frac{Q^*(\phi^{(m-1)})}{2}\right).
    • Sample \eta^{(m)} using Metropolis-Hastings:
      1. Sample \eta^* \sim N(\eta^{(m-1)}, c), where c is a tuning parameter.
      2. Compute the importance ratio:

r = \frac{p(\eta^*, v^{(m)} \mid y_{1:T})}{p(\eta^{(m-1)}, v^{(m)} \mid y_{1:T})}.

  1. Set:

\eta^{(m)} = \begin{cases} \eta^* & \text{with probability } \min(r, 1), \\ \eta^{(m-1)} & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases}


Prado, R., M. A. R. Ferreira, and M. West. 2023. Time Series: Modeling, Computation, and Inference. Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science. CRC Press.
Weckerle, Melissa. 2022. Statistics professor wins prestigious professional statistics society award Baskin School of Engineering.”




BibTeX citation:
  author = {Bochman, Oren},
  title = {Introductions to {Time} {Series} Analysis \& the {AR(1)}
  date = {2024-10-23},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Bochman, Oren. 2024. “Introductions to Time Series Analysis & the AR(1) Process.” October 23, 2024.